It was difficult to see through the red haze tinting the heavy air. The monotone buzzing of the air conditioning and the whirring of the ceiling fan sliced the apparent vacuum of sound following her entrance. Lisa almost expected to hear the sound of their heart beats as three sets of lungs held their breaths captive.
Every so slowly, understanding seeped into Julia’s dark eyes and she carefully moved her hands from Michael’s. Very wise move.
I guess you could still lawyer without fingers, but gesturing might be difficult.
Michael’s raised eye-brow broke the spell. What? Not the anticipated disapproval for not waiting for HIS cue, but…
Lisa was certainly glad someone though this was funny.
Julia cleared her throat.
“I see. A set up. Very classy, Michael. Nothing surprises me with you, Lisa-Marie.”
The woman rose out of the chair, her back held perfectly straight, tension visible in every movement.
Nothing surprises you? Good, then you won’t mind leaving here bald…
“Sit your ass back down. And don’t give me that indignant tone, you bitch. You should be used to how a set-up works.”
Julia sank back into her chair. What? No fight? Well, that was disappointing.
Guess, I gotta take it to the next level. This was not going to be pretty and civil all the way.
“Lisa, why don’t you have a seat? Nice to see you- again- so soon.”
Lisa almost had to crack up. Michael was too much. Like he did not know she had been in his bedroom? The glint in his eyes conveyed he was very much aware he was being silly. And the little scolding for her premature entry also didn’t slip her attention.
He rose and pulled out a chair for her. She walked over to him, about to sit down to face Julia when she had a much better idea.
Turning, she pulled his head down and kissed him fully on the lips.
Sure, it might have been childish. But so what? He was hers- and the little skank better get a visual of what she was up against. Michael hesitated for a moment, then kissed her back lightly, his hand coming to rest on her back.
“So, what is this about? Obviously, not about forgiving, forgetting, and moving on.”
No, it’s more about ripping you a new one.
“Julia…” Michael started.
No, he had his say. It was her turn. Lisa put her hand on his sleeve and he instantly understood.
“I don’t want you to think of this as an ambush, Julia. After all, it was your choice to come here. Which kinda blows my mind. Did you actually think Michael was going to get all fuzzy and warm with you? I thought you were so smart? I mean, by now it must have dawned on you that we compared notes. And that he caught on to what a lying, scheming slut you are.”
“I guess it was my mistake. But you know- I did count on Michael being understanding and – human. I made a mistake. But I should have known that you’d have your claws back into him again, clouding his judgment. And since it takes one to know one, I won’t even comment on you calling me a slut.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa- wait a minute, ladies. Hello- I am right here. Julia- I don’t need anyone to cloud my judgment as you put it. If anything, it was clouded when I considered you a friend. “
“Michael, friend? Really? Do you make love to all your friends?”
Ok, the woman obviously was on a suicide mission. Who in their right mind threw this kind of business into someone’s face? Well, ok, Lisa herself might have let something like this slip out in the past in confrontations with Debbie- but that was something different altogether.
Michael became perfectly still. The king cobra about to strike.
“Don’t be mistaken: I only make love to one woman. And I don’t care to discuss this part of our past any further. I trusted you and you abused that trust. In more than one way.”
Oh, Lisa knew the dark eyes throwing glistening spears only too well. In the past the obsidian fire had been directed at her oh so many times. It was quite enjoyable to see it piercing someone else’s heart this time. Someone deserving.
Lisa had to lower her head to hide her smile. YES! He definitely only made love to her. And it was about time he pointed that out to one of the skanks who served their purpose of helping him out with a purely biological function. Why did they expect so much more? It’s not like he took his hand out to dinner or had to treat it extra nice when it did its job during some sleepless nights. Maybe he could sign his Christmas card to Grace with that sentiment as well… “My hand thanks you for giving it a break- Merry Christmas.” Lisa smiled to herself once more before joining the conversation before her.
“I thought I explained it all to you, Michael. I don’t know what more I can say. And I don’t know what you thought you’d achieve by bringing her with you. What, you aren’t man enough to fight your own battles?”
Lisa launched out of her chair, held back from flying across the table by Michael’s hand on her wrist, and his eyes telling her to calm down. Funny how nothing irritated her more than when she felt Michael was under attack. But he indeed was more than capable of fighting his own battles. Still…the stupid bitch needed to just shut up.
“Julia- you did apologize to me. But I don’t think you apologized to the person you hurt the most with all your lies. “
“Apologize? Are you serious? I assume you mean Lisa. I saved her life. If anything, she should apologize to me for ruining my suit that day.”
Lisa met Michael’s eyes with the plea to let her lose, and she silently assured him she was not going to mess up his carpet. Not yet anyway. Blood was so difficult to clean up. He shrugged and relinquished his hold on her.
