part 2
(XXX Chronicles)
for part 1 visit: http://emb4mj.blogspot.com/2012/09/xtreme-desire.html
Where in the hell was
Madame? I was getting sick and tired of
her little cat and mouse game. Or was it
more accurate to call her an elegant spider sitting in her glittering net? And
sure enough, dummy me had traipsed right into it. Actually, things weren’t
quite that easy. My rash decision of
running over here in the middle of the night after the wedding might just have
something to do with it.
Or did it? On second
thought, this was all Lisa’s fault. Man- how did she do it? How did she manage
to make me lose my head like that? Again?
All I had wanted to do was talk to her.
Oh yeah, that’s why you asked her to meet you in that back room. A
room you had scouted out before to make sure it was private. So you could
talk…possibly with your penis.
No! Okay, well, maybe I
had planned to kiss her. To make her admit how she felt about me. That she
wanted me as badly as I wanted her. That
that silly game her of her draping herself over lover boy was having zero
effect on me.
Yeah, right.
Part of the truth was,
it drove me absolutely nuts to imagine what she might do with him. On the other
hand, if he was all that in the sack, why was she going for self-service with a
So, yeah, I meant to
have her alone. Well, not ‘have her” have her: I wanted to be able to talk.
Maybe to kiss her…possibly to cop one little feel… And then I had managed to do
so much more. I still could barely
comprehend we had fumbled around like teens…getting each other off…and man, how
delicious it had felt.
Two fireworks being
shot off into the universe: kindled by lust and anger. At first I had been horrified when she had
walked in on Diana and me. Then it actually turned out to be the ignition key I
had been looking for to make Miss Presley lose her cool.
Not that I had planned
on Diana stalking me. But I should have known better. She said she wanted to
talk. My ass. She had spoken in all
kinds of languages with her greedy fingers all night.
“Michael…You are driven tonight.
There is something about you…something new. It’s almost like you are
distracted…from me?”
It was real’ comical
that that was a question to her. Like it had never really occurred to her that
anyone alive would not see her as the center of this and all other universes.
So, she had done what
all predators do: when the prey doesn’t willingly wander into the food trap,
the game becomes the main attraction.
She smelled my interest might be under some other woman’s skirt. Any
normal woman would either be huffing about, or read the sign correctly, attempt
to preserve her dignity, and take a flying leap. Nope- not my Diana. She got
turned on. Nothing got her pussy juices
flowing like the challenge of proving that she could have any man, anywhere, at
any time. The attack came not totally unprovoked, but that wasn’t the stunner.
What shocked the daylights out of me was that I found I was not interested in
her game.
So I did what I had
never really seen as a viable option. I turned her down.
Her eyes had widened.
Disbelief. Amusement. Then anger.
Pressing herself
against me, she kissed my neck, her hand snaking between us.
“Dammit! Will you stop
it? This ain’t gon’ happen, D!”
My hands grabbed her
waist to push her little skinny ass, which suddenly had grown twenty tentacles,
away from me before Lisa would get an eyeful of me being almost raped.
“You don’t mean that, baby.
You know you want another taste of that sugar…”
I wanted another taste
alright. But my pallet had grown weary of her particular flavor.
And that’s when Lisa
had bust in. Talk about timing. And talk about mad! Man!
Her eyes. I felt as if they were
sending out little darts, and as she pulled them back, she ripped little parts
of my flesh away. She was stunned,
angry, surprised, disgusted, and more angry.
Furious. Then, she tried to hide all those emotions and her face became
very still. The game was on. And I actually got her to drop the mask
again. Maybe a huge mistake. As controlled as I normally was, the thin crust was no match for the bubbling lava.
Well fine…I had been
royally pissed off for a while now.
Which did not get any better after she slapped the holy daylights out of
me. The little slip of a girl had actually struck me! I was stunned. I don’t think I ever had been slapped before.
My sisters had punched and pinched me before. But no one ever had smacked me
like that. What the hell was her problem?
Probably cause you never have acted like such a bastard with
anyone before. But shit…she made me do it…
And so, buzzing from one
of the most intense orgasms I have ever had after a mere hand job, and mad as
shit about her stubborn resistance to letting me warn her, I had been on a
mission when I hightailed over to the club at some ungodly hour.
I burst into Madame’s
office, briefly wondering if she had a life away from that place, and threw the
dossier at her desk.
“I’ll do it! Have her
here tomorrow. And it’s gonna go down in the suites I rented. And if anyone
else lays a finger on her, you will wish I had never become a member. Plus... ”
I had to take a breath,
which was funny, given I was in amazing physical shape.
“Yes, Michael? Just let
it all out before you explode.” Madame seemed downright amused, her sensual
mouth being drawn up slightly as her eye laughed at me. Well, sure, she had it easy- I’m sure I was
hilarious as all getout.
“I want editing
Her smile slipped and
her eyes widened.
“You want what?”
I held her obsidian
gaze, letting her appreciate my level of sincerity. I was not blowing smoke up
her very shapely ass.
“Editing rights. I
wanna see the tape. And I wanna be editing out stuff I don’t think should be
there. Like if my face shows or something. This is not my leverage tape after
all. And I’m gonna tell you when the tape goes off.”
It sounded good to make
her think it was about preserving my privacy, when really, I wanted to make
sure that Lisa was protected on some level. What a gem I was! Madame stared at me as if I just had grown
two more heads.
“You do realize I am
the proprietor and manager of this establishment, correct, Michael?” She picked up a fan on her desk and with a
flick of that elegant wrist, started to fan her face with the raven black
“And you do realize I
am Michael Jackson. And that I will do all kinds of …crazy and dirty things to
Lisa Marie Presley. So, pretty much, I think you hit the jackpot with the two
of us finding a home away from home with you. I know you hold lots of the power
here, but surely you appreciate that Lisa and I together are not some little
wimps you can push around. You want your leverage? Fine. I told you I totally
understood. And the reasons you stated
why you worry about Lisa Marie also make sense. That weird church of hers and
all. But here’s the deal: You’re basically getting a two for one special. And
so I don’t think it’s unreasonable to put in certain stipulations that protect
my interests.”
Madame continued to fan
her face in that slow, hypnotizing rhythm. Then she laughed with those dark,
thrilling jewel tones. “Editing rights? Well, I’ll be darned, Michael. I heard
you’re not a pushover and I have certainly seen some…ah…dominant tendencies,
but this? Editing rights?”
I was glad she thought
this was funny. ‘Cause I was serious as
a heart attack. This one was going to be
played on my terms. And I was tired of
feeling exposed.
And it has nothing to do with you wanting to shield the little
lady, does it?
No, nothing. Her fate
was up to her. She didn’t even have to agree. She could walk away. Free and
“Yes, and I don’t ever
want Miss Presley to know that you granted them to me. This is to be between
you and me.”
Madame laughed out
again, and this time put down her fan. She motioned to one of her minions in
the dark. He appeared and poured first
her, then me a drink.
“Well, Michael. You
leave me breathless yet again. And here I thought I had seen and heard it all.
Before I say anything, are you quite finished with your demands?”
Well, for now, I was
good. I nodded, accepting the drink she handed me.
Madame took a sip and
leaned her head back, closing her eyes, savoring the moment.
I also indulged, my
eyes never leaving her small, yet powerful frame.
When her eyes opened
lazily, I knew I had won this round.
“Fine, Michael. With
all the accolades the word is heaping on you, they do not even begin to
understand the half of it, do they? I
have to say I seriously underestimated you.
I will agree to this…request. You will have editing rights. And this
will be an arrangement between you and me. Let’s shake on it.”
A smile played around
me lips. “With all due respect, Madame, I would love to shake on this, but I
would love it even more if you could sign this contract, I mean, this
agreement, I drafted. You know, for both
our security.”
Once again she stared
at me as I held out the document across the desk. With the most elegant motion,
she took the agreement and read it.
“Michael, I am sure you
will understand that I shall have my legal experts look over it. But how about
this, since time is of the essence: You come back and meet me before your
little tete a tete with the lady, and at that point I will have it ready for
you, if I am advised to sign. If not, the deal is off- and you are under no
obligation to stay.”
It was a risk, but I
was pretty sure she would go for it. And like she said, if not, hey, I was
scotts free and could walk away. Not my fault if Lisa still wanted to go ahead
with that tape.
I turned my head and
caught my reflection in the antique cabinet to my side. I searched for my eyes,
wondering if I still believed the bullshit I was shoveling toward myself at
times. No way in hell did I want anyone
to do any of the things she had agreed to do.
It had nothing to do with any kind of tender feelings either…it had to
do with my level of obsession. Or was that another lie?
We did shake on it, and
I finally made it home. Somehow, at some point, my eyes had closed for an hour
or two. Not like I found any peace, however. Lisa’s eyes, her lips, her cries,
the feeling of her body…they were all hounding me nonstop. And just when I
thought I’d be able to stop replaying our little encounter from earlier, the
dossier popped into my head and the hellish dance started again.
So, here I was now.
Fidgeting in the leather chair. I sure
hoped she would get her leather clad ass in here soon. Lisa should be arriving
at the Club any time now. If she had
indeed agreed on such short notice. And what had she been told about who her
partner would be? Wasn’t she
afraid? Did she even care? Would she be angry at me again? Well, thanks
to her little dossier she was not in any position to act those aggressions out
in an active way. Her taste seemed to run to be submissive… Which was almost
funny, considering how bossy she had been.
So, what was all this
about? Well, I mean, I had certainly done some research. I read up on bondage
and certain arrangements, as well as on the psychology behind them. Not my fault I had not been able to sleep.
And once one started looking, there was a wealth of information out there. Of
course, some of what I had found was downright gross. I was pretty sure she
didn’t have anything hard core in mind. And her little agreement indicated as
much. Some light spanking…some bondage…but nothing that would be truly
painful. And thankfully, so, because
while I was all for some kinky shit, there were certain boundaries I did not
ever intent on transgressing. Some shit
was simply gross and demeaning. And I refused to even consider it. Still…the grey zone she had staked out
allowed for such variety! And my mind was such a fertile breeding ground for
kinky fuckery!
When Madame finally
entered, I jumped out of the chair as if stung by a nest of bees.
“Michael! Sorry to make
you wait. I was detained longer than expected in a meeting.” Today, Madame wore
a long, flowing skirt and a matching black and silver corsage. Her hair
cascaded around her glowing shoulders in large, unruly curls this time. She
looked younger and softer. And I pitied the fool who fell for that charade.
“Do you have the
She smiled. “Patience,
my dear. Yes, I do. And…” she handed the signed paperwork to me and I looked it
over, getting ready to also sign. “You will be happy to hear the young lady has
arrived.” The words were thrown out like both a treat and a challenge. Or was
it pure temptation? Whatever it was, my nerves reacted despite my resolve to
present nothing but an iron armor. My back straightened and every never in my
body seemed to vibrate as if being activated by a cosmic chord.
She was here.
She obviously agreed.
Why, Lisa? Why do you
hand yourself over like that? You got no
clue what you’re into here.
Well, man, don’t worry. You rode in to save the day. The little
princess will be grateful, no doubt.
The question was, would
that gratitude be expressed before or after she clawed my eyes out?
I gripped the pen
harder and willed my hands to stay steady. “So, everything is in order, then?”
“Well, yes. Of course.
We are good. You have editing rights. And I even signed the part about ensuring
I only get one performance. And our little deal will stay between you and me.”
Before she could change
her mind, I signed both her and my copy of the agreement. My name decorated the page. Did I imagine it
or did the ink look like fresh blood?
Almost recoiling, I
handed one set of paperwork back to her.
“Well, I guess you
should be on your way then.” Madame smiled sweetly. I rose… I had every
intention to be well on my way.
“Don’t forget we have
the suites till tomorrow as discussed. And I will call if I need anything
beyond what we already arranged.”
“Don’t worry, Michael.
I won’t send the maids in to disrupt the mood.”
I could tell she was
joking- but I was serious. I wanted no disruption. Once I was on the zone that
was it. And there was a lot of stuff to get settled between me and Lisa. Once and for all.
We exchanged some short
pleasantries and I headed for the door.
As I reached for the
doorknob, one more hand grenade was rolled toward me, unpinned.
“Oh, Michael. You might
want to hurry- I was just informed Miss Presley left the assigned suite. Looks
like she might not be up to the challenge after all…”
Glancing at Madame,
wondering if I should invest time to decipher her expression, I stalled. Then
the thought hit me: Dammit all to hell. Who cared about her silly games? Lisa
was leaving.
And part of me was
happy as a little kid. Maybe, just
maybe, I had been wrong about her after all.
Lisa shook so hard she
had to clamp down to keep her teeth from clattering. She was a bundle of
nerves, and she was furious for being such a stupid little fool.
“Lisa, are you okay?”
“No, but I will be. As
soon as Jim brings me that drink.”
If she could stop her
hands from trembling long enough to down the sedative.
Lisa had been ready to
storm out when Jim had appeared out of nowhere, asking if she would like a
drink. And for the life of her, she could not comprehend her decision to stay a
minute longer.
“If you wanna leave,
let’s just leave.”
Yeah, sure. Monica
could talk like it was all no big frigging deal. But, shit! When she had gotten
the call that today was the day, things initially seemed real simple. She would
show up at the club, engage in some kinky shit with someone she was assured was
a person she knew and could trust, and finally get all that crap with Michael
out of her head. Purge herself so to say with meaningless sex and move forward
with her life. Wash off the stain with pure dirt.
She needed a reboot as
the memories of everything that happened to her since she had the misfortune to
get tangled up with him drove her absolutely insane: The way she had been weak.
The way he inhabited all her thoughts and all her muscle memories. The way she still felt his hands on her, his
kisses soothing and stirring her.
The way he put her in a
car and sent her off. What was she?
Unwanted luggage?
Well, maybe she was not
being fair. He had tried to talk to her. Not what she wanted to talk about,
though. He was all about the club. What
was it he had wanted to tell her? How would he have access to any information
about her and the club that would be valuable?
Sucks, you don’t know, Lisa, doesn’t it? Cause you had to be an
idiot and wouldn’t let him speak.
But no- it was not the
time. They had just shared another weird, intense moment…or series of
moments…and he blabbered on about the club.
What did you imagine he would do? Fall on his knees and confess
his everlasting love? He just got a feel
of your cunt and got his rocks off at the same time- he wasn’t gonna wax poetic
after he got his, stupid.
So, the call to deliver
her tape had been almost welcome. Anything to get her mind off him. She called
Monica, who had agreed to help her get ready for the scenario she had selected.
Only, as soon as she took off her coat and stood in the fucking room, looking
around, she started to feel dizzy and shaky.
There were toys…props…a
blindfold…ties… The bed was huge in the room- and Lisa detected round brass
rings on the four bed posts- no doubt designed to fasten things to…things like
Just like you agree to, right, Lisa? Another bed you made and then
cry about sleeping in?
What would he think of
all this? Would he even care? Would he be disgusted? Look down on her even
more? See her for the scum she was?
“Lise, I can’t believe
you agreed to this. You don’t have to do this. You have not done it with anyone
here other than this guy you’re hooked on. I am so floored by this. I
mean..unless that’s it… Is it him? Is he the one who will be your
co-star?” Monica perused the room with
big eyes.
Yeah, not likely. If
she could imagine many things, Michael volunteering to something so totally out
there was not even within the realm of possibility. First of all- how would
Madame know about them? Second: why would he want to be on
camera…like…this? Probably, after last
night, he was laughing his ass off about the little girl he had played
with. The girl making it all so easy for
him. The girl who was easily forgotten.
Only, as hard as she
tried to think of him like that, he didn’t seem to totally fit the mold of the
“fuck em and leave em” kind of guy. He seemed genuinely affected by the storm
tossing them about. And this…this thing she was about to do. Would it in fact
destroy any chance of him ever seeing her as anything but a little slut?
Lisa turned and her
eyes stared into a full size mirror on the wall. Great. This room really had
all the bells and whistles. She took a
step closer and stared at her eyes. Who was
this stranger with the panicked look?
And what would she find later on? Afterwards… More shame?
Would she be able to
face herself after this? Her defiant
actions to join this club had been some sort of revenge against those who tried
to steer her life. Would all this shit now backfire and make the self-loathing
burn even brighter?
What had Michael
Your Daddy would be so proud…
Bile rose in her
throat. Her eyes started to water.
“Monica…I gotta get out
of here. I can’t stay here.” Her voice was a raw whisper as if she had just
escaped a smoke filled inferno.
Monica stepped closer
and put her hands on Lisa’s shoulders. “Sure, come on. Let’s go. I told you-
they can’t make you do this. Let’s get out of here.”
Monica picked up Lisa’s
black trench coat and placed it over her shoulders.
And yet…despite every
fiber in her body screaming at her to leave, she had stalled when they had run
into Jim. One drink. What could it hurt?
She would hate to never see Jim again. He always had been so sweet, so
Lisa downed her drink
as her, and Monica sat in the empty bar in silence. It was too early in the
day- the place had not filled up yet. Lisa wore her mask just in case.
“Okay. Let me get the
car, Lise, okay? Meet me outside in about five minutes. Will you be okay here while
I’m gone?”
Lisa managed a weak
smile. Sure she would be. The worse that could happen was running into Madame,
and the lady simply would have to understand. Maybe she’d even be relieved to
be rid of her high voltage patron. Lisa was well aware that Madame feared she’d
blab to Church officials. It was pretty
bad if she didn’t even fit in here- with the misfits. Getting kicked out of
leper island was kind of hard to swallow. On the bright side, she left with all
her appendages in place. Except for her heart. That idiotic thing seemed to be
stuck to some idiotic dude who wore silver buckles.
There you go again, Lisa: confusing your pussy with your heart.
Slamming the glass down
on the marble top of the bar, Lisa started for the door, and ran into a solid chest
without looking.
Two hands steadied her,
and she got ready to thank the dude, then push him aside. Without looking up…
Instead of easing the hold, the grip tightened.
“Going somewhere? Why
are you always running me down like that?”
Damn! Lisa would have
known that voice anywhere. What the fuck?
She stared up at him
and her breath refused to return to her lungs.
He was stunning. In black slacks and a black shirt. A thin, silver
tie. His hair pulled back, his face
hidden by a silver and black mask, emphasizing the black holes of his eyes.
“Cat got your tongue?”
That half smile driving her mad. She wished it did not hang the moon for her.
Why was he here? Had he been looking for her? For a split
second immense joy caused her chest to swell with happiness she could not quite
place. Then the next thought ripped the blue skies into black oblivion.
Idiot! Why would he
have come for her? He could not possibly have known she was here. He was here
to…do whatever dudes did in this club.
Find rest and relaxation between the thighs of his next conquest. Or in her mouth, hands, whatever… Who would it be? Another tempting stranger?.
Maybe it was Diana? Lisa had heard
whispers that she was one of the celebrity members. Maybe they were going to pick up their little
game from last night. What had the diva hurled at her? “Don’t expect him to stay focused on you. He and I…we have been friends
for a long time.”
And who was she to
compete with those lips, those eyes, those legs…?
A better question
still: why did it hurt so much to realize he was not here for her at all. Well,
she’d die before she’d let him know how much it twisted her insides to know he
had come for some pleasure before taking off. She bit down and steadied her expression.
“No- I’m just a bit
surprised to see you…out and about.”
What a stupid answer.
But better than nothing.
He chose to ignore
her. “You coming or going, Princess?”
Princess? What the fuck
was he on today?
“None of your
business.” She shrugged her arms and
started as his hands still on her.
Finally, he let her go- is burning palms leaving a phantom imprint.
“My, my- aren’t you
bitchy today. I mean more than normal. Had a rough night? I hope you made it
home okay last night.”
“What the hell do you
Michael laughed. What
the fuck was so funny?
“I care because I paid
for the limo. And I wanna make sure I wasn’t jipped.”
She glared at him with
narrowed eyes. He was such a prick!
“What are you doing
here, anyway? Don’t you have a tour to get back to?” As soon as the words
tumbled out of her stupid mouth, she felt like such a fool. Dude! Why didn’t
she just tell him she had a crush on him and didn’t like the idea he was in
this playground to get on the merry-go-round without her. Stupid, stupid, idiot!
Michael smirked at her,
his gorgeous lips being emphasized by the elegant border of his mask.
“Would you believe I’m
here looking for you, Princess?”
Did she want to believe
it, or would she believe it? And why was
her heart skipping a beat.
“Stop calling me that.
And stop bullshitting.”
“Well, I can’t very
well call you Li..”
“Shut the hell up,
mother fucker.” She swatted at him and he took a step back, laughing again.
‘Man! Someone got up on
the wrong side of the bed.”
“I’m done being played
with, Jackson. Move out of the way.”
“Shhhht! Now who needs
to shut up?” He grabbed her arm again and looked around to make sure they were
still alone. Why did she almost welcome his hand back on her?
“Sorry….” She stared
down at the ground even as he started walking, dragging her along toward the
“Sit down, Princess. I
get you a drink. You need to chill, girl.”
Oh yeah. A drink would
make it all better. Suddenly she felt
like crying. This was all so fucking wrong. Here she had been ready to leave… Partly motivated by thoughts about him. And
yet- here he was: ready to buy her a pity drink before hurrying off to fuck
some other bit that caught his interest.
Yeah. Which is confirmation that no miracle will happen, little
girl. He won’t walk in through that door and be the mystery lover of your
Was that it? Had she
really hoped on some level he would be the man Madame picked for her? No, she could not possibly have been that
fucked up. Fairy tales were a vice she
had given up on a long time ago.
Michael suddenly put
his hands on her waist and she stilled. Before she could protest, he lifted her
on a bar stool, turning her toward the bar. He ordered two drinks. If she heard correctly. After all, her hearing felt as if it she
suddenly was confined in an iron diving suit submerged in a submarine. How did
his mere presence so close behind her make her blood crash like ocean waves in
her ears? This was sick!
The root of her
illness, or the cure was right here, too. But instead of sitting next to her,
or even standing next to her chair like a normal person would do, he got behind
her and she felt his heat encroach as he propped himself against her order.
The drinks were placed
before of her and he leaned in even more, his arm coming out right beside her
as he reached for it.
“Cheers, Princess. To
mystery and romance.”
“Well, you’ll get
plenty of one and none of the other here.”
“You never know.”
Lisa downed her drink.
Oh, she knew.
“So, you never said if
you were coming or going.”
Lisa’s shoulders
squared. “Why would I be leaving? The night is young.” Let him think she was
here to get her game on.
“So, you’re here to
For some reason he was
still bent halfway over her, his mouth now close to her ear, his breath teasing
her, making her insides tingle.
“Aren’t you?”
“Oh yeah…You got no
idea, girl.”
Great. Did he have to
“Wonderful. Have fun.
You got the lucky lady picked out yet? Or you playing sexual Russian
roulette? Spicing things up a bit?”
She continued to stare
straight ahead and another drink appeared. Magic!
“Yeah, spicing things
up quite a bit.” Explosions went off all
over her body. This time Lisa could not resist the dark honey in his voice and
she turned.
They came eye to eye-
or mask to mask. He stared at her as if
he expected her to solve some mystery.
Finally, Michael sat
down next to her, but he pulled her stool close to his.
