Monday, April 7, 2014

Afterlife- Chapter 14


Surely he had misheard. Twice. Theoretically it was entirely possible, given that blood flow in his brain had been severely restricted for a while now.  Lisa’s little purchases had totally blown his mind- despite initial hesitation when she whipped out that crop. Even though her outfit significantly had softened his resistance.  Well- he trusted her, right? Plus, she damn well knew better.

She also should know better than to nag in mid-fuck. There had to be some sort of rule against that.  In the past she had often elicited promises from him in somewhat unfair ways- using her body to control his own release until he had no longer been able to see straight, but this was new.

It would serve her entirely right if he were to go totally flaccid on her ass.  But, checking in with his lower region, that wasn’t happening.  Yet, anyway. Obviously, some part of him enjoyed psychological torture.  

If only thinking was not so fucking hard right now.  Lisa moved slightly, her eyes still searching his face. Damn, she felt so good. Warm…no, hot…slippery…soft…  His eyes closed. 

“Lisa….”  he managed to croak out.  

“Shit…I’m sorry. Forget it… I ….”  Suddenly, her expression changed and she burst out laughing. 

He cringed. Her muscles grabbed and squeezed him tighter and due to her sudden outburst of humor.  

That woman!

“This is probably not the best timing, right?”  

Understatement of the year award goes to Lisa Presley! Damn! 

Michael cocked his head. “You think?”

“It’s just…” She got serious again, her hips starting to move more as she glided up his pole.  Michael glanced down at them.  Okay- he had been right- he was still hard.  Mesmerized by the sight of her juices coating him as he stretched her, he bore up into her. Hard- making her moan.  

“…let’s not do this…now… Unless you want me to go flat tire on your hot little self.”

Lisa smirked, grinding against him.  “Doesn’t feel like that’s about to happen… Still mighty studly in your old days, Daddy…”

“Girl…” he growled.  His hands moved from her waist down to her ass, holding her firm, spreading her, watching every rise and fall.  Lisa keeping her little snatch bare really was such a turn on to him- allowing for a visual feast.

“You gotta know…” Lisa panted as she herself picked up the speed, changing the angle slightly by leaning forward, kissing him.  “You gotta know I love you. Despite you being…”

Her eyes closed as he spread her juices from her dripping opening to between her buns.  He found the puckered hole and rimmed it.  Since she was not fighting - or fucking- fair, why should he? 

“Fuck…oh, hell yeah….” Lisa sighed, her skin taking on that rosy glow telling him she was very close.  

Nice to see her brain had trouble focusing on two things at the same time as well

“Being what?”  His time to torture her a bit.  Which was totally in keeping with the little surprises he got for her…” But for now he’d just enjoy exploring all those little zones he knew would drive her even wilder. He applied a little pressure.

Lisa yelped in that sexy way he loved and he felt what seemed like a new little lava flow coating his cock.  

“Being sneaky…oh yeah… and downright evil at times… I know.” Her serious words were interrupted by little moans.

Michael stopped what he was doing and his hold returned to her waist, grasping her firmly. Preventing her from rising again.  

She knew?  Well, great.  He’d deal with that later.  Right now he was getting slightly irritated, probably because he damn well intended to finish what he was doing. He was a man, after all. Woman were masters at multitasking.  Men had to stay focused on one thing. And he intended to stay focused on coming inside this crazy lunatic on top of him.  Right after making her climax so hard she’d see starts- and forget about messing with his head.  

“Let’s get this straight: are we fucking or talking?  I can’t do both. So, if you really wanna talk, we stop right now, and I tell you what you already seem to know.”

They were in Vegas. What was a little gamble among friends? God, he hoped she wasn’t going with the stupid talking option. 

“I do know. And I love you anyway. I wanna be with you anyway. Even though you make me so damn mad at times I wanna choke the living shit out of you. That’s my point.  I love your sneaky, intrusive…”

He raised his eyebrows. Rounded his hips to remind her of the choice he had presented her with.

“Sexy…beautiful…gorgeous…” she leaned forward and kissed him between words.

Okay, now that kind of talk was a bit better…

“Fuck me baby…fuck me hard… I’ll die if you stop…you got no idea what it did to me…..Seeing you tied up like that…with those sexy as fuck arms…your huge cock…” Lisa whispered those words into his ear, before licking and sucking on his earlobe.  If that was damage control, none was needed. But damn if he didn’t swell inside her just a little bit more.  Talking was definitely out now. 

Jackpot. He won… Perfect timing too, as the urge to move pretty much had become insurmountable.  Being in her like that felt too good, too right, too hot.  He needed that friction of her internal muscles gripping him, the pull of her pussy opening…her heat…  

“I think you just went the opposite of flat…shit…” Lisa kissed his neck, his chest. his nipples…

Michael was starting to see little white spots.  Maybe he was too old for such strenuous activity- but hell, if he was gonna stroke out, why not while having the woman he had always loved riding him into heaven?  

Their pace picked up again, their movements became sharper.  Michael’s hand returned to Lisa’s ass, feeling his cock entering her, stretching her sensitive flesh. Lisa sat up straighter, also glancing down.

“Like that?  Like to see my cock going into your snug little pussy? Look how you’re dripping out for me…”

Lisa moaned as he again lubricated his finger to play with her like before.  His other hand teased her nipples, enjoying her eyes getting wider and breathing changing.  Oh yeah..she was close alright. So was he, but he wanted to see her cum first…

“Oh, yeah…yeah….fuck…” Her little whimpers intensified as did the fluttering in her pussy. Michael felt her squeezing him hard and reached he applied pressure with his digit to her other opening while reaching down and pressing the pad of his thumb against her clit.  

With a scream of his name, Lisa came apart, grinding against him forcefully as he intensified his upward thrusts, knowing she got off even more when he gave it to her hard, pulling almost out ,then surging back in, as her canal gripped him in her spasms.  

“That’s my girl…there you go…” Knowing her inside and out, he now pulled her close, letting her body grind against his, taking what she needed as she continued to ride her high.  When she was almost done, he removed his finger from her ass, causing her to launch into another peak, whimpering against him,  this time falling forward, laying against him. Michael gave her total control at this point- letting her seek the stimulation she needed, as he fought against his own outburst.  

Choices, choices… He could either let go and for sure take her into another climax right then and there, or he could switch things up one more time, getting the depth and penetration he loved- and getting her going again that way.

Lisa became limp against him and her breathing started to calm down a bit. Her pussy was still jumping against him, being rocked by aftershocks, keeping him bathed in her scalding heat.

“Fuck- Michael…when are you….”

She was so absolutely stunning. Hair a mess…face flushed…eyes glossy… Michael framed her face with his hands and kissed her thoroughly.  At the same time he moved up into her again, having to take a deep breath to not cum from the snugness and feel of her.  Damn…

“Hold on, baby…”  

He lifted her off him just when she thought he was picking up the pace again.  Lisa made a protesting sound and gave him a little pout.

“Don’t worry, girl, I gotcha…” He guided her onto her back. taking a moment to enjoy the sight of the corsage still on…her breasts swollen and high, nipples rosy and erect, those damn thigh high boots… and her swollen, dripping flower…

Michael pulled Lisa to the very edge of the bed, her feet in those sinful boots braced on the bed- wide open to him.  He stood at the edge, reaching for himself…

“Look how hard and wet you got me, Lise…damn….”

Lisa’s eyes were glued to his hand stroking his wet dick. One hand started to play with her breast, the other with her pussy.  Blue eyes looked up at him, pulling him closer.  “Give it to me hard…I wanna feel you cum inside of me…”

Oh yeah..this was it… Something snapped.  

Michael stepped closer and picked her up by lifting her ass to him.  He placed his now almost painful erection at her opening and smiled when she shivered, her flesh still sensitive. 