Taking in the cleansing breath which was hyped to bring calm and serenity, Lisa slowly straightened and turned, walking toward the small house bar. Michael rose as well, but remained by the table. He was probably surprised she didn’t tackle the little bitch and rip her hair out.
No, Mr. Jackson, I have matured, you know.
With very deliberate movements Lisa poured herself a drink. No, she was not going to give into temptation and stoop down to Julia’s level. Obviously, the woman’s goal was to provoke her, sending her off into a lunatic rage, making Lisa look like a nincompoop.
“See Michael, she is every bit as crazy as I warned you. No wonder I thought she was demented enough to abort your child just when you made plans to start over with her. Aren’t you glad you have classy, mature, demure, smart, long-legged me right here to make it all better for you?”
Like hell! She was not going to make it that easy for the little mattress.
Lisa took a sip, watching the ice chase around in the crystal glass, setting off small little rainbows.
“Well, I would be happy to cover your drycleaning for you, Julia. Especially, since I suspect your preoccupation with Michael and me has kept you from earning your keep lately. Maybe you should forget about the legal business for a while and try…”
The ice once again chimed a pretty, cheerful melody.
“I don’t know…”
Lisa turned, glass in hand to face Julia again. “…working for an escort service, maybe. -You want a drink?”
The last phrase was thrown in as Julia turned red and seemed to hold her breath.
What had Michael ever seen in that broad? She looked like a blowfish now. A tall and skinny blowfish. Huffed up, bulging eyes, and full of poison.
“I take one, baby.” Michael quipped, his demeanor still being an intriguing mixture of vigilant and bemused.
“Well, I think Julia should cut back anyway, - you seem kind of flushed, dear. Must have been all that wine you consumed earlier when you entertained visions of being in Michael’s bed dancing in your head. Plus, we don’t want you to leave drunk and nearly kill someone else.”
Julia composed herself, rising out of her seat, pushing it back.
“Look, I don’t have to stand here and be insulted by you two. I don’t know what you wanted to
achieve Michael. I have told both you and Lisa-Marie that I am sorry. I am trying to be an adult here and move on. I can’t go back and undo what happened. I feel I was used as some pawn in this war between you two, your mother, and Mr. Lockwood. And sadly, I think I was used by you, too, Michael.”
Oh poor, little-bitty Julia. She felt used. Well, maybe she could call Oprah and whine on her show about how she had been victimized, shed a tear or ten, and cash out on the privilege of having been trusted by Michael. Or maybe Diane Sawyer would see it fit to interview her, exclaiming how horrific she thought it was that Julia actually had sex with Michael. Another jealous bitch whose motives Lisa had come to understand too late.
“Excuse me? I used you?”
For the first time, Michael showed a crack in his cold veneer. He hated being accused of using people, having felt many times in his life like he had been a pawn in some grand scheme involving power and money himself. Sure, at times he had been part of the problem, his mind creating a myriad of strategies involving people around him. Lisa herself had hurled that accusation at him on numerous occasions when she had felt like nothing more than a shiny chess piece moved by the master as he got ready for yet another chess mate. Now, she knew his behavior was a defense mechanism. He always had to be on guard. Just because you were paranoid did not mean there were not people out to get him. And in Michael’s case, there was so much money and power at stake- the dark and ominous threat of being taken down as some sort of grand sacrifice was ever present.
“Yes, you did. When we started to go out, I was under the impression our relationship was about you and me. I quickly caught on that there was a shadow of a past relationship involved, but you assured me you were over her.”
Lisa felt a twinge of guilt. Yes he had thought it was over.
‘Cause I told him it was. I hurt him so badly by making such a fucked up choice. But at the time, I had to.
It had come down to reaching out to the drowning man and risk suffocated by the shark infested waters or to pull back and pretend she had survived. With all the wrong paths she had taken in her life, that one ranked right up there as winner for worst decision ever. Just her luck- she always got the loser awards. Except maybe this time.
“As I saw it at the time, Lisa and I were over. I didn’t use you. I never pretended I wanted to have some deep, soul binding relationship. You, as a matter of fact told me it was all about going light and easy. We talked about it, Julia. So, don’t stand there now all self-righteous and tell me you were used or tricked. I was very upfront about what I could and could not give you.”
“Well, what you didn’t tell me is that I risked you giving me an STD by fucking your ex at a party while I was waiting for you in the next room.”
Wow. So, she knew. Well, good.
“Maybe if you hadn’t bored him to death, he would not have been motivated to take what he really wanted?”
“Who are you kidding, Lisa. You paraded yourself around like a whore on display. The only thing topping your dress would have been to just come in naked and spread your legs right there infront of everyone.”
Michael moved with such speed Lisa almost wondered how he crossed the room so fast. In a very uncharacteristic manner, he grabbed Julia’s arm, startling both her and Lisa. And probably even himself.
“You watch how you talk to her, ok.” His voice was a low hiss full of venom.