“Lisa…why did you have
to run last night?”
“What the fuck do you
care? You’re here to get laid, obviously. So I’m happy I was there to help you
get your rocks off- and now we can both move on.”
His jaw tightened. Ha!
Success! She obviously finally had drawn some blood.
“If I remember
correctly you came all around my fingers, too. So, don’t act like I took
something you didn’t get rewarded for.”
The tingling
intensified and spread further down her abdomen.
“Okay, thanks for that.
But don’t feel too special. Not like you did anything I couldn’t use a vibrator
for later.”
“Why are you always
such a little bitch? You make it damn
hard to try and be there for you, you know that?”
Lisa stared at him.
“Be there for me? Like
how? By trying to fuck me in a little backroom during a wedding? Right after
your elder friend about hoovered your dick off? How do I know you weren’t still
hot and bothered by her questionable charms?”
“How? Well, I didn’t
move heaven and hell to prevent her from making a fool out of herself on some
kinky sex tape she’s gonna have to hand over to ensure she doesn’t blab in some
odd confessional.”
What the fuck was he
talking about?
“Either say what you
gotta say, or buzz off. I got things to do- people to fuck.”
Michael grabbed her arm
hard this time and Lisa winced. Man! He was pissed off!
“You ain’t gon’ fuck
no-one but me, little girl. And that only after you beg me to give it to you.
Do you understand me? So you might as
well forget about people you gonna fuck. Cause the only one getting his cock
into you over and over tonight will be me.”
Lisa’s mouth dropped
open. Well, if he had meant to render her speechless with his little tirade,
his words had hit the bull’s eye.
Entering the room, I
could not help but stare. I was
frozen. Damn!
What universe had I
just been transported to? Time and space tilted. We were in the suite I had
rented, and I had waited for her to be ready in another room. Waited for her with a frantically beating
heart and a raging hard on. Lisa had
been assisted to get ready for our meeting by her ever helpful friend. Madame had arranged for one of her employees
to do the task, but Lisa had asked for Monica and I called Madame to give my
okay. Madame reminded me that she I was
on thin ice with my demands already- then relented.
Watching the girls on my screen was enough to
almost make me want to get rid of some tension by myself. Nothing much was going on- other than Lisa
shedding her coat…and the scene being staged properly. Still…watching Monica move around Lisa,
helping her, putting certain things in place… I muttered a string of curses and
bit my lip. It was too much... I needed
some relief! Automatically, I had opened
my pants, freeing myself for a moment, indulging in stroking my aching dick a
bit- but then decided to back off and let the tension build. And yet, joining Lisa in person, suddenly being in the same space as
she was, made me wish I didn’t feel like a loaded gun with the safety released.
Or that’s how I thought a gun would feel anyway- I hated guns.
Dude! Stop thinking about weapons. You got other shit to worry
about. Like how not to embarrass yourself by coming before you even shut the
Well, if I did- the
damage would only be to my nice pants. As Miss Lisa would be blind to my
outburst. Literally. Given she was blindfolded.
And currently unable to make a move toward me. Or anywhere. Which considerably contributed to my current
state of torture.
It was a tapestry from
some forbidden erotica. Only, this
masterpiece moved. Her head faced me, breaking the spell holding me in place.
Okay. Showtime. Shit…
Silently I shut the
door with just enough noise to make sure she knew I was here. I saw her
swallowing. Then she stood perfectly
still again- but for the heaving of her chest.
I stepped closer, the heavy carpet muffling most of my steps. Still, I
saw a tremble run thought her. It
reverberated in me.
I knew she was
beautiful. But right now…I never had seen anything more glorious. A unique, invaluable masterpiece. My eyes glided over her and it was hard to
believe this was all not some crazy fantasy. Lisa stood before me. Her arms
tied above her to the sides of the bedpost.
I had asked for her legs to remain free, not sure how I would proceed.
Normally, I liked to have some kind of a playbook, but here I was willing to
improvise. Shit! It was not like I had
done anything like this before. I mean, not in real life. In my mind, after reading certain erotica,
and after looking at pictures I loved. None of which could touch the level of
stimulation presented to me.
The velvet ties on her
wrists were a bright crimson, setting of the paleness of her skin. She wore a black fishbone corset with pearl
buttons, her breast barely covered, each breath making me hope to fully reveal
her straining nipples. Her legs were once again clad in silky black stockings
ending in a lacy masterwork. She wore a
matching lacy thong, and incredible high heels. Finishing off the look was a
black velvet blindfold, her long hair being falling wildly over her shoulders.
Her pouting, crimson
lips just about matched her ties, and my cock grew even more when she sank her
teeth into the luscious bottom, anticipating my move. Static electricity filled the room and both
of us were obviously sensitive to the tension. I smelled her perfume- and I
also smelled the unique scent of her skin.
This was madness. All I did was
stand and stare- and I was one second from climaxing.
My body was in such
close proximity, I could feel her heat. See goosebumps appearing on her skin.
My eyes flew to the thermostat- no-it was not cold at all. I leaned in and watched her tremble.
“You’re perfection. So
beautiful…you got no idea…” My lips were close enough to touch her, and yet, I
held off, simply enjoying the effect of my whisper on her.
Her hands closed around
the velvet band holding her arms in place. I reached up, allowing a finger to
trace the ties around her wrist: exquisite bracelets keeping her bound to me.
For now, anyway. For this moment in time when all that existed in this universe
were her and me. I wanted to take the
images, the scents, the sound of her breathing and store them in my mind
forever. Lisa trembled again as my
finger traced the line of her arm down to her shoulders, across her clavicle,
down the swell of her rising breasts, back to the other shoulder and up her
other arm, ending on her bonds on that side.
“You’re breathing so
hard, baby girl…. Relax… Are you okay?”
Once again I whispered against her and this time she licked her lips.
Then she nodded.
“I would like you to
answer me.”
“Yes…I’m fine.” Her
voice was so dark and laden with passion I felt it as a caress on my skin. Her compliance also did something for me. And
my pants were entirely too tight.
I kissed her soft
cheek, then could not resist that mouth anymore, placing little kisses on her
cool lips. Her lips opened beneath me and I took that full bottom lip between
my teeth, sucking on it gently. Lisa moaned and I framed her face with my
hands, staring at her once again before touching the halo of her hair. Some odd
tender feeling surfaced through the crazy passion I had been feeling.
Why did she trust me
with this? I knew she had been on her
way out. And yet- once she had figured out what I was saying, she surprised the
shit out of me by staying. I mean, sure, I knew she wanted me. I could smell
her arousal now- and I had barely touched her. But this…this set up implied
trust. A trust she had obviously been not willing to bestow on anyone else.
Once again I wondered
who in the world this girl was and what shades of crazy she hid under.
Shit, Mike. She’s an almost naked, tied up, blindfolded woman,
turned on as all getout. How ‘bout you not try to figure out the secrets of the
female psyche right now and get moving.
Moving away from her, I
walked to the side, glancing at her from behind. Shit! That lacy thong
displayed her perfect ass in the most amazing way. My fingers traced her heated
flesh now, delighting in the satin feel of the corset as I traced her
spine…then came to end at her hips, outlining her perfectly rounded cheeks.
Lisa moaned again, then licked her lips once more.
“Oh, you like when I
touch you, baby girl? Well, I intend to
do a lot of touching. In all kinds of places.”
I moved to stand before her once more, my hands reaching around now, my palms
on her ass with the lightest touch, then tracing little lines down her thighs.
“Hm…” The light touch came around and went up her
quads this time, very close to the V between her legs. I slowed the caress, before reaching behind
once more, this time gripping her firmer, bending down to lick the swelling of
her boobs. A sharp intake of her breath
brought her areolas above the edge of the corset and I nipped at the darker
flesh, delighting in her little noise. I noticed she spread her legs a tad
more, probably being afflicted by the same need making me about bust through my
Continuing my caress of
her legs, I again came closer to what I really, really wanted to feel. Lisa
moved her hips in an effort to get the stimulation she obviously craved. Well,
not so fast. We had nothing but time. Well, crazy, sexual need and time.
“Spread those amazing
legs a bit more, please… And stand still. If you squirm around too much you
gonna make me tie your legs up as well.”
“Okay…just please…touch
She complied like a
good girl and I could tell it cost her immense effort to be still. Fuck! I could relate. I actually reached down
and opened my pants. I also unbuttoned off my shirt. It was getting really hot in here.
“Touch you, hm?”
I stepped back a bit,
looking around. Oh, yeah, there it was…. I picked up the little crop- remember
how Lisa had used one on herself not too long ago. The nice thing about crops
was that they could be used in all kinds of ways…and provide all kinds of
stimulation. But before I wanted to do anything else…I had to have a taste of
those nipples she kept hidden. I kissed
her, and she opened up, this time greedily engaging my tongue, pulling me in,
stirring my blood even higher. I loved
how she always tasted of berries. And I
loved how she sucked my tongue into her mouth, making my cock envious as shit.
Reaching between us, I
pulled first one, then the other breast out from the corset. There. Looking
down, my mouth watered. Like the most
ripe, tempting fruits, they were pushed up and presented to me, the nipples constricted
and begging to be touched. My hand
closed around one small, perfect mound, massaging it, while my mouth fastened
around the other, sucking on her nipple hard.
Lisa threw her head back, pushing her chest into me further, while
crying out.
“Yes, please…please….”
My tongue flattened the
pliable buds against the roof of my mouth before I sucked and bit on it some
“You like that…you like
it rough, girl?” I laved at her,
soothing the puckered tip, then biting it again with the pressure she seemed to
“Fuck yeah…oh God, bite
Switching over, I made
sure the stimulate her other tit as well, while my dick asked if it could come
out to play yet. The answer was no…not time yet…
“Shit…I’m so close…”
Lisa whimpered against me. She was close? From me sucking on her? Returning to
her mouth, I smiled against her sweet lips.
“Oh, you ain’t seen
nothing yet, baby girl. We’re just getting started…”
Stepping back, I
delighted in her little protesting sound.
Kissing her check, I took the crop and ran it ever so gently up her leg,
starting at her feet, tracing the inside her shapely calf, then crossing over
her knee to the inside of her thigh, slowing the movement as I approached her
center. At the first touch she froze,
holding still as instructed, her hands once again holding on to the ties.
“You like this,
baby…you like the light touch?”
“Oh shit, yeah…”
I ran the leather top
up the side of her crotch, then around to her ass, tracing the round globes
from top to bottom, then up the cleft that held the string of her thong, around
the other side and back to the top. Lisa
whimpered and I loved to see those shiverbumps once again. Looking up at her
face, I saw a pink hue had spread and beads of sweat had appeared on her
forehead. God, she was so fucking sexy! I was not sure how much longer I could
keep this up. The crop came around her
hip and found the edge of her thong there. This time, I allowed it to come down
her front, tracing the material I now saw was clearly getting soaked. Shit!
This girl was so close- and yet, I wanted her to hold back a bit longer. It was
only fair after all the pain and torture she had inflicted on so many of me
sleepless nights.
As I ran the crop down
the other leg, her calf, and down to her foot, she trembled. One more trip up her leg, this time toward
the back of her thigh when it was time to change up the flavor of the
“You’re such a naughty
little tease, you know that? Standing here, your little pussy soaking your
panties. I can smell how turned on you are, girl. You got no idea how hard it
is to hold back.”
“Why don’t you show me
how hard it is…” She whispered and a dirty smile played around those heavenly
lips. Oh yeah. I’d show her alright. Right after I gave her some more spice.
“Don’t you worry girl.
I’ll do more than show you. Right after I give you what you so richly deserve
for being the little cock tease you are.”
The crop descended on her ass with a sharp sound,
and she jumped in surprise.
“You like that, girl?”
“Yes…” she breathed,
her hip starting to gyrate.
“Well, good…and I told
you to stand still…” I allowed the crop to now decorate her other ass cheek.
This time she anticipated the move and she held perfectly still.
My hand caressed both
red spots on her ass. Running a finger up
her thigh, I decided to see how much she liked it. I traced the bottom of her
thong- and damn, it was soaked indeed. Her juices were just about to run down
her legs, and I coated my finger with their slick honey, spreading them across
the swollen, pouting lips I found down there.
My other hand descended once more and Lisa’s hip moved to force my
finger against her. Fuck! She felt so good.
One more smack with the
crop and I entered her tight canal at the same time the leather contacted her
ass. She clenched around me, moaning again. Oh yeah…she liked getting freaky
Letting go of the crop,
I finally went to ease some of my own pain, reaching down to stroke my cock,
lubricating the straining length with the escaping precum, as I entered her
with another finger.
Her head was thrown
back and I knew she was about to fly apart. Time to cool her off a bit. One
more finger entered and spread her, making her cry out as her hips shot
forward. My thumb barely touched her clit when I watched her freeze, then hold
on tight to her ties as she starting convulsing around my hand hard, flooding
my fingers while squeezing me, making me curse that I did not have another,
very painful, part buried in her heat. Still, watching her climax like that, unable
to totally move…unable to see… her breast now flushed and her nipples tight and
high…it was something. I bent and sucked on first one then the other puckered
crest- making her scream out, and clench around my fingers once more. Finally,
she sank against me, her head resting on my chest, and I withdrew my fingers,
holding her head close to me, patting her hair.
Listening to her
breathing calm down, I kissed her hard, then reached up and freed her wrists.
Massaging her arms and
her shoulders while continuing the hot kiss, I urged her back toward the bed. I
planned to lay her back and play a bit more. But the little temptress obviously
had something else in mind.
“I wanna taste you so
Now, there was a nice
idea. And she had asked so politely for once. Who was I to turn down a
perfectly good request? Rubbing her
shoulders a bit more, prolonging the kiss and the dancing of our tongues, I
finally applied some pressure on her and pushed her to her knees.
“That’s a good girl.
Great idea. How ‘bout you eat my cock for a minute. Before we think of ways to
cool off that scorching pussy of yours.”
With a smile, Lisa sank
to her knees.
Shit! She had been
blindfolded before. And she knew it took sensations to another level, but this
was ridiculous. From the moment she heard him enter the room she had been on
edge. Fuck, who was she kidding. She had
been close to cuming from the second she had realized he was at the club for
her. It would be him. He was the man she longed for and he was the man she
would get.
Getting ready had been
torture. She was a nervous wreck. A very turned on nervous wreck. When he
entered, she had more felt than heard his presence. His aura touched her in all
the right places. And when the actual caresses had really started, she had been
ready to launch.

He tasted like heaven,
and the musky scent of his arousal drove her crazy. She licked him from base to
the tip, nothing but pure feeling: sensation..touch…taste…smell… Amazing how she
did not need to see him to know what his immense cock looked like. Her tongue
provided all the information she needed to appreciate his girth, the bulging
veins, the flavor of his precum, the swelling of his exposed tip. His sounds as well as the growing size of his
cock told her how ready he was to explode.
“That’s it girl…suck it
hard…oh shit…”
And she did. His hips
engaged and one of his hands was guiding her head, fucking her face good now,
getting her hot and aroused once again. She took as much as she could, and when
he hit the back of her throat she swallowed, knowing it made her mouth tighten
around him even more.
“Imma cum girl…fucking
As nice as it would
have been to have him inside her, she also knew there would be time for that.
And right at this moment, she needed to taste his essence more than anything
else. When it came in hot spurts, Lisa sucked him hard, drinking him as he
continued to cry out her name and shove himself against her. Suddenly- he held
her chin and pulled back, his hand then gripping his still convulsing cock, and
she knew instinctively what he wanted. Surrendering to him, she felt his other
hand on her breasts, holding them up, before she felt his cream on her. Shit…the thought of him continuing to cum all
over her tits was enough to almost set her off again. This was so fucking
dirty. And it was so damn hot!
“Shit, baby…I’m sorry…I couldn’t resist…They’re so pretty….” He came down on his knees before her, and he kissed her gently.
“No…it’s fine…that was
hot as fuck…You got no idea what you do to me…”
He kissed her cheek,
then her mouth once again, while he obviously grabbed something to clean
off her chest. Then reached down with
one hand to her dripping pussy.
“Well, according to
your wet little snatch, it must be quite something. Get up girl…let’s cool you
He gave her little time
to wonder what the hell he was talking about before he pulled her up and urged
her backward, reclining her on the bed. She heard him take off his pants all
the way- and really, really wanted to see him now.
“Can you take the
blindfold off?”
“Nope. Not yet. I wanna
tease that gorgeous body some more.”
“I wanna see you.”
“Too bad you’re not in
charge, then.” She could just imagine his shit eating grin. Little wired
Michael touched her
legs, massaging her angles, her calfs, and her thighs, then propping them up so
she was spread wide open to his view, her feet on the covers, her knees
apart. Her pussy weeping.
“You got no idea how
beautiful you look, laying there like this. Your legs open to me, those
heels…your breasts out…your hands bound with that red rope…your pussy dripping
And he obviously knew
how his voice affected her. God- she wanted him to touch her, fuck her,
“When you gon’ fuck me,
man….c’mon on…”
“Fuck you? Ts, ts,
ts…Is that how a lady talks?” She heard his teasing tone and could just imagine
his little grin.
“Fuck my pussy,
please.” Her tone was sweet, and her voice deep and dirty.
He giggled, kissing her
knee. “Yeah, that’s much better.”
“Come on, dude…”
“You’re one little hot
woman, you know that. Like I said, time to cool you off.”
When the impact came,
she almost screamed, her ass coming off the bed. Well, she had asked to be
touched. And he did. With what seemed to be a piece of ice. On her inner thigh,
very close to center of her ache. Shit!
“Oh, you like
That cocky little
“You’re gonna make the
bed wet..” was all she managed to pant out, as he traced a line almost to her
pussy, then diverted and repeated the same chilly torture on her other thigh.
“So? Your juices already
made the bed wet, girl. And I think it’s about to get even wetter. Just like
your little…” She felt his weight on the bed now, coming to rest next to her,
whispering hotly in her ear, “…cunt.”
The word supplied a little shock of electricity to the part he was
referring to.

Her bound hands reached
for her thumping clit. It was impossible. She had to touch herself.
Michael’s hand caught
her wrist. “Hey! Who said you could play down there.”
“Oh shit…it’s too
much…I gotta..please…”
“Ask nicely.”
“Please, Michael. May I
play with my pussy?”
He kissed her neck,
then her mouth and she shivered again, his hand still holding her still.
“Don’t you dare and
make yourself cum. Do you hear? If you cum without my permission again, I’ll
leave you high and dry. I’m gon’ leave.”
Oh shit! He better not leave without
fucking her! Well, not like she thought he actually would, but the threat
itself was something to consider.
He sat up and she soon
found out that he got another piece of ice. Switching up the torture on her
breasts, now sucking the side he had chilled before, he eased his grip on her
hand and she immediately touched herself, rubbing her juices around her
clenching, sensitive hole, caressing her straining clit. All the while, being
careful not to go too far- which was difficult, given he about drove her crazy
with the ice and his mouth.
“There you go…good
girl. Now, be good…take your finger and put it in your pussy…. How wet is it,
Her reply was a moan,
knowing she was flooded beyond belief.
“Feed me that honey,
girl. I wanna get a taste.”
Lisa smiled and once
again regretted to be deprived of vision. He took her hand and the hot, velvet
touch of his tongue sparked another fire in an already flashing inferno.
“Hm…so good…spicy and
sweet… Good enough I wanna taste if for myself. But you know what…?” He sat up
and she felt his weight shift again, moving toward her splayed legs. Oh
shit…she hoped he would eat her…of course…if she did, there was no way she’d
not cum. The mere thought of his tongue on her clit set of little mini shocks.
“I like my drink…nice
and cold…” With that he grabbed her thong and shocked her when he ripped it
off, leaving her wide open for him. She had one second to anticipate his hot
tongue- when she instead was met with the freezing wet feel of ice, making her
“That’s right…how you
like that…on that hot, weeping pussy…I’m surprised it ain’t steaming with that
ice meeting that heat.”
He traced her swollen
fold, then up to her slit to the sensitive hole and Lisa could not keep from
moving. It was too much…fucking hell… She felt as if he was touching her with
an electric wand. He rimmed her hole, then went up to her already taxed clit,
passing over it quickly. His free hand
came to rest over her lower abs holding her still.
“Oh fuck…shit…I
can’t…please…” She managed to whimper against him, knowing she was about to
jump into the rainbow again. Michael backed off slightly.
“You wanna cum, baby?”
She felt him closer to
her center now, felt his breath on her…oh shit…Her eyes squeezed shut under the
velvet blindfold and she was glad she did not have to see him head between her
legs- as that would have given her the rest.
“Oh hell yeah…”
“Well…you wait till I
tell you…” The ice traced the outside of her folds again and she shivered.
“Michael…” she
whimpered weakly, her head rolling helplessly on the comforter.
He held the remainder
of the ice cube against her opening and applied pressure. Lisa froze.
“And you better not cum
until I got your pussy grinding against my tongue….like now…” He bent forward
and his hot tongue chased the ice melting inside, while he sucked her clit into
his mouth and she came harder than she had ever imagine possible, losing all
control over her body as he fucked her with his tongue, licking and sucking on
her, leaving her a shaking, convulsing, screaming mess.
Being submerged in pure
colors and sensation, she had no idea how long her nerves that had been stripped
of any isolating layers short circuited.
Trapped in a sea of pleasure, his body providing the current to stop and
start her heart, she floated back to the surface.
Michael was still
between her legs, now gently kissing the outside of her pulsing sex, then her
thighs. She felt him untying her wrists, and again he massaged her skin
lovingly, then placed little kisses on her wrists.
Even after having just
survived this crazy orgasm, she needed more. What was it about him? She wanted
more…wanted to feel all of him inside.
“Girl…I’m about to
explode. Turn around, Lisa. Let me see that fine ass.” His command stirred her
back to life. He helped her sit up and she knew he was kneeling before her
again, kissing her with a hunger matching her own. She turned and came down on
her hands and knees, holding still, hearing his intake of breath.
“Girl..your pussy is
all pouring and swollen…and ready for my cock…” His hands were on her back,
stroking shoulders, one hand reaching around, fondling and squeezing her boobs.
His other hand must have grabbed his dick and she felt it up against her ass.
He used his huge, hard flesh to spank her with it slightly. He was such a freak! Who would have ever guessed?
“Lise…you better brace
yourself. This ain’t gon’ be slow, and it ain’t
gon' be gentle. I want you too much…” She heard what sounded the ripping
of a condom package. Shit, thank goodness he was responsible, as all such
safety related thoughts had been so far from her mind.
“Fuck me…Fuck me
hard…please…give it to me…” Lisa dipped forward on her elbows, anticipating and
fearing the impact of his cock. And when it came, it was so shocking and fulfilling that she
screamed out against him.
Okay that was it.
Surely, I was gonna stroke out any minute now.
How in the world could my heart go on beating when I felt as if my soul
had left my body? All the blood was in my twitching and straining cock. What a great way to go. Fucking shit! I knew
she felt good- but I had forgotten her body had the ability to stun my brain
This was the craziest
thing I had ever done. Crazier even than the threesome with Mona. More
intimate- and more…I could not even think of a fitting term. Again, there was no blood available in the
upper regions necessary to forming words.
