What the hell was going on?
Michael stared at the disappearing red light which reminded him of the angry eyes of a furious dragon, retreating to gather strength for a new attack. And having had several run-ins with this particular dragon, he anticipated a new offensive to be ferocious. He should pull out his phone and record this in case anyone ever asked him why he avoided relationships and especially had learned to avoid this particular woman.
“Mike, can you please get out of the street?” One of the security guys he had with him tonight approached from the backdoor.
“Did you see that? What the heck was that about?”
“No, clue, boss. Women, I guess.”
Yeah, women. Crap- and now he had to go back inside and explain to Julia once again why he had totally forgotten about her presence to chase after Lisa. He shook his head and took out his phone. Starting to dial, he changed his mind. No, fuck it! He would not call her. He had done absolutely nothing that would warrant her insane behavior. What was she doing here anyway? Why was she at the Ivy of all places?
Considering he had just spent months teaching his mind to not even think her name, most of his day had been consumed with thoughts about her. He had been so furious with her this morning. Ok, so maybe it had been a bit silly on his part to talk to Julia in Lisa’s presence, but she should have never tried to tell him what to do. You gave Lisa one ounce of encouragement and she wanted to possess your soul. And that had always worked out so well in the past…not.
When she stormed off to the bedroom to make her oh so important call, he had been fuming. Trying his best to end the call with Julia without seeming too rude, he heard Lisa whispering on the phone, only to put on some grand show as soon as he entered through the door. For about five seconds he had actually thought she was calling her not quite fiancé, then understanding had dawned. Fine, let her find out what playing at being the insecure, childish teen she had once been would get her.
Then she had spouted some nonsense about being friends. What a sudden change from all her professions of love. Not that they had not tried that route before. Crashed and burned at it, too. They had never just been friends. They might not always have been lovers, but there was always a sexual undertone to their relationship that he well knew was absent with other people he was friends with. He and Elizabeth might play and flirt at times, but there was no sexual current that pulled on him, threatening to drown him.
In the past, he had tried to be friends with many women, whom he had later discovered to have an agenda to either use him for sex, money, or fame. Well, Lisa needed no money, and she hated fame. Sex was an entirely different matter- at least between them. Try as they might, it happened over and over. Even when they were barely talking and with other people. Last night should have reminded her. Hopefully, the kiss he had bestowed upon her would leave her with something to remember him by. And not as a friend.
When he first met Lisa as an adult, he still carried the image of the small, shy blond girl he had met with her father so many years back in his mind. Well, young adult Lisa had a wicked sense of humor and exuded sexuality without even realizing it. Her eyes spoke of long lustful nights, her mouth promised untold pleasures, and her body moved in a way that from the start made him wonder how she would feel writhing under him, calling out his name. At the same time, there was a vulnerability she tried to fiercely hide and protect- which accounted for much of her dark sarcasm. That side of her aroused his protectiveness as much as his wish to possess her in every way possible.
So, they became friends as Lisa proclaimed not to be ready for more. He had flirted with her just like he did with so many others, only with her, he was dead serious about wanting her in his bed. And once he’d have her there, he had no intention of letting things end there. She was the perfect prospective mate and his imagination and innocent fantasies, as well as the not so innocent ones, had run wild. Lisa was probably one of the only women on this planet who would not want him for his name or his money. Her mother who had reacted to him as if he was a carrier of some horrible diseases soon became an obstacle and a challenge. This stuck-up white bitch was not going to keep him from what he wanted. She was initially never openly hostile to him, but he was well aware of the racial undertones of her behaviors. He was a black guy to her. A rich and famous black guy- but nonetheless not a worthy suitor for the Princess of Graceland.
When Lisa had decided to marry Danny he had been stunned. The timing had been crazy as well. Michael had been back home between the Japanese leg of the Bad Tour and before heading off to Europe. Lisa had been over at his Westwood condo and she had been sullen and moody all night. He had ordered dinner and they sat on the couch, watching Dirty Dancing. Funny how some odd details stuck in your mind. She threw a pillow at the tv as the ending credits rolled.
“Well, I still think it is fucked up that he leaves.” Her eyes were shooting daggers and she was pouting.
“It’s kinda open- maybe they get back together later when she’s older.” Michael scooted down onto the floor, turning the tv off, wondering what in the hell had happened to get her in such a piss ass mood. Being stressed from worrying about details of the tour, he had hoped to relax a bit tonight.
“Yeah, sure. He got what he wanted and he’s off. That’s what guys do. Fuckers.”
“Wow- so young and so jaded. Not all guys are like that, Lisa.”
A humorless, dark smile appeared and her eyes narrowed.
“Yeah, Michael. Keep dreaming.”
“Seriously. Don’t you think it’s unfair to group us all in one ugly category?”
Lisa came to sit next to him. Closely next to him. She looked up at him, her eyes hooded and mysterious. What was she up to now?
Her hand came to rest on his thigh and he was tempted to pull back, her touch nearly incinerating him. Something told him to hold still.
“So, are you telling me that if I let you fuck me, you’d still hang around?”
“Excuse me?” What was going on with her tonight?
“C’mon, Michael. I know you wanna do me. I see how you look at me. I see how you check out my boobs and my ass when you think I’m not looking. You played the friend-card nicely, but you can’t hide forever.”
Ok, so he might have occasionally checked her out. He was not blind. And he was human. Lisa was stunning in a very unconventional way. She was not the like the glamor queens he usually was attracted to. Did she have to make his admiration of her assets sound so base and disgusting?
“So? That doesn’t mean I wanna get with you that way. Presumptuous much?”
“So, you flirt with me just for the fun of it?” Her hand had started to move up his leg. Holy shit! What was she up to? He felt himself reacting and there was really no way to hide it in his jeans. A part of him screamed to get up and get away, another, much more convincing part told him to not be stupid and check out her game.
“Yeah, I do. We’re friends, remember. I thought you told me that’s all you wanted.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s all you want.”
“What is up with you tonight?”
“No, what is up with you, Michael?” Her eyes left his and she stared straight at the noticeable “up” part in his crotch. Her voice had dropped an octave and his throat went dry. Her sexy tone had consumed all humidity in the room. Lisa turned her body into him, her hand now at the very boundary of decency. It seemed that her fingers were surrounded by an invisible aura of heat and electricity, touching him through the denim material before any actual impact.
“So, you think I’m only around ‘cause we have not slept together? If we had, I’d be long gone?” His own voice sounded strange now.
Lisa raised her head up to him, her eyes almost closed, but still shooting darts that penetrated the shield around his heart before they exploded inside his groin. Her mouth was moist, her lips so tempting and full.
“Why don’t we test it and see what happens?”
Pulled toward her with magnetic force he ignored the voice telling him to back off and stop this nonsense. His lips were so close to hers now, he tasted her sweet breath on him. Automatically, he licked his lips.
“That makes no sense, Lise. If you’re right, I will be out of your life. And if you’re wrong you’ll be stuck with me.”
Well, they tested it. Before he knew what was happening her mouth was on him, her tongue demanding entrance. They had kissed once before, which was when Lisa had told him she only wanted a purely asexual relationship which had been fine with him. This kiss was different. She was aggressive and he had no defenses. The surprise attack did not leave time to plan an effective strategy. Also, this was what taking a hit of a powerful drug must be like. Intoxicating, forbidden, creating the instant craving for more.
Every second of the kiss he told himself he would stop it, making the point that he could still be her friend. Then, his desire got driven higher again, especially when her hand found his erection and massaged him through his pants. Before he knew what had happened they had been on the floor, Lisa on him, continually devouring him. His own hands had started to roam under her shirt, feeling her skin, needing to touch her more than he needed to take the next breath.
And that was saying a lot, considering he was getting breathless and lightheaded. Lisa took her shirt off and the sight of her perky little breasts in their perfection took what had been left of his sanity.
“Oh God, you’re so beautiful…”
“Shht…don’t say anything…”
His mouth left her and he trailed kisses down her neck, found the hollow of her throat, felt the erratic heartbeat against his tongue, tasted the sweat on her skin, all the while aiming for the rosy peaks. When his lips closed over the constricting nipple, she moaned loudly and for the first time he questioned what the hell he was doing. He was not ready for a relationship. Make that, he was too busy for one. And he did not like sex without relationships. Not with someone he cared for very deeply.
Lisa’s trembling hands had started to open his fly. He managed to roll over, placing her under him, while she stayed focused on freeing his penis. Oh God, he needed to feel her hands on him- at the same time, he was afraid to cum right away, knowing he had indulged in uncounted wet dreams and masturbation sessions with Lisa’s eyes urging her on. Now she was here…this was about to become reality.