And here he had warned Lisa about getting physical.
He and Julia stared at each other, then Julia dropped her gaze to his hand, and Michael, seemingly awaking from some kind of anger induced haze, pulled back, quickly making his way to Lisa. Lisa stepped close to him, her hand coming to rest on his arm, as she found his eyes, still sparkling with barely contained dark emotions. He was pale, his cheeks showing some pink spots; physical signs the whole sick exchange was getting to him.
Maybe this was physically too much for him? He had just come out of treatment, and Lisa knew firsthand how taxing recovery could be. As much as she wanted to confront Julia, she never would risk Michael’s emotional or physical health.
“Hey, you ok? “
For that split second her hushed, concerned whisper and their eyes melting into each other, transported them to that place where no one else existed.
Immediately, his expression calmed and she saw him swallow, then wink and smile at her.
Lisa’s hand slid lower, intertwining her fingers with his. The coolness of his skin warmed under her touch. She squeezed his hand and he returned the gesture.
Ok- he was fine. She exhaled.
“Yeah, I’m ok.”
“Well, aren’t you two just too sweet. You make me want to throw up. I am so glad I am out of this demented dance you two are involved in.”
“Yeah, you sounded real glad earlier. Talk about parading yourself around… At least I always know he really wants me, and I am not just some stand-in blow-up doll.”
“There is so much I could say to this Lisa, but I won’t jump down into the mud to join you. You are a classless, spoiled, rich little girl. I don’t know how you have him snowed like this. And really, having had this chance to open my eyes to the sick entanglement you two share has helped me. I am so glad to be out of this drama. I’m sure you two will enjoy this bond you have for a while, then get bored and start hurting each other. And heaven help the poor sucker who gets involved with either one of you.”
“Thankfully, you don’t have to worry your big ole head about that, Julia. All I want you to understand is that despite your lies and your schemes, Michael and I have survived and are more solid than ever.”
Michael looked at her, obviously pleasantly surprised by her words cementing their relationship. Funny, how a common cause always opened her eyes to what she really wanted. Which in this case was not caution and some distant trial relationships. It was to be with Michael. To be a united, solid front. To be able to count on the love and support without sick games to test the other. Lisa knew full well, that last part had been her weakness. She had previously not been strong enough to trust his love. Maybe all the pain and all the desperation they had been through had finally cause her to grow up and to stop questioning his love. By no means did her thoughts absolve him from his contributions to the devastation they had wreaked, but she now understood that she could only control her part of the relationship. And trust that he would be able to do what was required to keep them together on his side of things.
“Are we done here? Cause I’m reaching my limit here.”
“Julia, I want you to understand and to hear me. You, for whatever reason, decided that our friendship and the way we had left our relationship weren’t important. You took an innocent picture of Lisa and you sent it to me with the full intent to hurt me.”
“No, I sent it to open your eyes.”
“To what? If you were there you saw me pushing Lockwood away. You saw the truth. Why they hell do you keep lying about it?”
“And how was I to know you didn’t only push him away ‘cause you had spotted me?”
“Oh, my God, are you that far gone?”
“So, you did see Lisa pushing him away?” Michael interrupted.
Julia closed her eyes and chewed on her bottom lip.
“Fine, yeah. I did see her pushing him away and they had words. But, Michael- I knew she was only playing you. I knew she had hurt you in the past and I thought that what we had was something worth building on.” For the first time, Julia lost her cold, superior composure and became emotional.
“Julia- it was not your decision to make. How do you build on something with lies? And what about what I wanted? You knew I wanted to start over again with Lisa.”
“Those were your words, Michael, but you were in some kind of weird addicted state when it came to her. You still are- but sadly, I now know that I can’t save you.”
Lisa had to laugh.
The woman was so deluded. And desperate.
Michael raked his hand through his hair in frustration.
“I don’t want you to save me! I wanted you to extend me the courtesy to move on with my life.”
“And what about your children? What about their lives?”
Lisa held her breath. Michael froze once again.
Oh, no, she didn’t. You don’t mess with the man’s kids- have you not figured that one out yet, dummy?
“What about my children. Who are, by the way, absolutely none of your business.”
His voice sliced through the air like a samurai sword through silk.
“Paris hated Lisa. She called me and cried on the phone that you were trying to replace her with Lisa’s daughter. She was so sad and she begged me to stay your friend. I thought I was doing what was best for you and your children to keep Lisa as far away as possible.”
“And what qualifies you to be the child expert, Jules? Did you read about children in one of your law books one time? Or saw some special on tv? You are really too much!”
Lisa was almost amused by Julia now- only she knew Michael was about to bite her head off.
“You know shit about my children- so don’t ever – and I mean ever talk to them, about them, or think about them. Every word spewing from your mouth, every justifying lie, just make it so much clearer that you had no ones’ interest at your heart but your own.”
Michael took a breath to compose himself.