Lisa had screamed out
and I froze, having felt as if I just got stuck in a tar bit. It felt as if my cock had nowhere to go, and
yet, I knew from experience she was able to take it all. Glancing down, I saw I
had a bit more to go. Of course, her last orgasm had left her pulsing and
swollen, her already tight canal squeezing me in a painful way too good to
“You okay…”
She shivered around me.
Her head had fallen forward and now she raised it. That was it. I had to see
her eyes. In a quick motion I removed her blindfold and I tipped her chin to
face me, bending forward, kissing her. Her eyes opened and focused on me. She looked drugged- her eyes were clear and a
color I had never seen before.
“I’m fine…” she breathed
against me, her bootie now pushing back. Oh yeah? She wanted more? Oh girl, I
had more to give, that was for sure. Straightening back up and on my knees, I
gripped her hips and pulled out every so slowly, watching my wet, pulsing dick
in fascination.
“Oh shit….shit….shit….”
Lisa whimpered against me again.
“Hold on…” I let the
swollen head almost slip from her grip, then held her hips and surged forward,
this time hitting end.
“Move…don’t hold
still…fuck me hard…oh god..”
She didn’t have to tell
me twice. I started to fuck her so furiously, I was afraid her little frame
would not be able to take it. Her screams and moans, her little curses, told a
different story, but still, I used my hands to support her body as I ploughed
into her, alternating straight jabs with gyrating movements, which clearly hit
all kinds of little spots Miss Lisa never seemed to have felt before.
Sweat coated both our
bodies and I reached around and gripped the corset, ripping it open, tearing it
from her, leaving her in those sexy as shit stockings and shoes.
“Lisa…I can’t…last much
longer…shit…” Her heat was escalating and the muscles fluttering announced she
was almost there as well. Leaning forward I changed the angle and gave it to
her good again, both our breathing sounding as if we were running a marathon. I
gripped her ass cheeks and spread them, delighting in watching my cock spread
her little hole, juices seeping from her every time I withdrew. I also was very
aware of that other puckered hole and I wondered if anyone had ever fucked her there. Now, what in the world was that
thought about?
My thumb ran to where
we were joined and I used the sticky juices to explore a bit, applying pressure
to her ass, enjoying her moaning.
“You like that, don’t
you…oh shit…” Her body told me she did, as did her noises, the problem was, I
liked it, too. And I was about to blow.
Postponing further
exploration of her freakiness, I reached around and applied pressure to her
clit, causing another scream and an earthquake consisting of heat and pressure
which short circuited any control. The
helix of pure fire started from my brain and my balls at the same time, and it
felt as if the power of my ejaculation was going to shoot through the
protective layer of the condom I had remembered to put on at the last minute.
The climax was so violent, I lost all ability to see or hear for a moment. Lisa
also was a writhing mess beneath me, and she had fallen flat onto the bed, my
body still jerking against hers. We both were oversensitive messes- the
movement of one, triggering aftershocks in the other.
For a moment, I worried
if I had crushed her, and so, with the last power I possessed, I pulled her
with me so we both ended up on our sides, spooned against each other. I could
have possibly pulled out, but I was not ready to leave the warm cocoon of her
body. She didn’t stir. Shit! Did I kill
her? No, the arm draped across her rose
and fell from her deep breathing so I assumed she was alive.
Finally, she stirred,
and just in case she meant to leave me cold and shivering, I tightened my arm
more. She relaxed against me and I kissed her shoulders and he neck. God- I
know we both had sweated, but she tasted so amazing. Spicy- and salty. My cock jumped inside her. It had never
returned to flaccid anyway, and now seemed to be growing. Which was gross…given
I still had that condom on.
“I’m gonna pull out.
But don’t you move.”
She looked over her
shoulder, her eyes swollen and sexy as shit. Oh yeah… I would be right back.
This was so not over. It simply had been too long and I had fantasized about
this too much.
“Don’t leave. I can
feel you’re not ready to leave…”
She clenched her inner
muscles and I shuddered. Damn!
“No, but I gotta take
that condom off. We don’t want…you know…”
“Accidents…yeah…I know.
Thanks, by the way for…you know. Using protection.”
What kind of scum did
she normally mess around with that she had to thank me?
Carefully, I pulled
out, holding on the sheath surrounding me.
Everything felt ultra sensitive and I shuddered.
“Why- don’t you
normally? I mean..when you’re here…”
She stared at me for a
hot second. Then she reached over and
pulled part of the sheet over her body. Little late to hide now. What was going
on with her? I mean…why did she look surprised at all? I know I had used
protection last time as well. Unless…
No, Mike. The last time you did her was not the last time she had
sex. Get over yourself, dude. She is a regular here.
“Well, yeah. Of course.
Of course I do.”
God! Why did she look
so injured? I could not figure this girl
out! And it was driving me mad. One second she was all hot and heavy- more
tempting and more into freaky dirty shit than anyone I had ever been with, and
the next minute she acted like a blushing virgin.
She turned away from
me. Women! I grabbed the comforter that somehow had
ended up on the ground and wrapped it around me. It wasn’t for Lisa’s benefit, either. I was
about not wanting to give Madame any more views of my naked ass than was
I used the little break
to go to the other room to make a quick call.
“Turn it off.”
“Whatever do you mean,
Michael?” Madame had answered right away.
“You know what I mean.
The tape. Turn it off now. We’re done. You got her performance.” I felt sick
even talking about what had happened that way.
But if things should go on- and I hoped they would, I wanted to make
sure they were alone.
“You have trust issues,
young man. I told you it would be cut off after the first round. Whatever you
do or don’t do next is up to you.”
“And I know I can trust
your integrity just like you can trust mine.”
“Of course. That is
understood. Have fun.”
I hung up. I really
hoped Madame lived up to her end of the bargain. But just in case….
Returning to the room,
I looked around and found Lisa was sitting in the bed, the sheet still wrapped
around her tightly. She looked up at me questioningly and I gestured for her to
be quiet. Her eyes grew larger. She
nodded. Smart cookie.
I turned off all lights
and waited for a moment for my eyes to adjust, then made my way over to the
bed. I grabbed her hand and pulled her
from the room. Surprisingly, for once
she shut up and followed me without a word.
Miracles did happen!
I shut the door behind
me and we were now in the living area of the suite.
“Shht… I don’t wanna be
paranoid, but let’s change rooms.”
“Change rooms? I’m
naked…You ripped my clothing off, remember?” Her tone made me stop and look at
her. Shit, yeah, I remembered. And I’d buy her another corset and all the
thongs she wanted. As long as she’d only wear them for me. What the fuck was that? Was I becoming
possessive of her? God, I was annoying! Even to myself.
“You got a sheet,
shoes, and stockings. You are not naked.
I- on the other hand, am naked…” I
somehow had lost my comforter in-between the bedroom, the bathroom, and this
room. Lisa stared at me, then started laughing.
“So, then where do you
think we’re going with your ass all hanging out?”
Really, it wasn’t my
ass I was worried about.
“I got the whole floor
rented out. So, if you let me share the sheet, we can dip out and make it into
the next suite without anyone bothering us.”
“You’re crazy, you know
I stepped up closer,
not being able to resist her laughing eyes and the smile on her face. She
looked so fresh…and young…and well fucked. Okay, no more messing ‘round- I
wanted to get her out of here- and get on with the evening. To see if I could
improve on that look some more. Get those lips even poutier..both sets… My dick
told me to hurry up.
“Yeah, and you’re not.
That’s why we’re both here in a sex club just having gotten our asses filmed.
That’s totally normal.”
I grabbed her and
kissed her, and she returned the kiss. God, she tasted so good!
“You got a point.
She opened the sheet
and my cock sprang back to full life seeing her naked body. Well, not naked, as
I had so astutely pointed out. Naked but for black stockings and heels. Damn
she looked right! My gaze fell on her breast and I noticed some bite marks on
her. Shit! Too bad I didn’t feel the least bit sorry. On the contrary, I was
quite pleased with myself.
“Michael? Stop staring
or that flagpole will not let us close the sheet. ” Her eyes dipped down then
back up, her face flushed now, her eyes moist.
Yep- it was time to get
this little lady close to another bed. I stepped in and we closed the sheet
around us. I reached over to grab a bag with very important content, and out
the door we went. As I had predicted, the hall was empty and we made a clean
escape to the next suite, which was also mine.
Of course, I knew security cameras in the hall would catch us, but hey,
after what Madame just had captured on film, this little segment was nothing.
“Holy shit! Dang…Girl…”
His voice was hoarse
and deep, lapping at her like waves dancing around the stranded, barely alive
survivor of the storm. Lisa could barely
open her eyes. The deafening crashing of
her heart finally subsided as the awareness of his muttered curses filtered in.
His voice…his touch…all over…endless and poisonous. Calming. Healing. Toxic and

Yeah…you go ahead and smile…Damn you!
If he was proud of
himself. Well, he should be.
How many fucking times
had she climaxed? She had lost
count. Fuzzy memory due to stimulation overload
ever since... Since when? Timelines were evasive like slippery
goldfish. What did it matter, really? All
that mattered had been how he had pushed her against the wall as soon as the
door had been shut, and before she had a chance to admire the spread of snacks,
fruits, and champagne she spotted. Well, she was not sure why Michael had
bothered, as he obviously was very focused on sating a different kind of
hunger. And wasn’t it strange that she forgot all about food or drink as soon
as he lifted her against him, kissing her wildly?
“Girl, you’re so little. I can do all kinds of things with that
light little body of yours. Wrap those legs around me, Lisa…” Lisa stared at him,
hypnotized by the fire sizzling behind that amazing mask he still wore. Her
legs obeyed and she held on to him tightly as his hands grabbed her ass,
lifting her slightly, biting her nipples hard while he kept his cock playing at
her dripping opening. She was so ready for him again…it almost startled her to
realize the power he held over her body. Of course, he had never been totally
soft after he came inside her earlier, and his granite rod was teasing her
“Put it in…” She hoped the velvet in her voice would make him comply.
He lifted her a bit
higher, looking up at her, smiling, making her pussy loose contact. No! What
the hell was his problem?
“You like that, don’t you…you want some more of that, baby girl?”
Well, duh…but he was
moving her away from the heavenly reward. Shit! And that smile…
A little pause…Then
finally…. Lowering her body, his head was right at her canal and she tried to
wiggle for a better feel. Michael laughed and kissed her neck, then sucked on
her earlobe, moving his hips in a different way, causing his hard flesh to
stroke her dripping slit lengthwise, dragging over her clit, making her cry
out. Fuck! He definitely knew what he
was doing, and Lisa was soon reduced to a whimpering, begging mess, as he kept
her suspended just above the orgasm teasing and tempting her.
Biting her nipples again,
he reached down and used his fingers in clever interplay with his cock to
stretch her, stroke her, make her go crazy from frustration.
“Girl, your juices are
running down your legs now. You’re so fucking hot, aren’t you? And you don’t
know how hard it is to not fuck the shit out of you right now…”
Well, she certainly
hoped he wasn’t holding back on her account.
“Well, then fuck me
already…you’re driving me nuts…Let me have your dick..Please…” She was close to
crying – especially as he removed his fingers and left her empty and wanting.
And his heavenly weapon was right there…Shit- she knew he wanted her, too…why
put her through this? Of course she
knew. Power…and control…and for once she didn’t mind. For tonight, she was his,
and she kept him shackled to her with the illusion that he controlled her. When
really, she knew she was in full control as he never, ever would do anything
she had not indicated she was ready for. How come she trusted this almost
stranger so exclusively? And how come her heart and her body did not recognize
him as a stranger at all?
Michael used one hand
and grabbed her wrists, pulling them above her head as he held her pressed
against the wall. Talk about being stuck between a door and a very hard cock,
promising heaven.
“Who fucks you right,
baby? Who you been wanting to give it to?
Say it…say my name. I told you you’re gon’ scream it, alright.”
Lisa stared at him…So
cocky, so demanding… He was gorgeous. And right now he was hers.
If only…
No, there was no ‘if
only’- there was only the here and now.
“Michael….” She moaned
against him, kissing his lips, then his neck… God, he tasted of sweat and salt,
and heavenly temptation.
“Say what?” His other
hand held his cock at her pussy again...stroking her length with the right pressure,
hitting her clit, then returning to a downward stroke, before dragging against
it again.
“Michael!!! Oh fuck!
Motherfucker…” Shattering, she screamed, her world coming apart in odd circles
resembling spiraling sound waves, with his sweltering eyes at the center.
“That’s my girl, cum
for me…. I wanna feel your swollen and pulsing snatch when I give you this…”
With that he lifted her up, angled his hips and slammed her down, causing her
to scream and convulse more, sending her into another jump from the flying
phoenix into an ocean of fire and ice.
Fucking her hard and
furious, he relinquished her wrists, holding her ass, spreading and teasing
her, hitting her so hard she experienced internal sensations she never had
thought possible. He filled her body, but the connection she was tethered to
was something else as well. His eyes…burning into her from behind that damn
mask. If only she could remove it… Then,
once again, all logical thought evaporated.
Fucking hell! The torrent gripped her, and whirled her high above the
ground. She came again, and he waited for her to stop trembling and convulsing,
then lifted her off him, turning her against the wall, growling against her
neck to spread her legs and hold still. Lisa felt as if she had been drugged.
She had lost all bearing. She was
disoriented and shaking. Thankfully, the wall provided stability. And his voice was her vocal point. She knew
he wouldn’t lead her astray. He was her north star and her sentinel. Her sexy
as fuck, and freaky-as- all-get-out sentinel.
Michael massaged her
ass hard, then smacked her a couple of times, making her insides twitch. Each
impact of his hot hands on her was a raindrop of pleasure starting ripples in
the puddle of her core. Within seconds and without him stimulating her any
other way, she was ready to jump into the abyss once more. This was pure
madness. Of course, Michael was a master in everything he did, and he seemed to
have put his heart and soul into this encounter.
“Don’t turn around-
stay facing that wall, Lisa.” He kissed
her shoulders, tracing her spine, his fingers tickling and teasing her, the
touch in sharp contrast with the punishing stings from seconds earlier.
She heard him move
behind her, then felt him step closer. Once again his hand was on her, this
time massaging her back, her breasts, then down to her thighs. She adored the
feel of his caress on the silk of the stockings, changing the sensation
slightly, making her tremble and moan.
The amazing, sensual
long fingers traced a path up to her flowing well, capturing her juices,
stroking her gently.
“You just stay wet for me, don’t cha, girl? You like me playing with you like this?”
She nodded, her hands
braced against the wall, her hair cascading down her face, granting her the
illusion of being shrouded in a separate world: a universe of pure pleasure-
with Michael and herself as the sole inhabitants. An island to themselves, safe
from the outside world, safe from their own fucked up plans and agendas- a
paradise with lush leaves of lust, fragrant perfumes of passion, and erotic
cries of their animalistic souls.
Did she like him
playing like this? No, she loved it. Loved…
Oh shit….you better not even be thinking this, Lisa. It’s sex. And
hormones…and a crazy set of circumstances…and a unique, tantalizing, complicated
man. A man she was fortunate to know…a mystery, an enigma who was not hers to
Before another thought
could form in her brain, she felt his fingers inside her, rotating, stroking
secret detonators.
“You want something to
fill that pulsing pussy, baby…”
“Yeah…hell yeah…” Just
the thought of the satin rod of fire stretching her again had her shivering.
There was another need: the need to feel him lose control…to once more bask in
the moment of wonder, feeling his cock grow even larger, stretching her in
almost painful ways, before he convulsed against her, ramming into her, losing
himself to her in that one soul stealing moment. The only thing was- she hoped
she could face him this time…see his eyes in that moment the little death stole
him away. She needed that instant- and
intended to tuck it away in a hidden fold of her heart- to carry with her
Of course, Michael
being Michael he had to add an element of surprise. After he removed his
fingers, bringing them around and asking her to taste her own dripping juices,
delighting in his dirty words edging her one, she felt something smooth, round,
and cool against her opening: and it wasn’t the head of his cock. Automatically, she tensed.
“Shhhht. Relax, baby, girl…take a breath…”
“What…? What cha’
doing?” Slightly alarmed, she attempted
to glance backward.
Gently, he directed her
head toward the wall again. “No, no. No peeking…trust me, just trust me,
baby….You know I ain’t gon’ hurt you…not unless I think it will make you burn
Shit! She was naked and
vulnerable as it was… Trust? Obviously she had trusted him so far. So, despite
the tingling apprehension, she took a deep breath, and he inserted something
round into her vagina. Lisa closed her
eyes, depending on her sense of touch to get a read. It was smooth…a small
sphere of some sort. The stretching sensation was delicious, and she moaned,
her ass jotting out.
Michael chuckled lowly.
“Oh yeah…you don’t know how sexy it is to put this little toy into you…you
should see how your pussy grips it…how your juices drip out around it….shit…”
His big hands caressing
and soothing the skin of her ass, Michael granted her body a moment to adjust
to the intrusion, then she felt another object… Fuck…. Another ball?
“Shit…Michael…” Her
voice trembled. Her muscles held tight.
“That’s right,
girl. Another breath…come on you can
take it…you took me…And I know damn well I’m bigger than them two balls.”
Fuck…just the thought
made her juices flow and she relaxed against the incredible pressure, moaning
as the ball found its twin which it pushed up into her higher. Oh God, this was unlike anything she had ever
played at. She had dildos inside of her before…but this was totally
“One more,
girl…okay…?” He kissed her back and then
her shoulder, reaching around to massage her breasts, tweaking her nipples. Her
inner muscles clamped down, and the balls moved against each other, forcing a
moan. Holy fuck!
One more?
And sure enough, there
it came…but not before h went down on his knees behind her, licking her hole,
pushing his tongue against the balls, making it almost impossible to hold back
the impending orgasm.
“Michael…I can’t….I
“Yes you can…focus…breathe…control
that pretty pussy. No cumin’ without me saying so. You know the rules.”
Shit! Talk like that
against her heat didn’t exactly cool her down. She did as she was told though:
took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on being filled.
When he pushed in the
third ball, she thought she would die. The pressure was almost too much. Again, Michael massaged her behind, each
movement causing an internal reaction.
Whimpering, Lisa swam in the new sensation…she was so close to jumping
off into pure pleasure.
“Okay…now hold still…”
Easy for him to say!
She was full of weighted balls. Her contracting muscles caused slight moment,
stimulating every part of her vagina.
He stepped away once
more. What the fuck was he up to now? Tension
made her arms against the wall were tremble.. She looked down at herself and marveled
at her erect nipples. She knew her pussy was juicy and ripe like an overflowing
fruit. Her insides were on fire, her walls seemed to play with the balls,
forcing the first one against her cervix as the second one hit a g-spot and the
last sphere stimulated her entrance. Lisa felt her breathing pattern change to
small pants. God- this was almost too much.
Well, she had not known
the meaning of too much, until the impact. Christ! Something hit her ass…not in
a painful way…but… It came again and this time she recognized the multiple
strands…he obviously used a flogger made from some kind of light rope. The
resulting stimulation did not hurt per se, but tapped the never endings on her
skin enough to cause a tingling driving her mad. Of course, the first waves had
startled her. What she had not been
prepared for was the exponential reverberations to her taxed inside. She cried out, and his deep sexy voice was
her reward.
“Spread your legs
wider, Lisa…I wanna see your full cunt. Before I stretch it some more…”
Trembling and almost
sobbing, she did as ordered, and he supplied some more licks with the flogger-
this time with the tendrils hitting her pussy lips. Oh shit…Michael kept up the
punishment, each drag hitting her ass and her puffy cunt, adding another drop
to the almost full barrel. Just when she thought she could not stand it any
longer, he dropped the tool in his hand and swiftly pulled at the balls which
were obviously connected by a string of some sort…tripping an incredible
orgasm, intensified by his continued removal of the remaining balls as her
muscles attempted in vain to hold them in tight. She screamed and shivered, lost in a fireball
starting from inside, then growing and consuming all the oxygen inside and
outside her being.
Hearing his name almost
startled Lisa, and she realized it had been emitted from her lungs.
Just when she thought
she could not stand anymore, he was inside her…filling her- his heat so totally
different from the cool metal balls, and so much more intimate. Michael
whispered something against her, and she could not even comprehend the
words…before he started his insane rhythm. She could tell he had put on a
condom…and for one minute she thought how nice it would be to feel all of him.
No, Lisa, he is not your lover. He is a man fucking you. A very
sexy, amazing man…but don’t think this is something intimate …something it is
not. Take what you can…any way you can...
And then all thoughts ceased
as her skin was turned inside out and he used her exposed nerves as some sort
of slippin’ slide. She was reduced to
raw, bleeding passion…and Michael was her soothing pain, both medicating and
prolonging her agony.

When he had finally
stilled his movements, he pulled her against his body, sinking to the ground.
Holding her close. In an almost drugged
state, he carried her to the bathroom, running a bath. Lisa was still in another place and only
complied weakly when Michael placed her into the tub, informing her he’d get
some snacks and water. Her head had sank against the cool tub… Despite the warm
bath she felt alone. Almost cold.
Missing him. Thankfully, she was
too tired and spent to worry about it.
“Alright if I join
you?” He kissed her closed eyes, and she
caught him dropping his robe, joining her. There, the word was back to being on
its axis. Warmth returned immediately. They
didn’t talk a lot, and instead existed in some strange bubble away from
everything else. Michael gently washed her, then made sure she ate and drank.
God- who was this man? He was so tender and sweet- so cute. She felt safe and
she felt loved. Or at least cared for.
By a man she barely knew. The masked threat to her heart. Only, of
course, he didn’t wear a mask anymore. Faintly, she recalled how he had torn it
off seconds before he came, straining against her. As if he was done hiding for
tonight. What did it all mean?
Well, before Lisa could
figure anything out, she was on the bed, tied spread eagle, Michael teasing and
torturing her body. This time with
champagne and strawberries. He poured the cold liquid onto her breasts, sucking
and licking the liquid off her nipples, biting her, teasing her, smearing the
chocolate covered strawberry over her, then licking that off. Michael took another strawberry and this
traced a line from her breasts to her belly, then lower. Lisa shivered, as the chocolate was cool
against her.
“What?” He laughed, his
eyes sparkling.
“It’s cold…”
“’Kay…sorry…let’s make
it warmer...” He had arrived at her pubic bone and slowly went lower. Very
helpfully, Lisa spread her legs more.
“I think I wanna get
the chocolate on your lips down there, so I can suck it off. You’re all sweetness down there anyway.”
“Isn’t the chocolate
too hard for that?” Lisa smirked down,
reveling in her helpless state.
“Hm…you’re right. Gotta soften it a bit” He looked up at her,
winking, then used the tip of the strawberry to play at her opening, circling
her, applying soft pressure.
“Dude- you’re messy.”
Lisa laughed, her pelvis grinding against the sweet intrusion.
“Me? You’re hot little snatch is melting the
chocolate and you’re dripping out…” Michael leaned forward, the tip of his
tongue tracing her swollen lips, licking, then dabbing against her clit,
causing her to almost come off the bed.

Michael teased her by
removing the treat from her lips, kissing her, then feeding her some more,
before he helpfully kissed the chocolate path down her body, cleaning her off,
driving her to near madness by taking her to the very precipice before backing
off again.