When she touched him, he had to close his eyes and did not even notice he was holding his breath. All sensations as he knew them were obliterated: he had no clue if her fingers were hot or cold- he just knew that nothing had ever felt like this.
“Fucking hell, Michael, you’re huge.”
His eyes flew open and he stared down at the half naked girl with the frantic blue eyes. What did he really know about her? He had thought he understood her pretty well, then this attack had come out of the blue. Was she still just making a point? Was he being used again?
The doubts sufficed to allow some function related to rational thought return to his brain.
“Stop it, Lisa.”
What? Where had those words come from? Was he insane? She obviously was right here for the taking.
His hands caught her fingers and he managed to somehow sit up.
“Stop it? Are you nuts? Don’t even tell me you don’t wanna fuck.”
“No, you know what? I don’t.” He was getting irritated. Nothing was more hateful than having people tell him what he felt or wanted. Plus, he hated how she used that word as a synonym for thoughtless sex.
“Liar.” She glanced at his erection which was still very prominent.
“If and when I sleep with you, Lisa, it will be’ cause we both wanna be in a relationship and we will make love. It won’t be some stupid challenge. Now, put your shirt on, and I will be right back.”
The darkness of the room caused him to question if he really saw tears rising in the azure eyes, and Lisa turned her head, barring him from her soul.
He left to change into more comfortable pants. All the while cursing himself for being a lunatic. His anger helped to conquer his arousal. No, he was not about to become a little plaything for another spoiled woman. He was the one calling the shots now. And this just did not feel right. Lisa, surely, would understand once she got over whatever she was grappling with.
When he returned, she had left. So much for her being reasonable. He tried to reach her for several days, then became too wrapped up with tour preparations. One day, he returned home to Havenhurst late at night, and he found a small stuffed dog on his bed. It had a huge golden bow around its neck and a note attached.
“I know you’re afraid of dogs, but this one comes in peace. He looks as sad and pitiful as I feel since the other night. Please tell me we’re still friends. I’m a nutcase and I’m so sorry. No, make that horrified and embarrassed. You mean so much to me and I hope I didn’t mess up our friendship. Forever- L”
Still confused and not sure what to make of that night, he just shook his head. Women remained such a mystery! He meant to call her, but never made it the next day. Before he left for Europe, he remembered her note and arranged for a bouquet of sunflowers to be delivered to her.
“Lisa- Don’t worry about it. Of course I am still your friend. Our friendship is like a rare gem and I would never carelessly throw it away. You bring me the same happiness those flowers inspire in me. I’ll call you from the road. Wish me luck. Love, Michael.”
Well, next thing he knew, he found out she had married Keough. It was like a punch to the gut. The first in a line of prime examples of Lisa’s bullheadedness and tendency to rush blindly into dead-end situations. Sadly, it had not been the last sample of her rashness and defiance. In her efforts to strike at others and make a point, she usually tended to make herself even more miserable. He should have been glad to have escaped the turmoil of her soul that in so many unhealthy ways mirrored his own. And yet, something – probably that very similarity- had kept him coming back for more. Why, oh why did she inspire such unhealthy levels of self-castigation?
Eighteen years later, the rules of her game were still fuzzy to him.
Michael made it back into the Ivy as the flashback raced through his mind, triggered no doubt by the confounding concoction of confusion, anger, love, and frustration evoked by Lisa’s escape today. Again, she had bailed out without hearing or granting an explanation. Again, he was left to wonder how in the world they could go forward at all.
Entering through the same hallway that had earlier brought him into collision course with Lisa, he found Marcel who looked like he was at the verge of a nervous breakdown.
“I am so sorry Mister Jackson. I had closed off the main dining room and when Miss Presley came I at first assumed she was a member of your party. Oh, and I showed the lady to your table, sir.”
Well, the reservation for two might have been a clue. On the other hand, maybe the poor man thought Lisa was meeting him there. If she was alone.
Right on cue, as if conjured up by his thoughts, a very angry, very disheveled looking Lockwood appeared from the restrooms.
“Well, this is great. Did she arrange to meet you here after she was done with me? Where is she now? Tell her I am not done with her and I will not stand for her fucked up behavior.”
Did Lockwood pee himself? Michael noticed a stain on his pants. Well, Lisa sure picked winners.
Taking a deep breath, Michael forced himself to stay icy cool.
“Lisa left. And no- I had no clue she was here. Not that I owe you an explanation.” He started to turn and walk into the dining room to find Julia who by now surely would be steaming mad.
“Whatever. But thanks for fucking with her mind again. Why don’t you do the right thing, man, and tell her you aren’t interested before she spends another ten years crying over you. You got what you wanted last night, so just leave her alone. Or run her over next time and put her out of her misery.”
Why was the nit-wit still talking to him? And why did he think he was qualified to give him any kind of advice where Lisa was concerned?
“How about you watch your language? This is not some beer-hall. By the way…” He turned back toward Lockwood, “She was really upset. What did you do to her? You better pray she doesn’t get into an accident. She shouldn’t be driving in the state she was in.”
“What did I do to her? You’re funny. If you noticed she assaulted me.”
He glanced down, obviously referring to the stain Michael had noticed.
Michael could not suppress a smile. Oh, this was getting better. What did Lisa do? Throw a glass of something at the guy? Hopefully the contents had been hot. Or some secret alien anti-dote. Well, no- since he was still here the latter was unlikely.
“How about you get the hint then and leave her alone.”
“So, you are behind this? Why am I not surprised?”
“Behind what?”
Michael, just walk away and leave this loser alone! Obviously, Lisa had already dealt with him.
Still, why was she here? And why was she so damn angry? He knew seeing Julia set her off, but she had already been visibly upset when she ran into him. What had gone down here?
“Look, like I told her: all you want is to fuck her. And still she seems hooked on you, God knows, why. I love her and I can offer her the stability she needs. She is not made to put up with the kind of constant drama that comes with you. I’ve been there with her when she was a holy mess because she gave up most of everything, just waiting and hoping for a sign from you. She drank, she didn’t sleep, she neglected her kids.”
“Lisa never neglected her kids.” Irritation started to overtake him like some invisible cloak. This stranger knew nothing about him and obviously even less about Lisa.
“Oh no, what do you call it when you sit by the phone for days, barely able to take care of yourself? But you know what- she made it. She got over it and she built a life and a career. All out of your shadow. She has a future now. So buzz off.”
“And that future is with you, I take it?”
“It’s not with you. I love her enough to give her the things she needs. She doesn’t need some crazy emotional rollercoaster ride. She needs support and safety. I’m not an idiot- I told her she can still fuck you if she needs to scratch that itch”
What? The little wimp wanted to be with Lisa and yet offered her up to have sex with someone else? And he professed to love her? What kind of love was that?
The funny part was that Michael had been almost sold by all the talk about what Lisa needed until that little detail had been filtered out. No, this was so not about love. This was about this little weasel finding himself a rich little sugar-momma under the guise of offering her some fake stability. And here Lisa had been worried about being manipulated by him all this time.
“Very generous of you, man.” He placed a sarcastic emphasis on the term. “Why don’t you stop worrying about Lisa and me and start worrying about keeping your clothes dry and clean? If you excuse me, I have to see to my company now.”
“Oh, that’s rich! You have a date here? What kind of sick game are you and Lisa playing? Was she gonna join you later?”
Michael was dead set on ignoring the dip-shit who was not worth the poisonous stress hormones revving up his heart-rate.
As he reached for the door to the dining room, it opened all by itself, Julia appearing right before him.
“I’m sorry, come on, let’s go sit down inside. It stinks out here.”
He took her elbow to escort her out of the toxic air Lockwood was spewing.
“Oh, nice. The little cutie from the party. What were you gonna do, Jackson? Let the ladies fight it out over you? Or were you just gonna watch as they get it on? You know, Lisa…she goes for the freaky shit…”
The next seconds were a blur. Somehow, Michael found himself with one hand fisted into Lockwood’s shirt and the other pulled back, ready to hit him. The sound of his name being called by Marcel and Julia, as well as Julia trying to pull him back almost startled him. The experience was akin to surfacing after a dive, sounds and vision distorted by the water above. His security team also had jumped into action. One mountain of a man helping Julia and Marcel to hold him back, the other dragging Lockwood out of his reach and against the door.
“Michael, please, don’t. It’s not worth it. He’s not worth it. Come on, come with me, please. Let’s sit down.”
“Boss, listen to the lady. We’ll deal with the punk. You need to calm down, ok? We got this.”