“And really, it’s amazing. Cause you are smart and you look real fancy. If I did anything to twist you into this …this weird person you have become, I am truly sorry. But I was as honest as possible. I do apologize for sleeping with Lisa at the party. That was wrong. Not that I regret making love to her, but I should have told you right away. I should have ended things between us right then and there. So, I am truly sorry for that.”
Lisa knew how difficult it was for Michael to directly address personal things and she also knew how he hated any kind of open conflict to begin with. Which were factors keeping her from becoming too wound up about him apologizing at all to the witch.
Ok, bitch, your turn to accept responsibility for what you have done so we can get you out of our lives.
Predictably, one could have heard crickets chirping had they not been in the middle of LA.
As it was, the buzzing of the air conditioner had to do.
Ok? Was that lawyer-ish for ‘I am so sorry for all the pain and anguish I caused you both with my fucked up lies?’
“Ok, so let’s sum this up. Michael is sorry for screwing you after he met up with me that night. And you kinda admitted you did see what really went on with me and Lockwood and you still sent Michael that picture.”
“I am sorry now I sent it.”
“You should be- you have no idea what pain it caused me- and what a chain reaction it set off.”
“Michael, I am not responsible for whatever chain reaction you are talking about. All I wanted you to do is to reconsider your choice.”
“With a lie. You wanted me to reconsider my choice by sending me something you knew was not a true image of what was going on.”
Suddenly something inside Lisa snapped and she noticed her patience meter was on less than empty.
“Can we forget about that fucking picture for a second? I think the much greater issue is that you told Michael I had a fucking abortion. You took my illness and you included it in your delusional story. You have no idea…” Now Lisa was losing her cool. Memories of her agony, her fear, her confusion took her breath. But the worst memory of them all was Michael’s voice, cold and distant, hateful and destructive, slowly squeezing her throat as all life slipped from her.
“Lise…?” Michael turned toward her, away from Julia, holding her by her shoulders, waiting for her to raise her head to meet his eyes as she fought for composure.
How long? How long would it take till the pain of that night finally would grow fainter? At least now she knew how it could be accomplished: like a painting- layer of layer of happier, new memories would over time overwhelm the dark coating of the canvas. Still there in the background- but now in harmony with the whole landscape.
The image filled her with strength and she met his concerned eyes with new confidence.
Clearing her throat, Lisa straightened her spine.
“Julia- when I woke up, I thought I had a miscarriage. Then I was told I might have cancer. All the while I could not get in touch with Michael. Then- when I finally talked to him…”
“I was a monster. Your lies – they made me hate Lisa, and they made me hate myself. There were other factors involved, but something truly frightening was released. All because you for some reason felt the need to …what? Save me? Well, you almost killed me- so thank you very much for caring. I truly wish I had never met you. Can you see that? I trusted you. I trusted my children with you. Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to put my trust into anyone? And you stomped all over it. I just don’t think you get how you fucked me over.”
Julia actually looked close to tears this time.
She looks downright pitiful. Is it weird I don’t feel sorry for her?
Had this only been about Lisa and her pain, maybe she could have been the bigger person. But Julia’s actions had in fact all lead to a road that ended with Michael facing his own mortality on top of that roof. Sure- he had made choices as well, and he was taking responsibility. It was time for Julia to do the same.
“Michael. I am so sorry if I caused you that much pain. And Lisa, I am also sorry I was misinformed and I passed on the information without double checking. There- are you happy now?”
Information she passed on without double checking… Which was one of the elements capturing Lisa’s interest: had Julia been the author of the horrible lie, or had she repeated what others had fed her? And if so- who exactly was behind it all? Had Lockwood’s jealousy and need for revenge gotten the best of him… Or was it a destructive force much closer to her heart and her family?
“Oh, please, you still make it sound like you were a victim. You make me sick.”
“Look, all I can do is say I am sorry. And take responsibility for my part.”
“And you are doing that?” Michael interjected.
“I am. I should have never sent that picture and I should have never repeated such devastating news without making sure they were accurate.”
“But…” Lisa was about to ask the all-important question bugging the daylights out of her when Michael reached for her hand again.
“Ok, I guess that’s all we can ask for. I am sorry for tricking you into coming, but I felt you owed both of us an apology and I was pretty sure you wouldn’t be thrilled if I told you Lisa was gonna be here.”
No! Why was he ending this? She had to know who was behind it all.
“Lisa- I think it’s time Julia left and we can all finally move on with our lives. Don’t contact me, Julia, don’t even think of contacting Lisa, and don’t even form a thought of contacting my children or you will never work in this country again. As a matter of fact, I think it might be a good idea if you looked for work somewhere other than with Tom.”
“You don’t really think you can dictate where or who for I work, do you, Michael?”
“I am simply making a suggestion. If you know what’s good for you, you might wanna think about it.”