“Hm…..that was good.
But now I’m thirsty… Here, you go first.”
Always the gentleman, he lifted her head up and let her take a couple of
sips straight from the bottle. Lisa made sure to lick the smooth glass, giving
him a little show, enjoying his sharp intake of breath and glistening in his
When he poured
champagne on her belly and lapped it from her navel, she almost came again…from
the touch of his tongue alone. Again, he
had to torture her, giving her and unwanted chance to cool down. Well, not totally unwanted, as he finally
brought himself up to her, giving her the treat she really craved,- allowing
her to suck his pulsing length for a chance…then pulling back, feeding her some
strawberries before fucking her face again. Lisa felt him growing in her mouth,
and she tightened her lips. He tried to
pull back, holding his orgasm back from her.
No- she had been teased enough, she wanted her reward.
“No…I wanna see you…I
wanna see you cum…please…”
His eyes widened.
Seemed she was still able to shock him, seemed like. Shock and please.
“Yeah? In your mouth?”
His hand had come to grip his straining, wet cock, his head swollen and red.
“Anywhere you want…”
Her voice was deep- and she could barely believe she had spoken the words.
Shit. She didn’t normally like to think about cum on her or anywhere around
her. She didn’t like to swallow and she didn’t like the stuff on her. But with
him, it was crazy. She had never, ever felt as powerful as when he had cum in
her mouth earlier, and the only thing she hated about the blindfold was that
she had not seem him cum all over her tits.
“Shit…” Michael started
to masturbate harder, his face a mixture of extreme concentration and agony.
She loved how he bit his lip and how pronounced the little wrinkle above his
nose became as he scrunched his face.
When he moaned, Lisa’s
eyes became fixed on his dick. Michael
blushed, and his cock started to strain and twitch as he pumped himself harder.
“Shit…oh girl…fuck…I’m
Lisa opened her mouth
wide to allow him to feed her his ejaculation. His eyes darkened and widened
before he threw his head back, jerking off into her mouth, his hot cum landing
on her tongue.
Michael continued to
moan and yelp…his eruption going on. His head now up, his eyes fixed to hers in
a drugged glaze. He pulled back and continued to stroke himself, his jizz now
hitting her chest and her belly. Fucking shit. She could not explain on a
logical plain why this turned her on like crazy, but it did.
When he calmed down…he
looked down on her, his fingers tracing his markings on her tied down body.
“Shit baby girl…guess I owe you another bath…”
“How’ bout you owe me a
cum, Mister?”
Michael smirked. “For a
girl all tied up and helpless you got a big mouth.”
“Better to eat you
with...” Lisa smiled up at him.
hungry…” He sat back on his haunches and stared at her pussy.
“And thirsty…” Picking
up the bottle of champagne, he poured it on her belly again, rising off his
cum, then pouring the cold, fizzing liquid over her creaming pussy, causing her
to strain against her bonds, squirming and squealing.
He had her cum twice
with his fingers and tongue, before he untied her wrists, kissing and massaging
them, then kissing her mouth, coming up over her.
“I’m gon’ fuck you now
baby- and I want you to put your arms around me…” Michael reached for yet
another condom and sheathed himself after making sure she was ready.
Oh God! He read her
thoughts perfectly. She needed to feel him. Have her fingers in his hair, ,
delight in the dance of his muscles on his back as he drove into her tender
body. He had played with her so much,
she was starting to feel some soreness developing, and yet she met his every
grind and thrust with as much fervor as her remaining bonds allowed. One hand gripped
his amazing ass, her other in his hair.
“Lisa…I can’t wait…I
wanna feel you…I wanna cum…oh fuck…”
His hips gyrated
against her in round movements and the inability to move her legs drove her
crazy, sending her into yet another blinding orgasm seconds before he joined
And so here she was,
with Michael resting across her body. Feeling sore and sated… Wondering,
fearing, if that would be the conclusion to their wild night. Just incase
she clenched down on him, wanting to
hold him within her body…causing him to shudder.
“Baby…fuck…I feel
“Yeah…me, too…” she
breathed against him.
Michael raised up on an
elbow, blowing his hair out of his face.
“I don’t know ‘bout you. But I need a little break. Wanna talk now?”
What the fuck?
Talk? What in the world
did he want to talk about?
“Well…okay. But I gotta
go pee first…If I can walk…” She shyly smirked up at him and he tried to read
her gaze, then smiled, kissing first her nose, then her lips gently.
“So, are you asking me
to untie you?”
“Unless you wanna put
me on a bed pan.”
He laughed. “Girl, I’m
freaky. But not in that kind of way.”
When he lifted up, she
made a little protesting sound. He immediately froze and stared down at her,
sudden concern in his eyes.
“You okay? I didn’t hurt you? I mean…girl, you just don’t’ know what you do to me…I got…I got a bit carried away… You okay, though?”
“You okay? I didn’t hurt you? I mean…girl, you just don’t’ know what you do to me…I got…I got a bit carried away… You okay, though?”
Did he really think he
had hurt her body? Oh shit…her body felt as if it was made of some strange,
rubbery material. Well- material that could feel totally sated.
“I’m good.” She sat up
to untie her ankles.
“No, let me…” He beat
her to it, untying the ropes, then massaging her ankles, kissing the sensitive
skin right below, then kissing a path up her legs- first one then the other.
She felt his stubble rubbing her. Man! Had she not noticed that before? When he sat back up, her hand came to rest on
his cheek. He was so frigging sexy…his skin flushed, his stubble, his eyes
blazing, his hair a total mess. Lisa’s eyes started to run over him,
appreciating his muscled dancers body…
She noticed the increased blush. “What?”
She noticed the increased blush. “What?”
He scampered up and
away from her gaze as if he was suddenly embarrassed. “Nothing. You said you
wanna go pee…Now’s your chance. Before I come up with some other good ideas of
how to put that little body of yours to good use.”
Lisa giggled and
scooted off the bed. “Hey- we made a total mess on this bed. Well, you did,
really. It’s got all kinds of stains on it…” She looked down on the sheets,
then over at Michael, who had a shit eating grin on his face.
“Well, that’s why it
comes in handy I rented like three suites. But hey- there is another bedroom
here. So we can move…I mean…Unless you’re ready to go…” His dark eyes searched
her eyes and it struck her as odd that this man who had just ordered her to do
all kinds of kinky shit now looked totally insecure.
Not knowing what to
say, she went into the bathroom. The
reflection in the huge mirror captured her attention. Feeling a strange detachment, Lisa marveled at
the girl with the fucked up hair, the blushed cheeks and the glazed over eyes.
Oh shit…and the girl with the love marks on her body. Getting up, she flashed and stepped up closer.
Shit- there were little bites and hickies everywhere…and red areas where his
stubble had done its thing. Dang! And why was she not even mad?

Was he hoping she’d say
yes? Well, tough shit. Cause this might be a once in a life time deal- and she
was not ready to surrender to the real world.
“Yeah, sure…I’m ready
to go for round two.”
And when his face broke
out in that stunning smile, Lisa’s heart took a crazy leap. In his direction.
After everything I did
to that girl tonight, why did it feel like the most intimate thing to watch her
eat now? I had ordered some sandwiches
and Lisa wolfed them down like she was starving. Guess she had worked up an appetite. No, I
had worked her up an appetite. I knew it was totally wrong to feel some primal
sense of pride, but the resulting little smirk couldn’t be hidden. Screw
political correctness.
“What’s with the
staring and grinning?” Lisa glanced over at me suspiciously, still chowing
down. She stopped and wiped her mouth,
making sure she hadn’t spilled anything…then looked down at the loosely tied
robe, brushing some crumbs off…opening the top a bit in the process. Oh yeah. I
wasn’t complaining. The staring might just have intensified, though.
What was I staring at, indeed?
Didn’t she know how I saw her? That I
couldn’t get enough of looking at her? That to me she was the most amazing,
thrilling, sexy, and yet sweet girl I’d ever seen. Something stirred inside, and I blinked it
away. Hope she didn’t have x-ray vision.
Nope, she seemed clueless. Guess I wasn’t as transparent as I had been in the
past. The walls had gotten thicker.
“You can put away a lot
of food! How do you stay so tiny?” A little deflection never hurt. And it was a question I had.
“I got wired strangers
fucking the shit out of me every chance I get.”
Lisa took another bite, eying me over the bread crust. Her face was dead serious. The pause was obviously created to assess my
Something stirred in my
belly. And not a good kind of stirring.
Anger? Jealousy? No, man, stay
cool. Don’t let her see any of that. On
the other hand, she needed to be put on alert: just in case…for the future. If
there was a future. I didn’t like games. Not when it meant I was being played.
No, this was Lisa, not
Diana. She was probably joking. Right?
Well…she better be! More strange gut
reactions. I had to play this cool, so instead of answering I drank a sip of
water. I cocked my head and gave her a look, hoping I was able to convey how
much I hated reply.
Lisa held my stare, her
mouth in a sexy little pout. For a moment those lips sidetracked my serious
thoughts, and Mike Junior reminded me that talking serious business after a
fuck marathon was bad business practice.
I was about to give in and declare him the winner, when Lisa burst out
“Gosh! Michael-
seriously, I’m kidding! Dude, lighten up!”
She reached across and pushed me.
I exhaled. Did I really just hold that breath? Okay, she
said she wasn’t playin’ round. All that much anyway. Well…I certainly had hoped
so…but …
But what? And why would I
hope so? What was my problem? I was having an amazing night with a passionate,
more than willing, hot girl. And now I was about to spoil it by thinking too
Thinking about stuff I
had no business to worry ‘bout. I obviously had known she wasn’t some sort of
virginal princess in a fairy tale. I met her in a sex club, for heaven’s sake!
“Yeah. I know. I
mean…not like I got any right to ask…” I
could not look up at her. Too afraid she’d read the truth.
Her small hand came to
rest on mine. “No, really, you do. You …you really stepped up. I mean…with this
whole damn tape thing. I’m glad…I mean..I appreciate it… I’m happy it was you…”
I stared up at her. She
looked so sincere. Only, her formal tone was…a tad odd.
Lisa Marie Presley sincerely thanks you for the presence and
participation in her hot fuck tape. Your dedicated efforts will forever be
valued and appreciated.
Wonder if she had
little cards printed up or something.
“I tried to tell you.”
“I know….I’m sorry…”
She reached for some
cookies. Damn! Of course, maybe her plan was to load up on calories…knowing I
wasn’t going easy on her. And I certainly was going to be ever so helpful
providing another workout in a bit. This night was so not over.
“When did Madame tell
you… I mean..and why?” She was busy
munching away…or maybe munching away gave her the chance to not hold eye
“A couple of days ago-
the day of the rehearsal dinner. Why? No clue. Guess she knew she’d hit the
jackpot with the two of us.”
“And you…agreed to be…I
mean… Be in it and all? Wow… That’s not easy to do, I know. I mean, I can’t
even imagine how shitty that is for you to decide, being who you are. Have you
done…” she broke off and took a gulp of water, still not looking at me.
“Yeah. I did mine.”
God, this was so frigging embarrassing.
And yet- I wanted her to know I understood the feeling. The pressure-
and the high…the dirty, filthy ecstasy of it all. I know I had blushed and when
I glanced over I also saw that pink hue on her face. Again…real funny,
considering what we both did earlier.
“Michael, really. I
don’t get why you would expose yourself…” She looked up, her face still
flushed, and gave me that cute little, shit eating grin. “Well, you know…”
Shit. What could I
say? Would she buy the truth? Could I
face it? When I could not even fully comprehend those feelings.
Lust, passion…that’s all.
Maybe if I repeated it
over and over I’d be able to ignore that other pull. Something I couldn’t
figure out. Something I certainly did not have time for.
“Come here….” I grabbed
the top of her robe and pulled her toward me. Her eyes were huge and so blue,
even in the dim light. I kissed those pouting lips. Just a little taste…I would
have more later.
“I didn’t want anyone
else to touch you…that’s why.” There, I
wanted to see how she’d handle that piece of information.
“Ohhh…” Lisa stared at
me, then broke eye-contact again. Her doubt and insecurity were palatable
entities in the room. Who had messed her up like this? She obviously found it difficult
to fathom a man would not want to share her. Or maybe it was due to this highly
odd venue.
Either way…she sat back
and reached for a glass of wine this time.
“Lisa…were you really
gonna leave?”
She blushed. “Yeah…I
Like I had a right to
ask. But shit…I had all these questions buzzing around me. Now that the first
intense crazy urge to lay her out had been satisfied. And the second one…third
one… Not that I wanted us to be done. Oh
no. I was not about to let her leave.
But right now I really needed some answers. And she seemed open to give them to
“I changed my mind.
‘Bout – you know- doing stuff…with just anyone…”
Well, it was sort of a
relief that she had second thoughts about being tied up and spanked by whomever
Madame would chose. The restraining and spanking parts alone lent themselves
to all sorts of investigation. She could have simply told Madame she liked it
straight up missionary style. Why provide that kinky dossier? Rebellion? He usual “I don’t give a shit”
masquerade? When really- she had given me all kinds of glimpses of her
vulnerability. How funny was it, really? We both had built those shells to hide
our raw skin. I certainly was well
acquainted with the flames that caused my exposure- and now I was curious about
her experiences. I knew that was against the rules of this place. But screw it-
I wanted more of her. So much more. The
realization was jarring.
“But then you did it
with me?”
Lisa looked up. Then
her gaze dropped. “You’re not just
anyone…not anymore,” she mumbled.
Her eyes met mine for a
second and sudden immense joy filled my heart. Not just anyone- well, that was
a start.
A start for what, brother? You are on tour. She is engaged. Wake
Wake up to what? To
being alone? When this enigmatic person touched me on so many levels?
“Not a stranger now?”
“No, not quite”
She reached for another
sandwich. Man! Good thing this girl was rich. She could eat a man out of house
and home! As she chowed down, my eyes
ran over her robe. We had taken showers- separately this time. There was no way
I would be able to have her little body in the shower with me and not having
grown sprung again- taking her once more, hearing her scream my name again. It
was so frigging addicting!
“Are you mad you didn’t
Lisa’s eyes widened…
“I’m mad I played her game. I’m not mad I stayed…with you.”
Some knot tightened in
my stomach.
“Lisa- why do you come
here? I mean… You can have anyone… You …”
I really had no clue
why I asked this. Or what I was trying to say. Maybe that she was better than
this. That she didn’t need this. That I didn’t want her to continue to be a
target to Madame’s odd power play.
Lisa snorted. “Are you
shitting me? You think I come here ‘cause it’s the only way I can get laid?”
“No- I mean… You can
pick anyone. The sky’s the limit…”
Her gaze lowered. She seemed lost in thought. Then her blue eyes found mine again.
“Well, what about you?
I mean, talking about someone who can get anyone and anything they want. Why
are you here? If I had to guess anyone in the world who’d
be a member, your name would never have even been on my mind.”
Yeah, that’s me. Mister
Innocent and A-sexual. I frowned.
“That’s the problem.
People think they know me. They don’t know shit…”
Lisa laughed brightly.
“Well, obviously…! Man, I’d never have guessed…” She blushed and focused back on
her sandwich.
She’d never guessed
what? That I knew how to please a woman?
That I had sexual needs? That I was a
regular guy inside…a guy with more hangups than hit records…
“Not like I expected to
meet you here. Well, I heard you were wild and all. But shit…this? Why Lisa?”
Lisa put her sandwich
down this time and glared at me.
“You got no right to
judge me.”
I stared at her. No,
this was so not about judging her. This was about trying to understand her.
“I’m not judging you.
Shoot- I’m here, too, right? So…how
‘bout we do this: we obviously both have questions. Wanna play a game? Unless you’re chicken.”
I could tell she had
been close to dip out…but now I got her. I had suspected she was competitive.
“Oh, truth or
dare? Sex club style?”
“No, just truth. If you
can handle it. I think we did the dare part already. So…anything you wanna
ask. And we gotta be honest.”
Lisa laughed that low
laugh again. “If I can handle it? Well, we shall see who can handle what,
I adored how her hair
was wild and messy, falling into her eyes.
Both revealing and hiding her beauty. I wish she’d let me take pictures
of her like this.
What he fuck was wrong
with me? I started to think of her as
someone I wanted in my life. Then again, why not? How often had I been told something was
impossible? Sure, this was an odd way to meet someone. But shit- both our lives
were odd and unusual. We might have a lot in common. And yes, I was on tour now- and I was busy
and could not even think of having a relationship, but hey- there was a life
after the tour. And Lisa was so young.
And time might give her the chance to get rid of that nerdy fiance.
But first I needed to
know some things. Like why did she come here? And how many strangers had she
fucked. This was something I had a serious problem with, despite the connection
I felt. I did not like sharing.
Well, you shared Diana’s questionable charms freely enough.
Yeah- and not by
choice. So, I wasn’t about to give my heart away to someone who might give it
out both bloomer legs.
Answers, Mike. Get some answers.
“Okay…lady’s first. You
go then. Ask.”
I would probably live
to regret this. “Yeah, anything.”
“Why did you join the
My eye brow shot up. Oh,
it seemed the lady and I had the same questions.
“David gave me the
first visit as a present. It was the night I ran into you and you about
punctured my foot, remember?” I wanted
her to know I had been hooked on her from the go.
Lisa nodded lost in
thought, then tucked her naked feet under herself. She was so cute, sitting
there like a little girl. She motioned that it was my turn to go.
“How ‘bout you? Why do you come here, Lisa?”
“Cause no one tells me
what to do here. And no one cares who I am. And I can pick and choose whom I do
what with- or not. And, the thought of my mother’s face if she knew makes me
crack up.” A sly little smile on her swollen lips now.
No, don’t do it. If you kiss her now, you know the question asking
will be all over…
Well…okay…those reasons
sounded good enough. Very similar to mine.
Minus the mother factor, obviously.
I already had suspected that rebellion against her mother would be a
“How often do you…”
Lisa sat forward and
kissed me quickly. Whoa! Sneak attack.
And I didn’t bother fighting it off…
We stopped the kiss and
she opened her eyes, still so very close to me. “It’s my turn to ask,
Damn! And the
punishment was a kiss?
Gotta remember that one…
“How many people have
you fucked in this club?”
Shit… I really wanted to ask her that, but now the
tables were turned on me. Well, she knew of one and a half. Really, one. I didn’t think Mona should count
all the way. And then there was number
two, whom I did not want to discuss at all. I could lie… But what kind of
foundation would that be?
Foundation for what? Here you go again building a palace in the
clouds, Mike.
“Well…you and…and you
know, your friend was present…but I didn’t…didn’t do her. And…” I hesitated.
Lisa listened intently,
her eyes on me, searching my out.
Suddenly, she looked away, backing up.
Retreating. Seemed she was just about as excited about getting this
truth as I was supplying it.
“Oh, there’s an
‘and. Oh, your tape, right… Unless
there’s more…” Was it my imagination or
was she hurt? And more? Who did she think I was? Some crazy man whore?
“Lisa…it was before…you
know….before you invited me to that…night with you and your friend. It was
about my tape…shit…I really don’t wanna talk about it.” I ran my hands through
my hair. Why oh why did I come up with
the stupid game?
And why did it feel
like I owed her an explanation. She probably fucked guys and girls before and
after that night. What the hell was wrong with me?
The joke was totally on
me ‘cause I was romanticizing again. She
was not the sweet young babe I wanted, no needed, her to be. I always fell for
that kind. Or many, there was no other kind…
“Let me guess: someone
who had her hands all over you at the wedding, right? It’s okay- you don’t need
to say. I think I got it figured out. But dude- that is pretty gross. Just saying.”
Her face looked as if
she had just been asked to eat a frog. Irritation ripped through me.
“Oh yeah? And you’re
all innocent, right? You got your little fiancé and then you’re one of the
star-attractions here, I guess. But I’m
gross. That’s rich.”
Her eyes widened. “The star attraction? For real? What do you
think? I fuck between five to ten guys a
week? Is that what you think?”
“Didn’t say they were
guys…” I set my chin in that stubborn way. The way I went on the offensive when
I felt like I was being totally wrong.
Bad habit.
“Fuck you. This shit is
over. I’m out. Thanks for helping with the tape. Hope I didn’t set your condom
allowance back too much. And hope Granny Diana doesn’t count them out for you.”
Oh no, she wasn’t! She
pushed up and I caught her arm, pulling her down. She landed in my lap. A gift
from heaven. Even idiots like me got presents at times.
“Fuck off- Let me go!”
Of course the little
package struggled, unsettling both our robes a tad bit. I could not help but glance
down at one of those gorgeous little titties. God- my dick grew and reminded me
that I didn’t want to let her go.
“Look, I’m sorry. I
really am. I just don’t like the idea that…that you…you know… I mean, after
what we shared. It felt so…so…”
Lisa stilled. “So?
I struggled for words.
“Real. I felt real with
you. Open- not wondering when you’d hurt
me, or rip my heat through my throat. That’s what she did, okay? She fucked
with me. Badly. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t take it out on you. You’re nothing like
Or so I hoped.
“Real…Wow.” Lisa seemed to taste the word.
She was still in my lap
now- I traced her cheeks and cradled her face. “Stay, please. I’m sorry…” Her
eyes narrowed. I watched her chest rising and falling from the struggle to
control her emotions. She swallowed.
“Your turn to ask a
question. The last thing you said was a fucking insult, not a question. Try
I wanted to know- but I
didn’t want to piss her off, or hurt her. I could tell from the expression in
her eyes that suspected what would come next. Her shoulders straightened, but
she stayed in place.
“Come on. I know you
wanna know. You wanna know how many
other men I have fucked in this club.”
Well, yeah, that was
exactly what I wanted to know. But I’d rather bite my tongue off then admit
“No…I wanna know…why do
you…” My hand on her waist decided to go exploring a bit and I traced the very
lose tie that kept the robe closed, then journeyed down the edge toward her
“Michael…” Her voice
“What I wanna know
is…why do you shave your pussy…”
My hand tightened on
her thigh, then gliding up toward her crotch.
I had been fascinated by her bare little cunt, making it so easy to
watch myself glide in and out, keeping no secrets when I was down there eating
her out. So, this question was a perfect
With her poker face in
place, Lisa shifted on me, and her serious face approached mine.
“Why do I shave my
pussy? Well… So, I don’t get hair caught
in the zipper when I forget my panties…”
We stared at each other
and then I bust out laughing seconds before she did. I laughed so hard I
thought I would die. Every time one of us calmed down the other one started
All the tension, all
the second guessing, all that crap stopped to matter. Her open laughter was
balm on the stinging sores of my heart.
Lisa was laughing so
hard now, I saw tears on her face. I
became mesmerized by the relaxation and openness on her face. My finger reached
out and I caught her tears. I kept my finger
in place and my knuckles stroked her skin. So soft…so young…so pretty.
Lisa chuckled one more
time, then she connected with the strong hold of my stare. Her face turned
“What?” Her voice was hoarse from laughing.
She blushed.
“You’re nuts- and
blind. Too much masturbating?”
My penis jumped to
attention. Did someone say masturbating?
“Yeah, to these images
of that girl I can’t get out of my mind. Crazy little chick.”