“Are you sure you can take it?”  
“Try me…” Came the hoarse response and he surged forward, his rigid cock needing no further encouragement.  For a second he thought about getting one of the little toys, but that could wait.  He was done holding off.  Lifting Lisa against him he started to fuck her just like she had asked for…hard.  Her boobs were bouncing with every thrust.  Needing even more leverage, Michael picked her up slightly, lifting her lower body off the bed, her knees hooked over his arms.  Pounding against him he was held spellbound by her movements, her noises, her body clamping down on him.  The music of his blood rushing in his ears drove his rhythm.  He felt chilling heat rush down his spine, making his balls constrict.

“Michael, dammit..oh shit…let go…I wanna feel you cum…”  Lisa whimpered against him.

That was it. surging forward one more time white lightening struck him and he screamed out her name, as the pleasure and pain of his hot erection pulsed through him, releasing stream after stream of himself into her body.  Lisa also screamed out, her body gripping him hard, her legs closing behind him, forcing them together hard as they joined the colors of the universe, flying apart into particles of pure pleasure before reassembling and landing softly in each other’s glow. 

Michael did not remember having cum this violently in a very long time. The climax continued in spasms and aftershocks every time one of them moved.  Without knowing how he had gotten there, at some point he realized he was on the bed, Lisa against him, his manhood still very much embedded in her. He rubbed her sweaty back, playing with her hair, and was rewarded by little kisses against his clammy skin. Damn… 

“You okay, baby girl?”  He kissed her forehead, moving her hair from her face.  Lisa’s eyes were closed and he spied a little smile on her lips.

“Oh, hell yeah…”

“Here…wanna take your little outfit off? That can’t be comfortable…”  Not waiting for an answer, he started to pull down the zipper.
“I’m sure that’s some trick to get me into another compromising position, but my bones are rubberized, so I don’t care…”  

Lisa moved just enough for him to get the corset off.  

“Baby- I’ll get us some water, okay?  Don’t want us both be hospitalized for dehydration…”  

Where in the world did his pj pants go?  Michael got out of bed and started to search. Finding them, he bent over to get a bit more decent. 

“Hm, hm, hm…” he heard coming from the bed. “You got the nicest ass for an old dude, you know that?”  

Michael looked over his shoulder and found Lisa sitting in bed, unzipping her boots and kicking them off. 

“Imma gon’ get your little self some water and then I show you other things I do nicely for an old dude.  Wouldn’t want you to give out on me…” Laughing he blew her a kiss.

“Yeah- cause you still gotta show me what you got in your bag, Jackson. Cause from where I’m sitting it sure looks as if I won…”  

“Keep dreaming…girl.” Giggling he went into the main room of the suite to find some water.  His legs felt a bit jittery - that had been quite the workout. He had to give it to her, though, she damn near fucked him into a coma. And the way she had made him lose it by putting on her little show.  That was brilliant.  Only Lisa could get him so high he explodes before her hands, or mouth, were even on him.  

Humming to himself, scampered around the suite, going over the goodies he had ordered earlier. He found some grapes, cheese, and crackers and piled everything on a tray.  Catching a glimpse at the time, he wondered if part two of the competition would have to be delayed.  At some point he had to get some sleep. And since Lisa was here and had provided the right kind of medication, he had every hope that this usually difficult feat was actually going to be accomplished.  Unless she wanted to talk…again.

Dammit! What she had said came back to him.  Anxiety lurked from the shadows and slithered toward him. She knew.  Unless she was bluffing.  Which she had been known to do, too.  So, he basically had two choices. Denial, or admitting the truth. She had said she loved him, despite supposedly being on to him. Now, that could be a trick, too, obviously. She had also told him in the past to go ahead and have Deb give him a child. Which, in retrospect had been a real convenient excuse for him.  And she and said she’d always be there for him…only to decide being Mrs Scarecrow was a much better move in all her supposed indifference. So, to trust her and lay it all out, or to play things close to the vest and see what he could get away with. Hm…

God! It sure was no fun being constantly forced to circumvent the piles of shit their past had left behind. Someone should have house trained that bitch! 

Coming back into the bedroom, he found Lisa sitting on the bed, hugging her knees, lost in thought.  Oh yeah- he bet he was not the only one trying to assess what would happen next.

“Are you cold? Let me turn the fireplace on…” Handing her a glass of water, he reached for a remote.  “Voila!”  The fire came on and Lisa smiled.

“Well, seeing I’m naked and you’re not, we have two options here… I know how much you hate when I don’t match you…soo…”

With lightening speed, Michael removed his pants and jumped into bed. Literally.  That one had been an easy choice, indeed. 

Lisa laughed.  “Great - you chose very wisely!” She lifted the cover and snuggled against him, handing him the other water glass. 

“My momma didn’t raise no dummy.”  He smiled and kissed her lips after taking the glass.

“Drink… I need you to keep your strength up.”

Pushy woman! 

Which was not a newsflash, given that only an hour or so ago, she had assaulted him with a riding crop and tied him to the bed.  Damn…. That was some kinky shit! 

Michael drank from the glass.  As in, he emptied it. His eyes never leaving hers. “Happy?”

“Not as happy as I was a little while ago…damn…” Lisa shot him a dirty little grin.

“Are we keeping score of how often I can make you cum? Cause I think I broke some sort of record.”

Lisa shot him “the look” and munched on some grapes. Not without the usual putting on a show with her sexy ass lips coming to close around the round grapes.  Something stirred. 

“Well…I think I made you cum without even touching you…so…” 

“You didn’t have to…the way you touched yourself… You know damn well what it does to me to watch you with toys.”

Lisa batted her eyes, looking quite smug, while trying to portray little Miss Innocence. “Do I, now?”

“You are angling for a spanking aren’t ch’a?”  He also grabbed some grapes, plopping one into his mouth, then holding the rest out to her, dangling the sweet fruits above her heavenly lips.
Lisa’s sexy, hooded eyes stayed on him, while her tongue dipped out before she opened her mouth…just like she had done a little while ago.  Oh, yeah… he was coming back online already again. Maybe that silly plan to sleep could wait a bit.

“Promises, promises…” Lisa mumbled with a full mouth, invoking things he planned on doing to her later with her bedroom eyes. 

“Girl…” Michael growled, grabbing her chin and pulling her close for a kiss.  She tasted of sweet grapes and of Lisa.  His eternal addiction.  How long ago since he had thought it would be so cool to marry the pretty little girl with the huge blue eyes - who was the daughter of such an icon.  And then, along the way he had fallen in love with that crazy little woman.  Wanted to marry her, the person, not caring anymore what it would mean to his legacy to tie himself to that name.  She was everything he had dreamed of and everything he had feared. She didn’t fit any of the categories of women he had met before.  Or since, really.  Lisa was honest - to the point of being crude at times.  She didn’t hide how she felt- ever. Not even in situations when everything in him screamed for her to conceal and put on a mask.  The shit she pulled had at first amused, then infuriated him. She definitely was not the docile, obedient type of woman he always thought he’d need or want to be married to.  

No one had ever hurt him like Lisa had.  No other woman, anyway.  One had come close- but those wounds were nothing compared to how he suffered because of Lisa. And yet, he couldn’t do the one thing that had always kept him safe- he couldn’t freeze her out until all thoughts of her evaporated into frozen stardust.  Every time he tried, his frozen heart thawed from the tiniest embers of hope, despite his hard resolve.  He had done the unthinkable. Had opened himself when he was nothing but a bleeding mess.  He had broken every rule he had ever established for her. How often did he re-write his moral code where Lisa was concerned?  How often had he plunged into total desperation and agony over her?  How often soared straight into the sun, singing his wings and incinerating his soul. She wasn’t safe.  Neither was water.  Or pure oxygen. And yet those elements were needed to sustain life.  That was her- she was life. She was addictive, and potentially destructive.  Maybe he should run.  Shit, he had tried that in the past.  Didn’t work out so well.  And now…well…he had a new perspective. Hey- he almost died.  He always had assumed there would be one more chance until that almost was taken from them. 

“Michael…”  Her deep voice brought him back to the present.  To her. Always her.  She smiled at him hesitantly. “Where did you go?”