There was something truly sexy about Michael flexing his influence muscle. Julia might want to heed his advice and not forget that he still had very powerful alliances and a wide-reaching network of connections. She obviously had no idea how lucky she was he even warned her. In the past, Michael had rid himself of many people pulling strings behind the curtain. Sadly, often he had kept the real vipers around. As had she.
“Well, whatever. You two have a wonderful life. You got what you both deserved. I hope you will be able to heal each other from the wounds I contributed to. I’m outa here. No need to walk me out- I know the way.”
Michael shook his head and rolled his eyes, obviously exhausted from the drama and ready to see it end.
Lisa dashed after Julia.
“Julia, wait, I need to ask you one more thing…”
“I’m done talking, Lisa-Marie. I told you I am sorry, and I finally reached my limit.”
Lisa reached out for Julia’s arm.
“No- you said you repeated information. Who told you I had an abortion? Unless you came up with that all by yourself.”
“Lisa- just suit yourself. You seem happy to paint me in the role of the villain so you can live your little fairy tale life. Just watch out that it doesn’t turn around and bit you in your ass. You better watch your back.”
Julia wretched her arm away, opened the door, and slammed it behind her.
Fucking hell!
Lisa was about to storm after her, when Michael stopped her by grabbing her shoulder.
“Let her go.”
“Michael. She never did say who told her the lie in the first place.”
“Maybe she made it all up.”
“You don’t believe that.”
“No, I don’t. I just don’t think she would tell us anything else. Maybe I shouldn’t have threatened her job. She seemed to soften up a bit before that.”
“So, why don’t I just go after her and get some clarification.”
“Then what?”
“Then I keep on kicking ass and taking names.”
“Lise- I’m tired of doing that. I’m exhausted. I wanna move forward not go back. We kinda know it had to be Lockwood or your mother- unless it was Julia acting all alone. How ‘bout we just keep both of them out of our lives and we don’t have to worry about it?”
“I would be happy to keep my mother out of my life if she had something to do with it. Don’t look at me like that- I know it is possible.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Possible?”
“Ok, likely. But I gotta know.”
“I think deep down you already know. We are both blessed with one wonderful parent and one that was designed in some workshop in hell. My father and your mother are definite reasons we need to be away from here. Nothing good will come of us being too close to them.”
“Maybe it was Lockwood. I mean- he was pissed as hell about you and me.”
“Lisa, really? Don’t you think both Lockwood and Julia were just convenient puppets to your Mom? I mean, I am sure she was not exactly thrilled with the prospect of you running after me in Bahrain.”
“I don’t know. I mean, I do- no, of course she wasn’t thrilled. But… Seriously? I thought her and I had developed some kind of understanding in those past couple of years. She had backed off to a degree.”
Lisa sank against the door, suddenly aborting all plans to chase after Julia. Even though the idea of shaking and slapping her until she spilled her guts was lovely. Right now, she was just too exhausted to care.
Michael reached for her and pulled her into his arms, kissing her head. “Come here, girl. I know it’s tough, but you gotta face it. She backed off you ‘cause you were towing the party line. I was out of your life as far as she knew, and you had moved on with Riff Raff. Now, I’m back and her claws are back out. I really don’t know why the hell I threaten her this much, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she fell back into her old habits.”
Lisa buried her face in his chest, inhaling his scent. God, he was probably right. No, he was likely right. It had been so easy to direct all her anger and hurt at Julia. When really, wasn’t it much more likely her mother, the Ice Queen, had struck once again?
Would she ever be able to just live her own life the way she chose? What did she have to do to prove she was an adult and capable of making her choices? During the past years, her mother had been her shadow, touring the talk-show circuit with her. It had all been to lend her support. Or was it more likely that Priscilla had to be right there, making sure Lisa did not betray how much she still loved Michael?
Lisa and Michael stood in silent embrace for a long while. It felt so right to feel his steady heart rate right there beneath her, a steady rhythm: the metronome to her sanity. They hypnotic beat slowly chased all thoughts of her mother from her tortured mind. It made no sense to worry about all that crap tonight.
“You hungry?” Michael whispered against her head, kissing her again softly.
Lisa raised her head up to him. “Well, I am a bit starved from my earlier….um, exercises…”
His smile lit her universe, and when his lips found hers nothing else mattered but their closeness. The kiss was soft and sweet, his lips brushing her gently, slanting his head first one way, then the other. The small ‘hm’ sound he made assured her that he enjoyed the sweet delight as much as she did.
“You call that exercise? You must be out of shape. That was nothing, girl. Just a little preview of coming attractions.”
Lisa laughed lowly against his mouth. She felt wrapped into a velvety cloak, his love, his arms, his lips stroking her senses as he kissed her once more, this time, his involving his tongue trace and tickle her lips some more, before he pulled her even closer. Tempted by his cinnamon breath, Lisa reached up, her hands in his hair, her tongue snaking around his, pulling it into her mouth, inhaling his moan, which reverberated deeply inside.