She gave me a lopsided
grin from below those hooded, tantalizing eyes.
“Takes one to know
“I ain’t no chick…” I
pulled her back into my lap and she came to sit astride me. Our robes slipped some
more, and at this point became pretty darn redundant.
Lisa’s pelvis gyrated
against the ridge developing below her. “I noticed. Hard to miss. But you’re
pretty much nuts...”
“So?” My finger traced
that little sexy pout and then down her chin, her neck, to her collarbone, and
deeper yet.
Lisa’s eyes fogged over
and she swallowed hard. Leaning forward, her small hands cradled my face. Her eyes scanned my face with an intensity
that made me blush. I realized this evening I had been the one with my hands
and eyes on her, taking my fill looking at her. She had not been able to touch
me a whole lot, unless I brought myself to her amazing mouth. That last time I did her, I had needed her
hands around me and had untied her. At
the time, it had been some impulse, but it had been so worth it, as her small
hands on me added another layer of stimulation I had not been prepared for.
“No problem… I like
crazy. Especially when it comes in
someone as stunning as you.”
My turn to blush. Man.
This was odd. The way she looked at me- her hot eyes caressing me. Her fingers
holding me still.
Leaning forward she
kissed my face ever so lightly. First my lips, my cheeks, my forehead, my nose,
back to my lips. Every contact sent rays of pure sunshine into this darkness I
had not even been aware of. The
sweetness and tenderness of her caresses sparked waves of warm, comforting, and
also rousing pleasure.
“Shhht… I wanna touch
you…look at you...” Another kiss, this
one lingering longer. Her fingers left my hair and came to rest on my shoulders
ever so lightly.
Her lips left mine and
she kissed down my neck, as the soft waves lapping at me turned into fierce,
foam tipped tides. Her tongue dipped into the sensitive spot on my neck and she
circled it, then kissed the spot, sucking on my heating skin, detonating little
I moaned and bucked up
against her, noticing the movements caused both our robes to get out of the
way. My straining cock hit the soft
pedals of her sex which quickly were becoming dewy and slippery. Lisa’s little sound caused me to shiver.
The busy little fingers
pushed the robe of my shoulders down my arms.
Her touch was teasing and soothing, playing on my skin, tracing her own
way over my reacting muscles.
Suddenly it hit me. She
was staring at me. Fuck! She had to see
the spots.
Before panic could
settle in, she bent forward and kissed spots on my chest and shoulders she had
just touched.
“Lisa…don’t… stop…” I
reached for her hands and she stilled.
She sat back. The
friction against her wet heat felt oh so right.
I didn’t really want her to stop at all. I just didn’t want her to
realize how messed up my skin was. I mean….I knew she had seen me naked, but
that was in the heat of passion. And while we were getting there again pretty
quickly, I didn’t want her to recognize what a freak she was giving it to. And
not in a sexy connotation this time. My
skin disorder was not hidden by make-up tonight. It was noticeable. It was
“Why? I wanna feel you.
Touch you. See you.”
Well, yeah. And that last
item on the agenda I had a problem with. Majorly!
“Let’s turn the light
off, then…” I felt stupid and awkward. Damn insecurities. Damn vitiligo!
“Michael. Seriously.
What’s wrong? We’ve seen just about
everything of each other. I mean…you had me tied up spread eagle and I’m sure
there wasn’t anything you didn’t see. Is
that it? Are you worried ‘bout what I think about those?”
She had pulled one hand
away and was tracing one very visible discoloration.
My throat felt
constricted and dry.
“It’s ugly as fuck. I
am...” My voice was reduced to a crackly whisper.
She kissed me quickly
and thoroughly. My brain short circuited and I forgot what I was about to say.
Panting, Lisa pulled
“You,- you’re so damn
beautiful, it ain’t even funny. How can you think anything about you is ugly?”
Were there tears in her
eyes? I didn’t like this odd sensation
in my stomach and my chest.
“I don’t wanna talk
about it, okay? Come on, girl, kiss me again…I wanna feel you around me
again…” Once again I moved against her,
feeling my dick glide against her flesh. Lisa’s eyes closed and she licked her lips. Oh yeah.
There. I needed to distract her- and I was almost there.
“Damn! You’re so
hard…you feel so good.” She rose up and reached down, holding me in a tight
grasp, making me jump. Shit!
“And you know what? I
want this…” Her fingers closed against me and she pumped me firmly, her fingers
tugging and pressing with the most amazing motion. Oh yeah, baby girl… I wanted
that as well.
“But I also like what I
see here…” My hand was still on her wrist, but she touched me chest anyway.
“And I like what’s in here.” Leaning forward she kissed the spot over my heart.
Oh God! This was so not
happening. Not only was this little girl a sexual powerhouse, but she also was
about to hijack my heart as I was falling for her at record speed.
I reached out and cradled her face, kissing
her as she shrugged off her robe completely.
She was still hovering above me, still driving me crazy, moving my hot
skin along the almost iron core, her thumb rubbing over the swollen head of my
cock, spreading the precum, making me long to be inside her slippery, tight
Having easier access to
her, I leaned forward and captured a tightening nipple first between my teeth,
then suckling it into my mouth, delighting in her moans. Her chest jotted out and she held her boob up
to my face, allowing me to bite and suck her more, as she used my cock to rub
against her swollen folds. Both of us
moaned and I was so tempted to throw all caution to the wind, entering her
bare, needing to feel her. At the last moment I held back and released her
breast, looking around for the condoms. Shit- where did I put them?
Lisa leaned back, her
beautiful tits in my face and I could not help but capture the other one,
causing her to whimper.
they are…”
Guess she had known
right away what I was looking for. She produced a foil package and ripped it
open. Oh yeah. I always thought it was so sexy when women helped put that glove
on. I only wished…
Oh shut up, Mike. Just let her put it on and get going. You’re
about to cum against her like a teen. I felt the tide
rising. Her hands on me didn’t help.
Lisa lifted up and
rolled on the condom.
We stared at each other
as she raised herself up again, holding me against her twitching, clenching
hole. She felt swollen. And I was proud to be the cause of all that. Lisa
Shit… I almost came
watching her face as I stretched her. Wanting to be helpful, I grabbed her ass
and spread those cheeks, opening her, staring down at her dripping hole trying
to take me. Man. This was sexy as hell.
“You’re so fucking big,
dude… Crap…it feels so good.”
“There you go
baby..take it…” She sank down another inch.
I did not know how much longer I could go super slow like this. As
heavenly as it felt to feel her grip me, pull me in, heat me up, I needed the
friction and the motion. My head started to buzz and I felt slightly dizzy as
the flaming coil tightened inside.
Okay, that was it. She
seemed to have trouble getting it all in. I lifted her slightly, delighting in
the tight friction. Having some leeway, I raised up my hips sharpy while bringing
her down into me.
“Christ..” I felt as if
lightning struck when I felt myself hitting end. Lisa cried out my name, her
hands clutching my shoulders.
“Michael…” She rose and
we started our little dance. I bit my lip, trying hard to retain some measure
of control. We continued to stare at each other as we dove into each other’s
passions. This was…intense…intimate…this was making love… My penis expanded further and swallowed.
“Yeah?” I gyrated my hips against her, being aware of
my pelvic bone hitting her clit.
“You’re it.”
What was she talking
about? For a moment I forgot there had
to be some meaning in her words as she moved against me, riding me, her tempo
increasing. Her small, perfect boobs bouncing before my eyes. Damn!
“What?” My hands closed
against her small waist and I held her still on the next down movement. Well, I
moved my hips against her yet again, being aware of the gush of liquid against
me. She was dripping out.
Her hands framed my
face again and she bent forward to kiss me. Breaking away she panted, and I
inhaled her sweet breath.
“You’re it. You’re the
only man I did it with. Had sex with. In the club. You’re it, Michael.”
She didn’t know why she
had said it. It didn’t make a difference. Or did it? It wasn’t like she owed
him an explanation or needed to be defensive. That’s what her brain told her.
Her heart...her emotions, well, they were a different story: She hated he thought
she was a little slut, fucking everyone- penis optional.
Star performer, indeed.
It hurt like hell when
he had snarled those words at her.
How did he do it? How
did he go from being a superior, annoying asshole to the vulnerable, beautiful,
insecure man who did not want her to look at his skin discolorations? He was so perfect in her eyes. And yet, it
had touched her so deeply to see how he thought of himself as somehow
deficient. Lisa had noticed the lighter spots the first night. Really, she
hadn’t thought much of them. But she
certainly picked up on how he felt about them tonight. The veneer had come off
his confidence and deep insecurity had been revealed. Oviously, he wore more than one layer of
disguises. Oh, she was well aware of his little shy act and childlike behavior
he put out there. With her, he had never been anything but cocky and
macho. But then, that layer had been
peeled away, shocking her further.
When they started to
make love... Shit. Why did she think of it in those terms? Well, it was so
different. They both were in control- and they seemed deeply connected- and not
just by his immense cock buried deep inside. It was something else…something
she could not name, but could feel and almost see. His eyes about killed her.
They said so much and granted her a view into something so deep it took her
breath and stole her heart.
So, it somehow was
important he knew. She was not just a little slut. She liked to play and do her
thing- but she was not for sale and she was not easy. Every single time she had ever given her body
to a man it had been in a quest for love.
A fool’s quest- but undertaken with pure motivation. For what?
Every single son of a bitch had turned on her in the end, hurting her
deeply- convincing her time after time that she was nothing but a cunt with a
high profile name men liked to brag about. Her rare experiences with women were
so different. Those had been about pure pleasure- without the fear of being
taken advantage of. And still- in the end, the track marks on her body always
spelled shame and regret.
She desperately wanted
this to be different. Needed him to be different. Needed him to pry the nails
out of her cross. So why did she hand
him the hammer?
Michael stared at her.
“You mean…You didn’t do anyone else? Well, Monica, right..but…”
“Just that one time
with her here. We had played around before. But never going as far as that
night. And I do strip and …you know…get myself off and shit. But till I met you
I never wanted to know who watched. And I certainly didn’t want anyone to join
“Lisa…” His penis
twitched inside her body which reacted and held him tighter. She read the
questions battling with the passion. And something else.
Panic reached out with
invisible slithering tendrils.
Oh no… Did he not
believe her?
“What? You’d think I’d
lie about it?”
He broke eye contact
for the smallest fragment of an instant and yet she caught the reflection of
his doubts.
“No, shit…I’m just…”
“Cause I’m a whore,
right? I’m lying- that’s what you think.”
His jaw tightened.
“Fucking hell, woman!
You and that mouth! Are you on the pill?”
Her turn to look at him
in surprise. What the hell was wrong
with him?
“What the hell does
that matter?”
“Are you?”
His commanding tone
pissed her off even as it made her wetter. What the hell was wrong with her?
“Yes. But…”
“And you and that
fiancé of yours. You use protection?”
Had he lost his mind? Why did Danny matter? Not like she had done him in ages.
Had he lost his mind? Why did Danny matter? Not like she had done him in ages.
“When we do have sex-
which hasn’t happened for a while… yeah.”
In a surprise move,
Michael lifted her and she thought he was just going to enter her again,
needing to move. But instead, he pulled out.
What the hell? That was
it? He was so disgusted with her, he’d leave her in mid fuck?
“Dude, what the hell?”
Michael reached down,
between them. Her eyes grew large when
he took the condom off, throwing it across the room.
They stared at each
other for what seemed like an eternity. Lisa opened her mouth to say something,
then closed it again. Was he kicking her
out? Oh God! This must be the most humiliating thing that had ever happened to
her. Not only did he think she was a slut, he was about to send her on her way,
his dick still wet from her.
“So, we’re done, then?”
Tears started to burn in her sinuses and her eyes. She battled as she had never before to keep
herself from falling to pieces. What a fucking bastard! Still on her knees, she
started to climb off him when his hands grabbed her waist firmly, holding her
in place.
“Where the fuck you
think you’re going?” His soft voice contradicted the sharp blade of his words.
Anywhere but here was
fine! What did he want now? He already made it more than clear he didn’t want
her. Thought of her as dirty. Well, that
hadn’t stopped him from screwing her in all sorts of ways this night. And now she had messed it up by doing the one
thing that always got her ass in trouble. She had been honest. It was such a
joke. With all the smoke and mirrors of this place, the truth had destroyed her
armor. And not just the truth about how many men she had been with in here. No,
obviously she was a total idiot for caring about him way beyond the sex games
of this place. And Lisa, you stupid baby, you should really know better than to
offer your heart in any way shape of form.
Men can handle your pussy…but they will destroy your weakness to fall
for the illusion of love.
Anger flared up and
instantly burned itself off. All that remained was defeat.
“Let me go.” Her voice
was without color and her eyes were lowered. She suddenly felt exhausted and
heavy. Too tired to fight. Too tired to care.
She should thank him really.
Another valuable lesson. Not his
fault he took what was so freely offered. The joke was totally on her for
confusing this with something else.
“Hey…stop that,
Lisa…Look at me.” His fingers brushed her hair from her face, attempting to
lift her chin.
In an almost waxen,
pliable state, she allowed her head to tilt back up, but she did not have the
strength to look at him.
“Lisa. Baby…you’re
crying…what’s going on? Oh Gosh…Don’t…Girl…”
That did it. His
concern drove the sword into her heart. The damn broke. The first tear might have snuck by unnoticed,
but the first sob was a detonator, blowing her defenses wide open. Before she could comprehend anything, Michael
pulled her against him, holding on to her, cradling her, attempting to soother
her with words she could not decipher.
She tasted her own tears on his shoulder as she faintly was aware of him
rocking her shaking body.
Time transformed into
an unexplored foreign land. At some point, she realized she was getting chilly.
Probably at the same time that it occurred to her that she was butt naked in
Michael’s arms, crying like a total lunatic. She sniffled and took a deep
breath as her tears finally seemed to run dry.
God, she must be every
man’s dream. Right now he was probably ecstatic to have agreed to make this
tape with her. Not only did he get his ass recorded naked, he also had to deal
with a hysterical nitwit.
Her senses came back on
line, as well. God, he smelled like heaven! How did he do that? Sure, they had recently showered, but man…
Sweet intoxication pure. And torture.
She needed to leave. Before things went from bad to… What? This was so much more screwed up than
‘worse.’ She also noticed she had a semi
hard ridge still below her ass. A
condom free semi hard ridge. Which
brought her thoughts full circle.
“Better?” He kissed he
head, one hand in her hair in a soothing way, the other rubbing her back.
“I’m trying to figure
out a way to make an exit without going down in your annals of worse sex club
video sessions ever.”
Michael chuckled, but
she still kept her head on his shoulder. There was no fucking way she could
face him.
“I wouldn’t worry about
it too much, Princess, ‘cause you ain’t leaving.”
Oh, she so was! Another deep gulp of air. And of his
“Look, it’s ok. I’m a
big girl. Despite this- whatever this was. I get it. I told you something and
you don’t believe me.”
She swallowed. Maybe
this could be saved and at least they could part civilly. As soon as they got
some clothes on…and he got his cock from under her. Details. They might even be
friends one day…hang out and laugh about this.
Remember the time you pulled out and flung a condom across the
room? How fucking funny was that? They’d both laugh and toast each other.
Yeah…not likely.
“What? Woman! I knew I banged you hard, but did I screw
your brains out for real?”

“Look- you obviously
don’t believe me and I don’t blame you. I mean, I know how we met. Well, this time around. You saw a naked girl
getting her jollies by masturbating on a screen. And then said girl invited you
to a threesome. So yeah, I get it. My own actions are to blame for… you…”
Michael’s hands
suddenly cradled her face and he pulled her to him, kissing her hard. Lisa
tried to protest, and he took full advantage of her open mouth. His tongue
invaded her mouth and took charge, each stroke and caress sending little sparks
through her body once more, softening her defenses and her resolve.
At some point, his kiss
obviously also melted her brain as she did not even notice she had been reduced
to a puddle of mush. A moaning puddle of
Oh, and the ridge below
her was not semi hard anymore.
As sudden as the kiss
had started, it stopped. He kissed her
nose and her forehead. Lisa fell through the hazy cloud and attempted to orient
She was dizzy. Loving
rollercoasters, this ride was too crazy even for her.
“Good, you’re quiet.
Can I get a word in now? You frustrating, annoying…” He seemed to search for
words, “Gorgeous, beautiful, sexy, crazy ass little thing.”
“I thought….” He put his hand over her mouth.
“Yeah. And you’re not good at it. I mean, no offense. It just dawned on me what
you were thinking. And you, Miss ‘Don’t-You-Be-Judging-Me’ just misjudged
what’s happening here big time.”
Lisa grabbed his hand,
trying to get a word in. “How did I do that? You were clear as a bell, dude.
You pushed me off, ripped off the fucking condom so fast I’m surprised you
didn’t hurt yourself, and were gonna kick me out. Cause you thought I’m not
only a skank, but I’m a lying skank.”
“Are you still talking?
That’s it!” Michael grabbed her head once more, this time with one hand in her
hair and one on her chin.
Well, really, she
didn’t protest too much now and returned his kiss right away. Resistance was futile anyway and his taste
had her craving for more. By all means,
she started to like his hands on her again.
She was incorrigible: not being able to figure out his game, her body
responded anyway. Moving against him,
her wetness slid along his solid flesh, and he sighed into her mouth…
“There you go… Now
you’re catching on…”
No, not really…but damn, this felt too heavenly…
His hand on her chin
had traveled down her neck, her collarbone, and to her breast. He palmed her tender nipple, making it her
turn to moan.
Catching on? No,
really, she had zero clues what he was doing. If he was not done with her, why
the hell had he withdrawn in the middle of an intense moment and then thrown
his protection across the room like some gross missile of lust.
That was so not
Kissing her again,
exploring her mouth, Michael reached behind and below her suddenly, picking her
up, making her squeal.
“What? Where? Stop! You’re
gonna drop me...”
“Yeah, I’ll drop you on
your head in a minute and maybe things rattle back into place.”
“You’re so mean!” Lisa
had little choice but to laugh at his dramatic eye-roll.
Michael looked around
for a minute then headed for one of the doors she assumed lead to the bedroom
they had not been in yet.
Why did these suites
have all these rooms? How many families planned getaways to the den of sin,
needing extra room?
She had little time to
ponder this very captivating question, before she was dropped onto the cool
Michael looked down at
her, blowing a tendril of hair from his face.
“No more food for you.
You’re heavy!”
Lisa could only stare
at him for a minute. The lighting in the room was dim and he was illuminated
from behind, making his perfect, muscled dancer body appear like a statue in
some Roman or Greek temple. Minus a fig
leaf. Which would not have sufficed anyway. Palm leaf, maybe.
Michael looked her over
and wherever his dark eyes touched, her skin seemed to light up. His Billy Jean
video came to mind.
“You just don’t know
how beautiful you are to me, Lisa Marie, do you?
Funny how she had just
thought the very same thing about him…
Every so slowly he got
onto the bed, coming to sit next to her.
His hand caressed her cheek with the lightest touch. The back of his hand traced the outline from
her chin down her neck, her shoulder, the outside of her breast, her belly, her
waist, ever so close to her suddenly throbbing pussy, and down her thigh.
“So- you still think I
wanna get rid of you?” His voice was the velvet glove stroking her beyond the
mere human surface of skin.
“I don’t know what you
want. I can’t figure you out.” Reaching up, she traced his face, and he kissed
her fingertips.
“Well, that makes two
of us. Damn…I was such a stupid ass. Thinking that you were a regular and stuff
like that. I’m sorry…I…”
“You couldn’t know,
Michael. This is a sex club, remember?”
“Thanks, I forgot.”
Again his sarcastic tone and matching expression made her giggle. He smiled and
then turned serious again, his eyes setting her on fire.
“But Lisa, I felt it. I
felt there was something about you. I kept wrecking my brain trying to figure
it out. My heart told me, and I was too stupid...or too horny...” this cute
little smile again, “to listen. I’m so sorry, girl.” There was nothing but total sincerity in
those dark orbs observing her every reaction.
“No, really…I told
you...it’s okay. You say you believe me now. It’s cool.”
Reclining next to her,
Michael started with the drugging kisses again. “Yea and now I wanna show you.
Prove it to you…That I believe you.”
“Prove it to me? You
really don’t need to…” He kissed her again and his body came up over her.
“How ‘bout I want to?
And how ‘bout it’s something that I feel need to show you.”
His hand still on her
thigh started to climb up toward her ever so slowly as he kissed her mouth,
then mapped a path to her ear, nibbling on her earlobe before he ventured on a
path down her neck. His fingers found
her just as he rolled over, his leg nudging hers apart. Needing hardly any
encouragement, Lisa opened herself to him.
When his finger traced her folds, using her juices to rub and tease her
while his mouth once again licked and kissed her boobs, she sighed and arched
against him. Her arms found their home clutching
around his now looming body. Michael’s
skilled fingers circled her quivering
opening before entering in that teasing fashion she adored. Every touch
resembled flames licking at her primed cells. Michael moved between her legs,
his body lifted, his fingers still playing inside, finding her g-spot, making
her arch up and cry out.
One of her hands was on
his back, enjoying the feel of the muscles playing beneath her, while the other
went between them, finding his straining, hard, dick. Gosh, he felt so thick
and long, pulsing in her hand. Michael
moaned when she pumped him, then touched and massaged his balls before once
again enjoying his escaping precum.
Did he still want to
“I wanna make love to
Her eyes flew up to
meet his. His face was flushed and once
again she saw that inner glow.
“You don’t have to say
“I damn sure know I
don’t have to say that. But I wanna. And I wanna do it without a rubber. I
mean…if you trust me. I’m clean, promise. I haven’t done it like that in
…shit…I can’t even remember. I don’t do it like that ever…”
“Lack of sex”” She gave
his dick a pull and he winced.
“Lack of trust.”
She swallowed. Lack of
Yeah, she could relate.
This was all so
frigging confusing. How did they go from an all-out fuck marathon to this? This
felt intimate. Unique. Scary as shit. And still, the thought of feeling his
slick, pulsing flesh in her without a barrier acted as if a gallon of gas oil
had been thrown on a blaze.
“Lisa? If you don’t want me to, it’s alright,
too. I get something…but I want you to
know I believe you. And I trust you.”
Dammit! She wanted to
feel him- all of him. Still- this was not necessarily the smartest of choices.
But shit-what had being smart ever gotten her?
Plus, don’t you need oxygen to think clearly? And wasn’t it all being
used in that inferno she keeping her warm?
He had removed his
fingers and she shuddered against the loss. Her legs braced on the bed and she
pulled him closer to her heat, raising her dripping pussy toward him.
“Make love to me, Michael.”
His eyes darkened. That look of concentrated determination drove
her wild. When he entered her ever so slowly, she had did not know if it was
his penis stretching her body or his eyes scalding her soul that made her whole
being feel lifted in twirling pirouettes.
They moved together in
an unfamiliar and different rhythm. Every touch, every whisper, every sigh
rendered her lost and found. With eyes
wide open, their hands laced together, no words were needed. The unnamed energy transformed her. Her
essence left physical confines and in his eyes, she was able to watch herself
fall through clouds and be securely caught by a force beyond her understanding.