“Just thinking…”  He reached out and touched her messy braid, starting to undo it and then fan out her hair.  Lisa watched him.

“You…me…the past…”

“Oh…always the past… Will we ever be able to let go?  Move on? For real?”

Good question.  Judging by the past day, it would be a doozie to try.  But hey- what else was there? Giving up was so very tempting at times- but only when he wasn’t with Lisa. Or could not crawl after her fading fata morgana like apparition one more time. The luxury to disappear into the available veils of medications was too tempting, but too costly.  He now knew he had to live- and had to face the pain.  Pain meant life.  And with Lisa by his side she was the only prescription he needed. If she wanted to help him cope- wanted to take care of him, maybe he should let her do that for once. Just a little bit. 

“Well…us being here together. That’s part of that, isn’t it?”  Suddenly feeling the old fear of losing her again, of it all just being a fleeting, frail lilly pad in the pond of agony, he was not able to look at her face. Concentrated on running his fingers through her hair. Like he had done so many times for his own little girl.  What hell would he not unleash on any man who’d hurt his baby girl the way he had hurt Lisa.  Maybe that was part of it- her Dad pulling strings up there, keeping him in pain. Keeping him focused.  

“Well…I… I mean…I sure had hoped so… Even though…”

His eyes did find her that time. “Even though?”  If she now changed her tune and started in on not wanting to hurt her family he would fucking die.

No, Mike. You gotta do it. You gotta trust her. She said she loved you… Despite everything…

“Even though when I found out you stole my songs I wanted to do nothing but to kick your ass from here back to England. Dude…I got out of my house so fast, I think I set a new record for packing up two babies and myself. But…”

Oh boys, here it came. Funny though how his sneak attack had gotten her out of Lockwood’s grip and propelled her to Vegas.


“But maybe that’s what I needed to get out of my head and get my ass to where I needed to be. Where I wanted to be anyway. With you.”  Lisa reached for his hand and kissed it.

So…there it was again. Here was his chance to deny everything. The thing was, he really didn’t feel like it.  What was the point? She seemed calm.  And he seriously, was sick and tired of the games.  They took so much effort and energy that could be used for other things. As long as they both were on the same page.  No more secrets. No more lies.  He took a deep breath. 

“I didn’t steal them. I was going crazy.  That’s my only defense: insanity. I had you back in my life- but only sorta kinda. You were so closed off. You were - we were…you know…so close physically, but then there was the huge mindfuck of seeing you with him…with the babies. In your life.  A real life.  And I was on the outs… And then that stupid ‘sex only’ rule. Don’t even get me going on that one. And before you say anything, I know you felt like that before. On the outs, I mean. Only, what you and he had, it was real. It wasn’t crafted for some other reason. Like Deb and me- to have the kids. And I know that hurt you so much.  I get that better now, I think. But at least you always knew I loved you and not her.”

Lisa looked down. Her now open hair gliding around her shoulders, putting her features into the shadows. “For a while I thought you loved no one. Not her…but also not me.” Her voice was very small and sad.  

She had said that before.  How strange she thought that.  Had he been that good at keeping everything locked down airtight?  Frozen in his fear. His doubt.  His insecurities. 

“And now?”

She looked up.  Her gaze strong.  “Now I know I was wrong.  That you did love me. Michael- I really hope you never have to go through what I went through when I thought you’d never wake up.  Everything broke free…everything was right there. I saw it all so clear. Only- it seemed it was all for nothing. That you were gone.”

“And then I lived…and it became…murky again?”  He had to ask- because her behavior in the past months was anything but clear. At least to him.  Which is why he had to see her songs.  Her lyrics never lied. Lisa was so totally honest in her art.  That honesty was like a sword made from fire and diamonds at times.  Slicing and cutting him into pieces.  

“Something like that.  What we had…what we have… It’s so damn deep.  It’s like staring into the frigging sun. Like being naked flying into space. Like you wanna see all that beauty out there, but you are also vulnerable as shit.  All that love I had for you, everything I denied and worked so hard to bury- it hit me. Exploded.  Scary as shit, I tell you. How could I stand up to that wave?  Part of me had to have you with me…it wasn’t even a conscious choice.  But damn…then you started to be all weird and…considerate. You’re so damn confusing, you know that?”
He had to laugh. She suddenly looked like a little angry girl. “It’s a bad thing to be considerate?” How well he recalled her calling him selfish.  

“When you’re all like, ‘maybe you should stay with Lockwood’…. What was that?  Like you didn’t want me…” 

What?  For real? 

“I think I made my position about wanting you clear the very first time I saw you again…in that stable…”  What was she thinking?  It had not been that he didn’t want her. Not at all. I But he was afraid she couldn’t want him. Not now. Not the way he was…now.  A wreck. A man who almost had managed to self-destroy.  Like she had predicted in her anger before: You’re gonna play ‘round till all the shit you do will blow up in your face. And bury you. You’re not fucking invincible.  You will die.  And I can’t be there to see that.  Don’t you get that?

Oh yes.  He sure as shit had not predicted all the consequences.  And others had moved in with their own destructive agendas.  He presented everyone with the perfect deal.  Win win.  Money with him alive.  But hey- if the lemming finally goes off the cliff, there was more money to be made.  Dying is a great career move, after all…

“Yeah, but what if that was just old habits…?”

“So? I didn’t hear you complain about old habits a bit ago..” he smiled at her, causing her to blush.  

“Why are we talking about that anyway?  Stop wiggling ‘round. I think this convo was about why you took my songs.”  She sat up and crossed her arms in front of her body.  Pouting again. 

Michael sighed. “I didn’t take them!” She glared at him like a little cat.  Laughing, he raised his palms. “No, wait, before you beat me up. Again…. I mean, I did get to look at some. But I didn’t steal them. Like, I didn’t want to suddenly record your music. Or pretend it’s mine or something. I wanted to know where you were…with your thoughts…your feelings…about…you know.”

“Michael! You are so damn frustrating! I told you I loved you!”
“Yeah, but you made it sound like it was some curse! Some bad addiction you had to cure. Like making love to me was your version of methadone treatment to get over heroin”  He shot her an accusatory look.

“It WAS a curse at times! I am so damn hooked on you!” She hit the cover in frustration. 

Which would explain some of the lyrics of Close to the Edge.  

“So???” He really didn’t see the problem! She loved him. Wanted him. That was good. Right?

“So?  Don’t you get how loving you is my biggest weakness?” 

Suddenly it hit him. Funny, how he had just thought something similar minutes ago.  Freaky how they both felt those similar things and how at times that very similarity could pull them apart. 

Michael turned and grabbed her arms, pulling her to him. “Woman! It’s only a weakness if we get stuck on stupid like before and let other things- and people get between us.”

Lisa blinked and suddenly her eyes were filled with tears. “But that’s it…there always seem to be people.  Lockwood, Deb…the kids…stuff…”

Well, that was specific.  Stuff… Hm… Like…what?

Michael reached out and touched her cheek.  “Hey…you said you love me.  That you will always love me.  That we should forgive each other. Did you only say that cause you thought I’d croak?”

“So, Weary is one of the songs you got, hm?  How many did you st… see?”  

“That’s a damn great song, Lisa. It’s amazing. Magical.  So beautiful- and so sad.” He meant it. It had shaken him to the core when he listened to it the first time. Her honesty. Her pain.  The way she took responsibility- and the way her words reminded him how she really, really had wanted to take care of him. And he had fought her. When actually, wasn’t that part of what made him love her so much? The bossy, maternal little woman who protected those she loved with fierce dedication? 

She blushed again. “Thanks. I’m really proud of that one. I’m just also a bit scared. I hate to lay all that open for people to see…”

“Oh, I really like Sticks and Stones, too. That’s funny. I love when you angry and sarcastic-  and for once it aint toward me.”

She smiled and looked up at him. “Very funny. You gotta stop thinking every word I say is ‘bout you…”

“Every time, the lady speaks, she speaks of me…” Michael sang, earning him a smack on the arm. 