When they ended the kiss, she was breathless. Michael kissed her nose, then took her hand and led her toward the couch. He handed her some take out menus and they finally decided on ordering from a local Iranian place down the street.
“You know what? You go order, and I’ll go and freshen up.”
“Ok, but – hey, Lise?”
She stopped and faced him, raising an eyebrow in the unspoken question.
“You know the rule around here. No showering without my supervision.”
“Pervert! You didn’t get your fill of showering earlier?”
“I have no clue what you are talking about. I was perfectly behaved in the shower.”
“Yeah, it was admiring the new additions to my bathroom which sidetracked you.”
“See? Which makes it your fault. No one had you put a damn mirror in. Pervert!”
Lisa laughed and shook her head. “Ok, I give. Guess we have to work on deciding who the bigger pervert is.”
“Are you challenging me? You know I win every contest.”
She grabbed him and kissed him again. “Yes, you do- go feed your woman, Jackson. And your skinny ass. You might need your strength later.”
He giggled and headed for the phone, putting on a strange deep Indian accent ordering their food. Lisa had to laugh- he was such a goof-ball.
Changing into some clothes she had brought by before Michael left for Bahrain, she took her hair down and washed her face. What a crazy day! Checking in on the kids, she made sure they were ok with their father. Michael came into the bedroom and climbed on the bed behind her, kissing her neck, nibbling on her ear, making her laugh again.
Of course, he daughter caught on, told her how gross she was, and asked to speak to Michael, who happily took the phone and joked around with first Riley, then Ben for a couple of minutes. Watching his relaxed face, listening to his laughter, hearing him tell her children how much he had missed them and looked forward to seeing them again was a treat she had not imagined would happen when she had forced herself to get up this morning. This morning…. That strange point in time seemed eons away now.
Michael hung up and laughed. “What? You are staring at me, Miss Presley.”
A reverent peace filled her heart and soul, and without thinking, Lisa reached out and touched his cheek. “You…”
Her voice was a whisper.
Such a small word. So much contained within its boundaries: Her hope, her love, her faith… Always only contained in him.
He leaned into her palm and his hand came to rest over her small fingers. His eyes closed before he turned his head and kissed the sensitive skin of in the center of her palm. Then he took her hand, his thumb tracing her lifeline.
“See this? You lifeline? So strong- but see down here, how it’s getting even stronger? I think that’s now. It’s when both our lives are finally running together. When we stop being selfish assholes and give in to our destiny.”
Tears welled up- her heart overly full with emotions she could not even name.
“You’re losing your poetic touch. Selfish assholes?” Lisa had to clear her throat.
“It’s a new, realistic kind of poetry.”
“Don’t get too street-tough, Jackson. I like that man who views the world through magical glasses.”
“Well, I thought I lost all that. Turned out the dreamer was rudely awoken to a reality he was not ready to face. It was ugly and grey. Dangerous. He was not equipped in that world. He was all alone.”
“Can’t the dreamer just close his eyes and go back to the dream?”
“Well, the funniest thing happened. There was this voice and while he was scared and alone in that grey, cold world, he thought he had to deafen his ears to not be seduced by the vision of hope. But really, one day, while having a nightmare that took him back to the magical land he once loved so much, he realized that the grey world he had been imprisoned in was the dream. It was a nightmare- and the short glimpses of color, love, and hope, as well as the voice of the angel guiding him were part of his real world. All he had to do was to follow the voice and open his eyes. And once he surrendered- he was free.”
“So the grey reality was the nightmare and all he had to do was to allow himself to be awoken?”
“Yeah, but Lisa, to admit you are in a dream is really scary. What if the real life is even worse than the nightmare?”
“I guess the dreamer had to trust the voice and take that chance, hm?”
“Something like that.”
Michael pulled her down onto the bed with him, coming up over her.
“How do you know this is not the dream, Mike? What if we both wake up and are alone- and selfish assholes again?”
Michael kissed her, deeply, longingly. He broke away, breathing hard.
“Not possible. ‘Cause you know what? Dreaming of you is sweet. But tasting you is a million times better. My memories and dreams of you are nothing but a pale copy of the emotions racing through me when you’re really here.”
As much as she loved it when he was sweet like this, it also still scared her. Being snarky and sexy was easy. Too much deep shit still frightened her.
Before she’d cry like a baby, she pulled his head down, kissing him, while allowing her hands to start pulling at his shirt, running her hands over his quickly heating skin, enjoying that he mirrored her movements with his own hands as he found softly caressed her. Lisa moaned against his mouth, inhaling him, needing to feel him close.
“You know how else I know?” His voice had that deep sexy tint driving her crazy now.