Shades of home…of peace…. Her climax tore her to pieces. Utterly painful and completely glorious at
the same time. Purest blinding light and
perfect deafening sound created a new sensory universe. Something so wondrous and unspoiled, her
tears seemed the natural nourishment for the new, yet undiscovered crop. Tears
of joy and wonder. And again, not being
able to find herself, she found him: Michael was her rock, kissing the pain away
until nothing remained but a glowing contentment.

Part of me knew it was
another dream. A voice warned that
perhaps it was much safer to will myself onto the rough shore of full
awareness. But her sighs were stronger. The blue, glazed waves of her gaze
pulled me back under the magical surface. Her heart speaking in a secret
language I finally thought decoded.
I moved against her in
slow motion, each movement of my body feeling like a step closer to where I
needed to be.
Suddenly, I stopped. My
hands found hers and our fingers intertwined.
“Say it…”
Her drowsy eyes focused
on mine with difficulty. She bit her
“I want you…”
My hips ground against
her. My penis twitched and thickened, protesting the torturous pause.
“Not that. I wanna hear
I changed the rotation
and pulled out, then surged forward. I
know the base of my cock stroked her swollen and taxed nub. Lisa moaned and
with great difficulty kept her eyes open. My senses were on overdrive. I
thought I heard a bell ringing.
I kissed her cheeks,
then her lips, biting and sucking on her bottom lip. Just like I had earlier on
that pouting flesh between her legs.
“Yes, Lisa. Say it… You hold the key, baby…use it…”
“I love you…don’t
leave…oh shit….” Something changed in the color of her eyes and her body
constricted. I felt her spasms and
froze. Oh God… This was too hot, too addictive, too intense…
Lisa ground against me,
hoarsely crying my name. The heat of her
body threatened to incinerate me. I looked down and saw goosebumps all over her
I pulled back slightly,
then poured forward into paradise, being well aware of the comet of pure light
and heat releasing form deep inside, the spiral tightening before the deadly
ejaculation released into her gripping vessel. Or eyes never raised the anchor.
“Lisa…oh God…I love
you… I love you….”
I sat up with a start.
Fuck! Reaching over blindly, I knocked
several things off the coffee table next to the couch I had fallen asleep on.
It had been a
dream. Which was good and bad news. Bad
because I obviously was alone. And had
again made a mess. What was I? A kid with a centerfold? Shoot! I reached for some tissues.
And good
because…well…same reason. Because I was alone. She didn’t hear me. She didn’t
need not know. The truth was scary as shit. It was a brand new truth, one I had
only realized earlier today. After…
After we made love and
I had finally made it back to my condo around noon. Made
Again, I thought about
drowning in her eyes, floating against her body, feeling her release at the
same time as mine. It had been unreal. The
warmth suffusing me caused me to smile.
I had harbored many
expectation for the night we had shared. But man…I did not really expect this…
Her eyes. Her tears in that last encounter…The ultimate seduction. My defenses could not withstand the
vulnerable, almost desperate expression.
Had it been real? Or
was this my imagination once again? Conjuring up magic castles that really were
nothing but rotten, decaying sheds. No, this was so different.
And why can’t you simply stay detached and fuck girls like other
people do? Why you gotta go and get your heart all tangled?
Good question. But here
it was- I was a goner. Once again. Maybe it was the intensity of our meeting.
Maybe it was that for the first time I felt as if I could be myself. That she
accepted me. Understood me. Shoot- she certainly had seen the good, the bad,
and the ugly.
Maybe it’s ‘cause she is like a scared, damaged little bird who
fell out of the nest and you just have to step in and be her incubator. Her
savior. Wake up, man. Knights in shining armor are mostly unemployed these
days. Which is due to the scarcity of damsels in distress. Unless they cause the drama themselves. Which
women were famous for.
But no- Lisa was different.
There was darkness around her- it seemed as if she was lost without a clue
where to go. That night I had discovered such loneliness and such a sense of
being forlorn. It was like a cloak…no, more
like a second skin. A cocoon holding her captive.
Her reaction had shown she was indeed used to
being dumped on. How did she think for a moment I was just gonna throw her out?
I mean, surely I wasn’t that sort of man.
And really, a more pertinent question was, what kind of scumbags had
Lisa been around? Who had convinced her that she was to not be loved simply
because she existed? The more she had revealed, the better I read the story:
her father, her solid rock, the only source of unconditional love had left so
horribly early and in such a way that shredded her soul. Then, somehow, she had
picked up that she was loved for what she gave: her name, her body… It made me cringe to think that men might
have used her as some kind of trophy fuck. Then again, did I not know all about
that? People who crush your heart simply
because they can. Who want to be seen with you because you were the hottest
name in town.
The ringing of the
phone startled me out of my thoughts.
“Michael, thank you for
sending over the final version of the tape. I just wanted to let you know it’s
been secured according to the regulations.”
I closed my eyes and
nodded. Good- so that part was safely over with. After finally tearing myself
away from the club, I had hightailed to
a friend’s film studio where I could spend a couple of hours editing the tape
to get it back to Madame before I’d have to leave tomorrow morning. Actually, I
was supposed to leave today, but I had managed to free up some extra time.
Frank had not been happy with me and stated with his grumpy voice that I must
be sick to not make work a priority. He
was right. I had a fever I couldn’t shake. A new obsession.
“And I’m sure you did
not peek at the outcome at all, right?”
I rolled my eyes. Madame Control Freak sure as shit had dissected the
material with a magnifying glass. While
part of her fascinated me, there was another part that realized she was a savvy
and calculating business woman. Which should scare me, but it also gave me a
sense of security. She liked her business and she liked her position of power.
So, the tape should be secure. As long
as Lisa didn’t blab about her hobby to the witch doctors she was involved with.
“Naturally. You know I
respect the privacy of my most valued customers. I understand you are leaving
soon- I wish you the best on your tour and hope to welcome you back when you
I bet! Yeah- those
suites had cost me a good penny, probably enough to keep her in the red for
this and the next financial year. While
I had zero regrets, right now, I was all sex-clubbed out for a bit.
We exchanged some more
pleasantries and hung up. Good, that was done with.
My gaze fell onto the
tape on the coffee table. I picked it up and turned it over in my hands. Man- I
had to figure out what to do with it. My copy. Not sure I was supposed to keep
one, but I really I didn’t care. So, what to do with it now? Toya and Janet
used the condo at times, so leaving it here was out. My luck they got bored and
went snooping around.
Possibly, I could take
it with me. And do what? Watch on lonely night?
Munch popcorn to the
sound of us getting off over and over?
The phone rang again. Damn!
What did Madame want now?
“What?” My voice was appropriately irritable.
“Wow… Guess it didn’t
go well.”
David. Oh, for heaven’s
sake! What next?
“David? What are you
talking about?”
“I was just wondering
what you were up to at the club last night…and if it involved Lisa Marie in any
way. You know- just making sure you both are okay. I just ran into her and she
looked a bit dazed.”
All prepared to blow
him off, my interest was piqued. I also got worried immediately. What did he
mean Lisa looked dazed? And where had
he seen her? Now, the worst thing to do
was to engage David directly and let on that I wanted to know about his run-in
with Lisa.
“I don’t know what
you’re going on about, man, for real. Why you think I was at the club?”
Well, me and Lisa
eating each other with our eyes all night at the wedding might have clued him
“Okay, fine, whatever.
I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I
looked down at the tape again.
“Cause you somehow
always get yourself stuck on that honey. Just make sure you fly away without
your stinger ripped off.”
Against my will I had
to laugh. “Ouch. That was graphic. But no- my stinger, and all other parts are
very much in place. Thanks for the concern.”
Just to make sure, I
adjusted my slightly tender crotch.
“She’s a sweet girl.
But she has been hurt, Mike. And I just don’t think you can give her what she
needs right now. Not with your way of life and all. So- I hope you two can be
friends or whatever and move beyond this.”
I bit my lip, getting irritated.
What the heck was up with David giving me life advice? And what did he mean by my way of life? Not like I was Jack the
Ripper. How did he know what or whom the heck Lisa needed.
“My way of life? Like
“Like the fact that you
will be on tour for another year or so- the fact that you don’t even have time
to answer your phone most of the time. The fact that it’s getting more and more
difficult to catch you- and catch you alone. I mean- how would a girl fit into
this? And one who plays for keeps at that?”
What did he mean? How
did he know that about her? And had he shared his concerns about ‘my way of
life’ with her? The easiest way to find out would be to ask, but he was on my
nerves now and I didn’t feel like talking much more.
“David- I wouldn’t
apply for that job at the advice column.
I’d say keep your day job, but man, you ain’t got one. But thanks for
the concern. If you heaped all that wisdom on her earlier when you met her at
John’s, no wonder she looked dazed.”
“Well, she did kind of
ask why you were single- and I said it’s cause you’re married to your music.
And you’re always busy with one thing or another. By the way, I didn’t see her
at John’s. He’s on his honeymoon, remember? I met her at her Mom’s”
Bingo. This was too
easy at times.
“Why were you at her
“Cause she called me
for some bullshit or another. Really, I think she was trying to go on a fishing
expedition trying to figure out what I knew about you. And then Lisa just
popped up…Shit- did you just trick me into telling you where I saw her?”
I giggled. “I don’t
know. Did I?”
“Anyway…well. Whatever
you did to her, she didn’t seem mad at you anymore. I mean- I figured you two
had a fight at the wedding, the way you both took off. But now she was…different.”
Yeah, something like
that. We were different alright. I didn’t answer.
“Oh,- wait. Unless.
Dog- did you two hook up again? Well, that would explain her looking like she
someone fucked her brains out all night.”
“Hey- watch how you
talk about her.” I bit my lip. Shit!
Never give away your weakness, Mike.
David chuckled.
“Gotcha! You do care for her! You
better watch out, dude. Cause she looked a bit love struck as well. And I doubt
she suddenly found some deep love connection with this guy she’s been seeing.”
And if I could help it,
Mr. Soon To Be Ex-Fiance would not be a factor much longer anyway. Not if I
could help it. Which reminded me…
“David- do you have her phone number, by
“I thought you aren’t
“It’s nothing like
that. We sorted stuff out. We’re friends. I just forgot to get her number.”
“And you wanna send her
a fruit basket or something? Funny you
should ask. You won’t believe the coincidence…”
My intercom buzzed. It
was security for the condo. Grand Central Station was a grave yard compared to
this place today. But it would get me away from David with his nose up my
business. I didn’t really need him to figure out Lisa’s number. I had people,
after all.
“Hey, man, I gotta go. I’ll
call you from the road, okay?”
“Yeah, sure. Be cool,
Mike. And play it smart.”
“Yeah, thanks for the advice
again. And stay away from Lisa.”
“Fuck you!”
I laughed, “Not in your
dreams. Peace!”
I hung up and answered
the intercom.
“Sir, there is a young
lady here to see you. She says her name is Miss Mona Lisa.”
I about dropped the
How did she know where
I lived? What in the world? Well, of course I assumed it was Lisa. It could be
Monica. But that was unlikely since she had no idea of our connection. So, Lisa
it was.
Just thinking her name
released all kinds of buzzing sensations inside. And none of them were the
usual annoyance when someone interrupted or invaded the safety zone of my
hide-out. She obviously had been snooping and grilled David to find out where I
lived- and the thought brought a big, goofy smile to my face. I gave the green light and anxiously stared
through the peep hole, watching her walk up.
To my place. Not some club- she’d be in my home.
What would it feel like to have her in my bed?
Man! Chill! It’s a friendly visit! Those don’t end in bed.
Unless…unless it’s a sleepover…Geeze, I was in such deep shit!
My heart jumped into my
throat and my legs felt numb. This was so silly. It was just Lisa Marie. I knew
her, had just seen her from all sorts of angles hours earlier- why was I
getting all fizzy inside? Well, she
looked different. Then again, everyone looked different through the little spyhole.
Should I open the door
before she got to it? Or would that show how excited I was to see her? Maybe it
was better I play it totally cool and let her knock a couple of times?
Running my sweaty hand
through my hair, my eyes darted around.
Shit- the place was not
exactly neat.
Mike! Chill! You are not twelve and have a little play mate come
over! I’m sure she knows you live alone here.
At least I was not at
my Mom’s and didn’t have to deal with my family grilling her. Better a mess
than dysfunction-central being released on her.
Time ran out. My eye
was pressed against the spyhole once more.
Lisa was at the door and seemed to hesitate. I saw her biting her lip. She raised her hand to knock. Then lowered it
again. Shaking her head, she started to turn. No! Propelled by a sudden fear, I
ripped the door open.

Startled she turned,
staring at me.
I took in her
appearance. She wore jeans and a t-shirt. Her hair was tied in a ponytail and
she wore dark shades. Man! She looked so young.
“Hey…” The shades
didn’t let me get a good read on her, but she smiled hesitantly.
“You weren’t gonna leave,
were you? You just got here. Hey…come in…”
I smiled at her and
reached for her hand, pulling her in.
The simple touch caused some odd force field to shoot through me. Lisa
must have felt it as well, and I noticed a slight trembling. She followed me inside.
I let go of her with
some difficulty and went behind her to close the door.
“Come in…I’m sorry- I
didn’t expect company. It’s a bit messy…”
I felt real awkward,
suddenly. Lisa also looked pretty uncomfortable, her head lowered, her fingers
fiddling with the strap of the purse slung over her shoulder.
“Yeah, look…I’m sorry.
I’m not so sure this was a good idea…I’m sorry I ambushed you. I mean…I had
said before we should keep things separate, and here I am.”
“Yeah- and we had
talked about last night that we’d try and be…you know…”
“Yeah…friends, right?”
That’s what we had
decided. After realizing we had transgressed into some dangerous territory we
had resolved to take things slow. Be friends. See what would happen…
Well, I know what I
wanted to happen. As soon as her little body was in close proximity again, as
soon as I smelled her sweet scent, I wanted to do the logical thing and kiss
her. Take that ponytail holder off, play with her hair. Inhale her again…
Lisa was still staring
at my floor. I knew the tiling job was amazing, but I was not clear how she
could even appreciate it with her shades on.
“Want something to
drink?” I sauntered toward the kitchen, my hands in my pockets. Mr. Cool
Yes, nice start.
Friends offer friends something to drink.
That’s how it was done,
right? I fisted my hands- better that way, as they itched to hug her and check
out how her ass felt in those jeans. My rebellious, awakening cock called me an
idiot for a agreeing to the whole friends thing.
“Sure…if you got some
coke or something.”
“Juice okay? Or I can make tea…”
“Juice is fine. Guess
it’s too early for vodka…” She shot me a lopsided grin and I was not so sure
she was kidding.
“Aren’t you under age?”
“Are you gonna arrest
“Well, I do have
handcuffs here somewhere…”
Shit…me and my big
mouth. Mike Junior thought the talk of handcuffs was wonderful- and inflated a
bit more.
Lisa blushed and then
smiled. “I just bet you do.”
That voice did not
exactly provide a cold shower.
Clearing my throat, I
reached for a glass and the orange juice. Lisa remained at the kitchen door. I
felt her watching my every move. Was she checking me out? Did girls check out
guys? I turned quickly and noticed her eyes traveling back up from what would
have been my ass. Score! Guess they did. Gentleman that I was I did not remark
on the visual sexual harassment- and actually prayed for more of a tactile kind
“Okay….wanna sit down
in the family room? Or in the dining room?”
The bedroom was also real nice.
MIKE! Behave!
“I don’t wanna impose.
I just…I thought…” She bit her lip again and flashbacks of sucking on that
pouty full flesh heated me up some more.
Was my air conditioning working?
Handing her the glass,
I motioned toward the living room and, gentleman that I was let her pass. My desire to check out her ass probably had
nothing whatsoever to do with my good manners.
Damn! That girl had such nice back for a white girl. She stopped before the couch and I almost pumped
into her. Oh- right…there was little room to sit. Scampering, I quickly threw
some magazines and papers onto the floor to make room on the couch. Lisa
smirked and perused the slight chaos. Hey- at least there was room to sit now!
“Have a seat…sorry
‘bout the mess.”
“I guess there’s a
reason they say geniuses control their chaos…”
I scooted into a corner
and with an innocent move pulled a pillow into my lap. There. Those damn jeans
of mine didn’t hide much. And those damn jeans of hers hadn’t either. Which was
the root of my current discomfort.
I giggled about her
We stared at each
other, then caught ourselves and both sipped our juice.
“Are you gonna take off
those glasses?”
“Oh, sorry…” Lisa
blushed and removed them, then kept her eyes averted.
Now what? Oh yeah…
“So- what brings you
by- and how did you know where I lived? I mean, I’m glad…real glad…”
Understatement of the
year. If I didn’t try to behave, I’d be jumping around like a bouncy ball. The
nervous energy inside made sitting still incredibly difficult. Well, the hard-on, also made sitting
problematic- but despite all that I was still all floaty and bubbling inside.
“I ran into David
earlier- and…I’m sorry, but I guess I browbeat him into telling me how to reach
Now, David’s last comment made sense. No wonder he thought it was
funny, I asked for her number as well.
“Well, I hope you
didn’t twist his arm too badly.”
“Don’t be mad at him…I
cashed in on the fact that he still felt bad about…well...you know…”
Well, if I hadn’t
thoroughly been flattered about her wanting to find out where I lived, I would
have to seriously re-evaluate the boundaries of my friendship with David. He
didn’t seem all that trust-worthy anymore.
“I’m not mad. I’m glad
to see you. Again.” My voice had suddenly become deeper.
Lisa looked up and the
blue flooding my field of vision took my breath away. I had never seen her
without make-up like this. She wore some mascara and lip gloss- and nothing
“Well…I wasn’t sure. I
just…I mean…I know you’re leaving- and I wanted to see you before you go… I bet
you think that’s just totally weird and stalkerlike- and I don’t blame you for
putting me on your crazy list, but…”
I scooted forward and
took her hands.
There- God, it felt so
good to touch her again. Little sparks raced through me.
“Hey, stop. It’s fine.
I’m glad to see you…” The urge to kiss her was torture! But no…friends,
remember…we are friends now. I took a
deep breath. Bending forward more, I kissed her cheek. Lisa seemed to tremble
and then looked at me with an expression I could not decipher.
Too much? Not enough? What?
She took refuge in
emptying her glass. Wow, she sure must have been thirsty.
“Lisa…” All by itself,
my hand touched her cheek as I felt pulled toward her once again. This friends
thing was becoming a chore…
The ringing of the
phone made as both jump.
“Sorry…gotta get
that…I’ve been on the phone most of the day. Work…”
She nodded- and I
answered the call. Seemed we both welcomed the break from the sizzling tension
around us.
Fifteen minutes later,
I finally returned. Damn! I had almost feared she’d have taken off. I could not
get off earlier- there was some stuff going down about equipment being damaged
and them trying to stick me with stuff I didn’t want- and since I would have
zero time to rehearse before I had to be on stage again, I had to sort it out.
“Sorry- I really had to
take care of this. Crazy how …” My words evaporated at the sight of the tape in
her hands. Dammit! How had I totally forgotten that I had left
it out on the coffee table? Maybe she wouldn’t know what it was about.
Yeah, and the familiar XXX wouldn’t give it away at all.
I felt like an idiot
for not having written some innocent title on it. Beauty and the Beast, maybe.
Lisa looked up at me.
Her eyes were one huge, azure question mark.
“Something like
that.” I kept my expression flat.
“Reliving your romp
with Granny Dearest?”
What? Oh shit! She
thought this was my home movie of my tape?
And was that jealousy?
“Look. None of my
business. If you wanna get sprung to watching you and her, that’s your
business. I mean, we’re friends and all- so…yeah. Anyway… I’m gonna scoot. I’m
sorry I ambushed you. I’ll be in touch. Christmas cards and such – oh wait, you
don’t do Christmas, do you? So…whatever…Here. You might not wanna leave that
lying around though. Someone might go blind watching it.”
She had gotten up, and
held the tape out to me.
Why did she always have
to jump to conclusions? She was driving me insane! Well- I should just let her
leave and think the worst. Would serve her right. On the other hand, it
bothered me that she’d think I was still stuck on Diana. Of course, if we were
friends, what would she care? Guess, she wasn’t all that accomplished in this
amicable relationship, either.
“No, keep it.” I pushed
it toward her.
Her eyes narrowed.
“If I wanna throw up,
I’ll stick my finger down my throat.”
Lisa again tried to
stick the tape in my face.
“Yuck. That’s bad for
your voice. – But anyway- fine. I’ll give it to you for Christmas. Do
Scientologists do Christmas? Just don’t open it in front of your mother and
fiancé. Unless he wants to learn something.”
“I don’t need a rerun
of the Wiz with the scarecrow fucking the scarecrow.”
“No? How about a nice
little bondage tape then, with a girl being tied with red ropes?”
Lisa stared at me, her
mouth opening. Then she looked back down at the item in her hand.
“Mine? Ours? How did
you get that? And why…”
Great. This is why I
didn’t want her to know. Next thing she’d accuse me of being a sick little
pervert and the friend thing would probably be off the table. And my guess was
that the screwing thing might also become slightly more improbable.
“Look- can you sit
down? I can explain, okay?”
To my surprise, she did
as told. Which was rare when she was not naked.
“This better be damn
good Jackson.” Glaring up at me, she slammed the tape on the table and dropped
herself back into the couch.
Well, she probably felt
a bit stupid for jumping the gun again, so I banked on that and gave her the
whole story with me demanding editing rights to make sure Madame had not fucked
us both over. I left out the little part
about me wanting to make sure Lisa was protected.
To my utmost surprise,
she listened without a word. When I was done, she continued to sit in silence
for a moment. She played with her ponytail,
her eyes down, her teeth once again biting her lip. When she looked up, a
little smile was playing on her mouth. God- I loved how her eyes didn’t looked
pissed at all this time. She looked….amused.
“You made her sign a
“Well, yeah! I didn’t get
to where I am by taking people’s words for shit.”
“Guess not.
Damn…Wow…You got balls.”
I raised my eyebrows at
her and she blushed. Yeah…she knew all about that.
“So- did you edit it?”
“Yup- you can watch it
and see if you notice any changes.”
“Got popcorn?”
My turn to be surprised. Was she fucking
serious? Just in case, my dick came back online.
“Always…” Raising an
eyebrow, I called her bluff. Not that I actually would watch the tape again
after just working on it for hours. I
was still wrinkly from the cold showers. But I would be open to exploring
further material for future- private- volumes.
Laughing, Lisa rolled
her eyes and let herself fall back into the couch.
“You’re too
I scooted closer and
also dropped back, turning my head so we ended up facing each other. Gosh- so
close. I saw the little crinkles by her eyes when she smiled. Smelled her sweet
breath…noticed how her breathing hitched.
“You said that before…”
My voice dipped lower, and I licked my lip as sudden hunger to taste her
rendered them dry.
Her eyes became more
heavy lidded and darker. As did her voice. “And you made it fit anyway…”
Okay, that was it.
Those were not friend vibes I was catching and my dick applauded my social
interpretation skills.
I don’t know what happened
or who moved first, but I think I reached over and pulled her head to mine. As
soon as my lips touched hers, a fire raced through my whole body.