“Ouch! Ain’t you don't abusing me yet? Beating me, tying me up…”

Lisa smiled up at him in a sexy way getting him stirred again. “No, I’m just taking a break… Go on- what other ones…”

“The plane one…ah…Close to the Edge… I like how you have that part in there with stepping over the edge and think there’s a ground. Like roadrunner, right?” 

She smiled. They had often watched cartoons together… And then, in one fight Lisa had screamed at him that he needed to stop acting like he could just walk off cliffs. That life was not a damn cartoon.  “Yeah…like roadrunner. But really, I know you might be reading into songs and that’s good, that’s what I want the audience to do.. “

“You saying I’m not your main muse anymore?” 

Lisa laughed. “No…you still get me pissed like no tomorrow. And thinking I lost you…” She looked at him hard, trying to read his eyes. “That’s it? That’s all you heard?”

Yeah, that was about it. He had received one set of files and then suddenly had felt really shitty. Like he was invading her heart like some sort of parasite.  What he found was amazing, but he really did not like that feeling of going behind her back.  So, he stopped it right there. A bit late. 
Yes, he wanted to know what else was out there.  But the sampling he had obtained was incredible.  

“Wait…” He wanted to be totally honest.  One more just had come to mind… No more lies.  Or convenient omissions.

Lisa raised an eyebrow. 

“Heartless- I got that one, too.”

She looked down. “Oh…”

Heartless… An accusation often hurled between them. Tossed back and forth like an unpinned hand grenade.  Blowing up on either side, before being replaced for another sick round. Someone in his camp would make sure he knew Lisa had been seen out with someone.  Causing him to not take her calls. Until she blew up. Accused him of not loving her. And he retaliated by pointing out she was a heartless bitch in heat. Which ended things for the next couple of weeks…resulting in him being punished by hundreds of tabloid pics of Lisa with her latest little friend.  Even when he didn’t go digging, they always found their way to him. Then he’d try to cope his way…shutting down, focusing on the kids and music. Until they somehow made up…tears, kisses, frantic love making. Oaths of everlasting love…of commitment.  Then fear again… Rinse, repeat…

Janet telling him he was making Lisa sick. That she was a shadow of herself.  Was obsessive about him- not living her life. Neglecting herself.  Lisa played it cool around him, usually- so he never got a full look into that obsession Janet talked about.  Obsession he felt himself- for her. But dealt with in his own way.  But that song…damn… Another straight punch to the gut. 

“Hey…” He lifted her chin up and closed the space between them. “I never really thought you were heartless…Not for long, anyway…”

She smirked. “Not for long…? Thanks!”

“Well, maybe when you did that whole ‘let’s just fuck but not have a relationship’ nonsense… No I just thought that was brainless…” he grinned, unable to refrain from bringing that up again. Cause it still burned him!

“Thanks a lot, dude…” she scoffed, then turned serious. “Michael….” her eye-lids lowered.  He kept the hold on her chin and softly kissed her nose.


Her eyes opened again.  Swimming in tears.  “I was…heartless… I thought…I thought you were gone.  Forever.  And you…” she reached out and touched his heart. “You are my heart.  And I wouldn’t survive it.  I mean, maybe I would. I’d go on living.  But not for real…. The most important part of me, other than my children, would be gone… Heart-less…”  her voice faded into a whisper.

Her words, and the feelings behind them, her soft touch, they all combined into tendrils wrapping around his throat, his heart- choking him up, rendering him breathless.  The soft, tender kiss came automatically and without any thought or planning.  His need was centered on inhaling her breath, on giving and taking the essence of life. On assuring her that she’d never be without his heart ever again.  He tasted the salt of a tear and swore she’d never cry on his account again, either. Not from sadness, anyway.  

They broke apart, lost and found in each other’s eyes.  Michael framed Lisa’s face with his hands, staring at her.  It was such a miracle.  Here she was.  And they were so open.  It was all laid bare right there. Nothing left to fear, anchoring them to the past.  Only the future- wide open before them.

Pulling her into him, the covers slipped some more and he leaned back, pulling Lisa with him, holding her against his body, enjoying the pressure of her lips, her breasts, loving how she wrapped one leg over his body… His lips claimed her once more, this time with more urgency.

His tongue entered her mouth and she sighed as his hand fisted in her hair, the kiss deepening until he felt dizzy and heard his blood rush in his ears.

They broke away, catching their breath between smaller pecks. Finally Lisa rested her head on his chest, kissing his chest, before nuzzling her cheek against him like a little cat. 

“Tell me…tell me it’ll all work out…”

His hand glided through her hair and down her back, drawing soothing circles.

“It’ll all work out, baby-girl.  No one can stand between us this time if we don’t make space for them.  We just gotta be like this…honest…about everything…”

Was it his imagination or was she tensing up a bit.  What was it?  Was she worried about that clown trying to hold her children hostage?  He’d deal with him…it worked before.  It would again.  Her husbands, in the end, were such insignificant obstacles.  Annoying.  But easy enough to swat away like gnats.  


“Hish baby. Don’t worry. We’ll deal with Lockwood.  We make sure he has enough funds to buy all the funny hats and gets off on his guitar collection… Your Mom…she will just deal…”

Lisa laughed against him. “Yeah…she’ll be like a tame little pussy cat compared to Paris…”

Yeah. That was his greatest worry as well.

“Paris…She’ll come ‘round. She just never had a mother and …I guess I messed up a bit. Telling her…you know…about Deb…”

“You mean inventing fairy-tales?”  Lisa pinched his side lightly.  

“Hey, cut that out…” He smacked her butt.  “But yeah…that…”
Lisa wiggled against him suggestively, making him grin…and push all thoughts about his daughter into the PG-13 part of his brain. 

“You’re such a bad little thing, you know that?”  His hand  gently squeezed he soft globes of her ass. It oughta be illegal for a white girl to still sport a bootie like that. Oh yeah…

“What?” She giggled, her leg rubbing against him….  

Oh yeah..what, indeed…

“That…” His hand descended on her flesh again, and he delighted in the sharp sound.  Damn, if only he wasn’t so tired… 

His growing hard on told him that he wasn’t tired at all… Maybe he should listen to that head.

“Hm….” Lisa grinded against him, having obviously enjoyed the second smack as well.

“Michael…” she did sound a bit sleepy,though.  Maybe it would be for the best to get a little nap in, then reveal all his goodies to her.

“Don’t even ask. How ‘bout we rest a minute. I want you wide awake…for later…” his deep voice indicated the kind of activities he had in mind.

“When you finally show me what you got? Just show me now…”

Despite her words, Michael felt her get a bit heavier against him as her voice drifted off.  She was tired alright.  Poor little woman. He didn’t exactly let her get any sleep the previous night. Then all the drama with Deb, Lockwood, Paris… now this night… She had to be running on fumes. 

“Imma gon’ let it sizzle a bit, kay?  I just wanna hold you for a minute…”

Lisa emitted a content sigh and snuggled against him more. “Hmmm…. Gonna give me a hint…”

He grinned to himself.  “I already did…”

Lisa lifted her head.  “You did?” He could see her wheels turning and chuckled. Her eyes looked so sleepy, he could not resist but kiss her again.  

Lisa melted agains him once more, obviously not able to fight her body any longer.  “Fine…I’ll let you get a breather..old man…”

Pulling her to him, Michael reached over to pull the cover back over them.  Within seconds her breathing changed and deepened. 

“Lisa…” He whispered, kissing her head, enjoying the perfect feel of her body relaxing into him.


“We make it work, I promise…” Feeling protective and in love as if he was that young man from way back then, he pulled her close and kissed her head.

Listening to her breathing, he thought how small and fragile this fierce little woman could be.  His little woman… Michael smiled and closed his eyes for just a minute.