Michael raised his palms in a gesture indicating he was done. He attempted to take a deep breath to break the waves of hyperventilation that had grabbed him.
The buzzing in his ears finally subsided and the reddish fog lifted. Oh God- he had made a scene and almost had hit Lockwood. He had not fought anyone in years. What in the world was going on with him? How had he been able to bear much more insulting and abusing words during the trial and let this little shit set him off into a violent rage? Well, maybe his limit of taking everything in some kind of helpless, paralyzing stupor had been reached- no, transgressed. He had not been able to fight back against all the injustice and filth then, but he sure has hell did not have to submit now.
Suddenly tired, he allowed Julia to put an arm around her and to lead him to the table. He sank into the chair.
“I’m so horribly sorry. I don’t know what happened. Wow.” He wiped the sweat from his forehead. “I must look like a lunatic.”
“Like a very fine looking lunatic, yeah.” She smiled at him, making him feel slightly better.
“Man! I had not felt like this in years. I think last time I wanted to lay someone out was my brother Jermaine.”
He has succeeded, too, despite Jermaine’s advantage in height. Michael had anger, righteous indignation, and the element of surprise on his side that day. Lockwood could consider himself lucky, because his anger today was fueled by so much more than that man’s dirty words and mind. It was as if months and years of contained rage had been ignited and started to explode. Thankfully he had been prevented from causing harm to the scrawny little dude. All he needed was some nice tabloid article about a brawl in a fancy restaurant with the creature Lisa had been slumming with.
“You know, I never thought of you as the fighting type. You really surprised me.”
Feeling his blood pressure calm down, he was finally able to smile again.
“Hey, I grew up with four older brothers, two pesty, pushy older sisters, and two more pesty younger brothers. I think the only person I never had rolled around in a fight with was Janet. Unless you count waterguns…”
Julia laughed in her soothing melodic way. Why had he wasted time with Lookweird or whatever his name was when he had such pleasant company waiting here?
“Remind me to not tick you off.”
“Hey, if anything, I guess I deserve to have you knock me on my butt. I seem to be unable to abstain from making you wait for me.”
“No, you only seem to keep me waiting for Lisa-Marie.”
Michael reached for Julia’s hand across the table, enjoying the feeling of her smooth fingers. He was such an idiot. Why could he not fall for someone like her? She was so beautiful, smart, funny, sexy…
Seems like a heart has to be free to fall for someone.
So true! And his had a huge ‘occupied’ sign stamped on with permanent ink. Which might explain his tendency to let Lisa crap all over him. No, he was not fair. Obviously, there was so much more going on before he ever had appeared on the scene. Seeing him with Julia no doubt had sent her paranoid thoughts into overdrive but she had been seething already. He felt he had made it to a great show, but missed the whole first act.
“Julia, I swear to you, I had no clue she would be here.”
As a matter of fact, if there was one spot in LA he had not anticipated to see Lisa it was “their” place. He had picked the Ivy to keep his mind focused on what he was about to do. He felt he owed Julia a summary for his recent realizations and decisions. Hating to be presumptuous, he nevertheless assumed Julia might want to pick up where they had left off. And while that prospect was tempting, he no longer felt right about having no-strings attached sex with the woman he liked a lot, when he had started to have “all strings of the world attached” sex with the woman he could not get out of his system. And possibly still loved. Heaven help him.
Meeting Julia again had caused him to question the sanity of his decision. Still, he had no regrets and while he hoped they could remain friends, he was certain that the sexual aspect was behind him- at least for now. Hopefully, she would not make too big of a fuss. Sure, she had agreed to an easy affiliation, but women could be so endlessly complicated. And he really did not want to hurt her. She was an innocent bystander to his version of a suicide bomber with him having time bomb Lisa strapped to his chest in the crazy anticipation of heavenly rewards after obliterating annihilation.
Julia had smiled broadly when he picked her up, hugging him tightly. She raised her lips to him, leaving the decision about intensity of the greeting up to him. He had placed a very chaste kiss on the mouth he remembered so well. Breaking away, there was something in her eyes that told him she understood. There was also a slight sadness she was not able to hide. He felt like shit!
“Well, judging from the look on her face I’d say she was rather surprised as well.”
“I’m so sorry she went off on you, but I guess her and that…,” he gestured with his head toward the door, not being able to hide the contempt in his voice, “…person had dinner here unbeknownst to me. And I guess it didn’t go well.”
“Just one of those odd coincidences, I guess.” Julia picked up her glass and took a sip.
Yeah, leave it to Lisa and him to obviously think along the same lines. Why else would she bring Lockwood here? It had to be to break it off or to at least cool things down. And from the looks of him and her pissed state, things had disintegrated quickly. Well, he was surprised to find Lockwood only wet and not with a black eye. For all her grand standing about wanting to be friends she obviously had meant to clear the path to much more. Shit- and now she probably suspected he brought Julia here for some sort of tete-a-tete. Actually, now that he thought about it- her quick assumption was thoroughly insulting. Sure, he had not given her a boundary definition of what was going on between them, and the last thing she knew he had talked to Julia, but she also should know better.
Her voicemail from earlier had sounded so sincere. And surprisingly mature. Actually, he had just listened to it on the way over to Julia. Lisa’s words effectively ended the tug of war inside. It seemed she had seen the light and was ready to put an end to her games. She told him she loved him. She told him she had hope. Were those just idle words as he had heard drip innocently like disguised poison from her lying lips before? Had she returned his sincerity in the note with more smoke and mirrors? Or had she once again been unaware of her own delusional state? Lisa was a master of believing her own bullshit.
“Michael? Are you here with me?”
He blinked, attempting to focus on present company.
“I’m sorry. Yeah…”
What had she said last? Oh, yeah, something about odd coincidences.
Like Lisa coming back into his life just when he thought he was solidly over her.
“I guess I came into town at a crazy time. Look, I can tell you are more than distracted. If you wanna cut this short and go after her, I understand.”
“No, really. She had no reason to be such a … so unreasonable. She was so horribly rude to you. And I’m not gonna rush after her now.”
“I guess things happened when you got back to town, hum?”
Understatement of the century.
“Yeah, something like that.”
“See what a good investigator I am? I told you you guys weren’t over.” She winked at him. Well, she didn’t seem too upset about it all. He must be losing his magical appeal. Yeah, why ever would she regret getting away from this damaged man with the borderline crazy ex that kept insulting her? It was a mystery!
The dinner arrived and he could not even fathom eating the salad he had ordered.
“Look, I feel like I have to explain. When I asked you out that night in New York- I had no idea Lisa would blow back into my life. She had tried to get a hold of me for a while, but I was in no mood. She had made it more than clear this past year that we were dead in the water and that there was no hope.”
Of course, she neglected to inform him that she had supposedly lied… He was so sick and tired of thinking in those same circles, yet he could not jump those well-established tracks.
“Michael. I told you. I knew what I was getting into. I could sense you were not ready to start any kind of deep relationship. I really enjoyed our time together- and I would be lying if I told you I had not hoped it would go on. I also would not be totally honest if I pretended I did not feel the sting when you took up with her the night of the party.”
Great. Now he felt even worse. He had hoped that maybe Julia would not know what had been going on that night. No such luck. Women had such impeccable radar. And just maybe it had not been all that smart to screw Lisa right under Julia’s nose.
He looked down, intently watching the artful lettuce and tomato arrangement. One could not be too carful – salad ingredients were known to walk off.
“…I never meant to hurt or insult you…it was…I don’t know…stupid…”
He was sure her legal training made her appreciate his artful defense. Well, if he kept it up, she would be only too glad to be rid of him.
“Yeah, I know. But then I thought you got it out of your system since you came back. Slightly damaged but not too worse for the wear.”
There was really nothing to be said.
“And now, are you guys back together?”
He almost laughed. If only he knew. Last thing that was certain was that Lisa had reminded him with her snide words of some of the things that had gone down at this place, then had left him to inhale the sulfuric taste of her exhaust and her anger.
“I’ll let you know once I figure that out.”
“What I don’t get is why someone with your possibilities seems to be stuck on her. Sure, she is pretty in a way, but she seems to be the total polar opposite of you. Quick to judge, rude, and entitled…”
“She’s not really like that. Not deep down inside…”
He bit his tongue, not knowing why he would jump to Lisa’s defense. Probably ‘cause he understood the use of certain masks only too well. While he preferred the smiling gentleman, she always went for the deranged monster. Either way, it kept enemies away from the true self- and as a side-effect also served to alienate oneself from those loved the most.
“Well, I guess you know her better. She seems like a downright bitch to me.”