What started with a
light, playful, tender kiss, soon turned into a dizzying storm and before I
knew it, Lisa was in my lap, pressed against me, her tongue rubbing against
mine, starting one firestorm after the other. My hands caressing a lovely
pattern from her back down to her hips, which started to move against my rock
hard cock.
I felt close to passing
out, which was a better option than stopping the kiss.
My hands somehow
discovered the edge of her t-shirt and went further north, exploring her
heating skin.
“Michael…” Lisa moaned
against me and I took the chance to gulp in some air before I passed out for
My eyes opened and were
assaulted by the glazed over, lustful, drugged looking blue I had come to
“Shit…I’m sorry…”
She was sorry? No,
really….that was totally NOT necessary.
“Jumping you in your
home…breaking the friend thing rule…”
Well, what’s the fun in
having rules if they couldn’t be broken?
“You can jump me
Just to assure she
understood that she did not hurt my feelings I arched up slightly, making sure
she knew I was indeed happy to see her. And be jumped by her.
“I don’t think we are
too good at this friend thing.” God! How I loved that lopsided grin and that
sparkle from her hooded eyes.
“Waddaya mean? We still
got our clothes on. I think we’re doing swell.”
“Swell indeed. Or
swollen…” Damn! Her hips just had to
push into me.
“On that note…I gotta
go pee….”
Or take a cold shower.
Why don’t you just lay her out, man? That would help with that
hard on- and you know that moisture in her eyes is a good indication of how
flooded she is down below.
Shit! Those thoughts
were not helping!
Lifting her up gently,
while kissing her in almost a chaste way, I got from under her and headed for
safety. Of course, being able to pee
took a while. Kind of difficult to do that with a frigging stiffy as pliable as
a corpse in the Antarctica.
An hour later, I had
almost fooled myself into thinking this friend thing might work after all. We had gotten to talk about the upcoming tour
and Lisa had a million questions about venues, staff, and how things were done
in general. I normally did not like to discuss my work with “outsiders” but
talking to her about it felt as natural as breathing.
I made tea and then
somehow we progressed to drinking wine.
I had no idea what time it was, but I knew I didn’t want her to leave.
Like ever. Which was a scary thought. What the hell was going on here?
Lisa emptied her glass
and put it down. “I guess I should be going. You gotta fly out early, right?”
She played around with the glass.
“Right…But you know…you
can always stay. I mean, I got three bedrooms here. And a couch- so you could
even sleep in my bed. With me on the couch of course…”
I looked down, eying
her for a reaction.
Lisa snorted. “Yea…that
would happen…”
“I’m sure you got great
self-control, man, but …”
“But you don’t know if
you do?” I shot her a cocky smile.
She laughed again.
“You’re something.”
“Yeah…I know…But
really, you can stay. I behave, promise.” I hoped I looked sincere enough.
“Maybe I would be
afraid you’d behave too much.”
And just like that I was
hard again. Thanks a lot, Lisa.
“Have another drink,
then, at least. And then decide.” I reached over and poured her another glass.
Drinking, after all, was a known cure to rational decision making.
We both took a sip and
then Lisa picked up the tape.
“So…I can take this?”
Well, I’d rather have
kept it, but…
“If I left it, would
you look at it again?”
Oh, girl- the images
are burned into my brain. I didn’t need to look at it at all.
“Would you want me to?”
“Not sure…” She looked
down again and took refuge in her wine glass.
“Lisa? Can I ask you
She looked at me over
the rim of her glass. “Oh-oh, is that another version of the truth game? Last
time we tried that we ended up with your penis in my pussy.”
Whoa! Well, talk like
that did not exactly help to distract me from thoughts about just that.
“Fine. I won’t
ask.” I pouted and took another sip
myself, feeling the effect of the wine real good now.
“No, go for it. I’m
curious now.” She giggled.
Seemed like girlfriend
was also getting a tad bit tipsy. Okay. I might as well go for it, then.
“So, I got the dossier
of stuff you would do. What were things you absolutely would not do…if any.”
“If any? Thanks a lot,
She shot me a look that
was a perfect combination of hurt and indignation. And it also was kinda sexy.
“No, I mean, I already
know that you really wanted to leave. So I know you obviously weren’t gonna do
anything. But…I just wanna know. What would you absolutely not have agreed to?”
Lisa sighed and looked
up. “Hm….let’s see….” She took another
sip and smacked her lips.
I really didn’t have
any clue why I asked in the first place. Wasn’t it enough to know I had been
the only man she had given it to in that club? I mean, I was still shocked –
and pleased- about that. And yet, she had provided a freaky little outline
about some pretty kinky shit. And hey, there was also that little thought that
maybe, just maybe finding out her boundaries would give us something to build
Man, if it was this
complicated for her to find an answer, maybe there weren’t all that many things
she had not done- or would not do. Come to think of it, we had covered a lot of
sexual territory in such a short time of being together.
Well, since being
acquainted, then.
“Okay. Well, I guess I
wouldn’t have agreed to anal sex.”
My eyes widened. Too
funny she should say that… Given I had wondered how she felt about that topic
when I had touched her ass and touched her there.
“You don’t like that?”
What in the world was
wrong with me? I really did not know when to shut up! Well, I was a bit tipsy,
and I always was curious about sex and what people liked, but damn, going down
that road did not seem to be leading to friendly territory at all.
“I don’t know. I never
was fucked up the ass, thank you very much.”
“Okay…” I laughed…
“Tell me how you really feel.”
Lisa also started to
giggle. “Well, dude, you asked. I mean, I wondered of course…I mean…”
Oh, now this was
getting interesting. She had wondered?
Memories of her moaning
and getting wetter when I had touched that place provided a kinky sound track
in my head.
“But you never done
that? I mean, not even with your fiancé?”
Her face crunched up.
“Danny? Shit no! I’d have to trust…” She bit her lip and shut up. Her eyes
flittered up to mine and then she lowered her gaze again.
Something odd stirred
in me and I tried to fight it down. No, no, no.
We were on the friends road. And friends did not get sprung thinking
about doing their friends through the backdoor.
My cock jumped and sitting suddenly became unbearable.
I reached for my glass,
and – purely accidentally- knocked it over and doused myself in wine. Well, not
the cold shower I really needed, but a good enough excuse to go and put on some
looser pants.
“Michael, oh
fuck…shit…dammit…” Lisa screamed again as I sucked her pulsing clitoris into my
mouth while my finger continued to touch her internal rough spot that I knew
set her off. She screamed again and I removed my fingers, licking her escaping
juices from her swollen sex. Damn she looked so sexy. Her jeans off..her t-shirt gone… Laying
across my breakfast table. My very own feast.
I indeed had no excuse.
Well, other than that I had really, really tried to not touch her. And things were going well there for a bit.
We watched tv. I mean, I was sprung even while Bugs Bunny made us laugh, but it
was controllable. I did change into pj’s and we ended up watching cartoons for
a while- successfully staying away from further talk about sex. Finally, she
had indicated that she indeed would leave- and that she would take a cab, given
her slightly inebriated state.
We kissed good bye. A
chaste little peck. Then another…lasting a tad bit longer. One more- this one
involving our tongues. There was not telling when we’d see each other again,
after all.
Before I knew what was
what, I had her against the wall, my hands playing under her t-shirt, undoing
her bra, raising her shirt, kissing and biting her nipples. Lisa did not
exactly push me away. Unless her hot little hands in my pajama pants were some
secret handshake I was not aware of. By the time I opened her jeans and found
her dripping, swollen pussy, things had careened out of control. I removed her
shirt and bra and she pulled down her jeans.
Before she had stepped out of them all the way, I had picked her up,
kissing her like a madman, depositing her on my table, sending papers and all
kinds of other stuff flying across the room. Lisa leaned back and I pulled her
jeans off in one move. She held on to the table, her eyes wide and glazed over,
biting her already swollen lips.
“Fuck me…”
“How bout I get a taste
of that sweet pussy first?”
Lisa smiled and leaned
back, very helpfully lifting her hips so I could remove that sexy little thong.
Her eyes darkened as
her tongue darted out and she licked me clean, then kissed me deeply. At the
same time, her hand reached between us and found my tortured dick in my pants.
“Gonna fuck me now?
You’re so dang hard Daddy…Give it to me already.”
Her voice alone almost
made me cum. God…I wanted her so badly right now. This was so different. This
was just us. In my place. On our time. And it would probably be a while till
I’d see her again. I wanted to make sure she knew…knew that this was not about
just about sex. That she could trust me. And that I wanted her…wanted so much
more than her body… Even though right then and there, her body was the drug I
desperately craved.
Lisa stroked me and I
wiggled out of my pants. Bending forward, I kissed her, my hand coming down
over hears as she held me. Shit- it felt
so right to feel her small hand on me like that. Her thumb used the escaping
juices to lubricate my head and she rubbed the sensitive tip, causing me to
“Lisa…” Kissing her
wasn’t enough…I licked and tasted a path down her neck, down to her breasts,
sucking the enlarged, puckered nipples into my mouth, her moans once a again
providing the fuel to the engine driving me.
Finally, my hand closed
around her waist and I pulled her up. Her eyes opened in that lazy way I adored
and she sat up, then came to stand against me.
“How do you want me?”
She kissed my neck and my chest, repaying me by licking and biting my nipples,
one hand still on my cock, stroking and pulling it.
“Turn around…” I kissed
her neck and felt her tremble. “Hands on the table.”
A smile played on her
lips and she kissed me once more, then turned ever so slowly, bracing against
the surface, her hips jutting out towards me. She glanced back with an evil
glint, the pulled her ponytail holder from her hair, shaking it wildly.
Oh yeah!
I reached around and
fondled her tits again, tweaking her still wet nipples, then caressing her
waist and back to those perfect hips. Bending forward, I kissed her lips, then
her neck, her shoulders, and her back- applying slight pressure to bend her
forward a tad more.
Shit…when she did just
that, spreading her legs a bit more, the image presented to me had me holding
my breath. I backed up slightly admiring her ass- and her swollen pussy, her
bare lips glistening from her juices.
“Girl…you’re ass has me
thinking all kinds of bad things.”
My hands rubbed and
massaged the perfectly rounded flesh.
Lisa moaned and then her upper body dipped forward more until she came
to rest on the table top completely.
Fucking hell!
“Stop talking and start
fucking me then…you and your bad self…”
My fingers traced a
path from her thighs up to the junction where I knew I’d find heaven. I knew
she was wet- and I knew she’d be swollen from her recent orgasms. Spreading her
juices I made sure she was ready, causing her to moan.
“You’re such a bad
little girl… Showing me that ass and that little pussy. You better be ready,
girl…” I smacked her lightly and she jumped.
Reaching for myself, I pumped my throbbing dick a time or two, bringing
it up closer, holding it against the dripping honey pot presented to me.
“Fuck me…”
“How you want it, Lise?
You want it soft?” I caressed her sensitive opening with the tip of my rod. “Or
you want it…” I positioned myself and held my breath, “…hard.”
I surged forward, my
hands on her hips. She made a little
yelping sound and pushed back against me, making me see stars as I was gripped
by her molten heat. Damn! This was heaven!
“Show me what you
got…give it to me…”
Oh yeah. I was gonna
give it to her alright. Some primal urgency took over. I meant for her to feel
me. Meant for her to remember this for days. I wanted her to know that I had
claimed her, and that she was mine. I didn’t want her to ever even look at
anyone else. Shit…I was in such deep shit with this girl. Fucking her was
heaven- but only because I knew that the attachment went all the way to my
I was cloaked in heat
and yet was trembling. Lights flashed behind my eyelids every time the
intensity became too threatening. Fire and ice chased each other in a deadly
torrent through my veins. My nerves were
stripped, my senses heightened, needles danced on my muscles and ancient music
drove my movements.
Lisa’s face turned her
head and I caught a reflection of the agony and bliss stampeding through
me. Her skin seemed to glow. Once again, my hands played with her ass and
I spread her, watching my cock pull out, stretching her, glistening with her
juices. The motion caused some of her dew to seep out and trickle down her
thighs. Man, I couldn’t wait to see my cum spill from her again. It was such an
incredible turn on to have her open to me like this. And since she was all
clean shaven there was nothing hidden from my eyes. My face fell on that
forbidden hole. The place she had said
no man had touched before. I remembered how she liked to be touched and how she
reacted last time.
“Girl, you’re so fucking wet…You like my cock giving it to you. Touching places. How ‘bout this…you like when I touch this, don’t you….” I found some of the honey and spread it, applying pressure, watching her freeze. Her eyes opened and she held my gaze. The color was deep and dark, matching our desire.
“Michael…yes….oh shit….”
She moaned.
I rimmed her and
changed my movements up a bit, taking it more easy, being careful to not let
the extra stimulation and her reaction take me hostage and end this too soon.
“You like this…you like
me feeling you up there?” I kissed her
back then bent to whisper in her ears, kissing and nipping on her ear lobe
while I was at it.
“Shit…damn that feels
so good…don’t stop.” I felt her little
spasms around my flesh as she squeezed me tighter
My cock jumped inside
her as I gently applied some more pressure with my finger. “Relax baby…you’re
so fucking tight…”
I felt her take a
breath and cry out when I penetrated her.
I really could not
explain what demon rode me. I mean, sure, I was into kinky stuff, but this had
always been a pretty solid boundary with
me as well. Diana had begged me to do her this way, but it had never turned me
on. Yeah, sure, I had read stories about it- and had watched porns with
backdoor action. But still- not until this moment had I even considered going there. Maybe it wasn’t about the action,
but about doing something she had clearly said she had never done with anyone
else. And would not do with any other man.
Lisa moaned and moved
against me as I fingered her ass, about coming as I felt my straining cock
inside. I started to move faster once more, watching in fascination as she
seemed to get more swollen and even wetter. Oh yeah, she was into this alright.
As she relaxed more,
moved against me harder, backing it up more, I added another finger, playing
with her slowly, taking my time, my movements much slower and careful now while
she once again adjusted, whimpering with pleasure. She looked back at me and I
kissed her flushed face.
“Lisa…damn…you got no
idea, girl. This is so fucking sexy… You are so beautiful…”
“Michael…” Her eyes
opened and I became hypnotized by the dark swirling passion. Her face was
flushed and sweaty. Her lips were
swollen as I had just seen her biting that bottom lip while I played a symphony
of pleasure on her body.
“Fuck me there.
Please…I want you to do me…that way.”
Okay, I had to stop
moving as I about came. Shit, there was
no way. Looking down, I physically doubted it was even possible. I was damn
hard- and huge. And she was little. Hot. Tight.
My cock strained inside
Well, and you never know if you don’t try. She offered. She said
she needed to trust the person who did this. So she must trust me. And damn…but
I also wanted to know what it would feel like.
“Lisa…you sure? I mean,
damn…I’m so fucking hard…I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“You won’t. I mean…you
don’t have to if you don’t want to…but I do…I do trust you…with this...”
With basically popping
her other cherry. Damn!
Kissing her shoulders,
I straightened and withdrew causing her to moan and shiver. I bent forward and
pulled her up from the table, kissing her, my hand coming around to caress her
breasts before dipping lower. I played with her dripping opening, massaged and
rubbing her clit, listened to her whimper against my mouth.
"You sure? I don’t
wanna do anything that you’d regret.”
“I won’t…not with
you. I want you to…”
Damn…I was sweating
bullets. Was turned on as all get-out- and scared shitless.
“Maybe we better have
you on all fours…on the couch…” My
mind’s eyes already had a good time thinking of her with her ass in the air.
Lisa straightened and turned. Wordlessly, she took my hand and we walked over
to the couch again. She kissed me hard,
then sucked on my neck, her hands massaging my still wet cock. I flinched, knowing I was hypersensitive
Breaking contact, she
got on the couch on all fours, and I kneed behind her, my hands running all
over her glistening, hot body. She
turned and we kissed while I played with her tits again, then kissed a path to
her ass- my hands massaging her once more, alternating the touch from rough and
demanding to light and teasing. She
moaned and her thighs spread further, her ass jutted out at me, her pussy
swollen and dripping. Reaching out, I
touched her tender flesh, rubbing her juices, then entering her swiftly with
two fingers, making her squirm and call my name.
“Shit…I’m so close… Do it.
Fuck me…that way…” Okay, her voice was
about all I could take. I had no idea
how this would work or how long it would take, given I was ready to blow any
second. I bent forward and licked her
dripping slit up and down a couple of times, as she screamed out when I stabbed
at her clit. Enough play! I gently
removed my fingers, then spread her juices some more before positing my cock at
her ass.
“Okay…I’m gon’ take it
slow..but you gotta tell me if it hurts, okay…”
I pushed forward and
Lisa dipped onto her elbows changing the angle. “Relax baby girl…take a
breath…” The fingers of my free hand was at her pussy again, stroking her,
playing with her clit, bringing her close to the edge again, while I pushed
forward, finally breaching her muscle.
“Fuck!” She sighed and
I froze.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine…it’s
just…oh man…you feel so good…”
Man, she had scared me.
“Okay? You sure?” Damn! I sure hoped she was as this felt
better than anything I had ever experienced. I thought my cock was going to
explode from the heat and the pressure.
She pushed back and I glided in a bit more.
My turn to moan and shiver.
My fingers entered her
pussy. Fucking hell! The feeling of myself in her, stretching her pushed me to the brink.
There was no way I
would be able to go in all the way…given the telltale tightening in my balls
had already started and I felt a strange tingling at the base of my spine.
Another couple of
inches before I pulled back. Again, Lisa
moaned and her hand came down to join mine at her pussy, rubbing her clit. At the same time, she pushed back and I
glided back in, this time going further.
Lisa cried out again,
and I felt another gush of liquid around my fingers.
My movements now found
a rhythm and she was right there with me, our moans filling the room.
“Oh God, Oh
God…Michael…Daddy….So good…I can’t…fuck…I’m cuming…” I felt her tightening
around my fingers and convulse all around me, making me feel as if I was pulled
apart by an earthquake while being flooded by lava. All control was taken from my hands and the
eruption took my breath away as a stream of fire starting in my spine, my
balls, and my brain converged in my straining, thumping dick. I came hard, trying to be careful to keep a
reign on my movements. The pleasure level was too close to pain and I sank
against her, careful not to hurt her as I ejaculated inside her forbidden
place, crying out against her skin, while she tightened and came again,
screaming, constricting, being carried by the same raging river toward the
thundering waterfall.
I knew I withdrew while
still cuming, watching myself on her round globes. Damn! It took a minute to calm down and be able to
orient myself. I know I held her against me. Somehow I had cradled her and we
sank onto the couch, clinging to each other, kissing and touching, mumbling
words neither could comprehend.
“Holy shit…Michael...” She kissed
my arm which I had slung around her body, biting me a bit for good measure.
“Hey….ouch…” I
protested and Lisa looked up. Man, she
was so gorgeous. And she was mine. I
brushed the hair out of her face, kissing her again.
“You’re not leaving me
tonight, right?”
Or ever.
“I don’ think I can
walk. That offer about your bed still good?” Her tone was sexy and deep. Her
expression shy and sweet. Man!
“How about a bath
first? Then bed. My bed.” So what if I
sounded like a macho cave man? She was so not sleeping alone tonight. Neither
was I.
“Just try to keep me
I smiled broadly.
Seemed like we had an understanding. And it was so much more doable than that
silly friends thing.
I knew I should sleep
at some point. But I seriously didn’t feel like wasting time. We made love
several more times, and Lisa finally passed out with me still inside her.
She snuggled closer-
but that really was her only answer. Good. I kissed her shoulders, my arm
pulling her closer.
“I think I’m falling in
love with you, girl.”
No response. Good. It
was my secret for now. But this evening had sealed it for me. I so wasn’t going
to let her go. This tour would go till
January- which wasn’t too long in the grand scheme of things. And yeah, I would
be busy, but hey- absence makes the heart grow fonder- and after tonight, I was
pretty sure I had a considerate head start against Danny the nerd.
I didn’t know how, but
things would work out. Somehow. I’d figure the details out later. Things like when to fill her in on my plans.
I didn’t want to freak her out. But I wanted her to know this was now so beyond
At some point I must
have dozed off, but I dreamed of her sweetness around me. This time, I almost smiled in my dream as I
knew Lisa really was here next to me. Drifting in a warm, drugging cloud, I
woke up to a sensation of gliding through silk. I moved slightly, aware of my
raging morning hard on. Noticing a pull against me, I realized I was connected
to her heat. Blinking, it occurred to me that I either had stayed in her while
I slept or that my body, with the normal morning erection had done the logical
thing and found her pussy. I rotated my hips slightly and sure enough, I was
solidly encased in her tight canal, surrounded by molten fluids.
Okay…what to do? I
kissed her shoulder and she snuggled against me more, causing me to flinch and
grow more inside her. Was she awake? I
brushed some of her hair from her face and it seemed her eyes were still
closed. My hand caressed her face, then down her shoulder and her arm, the side
of her ribcage, the valley of her waist up the sexy swell of her hip and down
her firm thighs. Rewarded by a tremor
and a light movement of her lower body, I rounded my hips carefully, then
pulled back slightly before entering her fully once more.
Lisa moaned and I
kissed her back and shoulders, my tongue licking her lightly.
“Morning, baby…” My hand traced up the front of her thigh now,
splaying on her lower abs, pulling her into me more as I enjoyed the friction
of her walls against me.
“Are you fucking me
awake?” Her head rolled around and her
sleepy eyes laughed up at me.
“Not sure what
happened, I woke up and I was inside you. I think you stumbled in your sleep
and fell onto my penis.”
“Me and that sleep
walking I do…Sorry…” She didn’t look sorry at all as she gave me a lopsided
“I don’t mind. As long
as you trip only in my bed…” Man, it
felt so crazy good to know I had her right here in my very own bed, making love
to her yet again.
I kissed her lips as she clenched her pussy
around me. Man…I had worked that girl over real good. She was swollen and pouty
all over. Which is why I took it nice and slow this morning.
My hand traveled north
and I massaged her breasts, finding her puckering nipples and pulling and
tweaking them gently.
“I am…”
“Oh, shit…I
know…God…you feel so amazing…”
“Girl…you just don’t
know what you do to me with that hot little body.”
My movements increased
now and my hand came down to rest on her hips for a bit to hold her steady for
better leverage, as I deepened my movements.
I had become addicted to the way her body held on to me and every inch
felt stretched and massaged as I pulled from her. I lifted her leg and almost came at the sight
of her bare pussy pulling me before I plugged her back up.
“Shit…baby…your so damn
“Am I touching all the
right spots, baby girl?” Fascinated, I
watched her skin starting to blush again. Wow- she was close already.
“Fuck yeah…” Lisa
pushed against me and I stayed in her when I hit end, rotating, making sure my
dick hit that internal angle she craved. I felt her tightening and my hand
reached around, finding her drenched, pulsing bundle of nerves. My fingers
played with her, gently tapping and massaging at first, then I touched her
pussy where we were connected, fascinated by my cock spreading her. Lisa’s hips
bucked against me and I applied pressure to her clit with my thumb, allowing
her movements to set the tone as I drove into her.
She clenched around me hard and started to climax, her hand clutching mine over
her pussy as she rode out her spasms.