Somehow the minute turned to several hours.  Every now and then he’d jerk awake, afraid he’d find himself alone, but every time he was comforted by Lisa snuggled against him, her hair tickling his skin, her breathing soothing him back to sleep.  When his phone rang, he blindly angled for it, while Lisa grabbed a pillow and and pressed it against her head.  Quietly, Michael answered: The nanny informed him the kids were ready. Oh yeah, that’s right. His plan for today was to get them away from Nurse Ratched. Conveniently, it just so happened his mother had bugged him into contacting Jackie, which had turned out to be a great idea. His brother was only too happy to have the kids visiting with his family.

Michael carefully extracted himself from Lisa’s arm and leg.  God, he hated having to leave her.

“Where are you going? Don’t leave…” Lisa mumbled, her voice muffled under the pillow.

“I’ll be back.  You sleep, baby girl.”

Lisa moved the pillow and blinked up at him. “I can get up with you…the babies…”

Michael kissed her, loving the drowsy, sleepy, soft version of his little tigress. “They’re fine. I’ll check on them. You stay here for a bit longer.  Rest up…”  He softly brushed the hair from her cheek.  Kissing her again.

Lisa reached out and embraced him tightly, then curled back up, pulling the blanket around her.  “Don’t be too long..I don’t like the bed without you.”  Her eyes closed again.

Yeah, he didn’t like the bed without her, either. And he’d move heaven and earth to have them back in the same bed forever.

Breakfast with the kids was interesting.  Blanket brought up the fact that the nanny had told them Michael was too tired to have them in his bedroom this morning. Again. That word was added with a little pout.

“Daddy- we couldn’t snuggly yesterday, either. Are you sick?”

Prince and Paris exchanged a glance he was not sure he liked. Could it be his older children knew he had a visitor? Or was that worry he spotted?

“No, no- of course I’m not sick. I just….just…ah, stayed up late, so I wanted to sleep in.” Michael smiled down into his oatmeal, feeling like a love-sick teenager.  And loving  those warm butterflies inside.

“You never sleep in, Daddy…not since you’ve been…you know…not well. You’re feeling okay, right? Prince eyed him with concern for a moment. Was that it? Were the kids flooded with flashback to May and June?  Oh God… Immediately, he felt like shit.  They were still so scarred. At times, he forgot the horror they have been through less than six month ago.

“No, guys. Really. I’m fine. I promise. I’m well. I was just up late…talking to Miss Lisa.”

Was it real idiotic that he blushed?  

Paris’ mouth tightened. “Oh…”  

Hey- should she not be thrilled to hear he was well?  He really would have his work cut out for himself with his little Princess.

“Well- that’s cool. Right, Paris? That Daddy is well and was just talking to Miss Lisa, right?”  Prince prodded his sister. 

“How long will Miss Lisa stay, Daddy?” Paris changed the subject. 
“I hope she stays for long. I like being a big brother to the twins.” Blanket munched on his toast happily.

Paris shot Blanket a horrified look. “You’re not their brother! They’re not family. We are family: Daddy and us. And …”

Oh Lord, please don’t let her mention her birth mother again.  

“Daddy always says, there’s always more people to love. Right?” Prince helpfully offered, and Blanket started listing people who were friends but not blood related.  Funny, how easy going the boys were on this subject, while Paris was holding her ground.

“Daddy- I thought we could see Miss Debbie again today? I mean, I want to see our cousins, but can’t we do that later? She wanted to show me some of the pictures of her horses today.”

Oh, he just bet she did. Horses she bought when she sold her children.  Michael took a deep breath, swallowing the rising irritation. “Well, I’m sure she can show you another time. You know I made plans to have your uncle Jackie pick you guys up for a fun day.” He used the gentle tone negating any backtalk. 

The next hour was spent getting the kids ready, and then finally ushering them out the door. Michael then went to check on Lisa’s twins, hanging around to help their nanny getting them fed and settled down a bit.  He felt slightly bad knowing he was the reason their Mom was tuckered out in his bed, but soon they’d all be together.  Soon. After all this other mess was straightened out. 

After making some phone calls concerning the business he had with the Cirque people, he quickly checked his voice and email messages.  Most of them had to do with the London shows- some were from Philipps and he deleted them without actually listening as soon as he heard the nasty snake’s voice.

One was from Deb. “Michael- I know you won’t return my call, but you know the judge ordered for me to have a certain amount of time with the children. It has been going real well, and Paris and I have really bonded. She needs her mother, Michael, she’s at that age…”

Oh yeah? What did Deb do? Get a Dummy for Absentee Birth Mother’s book on sale? Had this been her stupid little ploy all along?  Was her initial “gift” so generous because she knew the day would come when the children were old enough to ask questions and then she could snake her way into their lives.  Just as she had snaked her way into his. 

“Anyway- she told me you sent them off to spend time with your family. Don’t ignore the court order, Michael. You…I mean, I hate to bring this up, but you have not been well, and I hear you’re under a lot of stress again. I’d hate for something else to happen to you and the children would go through all this hell again. Oh- and I also hear you have a visitor.  Just make sure you don’t let…certain distractions…take your attention away from our children. Well, I’m just saying that I’m sure you know what’s best. But I’m sure the judge would not want to hear that our children are in the middle of one of some someone’s little games again.  And God forbid word gets out to the  tabloids that you and her are once again playing your little game of marital musical chairs. She has twins of her own, right? And a husband… Just watch out, okay. I don’t want you hurt…I just…”


Stupid woman! Who the hell did she think she was, making implied threats? Had she not learned her lesson?

Well, okay, so his stupid, idiotic error in judgement regarding Conrad had brought Deb back into all their lives full force, but she needed to remember that …

That what?  That she had her parental rights re-instated?  That she got a judge to up her visitation rights… What was next?  Joint custody?

Michael’s heart rate increased and he suddenly felt sick. No, he should not listen to her.  Deb was a snake and a liar.  But he had underestimated her vile nature. And her connections- to the tabloid industry, of all places. He didn’t care if news of him and Lisa got out…but Lisa would. And Lockwood for damn sure would have something to whine about again. 

And still….the worst thing he could do was to indulge Deb and give in. Unless…maybe he should. Maybe she’d get sick of playing the part of the matronly friend to the kids.  No, he could not take that risk.  She had him fooled for years.  And he was not going to risk Prince and Paris like that. He’d just talk to Lisa and together they’d work out a plan. 

Those thoughts helped to bring his anxiety down a bit. Despite his heart still sending shockwaves through his body.  

To help settle himself a bit more, Michael ordered some breakfast for Lisa and then jotted down some lyrics racing thought his head, while he waited. 

When he stuck his head into the bedroom,  Lisa was still asleep.  Michael placed her coffee and the tray with fruit and pastries on the nightstand and scooted in next to her, laying on his side, picking up a strand of her hair, tickling her face with it lightly.

“What time is it?”  Lisa muttered, her eyes still closed, her voice sleepy.

“Time for me to watch this beautiful woman in my bed…”

Lisa blinked and opened her heavy eyes.  “Dammit! Is that what you had in that bag? Another woman?”

“There’s only room for one my bed…and in my heart…”  

Lisa smiled up at him, her eyes still half the little sated cat she was. “Sweet talk will get you everywhere, Jackson. But yeah…I bet with my chunky ass there is only room for one..”

Michael laughed. “You’re horrible, you know that? You shouldn’t talk like that about the girl I love. She gorgeous…” He kissed her lips. “Sexy..”  Kissed her cheek.. “…with curves in all the right places…” her neck, while his hand traced lower, finding the swell of her breasts, pulling the covers down.

“There’s no accounting for taste…or bad eye-sight…”   Lisa reached up and pulled him down to her lips as he leaned over her, his hand now traveling down the amazing landscape from her waist to her hips and around to one of the favorite  curves on that little body…

“Girl, I could be blind as a bat. I’d still love to feel your round little ass…and your soft skin…and all those other goodies” Michael buries his face in her neck, kissing the soft skin there while his other hand massaged her boob and played with the hardening nipple.  

“Hm….” Lisa enjoyed his caresses, while her own hands found skin under his shirt, one caressing his sliding lower and into his pjs…”Speaking of nice ass…”

Michael rolled over and pulled her on top of him, never breaking the hard kiss he claimed her mouth with, while they each welcomed all the little (or not so little) bits and pieces to the new morning. 