“Look, Julia, I really am not comfortable discussing Lisa with you. Her and I have been through so much.”
“Well, I know you were married, but it was only for a short while, right?”
“Our marriage is only the tip of the iceberg.”
“And now, what? Are you still planning on going to Bahrain?”
“Yeah, I am. I have changed my mind on the house, though. I think I will only rent it for now.”
She picked up her drink, raising an eyebrow. “Hm…less permanent, hm?”
“I don’t think I want to be tied down.”
“Oh, really? That’s not the impression I got…” She gave him a naughty wink and he had to smile. Ok, he was that transparent, then. Her humor was much appreciated.
“Anyway…other than that- I still plan on going.”
“And how does Lisa-Marie figure in?”
“Got your crystal ball with you?”
“No, but I am sure we can find an eight-ball somewhere.”
The laughter felt refreshing.
They both took a sip and Michael inadvertently glanced at his watch. Maybe he should call Lisa just to make sure she got home alright. He hoped she wasn’t alone. Lisa did not handle anger well when she was alone.
The rising anger shoved the worry out of his mind like a bullying older sibling. What the hell did he care? He was not responsible for her anymore.
But maybe you want to explain what happened here tonight?
No, he didn’t. She should have acted like an adult and hung around instead of spewing her venom and racing off in her temper tantrum.
Maybe she was upset to see Julia in their place after having just been stressed by Lockwood.
And maybe she should have trusted him.
That was the root of it all. They did not trust each other. Well, Charlie Brown did not trust Lucie for a reason…
“Why don’t you call her?”
Dammit! Were his thoughts projected onto his forehead today?
“Because I am here with you- and at the very least you deserve my attention tonight after being the wonderful lady you are.”
“Well, that would be great in theory, but I know I don’t have your attention. Your mind is wherever she is. I really hope she is worth all this, Michael.”
Words he had heard so many times from so many of his friends. Lisa was not winning popularity contests with anyone but Mother and Janet.
He shrugged his shoulders, not being able to come up with one even semi-intelligent answer.
“By the way. Marcel told me an interesting tidbit.”
Michael’s eyes widened in surprise. He really hoped Marcel had not told her any of the interesting tidbits that came to his mind and involved Lisa in different states of undress in different locations of this restaurant. No, Marcel had heard and seen a lot- and had always been discreet.
“He seemed to be very loyal to you and Miss Presley as he called her. He said you guys are old friends. And not to read too much into your running after her. He said you probably wanted to thank her for speaking up against some horrible comment her companion had made against you.”
Now his interest was piqued.
“Something Lockwood said?”
“Well, Marcel emphasized he of course was not eavesdropping…” She smiled and winked.
Michael giggled, “Of course not.”
“But- he heard Mr Lockwood say something about you getting it on with some children. Which I guess earned him his wet pants.”
That little piece of shit! Michael now thoroughly regretted having been held back. That little insignificant fuck- he better hope he would never run across his path again. The gloves were off now.
“Michael- don’t get mad. I’m not telling you to get you more riled. I just wanted to let you know that obviously there was a reason for Lisa-Marie already being very…ah…agitated.”
Michael shook his head and drank about half the water in his glass. Then he took a deep breath.
“I guess this is something I have to be used to now. I’m an easy target. Innocent and all. And she wonders why I wanna get away…”
“Well, I guess she was meeting the guy here for a similar reason you brought me. Seeing this was a place you guys have fond memories of.”
Julia had no idea. Michael could almost feel Lisa’s hand on him under the table, driving him crazy while keeping up some insanely insignificant conversation.
Also, how annoying that Julia could figure out why she was here, while Lisa had short-circuited her brain and almost dragged him down the road with her car.
“Yeah, you know what? I’m sorry. I will take you up on your offer and try to call her real quick after all. I just want to make sure she made it home ok.”
Stepping out into the hall, he anxiously listened to the rings. After five torturous ring tones, it went to voicemail.
“Lisa- call me. I wanna make sure you are ok. Maybe you have cooled off a bit now. I gotta talk to you.” He held the phone close. Should he say it?
“And Lisa…I love you. Stubborn pain in the ass you are and all.”
He almost went back inside and then realized he had one more shot. The home phone. Voicemail again. However, this time, he knew she would hear him if she was close by.
“Lisa- dammit, answer the phone. I just left you a voicemail on your cell.” He took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down, realizing his tone was not going to make her more receptive to the idea of talking to him.
“Listen, princess, we gotta talk. I know you were upset and I had a little run-in with Riff Raff myself so I know a bit of what was going down. And no, don’t worry- I didn’t hurt him. But now I found out that I should have. You know – things would really be easier if you listened before you acted once in a while. Please pick up if you’re there.”
Nothing of course.
“Lisa, come on. Don’t make this so difficult. We need to talk. Ok, I guess you either are not home, don’t listen, or are still pissed. Don’t forget you got us started down this road again. I guess you somehow got me to go along. That hope you spoke of…heaven help me, but I thought I felt the same way. I think I know why you were there tonight. I listened to your message on my way over. And…some on…you gotta know why I was there. You really think I’d take her there to …you know… It makes me so mad that you would even think that. Christ, Lisa, you wanna start over and then you just shoot me down without giving me a chance.”
Michael realized he was pacing up and down the hall. Why, oh why did she have to be so stubborn? He could not do this if she played it like that.
“Alright. You know what? I see you are gonna make this hard. And knowing you, in about five hours you will call me, apologizing for being such a pain, crying, begging me to let you in. And you know what, maybe I won’t take your call then.”
Michael walked over the room and met Julia’s eyes. He had to be totally insane to put himself through this torture for the only person on Earth who possibly was more fucked up, insecure, and distrusting than he was right now.
“Lisa. I love you, ok. And it’s your fucking fault. I was all ready to move on and away, and you just had to …I don’t know…be you. I’ll talk to you soon.”
He finally hung up. He almost thought the phone had been picked up just as he switched off, but he was probably imagining things. Well, she had his number, she could call back.
Julia and he decided to cut this evening short. She was sweet and even offered to be there for him to talk if he needed to. Michael assured her he wanted to be friends and that he treasured her. It was the truth- and he only wished it was in him to feel more for someone who was probably healthier for him.
On the ride back to her friend’s place, she reached over and touched his hand.
“Michael. Go and try to sort this out. Then, if she won’t let you, maybe it’s best to once and for all cut those ties. I hate to see you so riled up for someone who I don’t think appreciates you. And you can always remember that I really appreciated you…all of you.”
Yeah, he had heard the part about not being appreciated by Lisa before, too. Which was why he had not even told Elizabeth about all of this new drama- avoiding the tongue-lashing he knew she’d have in store for him. At the same time, he knew she was probably one of the only people on Earth who fully understood the powerful force that kept Lisa and his hearts and souls imprisoned in some sort of flame lined nowhere-land between heaven and hell. Elizabeth had shared some of the letters between her and her soulmate- and it had made him cry to see a reflection of his own intense pain and longing. Still, Elizabeth felt not much love for Lisa and thought Michael needed to stay as far away from her as possible to minimize the agony. If only distance worked like that. He was trapped either way- close by or far away- condemned to have his soul and spirit die and be reborn in the eternal cycle of high soaring elation and burning evisceration.
Before making up his mind about what he should do, he called his mother, checking in on the kids. He was assured they were all fine and asleep. Another night away from them- maybe he should just cut his losses and head back to Havenhurst. The kids had already been highly suspicious about his absence this morning. Paris and Prince had double-teamed him with their contrasting methods of interrogation. Thankfully, Blanket had not been fully trained by the fearsome twosome yet. Only a matter of time, though.
A thought formed and brought a smile to Michael’s face. Of course! Why had he not thought of this before? Well, he knew why, but maybe he had been wrong.
He informed his driver where he wanted to be taken and told him to just drop him off and then pick him up tomorrow around 10 am. He figured it would take him that long to move his plan into action. A sense of challenge supplied him with energy he had not realized he had.
Maybe he should call ahead? No, no use. He was tired of her shit. It was his way or no way.
When he was dropped off at the Hidden Hills House, his driver turned toward him.
“Mike, you sure you don’t want me to wait?”
“No, thank you so much, Dwayne. I kept you long enough. Sorry about all the excitement tonight.”
“Well, you like to keep it interesting. I appreciate that. Just call if you need me back earlier.”
Michael had to laugh. “What? You doubt my ability to storm the castle?”
“Well, I saw the lady storm off- so it’s not your castle-storming ability I doubt, but I fear her anger a bit.”
“Ha! She’s a little pussy-cat. No problem.”