“My hard on is so much more painful in real life…”
They gazed at each other for a moment, before both bursting into laughter. They both cracked up until they almost cried, then suddenly and at the same time, they both turned serious. Michael held her face framed between his hands as his eyes sucked her into that deep, dangerous
“I love you Lise. I really do. Nothing else matters. You, me, and our children. That’s it.”
“Never stop again. If you do, I’ll die. I know I’ll die this time, Michael.”
“We both would, Lise. I ain’t going anywhere.”
His kiss this time was possessive and almost desperate. Their hands discovered too many barriers in their frantic quest to find hot skin. Michael pulled up the fabric of her shirt, and Lisa very helpfully lifted her torso, facilitating him taking it off her. Likewise, Lisa tore at his shirt, her fingers shaking with sudden urgency. Michael helped her out, ridding himself of the hindering garment. Lisa’s senses were on fire. Gosh, she had just had him. But right now, she needed his physical love as a symbol of their unity.
There was something about the confrontation with Julia that made it necessary for her to make sure he was reminded that she was his woman- and he her man. Michael rose onto his knees, working on his pants while Lisa opened the buttons and zipper on hers. Their eyes bore into each other, keeping the caress active while their hands were otherwise occupied. Michael beat her in getting rid of his pants, and he wasted no time getting out of his boxers. Lisa had just raised her hips to pull her pants and panties down, when her hands automatically had to touch his stomach, the slide lower to grasp his huge erection. He was so gorgeous. And huge. And all hers.
Michael grabbed her pant legs and pulled them off, throwing them behind him. He stilled. Staring at her, his eyes dipping into her gaze before causing her nipples to harden even more, as shivers raced over her, collecting with electric energy in her dripping core. Michael bent forward, his breathing erratic; as Lisa continued her hold on him, stroking him firmly, watching precum appear on the swollen tip of his penis. She licked her lips without even knowing it. Right now, she was running on pure adrenaline. Pure want. Pure lust. And all those sensations were the silver coating of her love for this man.
Michael’s delicate fingers painted her skin with burning brushstrokes. He stared at her shoulders, then found her breasts, her nipples, her ribs, her abdomen, then down her thighs. Before heading back toward the center of her need.
Lisa moaned and gyrated under him. One hand stayed on him, while the other reached around and squeezed his gorgeous ass. Michael now moaned her name and Lisa spread her thighs, losing all inhibition, feeling confident despite her vulnerable position.
Michael bit his lip. His hot gaze found her dripping core and branded her. When his fingers touched her velvet opening, her hips shot off the bed.
“Shhht…baby. Be still. You’re so ready. Let me see if you can take what I gotta give you.”
His fingers traced her swollen labia, spreading her dripping juices around the sensitive opening.
“Mike…” She pleaded, not knowing what she was begging for.
Two fingers entered her and his thumb rubbed over her clit, causing her to call out his name over and over as he pumped her several time.
“There you go. That’s my girl. Good and ready. “ Lisa used one hand to rub her breast and finally surrendered her grasp on him.
“Michael. I need you, please…”
“I know you do. I don’t wanna just fuck you tonight, Lisa. I wanna make love to you. I wanna take you so deeply that you never ever leave.”
He took a hold of his erection and come down over her, his finger still deep inside, stretching and filling her. Lisa reached out and pulled his head down to her, their mouths infusing each other with breath just as he moved his fingers and guided himself into her, taking his time.
“Hold still, baby girl. I want you to feel it. You gotta feel all that crazy love I got for you. Every...”
He pushed forward a bit, stretching her further, taxing every nerve, every emotion…
“Single…” Another inch entered her. Fire spearing her, as she longed for more of the obliterating flame.
“Bit..” Ignited, her fuel imploded, propelling her along toward the vast horizon.
Pushing in to the hilt, grabbing her hips, he held her perfectly still. Their kiss was all consuming, she felt her inner walls quiver and shake against his steel core. She was suspended in time and space. When she thought she could not take it anymore, Michael started to move.
He made love to her with deliberate intensity, making sure she was present and mindful of every thrust, every dragging torturous move when he withdrew. Lisa cried out his name over and over, clutching to him, feeling his muscles playing against her, hearing his own moans and cries singing of his love to her. Every movement stirred deep chords in her soul, every plunge plummeted her deeper into bliss, higher into heaven.
It was almost too much. Her lungs compressed and spots appeared before her eyes.
“Look at me, girl. You ready? I feel you grabbing me so tightly I’m about to go insane. Insane for you…all for you…”
“Oh, God, Michael, oh shit…”
The spiral contracted and she saw the mirror image in his eyes. When it happened, when they both flew apart, their bodies contracted and spasmed, hers holding and gripping him, while he spilled into her over and over. Their eyes stayed connected, and Lisa could swear she saw the same golden and colorful explosion that surrounded her in his deep depths. Michael fell against her, his breath caressing her shoulder, his body almost heavy on top of hers without being a burden at all.