“I like how you wake me…And look who’s come to say good morning…” Lisa moaned against his mouth, when they finally broke apart. Somehow her hand had come between them and discovered that he, also was wide awake.

“I brought you coffee…and food…by the way…” Michael informed her as he feasted on her ear lobe, causing her to shiver.

“Oh, you brought me something else, too…”

Still stroking him, Lisa’s eyes rolled to the side.  “Shit! It is almost noon! Why did you let me sleep that long? I gotta go see to the girls…”  Getting all tense, she went into Momma mode just like that.

Did that mean playtime was over?  Changing positions once again, he maneuvered Lisa under him, pinning her down with his leg, kissing her until she relaxed.

“Michael…I gotta…” Lisa protested, even as her muscles softened once again.

“It’s all good.I got it handled. They’re fine. They both ate, got their baths, and are now playing with their nanny. I hung out with them for a bit and we built some kick ass towers- so I suspect they will go down for a nap soon. Giving their mommy time to eat and shower.”

“Are you saying I need a shower?”  Lisa smirked up at him, caressing his cheek. “And thanks for taking care of the twins. I don’t know what happened…I was out cold.. I don’t remember sleeping like that. Damn- probably have morning breath like no tomorrow…shit. I do need a shower. And to brush my teeth…”

Damn- she could go from zero to hundred. Lisa needed to learn to chill.  Which was funny coming from him-and how she had always accused him of being totally wired and wound up. 

“Maybe… After you eat something and have your coffee. God knows I remember how you turn evil when you don’t have that.”

“I don’t…” She giggled, but reached over for her cup. 
Michael let her sit up and and plopped himself into the pillows next to her.  

“I also got you some pastries. And fruit. Gotta keep your strength up. And be healthy…”  

Lisa raised her eye-brows.. “Oh yeah? Isn’t that normally my line? Nagging you to eat and drink and all that?”

Michael reached over and also got a cinnamon bun. “You? Nag? Never!” He took a bit, trying not to choke while keeping his face serious.  Lisa giggled.

“Hey- so where are your three? Mommy Dearest kidnap them again? Then again- you’re strangely playful and relaxed. So my guess is, not.”

“I’m always relaxed after you work me over, girl…But no, for real. The kids went to visit with Jackie. Mother arranged that the other day.”

“You never did say what happened with Joe and your mom came over….”

Yeah. And he really didn’t want to talk about that now. Especially since it had been more of the same. No matter how far he and his father would come from where they and started, Joe would most likely never change.  This time, his push had been for a reality show with the brothers, of course, involving him…and worse yet, the kids. Yeah, that wasn’t gonna happen. He’d leave Jermaine in charge of running the freakshow department. 

“Not much. You know… Ideas for brain dead business ventures.”

“Why do they still try to get you into all that? They all have talent..sort of…they can do their thing- You got enough pressure…”  

Michael smiled. It was cute to see Lisa jump into little protector mode again. Her forehead getting that little wrinkle when she was annoyed- or worried. 

“Well, me almost dying gave them only very time-limited exposure.  And I had agreed to guest stints in the shows for the J5 parts- but you know how it is. You give them the little finger and Jerm wants a Ferrari.”

“Well, he can have his own ‘Me and My Hair’ reality show- they gotta move on and live their own lives…”

Lisa had a bright future as Jermaine’s manager there..however, since Jerm could not look at a woman without trying to knock her up …with his charms, of course, he’d keep her very bright business ideas just between them for now.  But he had to chuckle- given he had had similar thoughts.

“What lives?” Michael scoffed.  “Babe- you know how they are… Well..nevermind.I aint gon’ badmouth them, but for real. I’m done being their major support system. Sadly, Mother gets roped in by their sob-stories and Joseph is…well, being Joseph.  Anyway….want more coffee?” He really did not want to waste his precious time with Lisa talking about the millstones around his neck.

“Dang, I should tie you up more often- Will you be at my beckon call all day?”  Lisa quipped.

“I’m trying my best to get you fed, woman. Given you ‘bout passed out on me last night…”

“Likely story. So…wanna shower with me?  I might need some assistance…”  Lisa shot him a sultry look.

Which didn’t miss its target.  His already semi-hard cock inflated to full attention status.  Showers were always a great idea…and he could give her a little preview of the goodies she still had to enjoy.

“Assistance, hm???” Michael’s gaze dipped from her eyes to her lips..down to the suddenly slipping covers.  

“Yeah. My muscles feel quite sore… and I might need help reaching here…” Lisa’s left hand rested on her right shoulder. Michael scooted over and kissed the spot she had pointed out.  

“And here…” Her hand caressed down her sternum to her right breast.   

Helpful as always, he kissed whatever tension rested on the top of her breast.

“And there for sure…” Lisa’s finger surrounded first one, then the other aureola of her nipples.  

Two more kisses…and little nips for good measure.

Lisa sighed and leaned back into the pillows, looking up at him from below her lashes.

“That it?” Michael inquired.

Lisa slowly shook her head.  Her hand dipping lower.  

“I might need some help here, too….”

Oh, he certainly hoped so. He kissed the path from her chest down to her belly button, surrounding the cute navel with his tongue, wishing she was still wearing that little stud. Maybe he should have picked up one of those, too.  Playing there always got her going. Well, there was always later.  

Michael glanced up, his hair hanging in his face.  “You good?”

“Well…” With a mischievous glance her finger danced down lower. 

“Girl….” Michael growled and pulled the cover off her.

“…for real… I do need to shower…” Lisa laughed, trying to stop any further kisses to aching spots.  And he just bet that area was hurting alright. But as someone real smart said in a song before..

“If it’s aching…you have to rub it….” Michael kissed the soft skin right over the V in her legs..then diverted and improvised, kissing the soft flesh of her thighs…leaving some small bites as Lisa squealed.  

“Shhhhhht…” he soothed, as his hand caught where hers had landed, then advanced further.  “You gon’ wake the whole floor…Relax…let me make it better… I been told I got the healing touch…”  He found her swollen labia, felt the already building well as the sticky remnants from last night.  Wasn’t it strange how that edged him on some more? Got him to rub between the slick folds, delight in her little sighs…

Lisa spread her legs and he sat up, getting turned on like all get-out watching his fingers caressing her dripping snatch.  God, she was so pretty down there. And he loved how she kept is all smooth and hairless.  Allowing for an visual and tactile exploration. Michael spread her, revealing her pouting little pearl.  Firm and swollen. Bending forward he gave it a good lick.

“Michael…damn…you shouldn’t…”  

What? He messed it up, he was allowed to do some preliminary cleaning… Before messing it up some more.  

Ignoring Lisa’s protests, Michael rimmed her opening, then entered her with one finger, enjoying her muscles closing around him. His thumb teased her slippery nubbin. Glancing up, he noticed Lisa’s pussy was not the only pink area.  Her checks were flushed, her breathing coming more rapid now. 
“Does that hurt…”  Michael moved his finger gingerly in her tight canal.  

“Feels a bit achy…” Lisa rasped.

Caressing her clit some more, he watched as she got wetter, felt his finger get warmer.  

“How ‘bout now…” he entered with a second digit, watching her opening stretch to adjust.  Slowly, he started to pump her, loving her sounds and little automatic movements as she sank back into the pillows…

“More?”  Michael once again bent forward to kiss and bite her thighs, then lapped at her sweet honey once more, allowing the tip of his tongue to swirl around the little piece of candy…

“Oh yeah…. dang…”

Michael felt Lisa’ muscles clench and soften. Going deeper, he found that little rough spot driving her crazy and he pressed against it.

“Say what?” He teased, his voice dark.

“Please….”Lisa whimpered.

Leaving his hand in place, caressing and teasing her some more, Michael moved up and sucked on her bottom lip before kissing her deeply.

Michael slowed his movements while drinking her kiss.  It was difficult to not just removed his hand and bury himself to the hilt, letting her milk him until he saw stars. However…visions of what they could do in the shower now danced in his head.