Dwayne laughed and shaking his head, still cracking up, got into the car and drove off. Michael wished he was as sure of this as he had sounded.
Checking the secret hiding spot for the key, he was disappointed to find the little box empty. Dammit! She must have suspected he would drop by. Or, she had simply changed key-hiding spots.
He tried knocking.
Real smooth, playa. She’s not answering your call, she’s gonna let you in.
With Lisa, there was really no telling. On the third knock the door was opened slightly and someone that was petite but definitely not Lisa opened the door. The woman looked slightly familiar.
“Oh shit.” She also looked slightly surprised.
“Good evening to you, too. Is Lisa home?”
“ theory, yes, but she’s not in any shape to receive visitors.”
“Well, too bad. I am not a visitor and I don’t care what shape she is in.”
“Ouch. Well, since I see your ride left you might as well come in.”
“I can’t tell you how glad I am that you’re not Priscilla. Hi. I’m Michael, by the way.” His introduction was usually redundant, but he was still trying to place who the person was.
She laughed in a deep voice reminding him a bit of Lisa. “No shit. I know who you are. And I have to say, I’m pretty glad I’m not Priscilla, too. I hope to find a better surgeon one day.”
Ha! He liked her!
Oh, he just realized she was Lisa’s friend with the colorful name.
She closed the door, then turned, her hand stretched out to him. “Hey, we met a while back at the 02 VMA’s. I’m Lisa’s friend Alecia.”
“Yeah, I remember, you’re Pink, right?”
“Well, some days I am, other’s I’m blue…” She laughed again and pointed her fingers at him like a pistol. “Gotcha!”
He giggled. She was funny. No wonder Lisa hung out with her.
“So, where is she hiding?”
“She’s not hiding. She’s sleeping.”
“Sleeping?” He was incredulous. She put him through hell and then went to bed to sleep? What the hell was that about?
“Well, when I got here, she was already half in the bag, if you catch my drift. That sister can kill vodka like no tomorrow.”
“Great. Is she ok?”
“She was mad, pissed, hurt, angry, irrational, crying, cursing…many things, but ok was not among them.”
He sighed and went into the salon, pouring himself a drink. At least she had left some vodka for him.
“Yeah, I know. Did she tell you what happened?”
“I don’t wanna offend you, but y’alls story is like a frigging soap opera. Yeah, she filled me in on the latest installment. She started off mad at you, then had an epiphany and became pissed as hell at herself.”
Good; she should be.
Of course you know Lisa doesn’t cope so well when she indulges in self-reprimand.
Did he ever. The real drama usually started when Lisa realized the only person left to lash out against was the lady in the mirror.
“She didn’t do anything stupid, right?”
He was not sure how much Alecia knew, but he sure was glad Lisa had company.
“She called me from the car, sobbing, so I headed over here as soon as I could. Like I said, she was drinking heavily, but no, nothing else overly stupid happened. I used the key to get in incase you wondered where it went.”
Ok, good. She seemed to be a really good friend to Lisa.
“Thanks for being there for her. I was worried.”
“Again, I am just an innocent by-stander, but maybe you guys could get your heads out of your asses and find ways to interact that do not involve all this crazy drama.”
Michael sank into the couch and watched the clear liquid sparkle against the crystal glass. Maybe he could create a magical rainbow to wish on.
“Anyway…nice phone message.”
He blushed.
“She hasn’t heard it yet. I had just come down when I heard it- I tried to get to the phone in time, but was too late.”
So, he had not imagined the pick-up. Too bad Lisa had already anesthetized herself.
“Thanks for being such a good friend. I am so grateful she was not alone. I am gonna stay over, so you can leave if you want to.”
Alecia stared at him for several seconds, her eyes burning through him. He felt like he was being inspected by some sort of intrusive search light.
“Ok, no more fighting, right?”
“Ha! How much has Lisa told you? We always fight. But no, I did not come here to fight, promise.”
“Ok, well, how about I walk up there with you, just to make sure she is really asleep and does not flip out when she sees you. She will do better once she’s sober in the morning.”
Minutes later, he followed Alecia to his former bedroom. She peeked in, then backed up.
“Ok, she’s out like a light. Good luck. To both of you.”
“Thanks- and thanks for taking such good care of her. Thanks for picking her up earlier, too.”
It was an educated guess, but her smile told him he was right.
“You know, I really love that crazy chick. Please take care of her. She’s all tough and shit, but she breaks so easily.”
Not even knowing why he found himself hugging the woman who so obviously cared for Lisa.
She returned the hug, then went back to the stairs.
“Hey…you might wanna let her sleep. From what I heard about last night, I think she needs a breather to be fully mobile and functional again tomorrow.” She laughed once more, then bounced down the stairs.
Michael blushed. Did girls really share all these intimate details with each other? Gosh, he hoped not, or he would not ever be able to look Lisa’s friend straight into her eyes. It was bad enough his sister had once teased him mercilessly. But a total stranger?
As his eyes adjusted to the dark room, he found Lisa’s curled up figure on the bed. She wore a t-shirt and panties from what he could see.
She looked so small there in the huge bed. It was not the same bed they once had shared. In one of her quests to exorcise him from her life, she had changed her furniture a couple of years back. From what he learned from her music, the memories chose to stay put anyway.
Michael sat at the edge of the bed, taking his dinner jacket off, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his vest. Not being able to be so close and not touch her, he gently brushed her hair from her face. Lisa moved and made a little sound.
“Shht, baby, it’s ok..” He touched her hair, smoothing it, letting his hand rest softly on her. Her movement stilled, she stayed asleep. Touching her cheek, he traced the smudge her mascara must have left as she cried. Silly idiot! Why did she have to put herself through this all for nothing? Did she not feel that she had already invaded his thoughts and his heart again? Where did all that confidence and stubbornness go when it came to trusting him? His fingers touched her lips, enjoying their soft feel. Her mouth was still one of her most alluring facets. So sensual, so innocent at times, mocking at others, giving, challenging…
Shit! He really did not want to wake her. But no, she seemed to be still asleep.
“Shhhh, it’s ok, sleep baby-girl.”
Lisa snuggled against his hand. She might be a little dragon when awake, but rendered soft and incapacitated by sleep she sure told him more now than she had in days.
Michael opened his pants and took his shoes off. Well, he would not be totally uncomfortable. Still, not wanting to make her think he was there for only one thing, he kept his boxers and his t-shirt on before he slid into bed with her. The plan was to keep his distance to make sure she did not wake up and fly into a fit.
He pulled the comforter over them both and tensely listened to her breathing, worrying any movement might rouse her. Watching her, he wondered if he would find any sleep tonight. Her close proximity was both a challenge and a comfort. What a crazy day this had been!
Still unsure of what the future would bring, he only knew that it would be more and more difficult to leave her behind. Once again he felt like the fly who stuck to the honey trap. Only difference was that he was a very intelligent fly and had headed toward the sticky strip in a full on kamikaze mission tonight.
Lisa sighed and moved toward him like a little heat seeking missile. Before he knew it, she rolled against him, her butt pressed into his crotch.
Oh God! Talk about temptation! His mind was fully aware that she only snuggled up to him in some sort of purely reflexive action, but his penis was sure she was offering up her goodies. Down, boy! He was only here so he could talk to her first thing in the morning. Hopefully, since Alecia had told him Lisa was also upset at her own silly self, she would hear him out and see reason.
Lisa made a little moaning sound and wiggled her ass. If the woman only knew how hard she was making this. Literally. He’d have to wait to pay her back in the morning. Smiling, he put his arm across her, giving up any attempts to be inconspicuous.
When he next opened his eyes, daylight filtered in through the windows. Lisa was now across his chest, one leg thrown over him. Not surprisingly, his penis was as hard this morning as it had been before he fell asleep. Hopefully it had gone down at some point, or he’d have to worry about oxygen to his brain. The thought made him smile. It felt good to be silly – even if it was in jokes to himself.
Lisa stirred and started to move. Showtime!
She blinked her eyes open and he held his breath. Lisa stared at him, pressed her eyes shut, then opened them again.
“Fuck! Not a dream.”
“Morning, sunshine. Hopefully not a nightmare, either.”
She sat up with a start, her mouth open, staring at him. He gifted her with his most dazzling smile and she just sat there, looking confused.
“Do you have to look so gorgeous in the morning? And stop smiling that stupid grin.”
The smile broadened.
“Well, one of us has to look good. You’re a mess.”
“Fuck off, Jackson.” Instead of getting out on her side of the bed, she chose to climb over him, brushing against his erection.
“Ok, Mike. I’m gonna go pee and brush my teeth. You might wanna tame that wild beast there and then we’ll talk.”