Gosh, I really wanted
to give in and let myself be carried away again, but I also wanted to see her
cum once more, with my eyes observing her reaction as we both flew to that
other place that was our refuge.
Withdrawing, I came up over her and picked up her legs, pulling her into
me. I held her thighs apart, and, on my
knees, drove into her hard this time, watching her eyes fly up at me, as she
whimpered my name. Oh yeah! She was swollen and hot from her orgasm, and I knew
I’d have her melting against me in no time. Going hard and fast at first, my
free hand played with her tightening nipples before I sank forward, allowing
her legs to close around me.
“Michael…you just don’t
know…” Her eyes were open and her arms clutched me, as she pulled me close. I
kissed her mouth, rounding out my movements, then licked a path down her neck
to first one than the other nipple. At the same time, my hand lifted her ass
and I fucked her hard and deep.
Shit…I was beginning to
see stars, and it felt as if their shards raced through my blood, burning me
and soothing my pain at the same time.
“Michael…I’m so
“There you go baby…give
it to me one more time…Let me feel you.”
“No…you go…I wanna feel
you explode…I love when you stretch even more. Let me see you cum, Daddy…”
Well, shit… And with
that, I felt the hot ejaculation drive thought me. Our eyes stayed connected and I saw her
climax before I felt it as she joined me on the trip. Ploughing into her, emptying my seed into her
in almost painful spasms, calling out her name, I felt absolutely paralyzed by
the experience. We fed off each other- killing and granting life. I noticed my
fingers had grasped for her hands and I had her hands pinned above her head as
we both rode out the storm. Connected- knowing we were each other’s harbor.
I held her close, not
wanting to consider the reality of having to let her go so soon. Lisa snuggled against my chest and we both
drifted off again.
Only too soon, reality
intruded in the form of the irritating ringing of my phone. I tried to ignore
it once before, but now the sound would simply not stop for longer than ten
seconds before starting up again. Someone really was insistent!
I glanced over that
clock. Shit! I was late!
“Baby..I gotta get up.
You stay here…” I kissed Lisa’s shoulder and pulled the covers over her.
leave…” Her eyes opened and she looked
like a little girl.
I brushed her hair back
and bent down to kiss her once more. “Sorry. I’m late already. I make us
coffee, okay?”
“’Kay…” Her eyes closed
again. I smiled thinking about how I had
worn her out.
Not really wanting to
leave her at all, I pulled on some track pants and went to the kitchen to make
coffee while I listened to my machine. Damn! More bad news about
equipment. I returned the call and
before I knew it was side tracked by business.
When I noticed the door opening, I about dropped the phone when Lisa,
dressed in nothing but a towel, reached for the cup I had set out for her.
Getting off the phone
as fast as I could, my eyes stayed glued to her as she sat across from me, looking
both innocent and sexy at the same time.
“Damn you look good in
the morning!” I bent down to kiss her.
It felt odd to interact on the other side of the bed again. Weird- I
never quite knew how to act around her when we had clothes on. Or towels.
“Hope you don’t mind I
took another shower. Seems the one we took last night was a bit redundant…given
you messed me up again pretty good…”
I blushed. “Hey. We aim to please. I’m a perfect host.”
She chuckled.
“Yeah….that you are. You took care of me
real good. I might need help walking today, but other than that…”
Caveman me grew an inch and swung my club. Yeah, baby! I’m da man!
“Sorry…” I pulled her
closer and kissed her once more.
“Yeah…you sound it.”
She snuggled against me.
The phone rang again.
Damn! She sighed and backed up.
“The machine can get
it. Really.”
“No, it’s fine- I gotta
get dressed anyway.” She started to rise.
“No, Lisa, really….”
The machine kicked in
and the angry voice of my manager filled the room. “Mike, where the hell are
you? You were supposed to be meeting me over an hour ago. You better get your
skinny ass over here. Vacation’s over. We got some shit going down and…”
“Get it…sounds like
there’s a fire…” Lisa kissed me and rose, just as I reached for the phone.
Damn! I watched her
walk off admiring the sway of her hips.
Shit….Time to focus on the real world.
“Frank…I’m here…What’s
going on? I’m sorry…I feel under the weather…”
I fake coughed. Lisa laughed and rolled her eyes before she disappeared
in my bedroom.
After another thirty
minutes of damage control, I finally ended the call with Frank. How did he expect me to meet him if he kept
me on the phone forever? Lisa had joined me and had in the meantime retrieved
the morning paper, reading it while shooting me increasingly irritated looks
above the paper.
Hey! Had she not just
told me to get the phone?
“Okay. Sorry. So…I
gotta get going. Seems my staff is getting a bit irked.”
“Yeah…I know you’re
busy. I’m sorry to keep you.” Her eyes were not making contact. Seemed like my staff getting irked was not my
only problem.
What was this about?
She knew I had to leave today. Women were so damn confusing!
“Hey…it’s not that I
want to leave. And I’m already behind schedule. I got a show tomorrow night. I
call you from the plane, okay?”
Lisa straightened.
“Look. I wanna make this clear to you. What we said before…I mean…that we’d be
friends. I’m still on board with that, you know. I got no expectation…just
because…just because we fucked last night…I mean..it was nice…but..”
Well, wasn’t she sweet?
It was nice? We fucked? My turn to get irritated. Good thing I hadn’t
told her how I felt. Or was that it? Should I tell her? But wouldn’t that make
it more difficult?
“Look- I think we did a
bit more than fuck. Especially this
morning. This is not the club. This was my home. In my bed. And we did some pretty…intimate
stuff, I think. When are you gonna get it: I don’t need a fuck-buddy, Lisa.”
Her lips tightened. Her
head dropped. Man! I loved her hair, but it irritated me how she used it as a
shield. And here I thought I had problems looking at people.
“I’m sure you don’t.
But I don’t want you to think I’m asking you for stuff. Cause I get it. You’re
busy…and you got a life…”
“Well, yeah. But that
don’t mean I don’t want you in it. Cause I do. Don’t you get that?”
“Michael. You don’t owe
me anything. Really. We’re square.”
Was she for real? This
was not about me owing her or anything like that. Why did she have to be so
damn confusing?
“Look- I know that. I
want us to be friends…like we said. But I want…I also would like…”
She stared at me.
Finally- she finally looked like she was about to listen.
The damn phone rang
again. Lisa sighed and got up. “You better get that.”
Shit! I swore there was
some universal conspiracy against me this morning. Why could life not be simple
for once?
In a less than pleasant
tone, I answered the phone, my eyes not leaving her.
Great- more good news.
Cheryl had gotten strep throat and they asked if Tatiana should be flown in.
Holy hell! To make matters worse, the battery on the cordless phone beeped and
I had to go into the bedroom to continue the call.
“Don’t leave- I’ll be
right back.”
Lisa stared at me, then
The call seemed to go
on longer than expected as I tried to be very diplomatic explaining why I did
not want Tatiana. She was annoying and on my nerves. We went over several other options.
Finally, I was able to
hang up. I really needed to remember to get another cordless phone for the
bedroom- I hated being in here, not knowing what the heck Lisa was up to out
“Lise…I’m sorry… I’m
done now. We gotta…” I stopped cold. She
was no longer at the table.
I darted over to the
living area. Shit- nothing.
“Lisa Marie!!!” I
quickly scanned the other room and nothing.
Dashing to the front
door, I picked up the intercom.
The doorman informed me
a young lady matching my description just left the building. I was about to hang up. “Oh, sir? She gave me
a note for you. Should I send it up?”
I swallowed hard.
She left a note.
How kind of her.
Fucking hell!
Could she really not
have hung around another five minutes? I was a day late for my world tour with
thousands of people waiting for me, and she could not sit put for ten minutes
while I finished a phone call?
Composing myself,
fighting back tears, I thanked the doorman and informed him I would get the
note later. When I had time.
Swallowing the bitter
taste of disappointment and anger, I stood in the quiet condo for a moment,
then ever so slowly turned and went into the bedroom, trying hard not to stare
at the bed still containing her scent as I packed my bags and headed out.
A note. She left me a
damn note. Well, I guessed that was better than a thank you on a box of
matches. If she thought I was interested
in what she had to say, she better think again. I needed her to talk to me- to
hear me out. What I did not need was her running out and leaving me with some
written bullshit.
Setting my chin, I
passed the doorman on my way to the limo taking me to the airport. Her stupid
note could rot in hell.
The driver took my
suitcase and opened the door.
“Ready, sir?”
I bit my lip. Shit!
“One minute.” Throwing
the door back open, I darted back out.
You are a rock man. An example of conviction.
No, I was a stupid
idiot in love.
Clutching the piece of
paper, I watched the familiar sites of LA pass by through the sheen of what
could not possibly be tears.
October 1988
The dream woke me.
Another nightmare. Why the hell did I bother sleeping at all when all I could
ever do was dream of her? I didn’t sleep much anyway. But every time I drifted
off for a minute or two I saw her face, her eyes, her smile…heard her
voice. It was pure agony.
Why don’t you just get it over with and call her? You are so
fucking ridiculous.
Shit, I had picked up
the phone so many times. The number she had left in the note was burned into my
brain. But every single time, I had hung up. A couple of times I made it all
the way till she answered- then hung up.
Why should I call? Not like I was the one walking
out basically in mid conversation.
Because she doesn’t have your number? Because you’re an adult and
you miss her like crazy? Because despite all the efforts to tell yourself that
it was all about sex you cannot get her out of your thoughts, your dreams…or
your heart…
Well. I had made a
move…kind of. I had sent her flowers this week. And a card.
Thinking of you…
And a number she could
reach me at.
If she wanted to. Of
course, there were no guarantees she wanted to. She had left after all.
Yes, and she also left you her number. Which probably meant she
wanted to hear from you.
Really though- if she
had wanted to talk to me, all she had to do was stay and hear me out. She knew
I was busy as fuck and had one foot out the door. I didn’t make her stay that
night. I didn’t make her fuck me. No,
she had hung around. And she had left. Like a pouting little kid. And if she
thought I was the type of man who would run after her like a lovesick puppy she
had another thing coming. Those days were over. Diana had cured me of that
Lisa is not Diana. I thought you had worked that out.
Well, if she was not
like Diana, she might have hung around and let me tell her how I felt. Maybe
that was it…Maybe she had suspected that idiot that I was, I was about to wax
all poetic about my emotions. And maybe, just maybe that was not what she
wanted. She had a fiancé after all.
David said she played
for keeps. But what if she wanted to keep him? Not me. Not the freaky, busy
singer with the wrong skin color. And the funny part was that even that was
My stomach turned
again. Man! I had thought this thing over and over. From every angle and every
perspective. Shoot:I probably had
invented angles and perspectives.
And then the call had
come…. And, predictably I had missed it.
“Michael…Hey. It’s me…Lisa. I…I got the flowers. Thanks. I…I’m floored, really. I had not thought I’d
hear from you. It’s been…a bit.”
There was a pause and I almost thought she had hung up. “So…please
call me back. I gotta talk to you. I was
about to …well…uhm…some stuff’s been going on in my life, and I really didn’t
think I’d hear from you. Like ever.
So…yeah… Weird timing. I gotta talk to
you, okay. I hope you sending the flowers means it’s okay we talk. I’m sorry
how we left things. I’m not good at dealing with shit sometimes. So…yeah..
Please call me back, okay?”
Her voice had punched a
hole in my gut before reaching into my chest, twisting my heart into odd
shapes. Shapes spelling her name. This
was so stupid! What had I waited for all this time? And what was I going to say?
“Hi, how are you” might be a start…
Then again, it seemed a
bit silly given all we had shared.
Well, shit. I’d do it.
Despite the bees buzzing in my head and belly every time I thought about
reaching out to her, I was ready. I needed to talk to her. I needed her to
What? That you can’t help but think about her? That you see her
eyes and her smile every night? That you don’t want her to think she was
nothing but a nice lay?
Resolving to call her
after the next show, I played her call back one more time.
Another night…another
dream..another day-break. I had not called. Had remembered the time difference.
Had watched the clock tick by. Made mental excuses why now was a bad time.
Just when I had finally
mustered up enough courage and reached for the phone, the ringing startled me.
Why was my tone so
hopeful? Did I really expect her to be on the other line?
“Mike- damn! That’s the
fastest you ever answered that phone!”
David. Great.
“Hey…I was about to
make a call. As a matter of fact, can I call you back?”
“Sure- but hold on- I
gotta tell you something. It won’t take long..but…”
A knock on the door.
“Hold on as second,
I opened the door. My
bodyguard was handing me the usual collection of papers I had asked for.
“Go on…what you gotta
tell me…”
Holding the receiver
squeezed between my chin and my shoulder I leafed through the magazines…
“Mike…Not sure how
you’re gonna feel about this, but I thought you should hear it from a friend.”
His tone was odd. What
was he getting at?
“Hear what?”
“It’s about Lisa
Funny he should mention
her name, as it also suddenly jumped out at me from the front of the tabloid I
was staring at.
What? No- I must be
reading this wrong. Or it was a rumor…
My throat dried out and
I felt dizzy. No, I could not believe the headline. This was ridiculous. It had
to be a lie!
“Dave- you wont’
believe it- but I just read the craziest lie. About her. About Lisa Marie. This
paper, this rag… So sad they always gotta make up stories.”
“Mike. Shit. What does
it say?”
I threw it across the
room. No, this was ridiculous.
“It don’t matter. It’s
a lie.”
“Well, if it says she
got married, Michael, then it’s not a lie. That’s what I was calling to tell
you. Lisa Marie married Danny last week. I just found out.”
His voice sounded as if
it was coming from below a deep ocean. Breathing became more difficult and the
floor seemed to move.
“No- this was
ridiculous. Why would she…”
“Well, she had been
engaged. I thought you knew that.” What
I had not known was that I had said the words aloud. Man…This was unreal.
Of course I had known
that. But…
But what? Why shouldn’t she marry him? You hadn’t talked to her
since July.
I had been upset. I was
miffed about her taking off. That didn’t mean I wanted her to go off and get
fucking married.
“Michael? Are you okay,
dude? I mean I know…you and her…I mean, I know you have some history. And I figure
you cared about her…”
The pain sliced through
me and I closed my eyes against the red fog surrounding me…choking me…
Cared about her? I had
been in love with her. And she could not
be bothered to hang around for five minutes to hear me out. I was good enough to help her out at the
club, but then she had fled the scene and returned to her silly little fiancé.
Well, fine. Great. Good luck to her.
“Don’t be silly David.”
My voice sounded strangely calm. “She was just a girl. A girl in a club. That’s
And just like that the
layer of ice snapped into place and a cold, hard sensation settled in my chest.
Ending the conversation with David, I listened to Lisa’s message one last time
before hitting the delete button. On total auto-pilot, I reached into my pocket
and found the crumbled up note, ripping it to pieces, watching the pieces
flutter to the floor in slow motion.
I reached for the phone
one more time.
“Frank- it’s me. Hey-
we need to change my number again.”
There. Done. Time to
grow up and stop believing in fairy tales. When would I ever learn? Staring at
myself in the mirror until I lost myself,
I turned and left the room. When the door closed behind me, I resolved
to consider yet another chapter closed. I had everything I needed. I had my
greatest love in place: my art, my music.
That’s all I needed. My refuge from human disappointment.
That night I gave the
performance of my life. And when my eyes
finally closed hours later, I swore the blue light reaching out for me was
nothing but a faint echo of a girl I had met in another lifetime- a lifetime
before the ice around what used to be my heart provided a secure, and
impenetrable force field.
The end
(until the next
installment of the XXX Chronicles….)
©2012 Erika B Michaels. All Rights
Reserved. This story is a work of fiction. Any names, places, and other
identifying features are used in a fictional manner, for entertainment purposes
only, and are in no way representative of actual events. This work may not be
reproduced, copied, transmitted, or stored without expressed written permission
by Erika B Michaels. All photos and images, mentioned songs or song titles are
copyright their creators. ABSOLUTELY no disrespect is intended to any persons
portrayed in this work.
Erika I was definitely not ready for that to end but I will make it. Hot would not describe those two as we always know you are the master at these. Can't wait for more thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteGlad to supply THAT kind of heat! Thank you, Susan, for your faithful following of these stories! :)
DeleteThat was unbelievably HOT!
ReplyDeleteThank you sooo much for this incredible story, and all the others of course.
Erika you're one hell of a writer. Never stop writing!
Of course, I can't wait for the next part :p
Awe! Thank you so much! Dont' worry, I have many more ideas to go! Thank you! Next part is coming up!
DeleteWow, another incredible chapter to the amazing series you have going here. You are masterful at blending erotica with the back story and the romance developing (even if the two of them don't admit/realize what is going on yet, Lol). Can't wait to see what happens next!! Thanks for the update.
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting and for always cheering me on! Big Hug! <3
DeleteRidiculously hot.
ReplyDeleteLOL- THANK YOU!!!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI can't show my full comments, I have to post it in 2 parts :(
ReplyDeleteok What is this shit ? in fact, the back room was a trap from Michael !
it disappoints me ;)
“I want editing rights.”
I can't believe this : Control freak !
“And you do realize I am Michael Jackson. And that I will do all kinds of …crazy and dirty things to Lisa Marie Presley"
oh yeah, that is my man !!!!!!
and by the way, I wouldn't be here otherwise... -_-
"It had nothing to do with any kind of tender feelings either…it had to do with my level of obsession. Or was that another lie?"
this guy is doing questions and answers lol
"A smile played around me lips. “With all due respect, Madame, I would love to shake on this, but I would love it even more if you could sign this contract, I mean, this agreement, I drafted. You know, for both our security.”
He, actually, asks his lawyers to make a contract where it says he is gonna fuck Lisa ? ah ah
"Why, Lisa? Why do you hand yourself over like that? You got no clue what you’re into here. Well, man, don’t worry. You rode in to save the day. The little princess will be grateful, no doubt. "
he still considers her a little white lamb...
blink lol
"What would he think of all this? Would he even care? Would he be disgusted? Look down on her even more? See her for the scum she was?"
I think you surprised him, darling. He has even documented on bondage !
Funny, how her thoughts always comes back to him...
"Would she be able to face herself after this? Her defiant actions to join this club had been some sort of revenge against those who tried to steer her life "
she want to be a rebel joining this club but she does not live with it, she is not comfortable
if it was not Michael I think she would have difficulties to accept the consequences
" Lisa was well aware that Madame feared she’d blab to Church officials. It was pretty bad if she didn’t even fit in here- with the misfits. Getting kicked out of leper island was kind of hard to swallow. On the bright side, she left with all her appendages in place. Except for her heart. That idiotic thing seemed to be stuck to some idiotic dude who wore silver buckles."
you mean this guy ?
I like the character's psychology
it looks like she wants to belong to a group, as a way to not feel alone ... be normal
"And who was she to compete with those lips, those eyes, those legs…?"
ReplyDeleteshe is kidding, right ?
Let reminds her and to everybody what she looks like :
yes I could have choose a better photo -_-
but I didn't want (grin)
“Why- don’t you normally? I mean..when you’re here…”
She stared at me for a hot second. Then she reached over and pulled part of the sheet over her body. Little late to hide now. What was going on with her? I mean…why did she look surprised at all? I know I had used protection last time as well. Unless…
No, Mike. The last time you did her was not the last time she had sex. Get over yourself, dude. She is a regular here."
it's crazy how independently of each other they think the other bangs half of the club
it is a little sad
I hope they will confess the truth in the next chapter
“Well, yeah. Of course. Of course I do.”
God! Why did she look so injured? I could not figure this girl out! And it was driving me mad. One second she was all hot and heavy- more tempting and more into freaky dirty shit than anyone I had ever been with, and the next minute she acted like a blushing virgin."
see ? why she continues to act as someone she is not ?
“Change rooms? I’m naked…You ripped my clothing off, remember?” Her tone made me stop and look at her. Shit, yeah, I remembered. And I’d buy her another corset and all the thongs she wanted. As long as she’d only wear them for me. What the fuck was that? Was I becoming possessive of her? God, I was annoying! Even to myself."
I will not comment the sex scene of course (3 pages otherwise ...) but franckly, Erika, I'm a bit surprised because with the book, I expected some trash scenes
or it's my fault, maybe I'm jaded ?
thank you
I hope they will talk about them in the next chapter...
PS : I hope the photos will work on your blog...
Annso, my friend: I already thanked you on twitter and on the board as well, as your post REALLY brightened a day when I was kind of sad about having lost Michael... Thank you again for all the time you invest and for your great insights- AND for that AMAZING picture of Madame Ross you posted. I am still laughing about that one! LMAO! Much Love- E
DeleteGirl, that was TOO HOT!! I love it! Like I said, perfect mix of erotica and budding romance. I cannot wait to see where this is going now that she has made her revelation to him. Btw, hot pictures that definitely enhance the story. Update soon!
ReplyDeleteSo so hot! And finally she told him.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see how Michael reacts to what she said.
Amazingly hot! God you're such a good writer. Can't wait for more
ReplyDeleteThis is so much more layered and nuanced than I expected. The way you've captured the self-loathing and self-doubt is amazing and I love how you took my idea of the tapes and spun it out. You already know I highly approve of these things: the ice, the balls on a string, Michael taking charge and making demands of Madame--all of that was awesome. I even laughed at a few parts. As always, the intimate encounters were exquisitely detailed. You can almost feel the sweat flying off their bodies.
P.S. You know I've already started writing the next installment in my mind...I can't seem to stay away from the club. ;)
:) - Thank you, my friend! And I cannot wait to read your next update. Hope it comes soon!
DeleteWow....what more can I say. I have loved this installment from the beginning: the eroticism, the romance. Amazing writing. Now this was of course beyond HOT, oh and the picture....now that totally gave a mental image to the whole story. You have got to add more of those in the next installments!! Anyway, you outdid yourself with this one. The way the relationship blossomed to being more than just sexual is what I loved. My heart broke at the end, but I know this isn't over. It's actually sort of a beginning and I can't wait for new stories in this series.
ReplyDeleteThank you, dear friend! Glad you liked that picture... smirk.... I normally don't like the photoshops all that much, but this one captured my interest. :)Thanks for always being there for me! <3
DeleteOh such a sad ending :( But I loved every bit of it.
ReplyDeleteI really hoped, until the very end, that he would be able to tell how he felt about her, which is, I'm sure, how she felt about him.
I hope there will be more of it soon....and I hope that while we wait for the next instalment, you'll give us something else to enjoy :p
Love your stories. All of them.
Wonderful, wonderful job.
SMOOCHES!!!! THANK YOU!!!! And yes, the story WILL go on!
DeleteNot to pressure you or anything but this is really making me wait for the next installment, hope you can make it soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading- Yes I have a next installment planned, but I also got some other irons in the fire. So many ideas, so little time... :)
DeleteErika believe it or not I am finally caught up! I believe you have surpassed your excellence. I told you I wanted something different and you definitely gave it to me. You covered so much in this and such deep emotions but you always do. Was not planning on the ending you gave me was totaly surprised and just dying for more. Love it girl!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Susan- I am so happy you liked it! Thanks for reading! <3
Deleteextremely well writter story.
ReplyDeleteextremely sad we'll probably never read a sequel.
very sad indeed.