“I tell you what…”  He gently removed his fingers, but kept up the stroking caress.  

“No…don’t stop….” Lisa whined.

Michael laughed, kissing her once more. 

“Dirty little tease…” Lisa pouted and reached for him.  Oh no! He knew the shower plans would have to wait if she got hold of his pulsing cock. 

“Dirty, is right… Therefore- we going to take a shower.”  

Michael stripped off his shirt and pjs. Lisa’s eyes dipped to his hard-on.


Michael reached for her hand and pulled her up and out of bed. “Yes, now.”

“You sure…”  Lisa grabbed his staff and gave it a nice tug.  Fuck… Her grip felt so good. 

Michael removed her hand and turned her toward the shower. 

“Yes, go! Get the water warm… I’ll be right there… Go…” He smacked her behind.

“Fine, whatever. See if I even let you into the shower with me..”  Lisa pranced off, then stopped at the door. “What’s the delay, by the way?”  A grin spread over her face. “Does it have to do with the goodies you still ain’t shown me?”


“Tease…But whatever. I don’t even wanna know… I bet you got nothing but boring stuff.” Lisa winked at him.

“Yeah, whatever. I know it’s eating you. But you gotta wait.  I might just drag it out all dern day.”

Which was a tempting idea. He could plant some seeds and drop little hints…maybe even send her pictures. Driving her crazy all day.  Hm…

Lisa finally disappeared and he heard her turn the water on.  Smiling to himself, he retrieved one toy, then left another on her nightstand.  He found a notepad and left a little note, too… 

“Something to feed your imagination…”

Michael smiled to himself, then hurried into the bathroom.

Lisa was already all nice and soapy, when he joined her, stepping inside the huge walk-in shower.  “What you got?” She tried her best to peek at what he had behind his back.

“Nothing…here…turn…I’ll help you get all clean.”  

“But if I turn,” Lisa stepped closer, using her hands to spread wonderfully scented foam over his chest and shoulders, massaging his muscles, “I can’t see all of you. And…” Lisa’s hand moved lower, grabbing a hold of him again, stroking him gently, but with firm hold, “There’s so much to see. And growing…”

Michael gave into her touch for a moment. She felt so damn good.  The warm water hit him and he leaned his head back, eyes closed, enjoying the drops hitting his skin as Lisa’s warm, slick hands pleasured him down there. After several heavenly moments, their bodies gliding skin against skin, Lisa’s skilled fingers gliding lower and also surrounding his tight balls, then back onto his shaft, he pulled her to him, kissing her open mouth, surrounding her tongue with his.

Lisa made little purring sounds that turned to small protests, when he did turn her and she had to surrender his flesh.  Part of him also missed her touch, but damn, he was about to shoot off, and unless he turned on the cold water, he needed a little break.

Michael placed the toy in his hand on the little ledge behind him, then reached around to get some shower gel, spreading it over Lisa’s shoulders and back, taking care to massage and caress as she leaned against him, her head resting on his chest.  

“Hm… Man…how did I ever survive without your touch…your hands are magical…”

Michael took the shower head and rinsed her off, then kissed her neck and shoulders.  

“I don’t ever want you to forget that, either.  Cause I’ll be there to touch you every morning, evening, and night…”

Tipping her chin up to him, he kissed her again and they exchanged sweet kisses while he soaped up her front, playing first with her breasts and nipples, then going lower to the area he had so nicely warmed up before.

“Hm….you know I already washed there….” Lisa smiled up at him lazily.

“Well….I gotta make sure you did a good enough job.” Michael whispered lowly against her, as he once again spread her folds and felt the slick moisture from her body join the water and soap. 

“Never hurts to be ultra clean…” Lisa spread her legs slightly, granting him improved access. 

Okay, time to use his little added bonus… Michael reached for the toy, turning on the little button.

Buzzing filled the room and Lisa’s eyes flew open. “I knew you had something! What is it?”

Michael grinned. “Shhht…..close your eyes… guess…”

The smile still on her lips, she complied and leaned her head against him again.  Michael gripped the little gadget and started to run it over her glistening skin. First down her neck, then to her breasts…surrounding the quickly hardening nipples.  

“Any guesses….”  He kissed her neck and watched goosebumps spread despite the water.

“Hm….I think I know…or am in the ballpark, anyway.”

Michael held the vibrating silver bullet against the tip of her nipple, watching Lisa jump a little.  The constricted peak grew tighter. She moaned and he repeated the treatment to her other breast. 

Moving the device down her chest and belly, circling her navel, he then brought it lower.  Using his fingers as a guide, he rubbed her wet pussy several times with his fingers, making sure she was nice and wet before he brought the bullet down, running it along her pouting folds, then applying light pressure, spreading her.

Lisa whimpered when it made contact with her sensitive flesh. “It’s a bullet….and it feels damn….damn good…”  

Her blue eyes found his.  He could tell from the fire in her eyes, she already was riding high.  


Michael’s fingers hit the next button and the buzzing increased- as did the vibrations. Lisa moaned when he directed the smooth silver material to glide between her folds, taking care to avoid her clit, surrounding her opening, and going back further, teasing the sensitive area there. 

“Oh baby…” Lisa moaned, her hips now undulating against his, teasing his throbbing cock with the slippery silk of her firm ass.  Oh shit…

Bringing the toy back to her clenching pussy, he deftly rubbed her back and forth a couple of times, then brought it toward her nubbin, holding it there, watching as her eyes darkened.  Lisa’s lips formed a little ‘o’ sound, as throaty moans escaped.  

“You like that, don’t cha’…”  

“Shiiiit…oh yeah…” her throaty response drove him crazy.  As did the way her body responded.

Michael guided the little bullet to dance along Lisa’s slippery labia, teasing her opening, inserting it at times, then surrounding her swollen pearl, while his other hand tortured and teased her nipples.  He was rewarded richly by Lisa’s whimpers and the tell tale flooding of her juices, dripping out and mixing with the warm pearls of water decorating her body.

Lisa reached behind herself, grabbing a hold of his throbbing member, stroking and pulling, then dipping lower and fondling his quickly tightening balls. Fucking hell… 

“Put it in…” Lisa moaned and for a second he thought she meant his cock. Her hand stopped his movements at her pussy and he allowed her to take over.  Partly anyway, since he did not relinquish the hold on the control unit but allowed Lisa to take over the small bullet. Kissing him hungrily with those passion filled open mouthed, deep kisses, their tongues caressing and teasing, Lisa turned to face him.  Her slippery body rubbed against him, her nipples driving him crazy as his cock was squeezed between them, being massaged by her gliding movements.

When she opened her eyes, he almost came from the hooded, sexy look in her eyes.  When a sudden, dirty smile appeared on her lips after she licked them with the tip of her tongue, he knew he was in for something good.  Keeping the blue fire of her eyes on him, she sank to her knees every so slowly, causing him to exhale deeply.  Oh fuck, yeah! Every so helpful, his hand came to hold his cock out to her, as she opened her mouth, her tongue licking the tip of his erection.  

“Oh fuck yeah, LIsa.  Dang…there you wide…And keep that hand on your cunt- keep it hot and sticky for me…”  

Michael glanced down at her hand, busy rubbing, and he barely breathed waiting for the scalding heat of her mouth, second only to the paradise between her legs. Watching those pouting lips he swallowed hard, holding back as much as he could, feeling like he was dangerously close to falling over the edge of control.  Finally, Lisa’s  tongue surrounded his cock while he continued to  hold himself out to her, stroking and squeezing, causing himself to grow even more.  

“Hm…” her little noises made it really difficult to focus.

“There you go…take it…come on, girl…play with yourself…I wanna see you stroke that little cunt while you let me fuck your face…”

Judging by the flushing of her cheeks, his dirty talk got to her just like he had planned. Her lips sucked him in, and she took as much as she could. Michael surrendered hold of his cock, and her hands took over, while he held her chin and delighted in the feel of his dick in her mouth, stretching her cheeks.