He grabbed the back of her head, forcing her mouth down to him, kissing her thoroughly. Gosh- she had not right to taste this good after a night of boozing.
When he opened his eyes, her blue ones already gazed at him.
“Who says I’m here to talk, Princess.”
She laughed for the first time. “If you wanna screw, you better get ready to talk first. Starting with why you had the bimbo at the Ivy and ending with how the hell you got into my bed. And what did you do with Alecia?”
He relinquished his hold on her and she scampered out of the bed.
“I have her waiting outside; she heard so much about me she asked if she could join us in the morning.”
“Ha! Dream on, Mike.”
Hey, at least she didn’t seem pissed anymore. He noticed her cell on the nightstand and she took it with her into the bathroom.
He heard her use the bathroom, then listened to her brushing her teeth, the water running. When it turned off, she peeked around the corner. Her face was clean now, her hair tied back in a messy pony tail. He could not read her face. What was she up to?
“So, you love me, hum?”
Someone checked her voicemail.
“You got something else to tell me?”
“Yeah, maybe I do. How about you apologize for being a presumptuous little bitch and then I might fill you in what’s gonna happen the rest of the day. “
He could tell she was trying real hard to hide a smile. “Oh, is that’s what’s gonna go down?”
“Well, I’m waiting…”
Lisa was chewing on her bottom lip, shifting her weight in a nervous manner from one leg to the other. The battle between keeping up the front of having to defend and indefensible fort or just surrendering and admitting she had been wrong were visible.
She took a deep breath and met his eyes straight on. There was a luminescence and a resolve that came from a place of conviction and strength. Oh, this was gonna be good.
Michael leaned back, folding his hands behind his head, raising an eyebrow at her. Lisa sat on the bed next and placed one hand over his frantically beating heart.
Yeah girl- there it is- beating for you. Don’t fuck it up.
(to be continued)
©2011 Erika B Michaels. All Rights Reserved. This story is a work of fiction. Any names, places, and other identifying features are used in a fictional manner, for entertainment purposes only, and are in no way representative of actual events. This work may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, or stored without expressed written permission by Erika B Michaels. All photos and images, mentioned songs or song titles are copyright their creators.

The Difference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Oh heck and gosh darn it!!!
ReplyDeleteI loved the flash back. She almost got to do Bad Boy Mike.. How yummie!
Ha, and the pee comment towards Noodleman! Fun, fun, fun... Wouldn't surprise me if he actually would pee himself if Lisa told him to.
Can't wait to see what he has in store for them. Are they going to Hayvenhurst for some good 'ole fun?? With maybe a quicky in his old room??
Ok, gonna go for a run now... I have something to.. uhm... burn off ;)
Love the pic of Michael you used for the story btw... I saved it for my collection :)
ReplyDeleteLOl-heck AND gosh darn it? Glad you liked it. I thought you would like that flashback. :) You have to thanks Insightful for that pic- I got it from her- it is so gorgeous- I find myself just staring at it.
ReplyDeleteLOL- NOODLEMAN? I have to use that next time and give you credit. Thanks, sweets!
"Michael stared at the disappearing red light which reminded him of the angry eyes of a furious dragon, retreating to gather strength for a new attack. And having had several run-ins with this particular dragon, he anticipated a new offensive to be ferocious."
ReplyDeleteWow! This is beautifully written metaphor, I just had to let you know.
First of all, the flashback so got me because I don't think you're too far off from the truth. I refer to MJ's own statement in the Primetime Live interview because he said he was broken hearted when he learned that Lisa had married, and I don't think he said that for the hell of it, and he wouldn't have been broken hearted if there wasn't some form of friendship going on there at the time. He seemed to let a few things slip during that interview that wasn't apart of the Presley Camp's game plan. And MJ's annoyance with Danny, 'that other guy', seemed deeper than just being Lisa's ex-husband. Maybe it's just me, but that's what I think.
"Michael leaned back, folding his hands behind his head, raising an eyebrow at her. Lisa sat on the bed next and placed one hand over his frantically beating heart.
Yeah girl- there it is- beating for you. Don’t fuck it up."
Just lovely!
O/T: I love that pic of MJ too! It is actually from CNN... they used it on all their MJ specials after his death and I loved the photo. Just last week, I stumbled upon it.
Beautiful! Can't wait for the next!
ReplyDeleteI tell you I would read for my entire life one of these novels of yours....that's how much I like them. Except for the too much sex, I could read forever!
With love......
Erika you did it again! Those two are enough to give you an ulcer. They are so great together and irritating as hell at the same time. All of it was great hope for more soon!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHello Erika,
ReplyDeleteThere are no more words I can use in the dictionary to compliment you, or to describe how beautiful you write. You bring Michael and Lisa’s relationship so alive. While reading, I create such a visual of them interacting in that way. I can feel Michael’s anguish when Lisa drove away. I can picture the wussss Lockwood in the restaurant, and Lisa’s furry when he made the derogatory comment about Michael.
That scene gave me a flashback of an article I read about Lisa and Nic Cage. He was angry because she was always on the phone talking with Michael, and to add insult to injury, Nic called Michael a freak in front of Lisa when he saw a picture of Michael hanging Blanket outside the window in Germany. Needless to say, Lisa was defending Michael. Nic blew his top and wanted to know why she was always defending Michael, and if she was still in love with him. Wrong thing to do. She told him do not try and get inside her f…ing psyche. The article said about 48 hours later, Lisa was a Neverland, around the same time Michael was back in the USA from Germany.
I also like the flashback with Michael reminiscing about Lisa. It reminds me of the DS interview, when he said when Lisa got married, he was hurt, it should have been him. To make such a statement on TV, it seems to me they knew each other very well prior to her getting married to Danny.
Michael’s sexuality on the “History Tour” surpasses all other “tours” IMO. I give Lisa all the credit for that. Whatever she unleashed in him, could not be contained. David Foster who worked with Michael said he saw him in different personalities. One minute very business-like, another cursing Sony in a little boy’s voice. But with Lisa, he was ALL MAN. David said she brought out the testosterone in him.
Michael and Lisa have history and years together. Their souls were intertwined, but with so much complexity. Wasn’t Shakespeare who said “The Course Of True Love Did Never Run Smooth”. When an understatement for both Lisa and Michael. I know whatever could have gone wrong in their life, their marriage, and their relationship prior marriage and post-divorce WENT WRONG. Michael is such a “Smooth Criminal”. I like how he got his suspicion confirmed when he thanked Alecia for picking up Lisa from his condo. I also like the interchange between Michael and his driver when he dropped off Michael at Lisa. I busted out laughing. The dialogue between Pink and Michael was great. I so laughed my ass off.
Erika you have a gift. You are to writing what Michael was to singing and dancing. You leave us speechless. When I think you have reached your pinnacle, you surpass yourself. Erika please
“Don’t Stop Til We Get Enough”.
Another incredible riveting chapter that kept me on the edge of my seat with my eyes glued to the screen.
ReplyDeleteYou know you just keep topping yourself with this story. How do you do it, girl? You have you managed to write 20 riveting mind blowing chapters and I can guarantee there are more goodies to come.
I guess this is why I love this story so much, it never fails to disappoint. You write with such incredible insight into the characters, you bring them to life, it’s the real Michael and Lisa in my opinion. Your dialogue is sharp and witty, and makes Michael and Lisa feel so real. As I read your story I forget I’m reading a fic, and it’s like being a fly on the wall and watching it all transpire before my very eyes.
I really loved this chapter. I loved the direction you took it in, the marvelous twists and turns. I like how on one hand you have Julia acting all charming and sweet, but underneath that veneer, who knows what lurks, right?
And Michael – could I possibly love him anymore? I just love that finally he’s got it together, and realized he wants to make a go of it with her, and despite the pain and mistrust which he has battled with for most of this fic, he’s finally taking the leap with her and wanting to make a go of this. Reading that and seeing how his character has progressed in this story has been an utter delight.
The Lockwood/Michael stuff was just priceless and one of the highlights of this chapter.
Below are a few other favourite moments.
Comments part 2:-
ReplyDelete[quote]Michael stared at the disappearing red light which reminded him of the angry eyes of a furious dragon, retreating to gather strength for a new attack. And having had several run-ins with this particular dragon, he anticipated a new offensive to be ferocious. He should pull out his phone and record this in case anyone ever asked him why he avoided relationships and especially had learned to avoid this particular woman. [/quote]
Brilliant start to the chapter, so nicely written! Love the way Michael thinks.
[quote]You gave Lisa one ounce of encouragement and she wanted to possess your soul. [/quote]
So true, but that’s the only way it could be for Lisa.