They stayed that way, connected, floating in warm, bubbly oblivion, their physical being summarized by their pounding hearts and labored breaths. The other part of their being, which could not be shackled by mere words and was nothing but pure feeling and emotions kept them transcended in that sweet poisonous atmosphere they both needed to survive. It was the place that could never be reached by anyone else. And to gain access, Lisa realized she had to surrender to Michael and in turn gain the same surrender.
A buzzer brought them back to reality.
“Food! Perfect timing.”
“And here I thought all you needed was my love.” Michael lifted off her, but took the time to kiss her before stepping into a pair of sweatpants, pulling on a shirt.
“I ‘bout OD-ed on your love, today, Michael. I need a wheelchair tomorrow.”
“Yeah, baby, I still got it!”
“You got a big head.”
“Yeah, I know- better to fuck you with.”
Lisa laughed and threw a pillow at him.
“Will you get the food already before the man leaves?”
“Oh, he’s leaving it with the doorman, remember? Who paid him and now is leaving it outside my door. Have you forgotten the drill?”
“Ok, get it and set it up, will you? I’m gonna try and put on some clothes a gain- maybe you can actually leave them on this time.”
“No promises…” He laughed again, then sauntered out of the room, singing to himself.
He was such a dork.
Her dork.
Lisa freshened up- again, and borrowed his robe.
When she entered the living area she saw he was in the kitchen on the phone.
“Well, I think it is time we clear all this up and I want to do it face to face. I am done playing around and we need to get a thing or two straight. – I really don’t care what you prefer. Expect me around 3 tomorrow. Bye.”
His back still to her, he tossed his phone onto the counter, murmuring, “fucking bitch.”
Startled he turned.
“Hey, baby. Food is here.” He motioned toward the table.
“Who was that?”
“I really wish you wouldn’t sneak up on me.”
He was not already starting to keep secrets again, was he?
“Turns out I am having a meeting with your sad excuse of a mother tomorrow.”
What the heck? Did he not just try to talk her into leaving things alone?
“But you said I should let it rest.”
“Yeah, I did. Which is why I am meeting with her.”
“I don’t need you to fight my battles.”
“Good. I’m not. I’m fighting my own. And since you love me, I know you will understand and not butt in.”
Lisa took a deep breath.
“Ok, if you think it’s best. Just make sure you wear your ice dart repellent suit.”
Michael laughed and pulled the chair out for her, then poured her a glass of wine. As he started to pile food onto her plate, Lisa thought that there was no way in hell she would stand by while her mother attacked Michael. No, if he wanted to fight that battle, he had to accept that she would be right there. They were in this together. If he’d go into battle, she’d be right there with him, fighting the Ice Queen. This time, she was well prepared to have the strength to stand up to her mother, find out the truth, and if needed cut her from her life to be able to share everything with Michael. He was no longer alone. Never again.
(to be continued)
©2011 Erika B Michaels. All Rights Reserved. This story is a work of fiction. Any names, places, and other identifying features are used in a fictional manner, for entertainment purposes only, and are in no way representative of actual events. This work may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, or stored without expressed written permission by Erika B Michaels. All photos and images, mentioned songs or song titles are copyright their creators.

The Difference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Erika such a powerful update! Julia was a walk in the park compared to the Ice Queen can't wait to see the fur fly. Love the new website just what we need at this time! Thanks so much more soon!
ReplyDeleteWow, you show much more restraint than I ever could! Julia would have litterally be talking out of her ass if I was the author... Well, at least I would have made Michael spike her drink with a laxative...
ReplyDeleteOooh, so it's The Anitichrist's turn next. This should be interesting... She has to be careful not to show any emotion. She might make a crack in her silicone veneer...
Nice humping... I always applaud Michael taking a hold of his own meat monster... Yummers!!
Great chapter, very well written as always. Loved the scene where Lisa kisses Michael full on the mouth right in front of Julia. Very cool.
ReplyDeleteSo Priscilla was behind the abortion story...interesting twist I did not expect. Well she will soon get her just rewards.
Loved the confrontation between Michael, Lisa and Julia, especially when Michael defended Lisa.
Loved the bit about Grace and the Christmas card, that was funny. And the Diane Sawyer comment made me chuckle as well.
Thanks again for your time and effort, much appreciated. A most enjoyable read. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)
Hi Erika
ReplyDeleteYour magic fingers are at work again writing another beautiful chapter. In this chapter we see a more mature Lisa, and Michael openly defending Lisa.
That was great.I'm sooo happy Julia is History. I too enjoyed the comment about Grace, and DS. As for Priscilla there are no words in the dictionary to descibe that woman.
Thanks for another great update Erika.
Thank you, Susan, Tholstrup, Carlistra, and Monica. Glad you liked the update. I know - the drama between MJ and Lisa has subsided, but I like to write their growing bond and maturity right now. Thanks so much, guys!