[quote]When he first met Lisa as an adult, he still carried the image of the small, shy blond girl he had met with her father so many years back in his mind. Well, young adult Lisa had a wicked sense of humor and exuded sexuality without even realizing it. Her eyes spoke of long lustful nights, her mouth promised untold pleasures, and her body moved in a way that from the start made him wonder how she would feel writhing under him, calling out his name. [/quote]
Beautifully described. I agree that’s how he’d see her.
[quote]At the same time, there was a vulnerability she tried to fiercely hide and protect- which accounted for much of her dark sarcasm. That side of her aroused his protectiveness as much as his wish to possess her in every way possible. [/quote]
Oh wow, I love this, his protective side.
[quote]So, they became friends as Lisa proclaimed not to be ready for more. He had flirted with her just like he did with so many others, only with her, he was dead serious about wanting her in his bed. And once he’d have her there, he had no intention of letting things end there. She was the perfect prospective mate and his imagination and innocent fantasies, as well as the not so innocent ones, had run wild. [/quote]
Again so true. I really think this is how it was.
[quote] “So, you think I’m only around ‘cause we have not slept together? If we had, I’d be long gone?” His own voice sounded strange now.
Lisa raised her head up to him, her eyes almost closed, but still shooting darts that penetrated the shield around his heart before they exploded inside his groin. Her mouth was moist, her lips so tempting and full.
“Why don’t we test it and see what happens?”[/quote]
First of all I have to say how excited I am to see you write a scene from the 1980s. I was practically jumping up and down when I read this. You write this so well and I feel the characters are so true to themselves. So I’m gonna beg, can you please write a 1980s fic? Please? You would do such an amazing job, I just know it.
Comments Part 3
ReplyDeleteOkay back to this scene, I really love how you bring out Lisa’s vulnerability but shroud it in a non chalant manner and I love how Michael sees straight through it! It’s so well written and so much fun to read.
[quote] “Stop it? Are you nuts? Don’t even tell me you don’t wanna fuck.”
“No, you know what? I don’t.” He was getting irritated. Nothing was more hateful than having people tell him what he felt or wanted. Plus, he hated how she used that word as a synonym for thoughtless sex. [/quote]
I’m really glad he pulled back, as he’s not sure what this will mean to her while for him it’s a very serious step and like you wrote earlier he doesn’t do sex without relationships. I really like how you wrote this.
[quote] “If and when I sleep with you, Lisa, it will be’ cause we both wanna be in a relationship and we will make love. It won’t be some stupid challenge. Now, put your shirt on, and I will be right back.”[/quote]
You tell her Michael! Love it!
[quote]One day, he returned home to Havenhurst late at night, and he found a small stuffed dog on his bed. It had a huge golden bow around its neck and a note attached.
“I know you’re afraid of dogs, but this one comes in peace. He looks as sad and pitiful as I feel since the other night. Please tell me we’re still friends. I’m a nutcase and I’m so sorry. No, make that horrified and embarrassed. You mean so much to me and I hope I didn’t mess up our friendship. Forever- L” [/quote]
Aww, what a cute gesture and what a lovely note!
[quote]Right on cue, as if conjured up by his thoughts, a very angry, very disheveled looking Lockwood appeared from the restrooms. [/quote]
Ha! This is awesome. So glad you got them to bump into each other.
[quote]Why was the nit-wit still talking to him? And why did he think he was qualified to give him any kind of advice where Lisa was concerned?[/quote]
The convo between Lockwood and Michael is just priceless. This is one of my favourite scenes out of the whole story! So well written, sharp and Michael gives such quick on the ball answers. Love it!
[quote] “It’s not with you. I love her enough to give her the things she needs. She doesn’t need some crazy emotional rollercoaster ride. She needs support and safety. I’m not an idiot- I told her she can still fuck you if she needs to scratch that itch”[/quote]
Oh boy, this Lockwood twit really takes the cake! What woman would want to be with a nitwit like this?
[quote]Michael raised his palms in a gesture indicating he was done. He attempted to take a deep breath to break the waves of hyperventilation that had grabbed him.
The buzzing in his ears finally subsided and the reddish fog lifted. Oh God- he had made a scene and almost had hit Lockwood. He had not fought anyone in years. What in the world was going on with him? How had he been able to bear much more insulting and abusing words during the trial and let this little shit set him off into a violent rage? Well, maybe his limit of taking everything in some kind of helpless, paralyzing stupor had been reached- no, transgressed. He had not been able to fight back against all the injustice and filth then, but he sure has hell did not have to submit now.[/quote]
Exactly, although the staff and Michael’s security wouldn’t let him, but Lockwood would have deserved it, she’s such a crass idiot. I like how you describe how Michael held back so much anger, over the trial for example and now he feels why the hell should he hold it back anymore.
Comments Part 4
ReplyDelete[quote]So true! And his had a huge ‘occupied’ sign stamped on with permanent ink. [/quote]
Yup, poor Michael he can’t love anyone else even if he wanted to.
[quote]And he really did not want to hurt her. She was an innocent bystander to his version of a suicide bomber with him having time bomb Lisa strapped to his chest in the crazy anticipation of heavenly rewards after obliterating annihilation. [/quote]
Oh boy that’s quite an illustration! Excellent!
[quote] “Michael. I told you. I knew what I was getting into. I could sense you were not ready to start any kind of deep relationship. I really enjoyed our time together- and I would be lying if I told you I had not hoped it would go on. I also would not be totally honest if I pretended I did not feel the sting when you took up with her the night of the party.”[/quote]
Oh boy, Julia knew!!!
[quote]He looked down, intently watching the artful lettuce and tomato arrangement. One could not be too carful – salad ingredients were known to walk off.[/quote]
[quote] “What I don’t get is why someone with your possibilities seems to be stuck on her. Sure, she is pretty in a way, but she seems to be the total polar opposite of you. Quick to judge, rude, and entitled…”[/quote]
Ooh, is that jealousy I hear Julia? She’s appearing to be nice and kind, but she sure doesn’t like Lisa.
[quote]“She’s not really like that. Not deep down inside…”
He bit his tongue, not knowing why he would jump to Lisa’s defense. Probably ‘cause he understood the use of certain masks only too well. While he preferred the smiling gentleman, she always went for the deranged monster. [/quote]
I like this, how Michael’s mask is the perfect gentleman, always hiding his true self from the world, which might not be oh so perfect, while Lisa is the wild child unleashed, raging and running a muck. But it’s just a mask for her fears and insecurities.
[quote]That was the root of it all. They did not trust each other. [/quote]
True, after all the hurt and pain it would take time to get to a place like that.
[quote] “But- he heard Mr Lockwood say something about you getting it on with some children. Which I guess earned him his wet pants.”
That little piece of shit! Michael now thoroughly regretted having been held back. That little insignificant fuck- he better hope he would never run across his path again. The gloves were off now.[/quote]
I’m glad you added this in, now Michael knows that Lisa stood up for him.
Comments Part 5
ReplyDelete[quote] “Lisa- call me. I wanna make sure you are ok. Maybe you have cooled off a bit now. I gotta talk to you.” He held the phone close. Should he say it?
“And Lisa…I love you. Stubborn pain in the ass you are and all.”[/quote]
He said it! Yay!!!
[quote]“Don’t forget you got us started down this road again. I guess you somehow got me to go along. That hope you spoke of…heaven help me, but I thought I felt the same way. [/quote]
Aww, this is so beautiful, I just love how finally after all his doubts and misgivings he’s giving into Lisa and opening his heart to her.
[quote]At the same time, he knew she was probably one of the only people on Earth who fully understood the powerful force that kept Lisa and his hearts and souls imprisoned in some sort of flame lined nowhere-land between heaven and hell. Elizabeth had shared some of the letters between her and her soulmate- and it had made him cry to see a reflection of his own intense pain and longing. [/quote]
Love how you describe their love and how you feel their story is similar to Liz and Richard Burton, which I have always felt myself.
[quote]If only distance worked like that. He was trapped either way- close by or far away- condemned to have his soul and spirit die and be reborn in the eternal cycle of high soaring elation and burning evisceration. [/quote]
Wow, so beautifully described!
[quote] “Hey…you might wanna let her sleep. From what I heard about last night, I think she needs a breather to be fully mobile and functional again tomorrow.” She laughed once more, then bounced down the stairs.
Michael blushed. Did girls really share all these intimate details with each other? [/quote]
LOL! That’s funny. And women do talk about their men with their friends, Michael!
[quote]Michael opened his pants and took his shoes off. Well, he would not be totally uncomfortable. Still, not wanting to make her think he was there for only one thing, he kept his boxers and his t-shirt on before he slid into bed with her. [/quote]
So romantic! I love this.
[quote]Still unsure of what the future would bring, he only knew that it would be more and more difficult to leave her behind. Once again he felt like the fly who stuck to the honey trap. Only difference was that he was a very intelligent fly and had headed toward the sticky strip in a full on kamikaze mission tonight.[/quote]
Wow, I just love your way with words and your metaphors! Absolutely priceless this one, one of my favourites. He was a very intelligent fly! Love it!
[quote]Not surprisingly, his penis was as hard this morning as it had been before he fell asleep. Hopefully it had gone down at some point, or he’d have to worry about oxygen to his brain. The thought made him smile. It felt good to be silly – even if it was in jokes to himself. [/quote]
LOL! I love it. You have a great sense of humour and I like how you instill it in Michael.
[quote] “Fuck off, Jackson.” Instead of getting out on her side of the bed, she chose to climb over him, brushing against his erection.
“Ok, Mike. I’m gonna go pee and brush my teeth. You might wanna tame that wild beast there and then we’ll talk.”[/quote]
Classic Lisa speak! I love it!
[quote] “So, you love me, hum?”
Someone checked her voicemail.[/quote]
Finally she knows! Yay!
[quote]Michael leaned back, folding his hands behind his head, raising an eyebrow at her. Lisa sat on the bed next and placed one hand over his frantically beating heart.
Yeah girl- there it is- beating for you. Don’t fuck it up. [/quote]
Oh wow, beautiful ending to a marvelous chapter!
Thank you so much! I can’t wait for the next chapter. :)
Hello Erika,
ReplyDeleteSo much to say, I have to break it up.
There are no more words I can use in the dictionary to compliment you, or to
describe how beautiful you write. You bring Michael and Lisa’s relationship so alive. While reading, I create such a visual of them interacting in that way. I can feel Michael’s anguish when Lisa drove away. I can picture the wussss Lockwood in the restaurant, and Lisa’s fury when he made the derogatory comment about Michael.
That scene gave me a flashback of an article I read about Lisa and Nic Cage. He was angry because she was always on the phone talking with Michael, and to add insult to injury, Nic called Michael a freak in front of Lisa when he saw a picture of Michael hanging Blanket outside the window in Germany. Needless to say, Lisa was defending Michael. Nic blew his top and wanted to know why she was always defending Michael, and if she was still in love with him. Wrong thing to do. She told him do not try and get inside her f…ing psyche. The article said about 48 hours later, Lisa was a Neverland, around the same time Michael was back in the USA from Germany.
I also like the flashback with Michael reminiscing about Lisa. It reminds me of the DS interview, when he said when Lisa got married, he was hurt, it should have been him. To make such a statement on TV, it seems to me they knew each other very well prior to her getting married to Danny.
Still going down memory lane
ReplyDeleteMichael’s sexuality on the “History Tour” surpasses all other “tours” IMO. I
give Lisa all the credit for that. Whatever she unleashed in him, could not be contained. David Foster who worked with Michael said he saw him in different personalities. One minute he was very business-like, another cursing Sony in a little boy’s voice. But with Lisa, he was ALL MAN. David said she brought out the testosterone in him.
Michael and Lisa have history and years together. Their souls were intertwined, but with so much complexity. Isn’t Shakespeare who said “The Course Of True Love Did Never Run Smooth”. When an understatement for both Lisa and Michael.
Whatever could have gone wrong in their life, their marriage,their relationship prior marriage and post-divorce WENT WRONG. Michael is such a “Smooth Criminal”. I like how he got his suspicion confirmed when he thanked Alecia for picking up Lisa from his condo.
I also like the interchange between Michael and his driver when he dropped off Michael at Lisa. I busted out laughing. The dialogue between Pink and Michael was great. I so laughed my ass off. Michael to Pink, “I’m not a visitor, and I don’t care what condition she is in…………..
Erika you have a gift. You are to writing what Michael was to singing and dancing. You leave us Speechless. Great Chapter as usual. When I think you have reached your pinnacle, you surpass yourself. Erika please !!!!!!!!!
“Don’t Stop Till We Get Enough”.
Since my iphone hates your site, I have to wait until I get home to post a comment. Just have to say this was an incredible chapter, so funny this time. I love how you make Michael real with, go figure! REAL emotions. I love him roughing up (slightly) Lockwood, and being pissed about the little kids comment and just how he gets angry at Lisa.
ReplyDeleteLOVED him and Julia because I liked her giving her opinion and him being mature and polite to not get mad or indignant. Monica captures all the great parts, so brava to her, but I must add that like everyone else, I loved the start with the headlights as dragon eyes. Wow, what a great start!
I love how he thinks and feels. Just more good stuff here, so keep it coming. Yum!
ReplyDeleteI've been out of the loop for a few weeks and I must tell you that this chapter was worth the wait.
I've often wondered if everything would have turned out differently if he and Lisa could have made it work. It's romantic and tragic that they loved each other for so many years but just couldn't stay together. I watched the Oprah interview again recently and it's obvious that Lisa is still very much in love with Michael. Maybe your story will give us the ending we all wanted-Michael alive and happy.
One more thing. I hate to be pushy, but please don't leave us hanging. I need another fix!!
ReplyDeleteGirl my first post here I am a big fan of your I agree with the poster above please update can't wait LOL.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, you guys! Such great feedback- wow.
ReplyDelete@Insightful- glad you liked the flashback and the metaphors- I know I got a bit metaphor happy- but I am glad you enjoy them anyway.
@Ellen- thank you for the kind words. Sorry there is too much sex for your taste. It's just part of how I write- and I think it was a great part of lmp and MJ's relationship as well. Thank you for reading though! I so appreciate it!
@Susan- oh, no! I give you an ulcer???/ SOOOO sorry. But I guess that means good drama, right? Glad you like it and thanks for staying tuned!
@Ana, sweetie- thank you so much. And you never know what cute little innocent Julia might have up her sleeve. Nice observation! :)
@Carlistra- if you wonder why one post was deleted, it was because it somehow posted double. I want you to know HOW MUCH I appreciate the great compliment you gave me- wow. You truly humble me- thank you. And yes, most of the things I write are inspired by articles or interview and then I just take it that little bit further into imagination land.
@Monica- as always- you blow me away. I love you so much- and am thoroughly addicted to your wonderful analyses! Thanks SO much!
@Gungirl- Don't worry, my iphone and ipad hate this blog. I never get to correct things from it. Silly Apple! Thanks for picking up on the humor- I have a strange sense of humor at times and infuse my stories with it- so it's great to see it's appreciated. And yes, I try to keep it real with the emotions.
@Cynthia- thank you for taking the time to catch up- it means to much to know you are still following along. And it's ok to be pushy- it keeps me honest when I get lazy! Thanks for your kind words- at it's heart, I do see their story of one of the great tragic love stories of our time.
@Thank you new reader- or new poster! SO glad to have you here and stay tuned!
Again, thank you to all of you. Much love!
ReplyDeleteHello, just finished the chapter (yesss i'm so late)
I love the scene between them when they were younger. I still wonder why she tried to seduce him ?!
Maybe you will give us an answer later !????
My God, I really hope Michael will meet toypet another time and this time he will hit his face really hard. What a !!!
“Alright. You know what? I see you are gonna make this hard. And knowing you, in about five hours you will call me, apologizing for being such a pain, crying, begging me to let you in. And you know what, maybe I won’t take your call then.”
“Lisa. I love you, ok. And it’s your fucking fault. I was all ready to move on and away, and you just had to …I don’t know…be you. I’ll talk to you soon.”
I loved his messages on her voicemail : straight to the point, no hiding...he is himself.
I found Julia very insightful in her comments. At least she haven't any illusions in her future with Michael, even if she does not understand the love that united Michael and Lisa...
The character of Pink made me laugh, she seems a really true friend to Lisa ! I love the way they share everything, even their sexual adventures lol ;)
I'll try to leave a longer comment for the next chapter
thank you again
Oh i forgot this little passage I really liked :
ReplyDeleteHey, at least she didn’t seem pissed anymore. He noticed her cell on the nightstand and she took it with her into the bathroom.
He heard her use the bathroom, then listened to her brushing her teeth, the water running. When it turned off, she peeked around the corner. Her face was clean now, her hair tied back in a messy pony tail. He could not read her face. What was she up to?
“So, you love me, hum?”
Someone checked her voicemail.
so so cute
style, as if nothing had happened !!! ah ah !!!