Damn, she felt so fucking right.  Her mouth sucked and tightened, her hand stroked and massaged, while she urged him on to move against her, causing her to almost gag. Fuck, if he didn’t watch it, he’d cum right then and there in her mouth.  Just for fun, he hit the button on the control for the bullet, and almost regretted when she gasped and the sound she emitted reverberated up his loaded weapon about to go off.

“Get up… I wanna cum inside of you…” Michael finally instructed, kissing those pouting, red lips. 

“I need you so badly…again…” Lisa moaned against him, her hand still directing the movements of his little toy. Reaching down, joining her there, Michael enjoyed the gliding against her slippery, swollen pussy lips for a bit, before taking over the toy.

Turning Lisa, he gently put her into the position he wanted her in- hands on the tiles, legs spread- slightly bent in just the right way. God, that ass…

Her little moans and whimpers indicated she was oh, so close. Taking the bulled he played at her dripping opening, then moved it over her clit, enjoying the whimpers and urgent movements of her ass. Using the ample lubrication of her honey, Michael alternated his fingers probing and stoking with the little buzzing metal bullet.  

“Baby….damn…I’m so close…” 

Oh, so was he! But he wanted to up the ante just a little bit.  Once again, while entering her with the bullet, his fingers started to probe at her puckered hole.  Lisa froze, and her breathing quickened.

“Girl…you know what that ass does to me… It’s so fucking perfect…And so…” he entered her with a slippery finger tip… “sensitive…”

“Oh fuck….oh shit…” Lisa moaned, moving against him.  

Michael played with her a moment longer, then removed the bullet and his finger…using the buzzing devise to spread Lisa’s juices back between her ass cheeks.  At that point, Lisa caught on to his intention.  He searched her face for a moment and Lisa licked her lips, the held her breath. “Do it…” come her hoarse instruction. 

Relived that they were still thinking along the same lines, Michael leaned forward, kissing her hot mouth. Then, ever so gently and careful to not hurt he, he inserted the buzzing toy into her ass, while he continued to stroke her weeping pussy. 

Lisa first held her breath, then exhaled, relaxing against him, even as he saw shivers spreading over her body.  Kissing her shoulders and her back, he took his time and played with both openings, until he simply could not stand it any longer.  Her noises and movements attested to her teetering on the edge as well. 

“Ready?” he breathed the question against her and she nodded, undulating against his caresses. 

When he entered her tight , clenching pussy, he about came apart from the onslaught of tightness, heat, and the buzzing transmitted trough the thin skin of her other region.  

“Oh….my….God…..” Lisa whimpered as she stretched her to the max.

“That’s it…that’s my dirty little girl…. oh’re even tighter now….damn….”  Michael grabbed her hips, unable to hold back, his movements coming harder and more urgently.

“Fuck me…oh damn…oh yeah….” Lisa, bracing against the wall, moved her hips back against him hard as their moans, sobs and the sounds of his balls slapping against her ass filled the shower. Damn, he hoped these bathrooms were sound proof…

“Shit….shit…..oh damn….I can’t….it’s so damn good…fuck…Michael….ahhhhh…” Lisa’s voice went higher and higher and with a scream she came so hard he thought he would die as he followed her instantaneously.  The feeling of his own eruption while still being squeezed and pulled even as the buzzing continued had him fear for his sanity.  Jet after hot jet seemed to race thought every cell of his body and finally erupt into Lisa as he kept fucking her from behind.  Their screams and moans combined and echoed off the tiled walls, until Michael was simply not able to discern the origin.  Lisa calmed down slightly after having backed up against him almost violently.  Waiting for just the right moment, he took a deep breath and pulled the bullet from her ass ever so gently, causing her to scream and launch into another orgasm, squeezing him so hard he saw stars once again.

Again, he lost all sense of time, as they rode on the comet of their passion, being dragged across their own universe so deep and undiscovered it took his breath away. 

The warm water descending onto them was soothing and calming, and Michael gently withdrew, pulling Lisa against him, their hands caressing, their lips worshipping each other.

“Damn…nice…was that a preview? Little freak….” Lisa finally asked, with a lazy smile on her flushed face.

“Takes one to know one.  I figured I’d give you a little warm up… Didn’t wanna overwhelm you with all I got in store for you.”

“There’s more?”  She kissed him deeply.

“Girl…there’s aways more… But here, let me help you get clean again..”

“Somehow I doubt us being in the shower ever gets us anything but laid…” Lisa chuckled against him.

“So?” Michael chuckled, not seeing a damn thing wrong with that fact.

“So…tell me what you got in store for later….” Lisa smiled up at him.

“If I do, I know we never make it out of here.”

“So?” she imitated his tone and he laughed, not being able to recall the last time he felt so happy and carefree.

Somehow, they managed to make it out of the shower and get dressed.  Lisa called her nanny and rushed over to see the girls, but not before promising to move everyone over into his suite finally. 

Michael was just about to leave the room to take care of some calls, when Lisa called him back, holding up the toy and the note he had left for her. He blushed. Oh yeah…he almost had forgotten he left that there. 

“You….are so….” The gleam in her eyes told him she was game for anything he had in store.  Not that he didn’t think she would be.  But hey- it had been a while since they… 

He blushed just thinking along those lines.  

So, what did she mean? Perverted? Horny? Full of good ideas?

“What?” He finally laughed.

“I can’t even think of the right word…”  
“Well, the description said it was a …”
“I know what it is…dang…not like we didn’t use ..that..before…”

Suddenly he felt awkward and shy… They had. But not in a very, very long time.  Maybe he had misread her. Maybe it was too soon. And really- it was so damn weird. He never even wanted to do stuff like that …unless it was with her.

Lisa approached and kissed him. “You are so able to read my mind…that’s all.  Dirty old man.”

And with that comment, it was all good again.  

Hours later, he had already helped Lisa move everyone and their stuff to his floor, they had played with the babies, and he was now looking over some paperwork, he suddenly felt her eyes on him.  It was funny how at times he could feel her eyes in almost a physical way. 

“What?”  He finally asked, looking up at her over his reading glasses. 

Lisa smiled, then looked down, returning to the story she was reading to the twins.  “Nothing…”

Nothing, his ass.  The sparkle in her eyes and the barely concealed grin did not speak of nothing.

“Lisa Marie….” Sliding his glasses lower so he could see her better over there on the floor, he was not about to let that look go. “Fess up…what’s going on in that evil head of yours…”

“Not evil…” She tried her best to return to her story.  Not succeeding, she looked up again. “Dirty…”

“Dirty?  What are you talking about, crazy chick?” he laughed, being seriously intrigued now.  


“Except…spit it out…”

“Except, I’m trying to read to the girls and you sit there…all…sexy and shit… it’s damn hard to concentrate, you know that?”

Michael blushed, despite being utterly confused. He had a pretty good idea when he was being sexy on purpose…but right now he was going over some contracts… Looking like Mr Magoo in his glasses.

“Girl…you got issues…” he giggled.

“Yeah… I do. I got you, sitting there with your legs all spread in them tight jeans and wearing those sexy glasses…”

His glasses? Sexy? What?  

“Oh yeah….you think they are sexy…well maybe…” he got up from his chair and sauntered over to the couch, picking up Harper to snuggle up closer to Lisa and Finley.  “Maybe I should come closer then, so you can thoroughly enjoy the sexiness of my specs…”

Lisa laughed. “Specs? You been in England too long?”

Michael leaned in and kissed her mouth, trying his best to be tame enough for the two babies.  Somehow they all ended up goofing around, ticking the babies and giggling and laughing so hard, his belly hurt. The girls squealed and laughed with them, which possibly explained him totally not hearing that the door had opened.

“MJ…I’m so sorry….” Blowing hair out of his face, Michael stared up at Brother Amir, still wondering why his head of security had bust in on them…

“They tried to stop her, but…”

Her? Who?  Michael sat up, staring at Brother Amir without comprehending why the man looked as if his favorite pet hamster had just died. Until he heard the voice.  And the smile died on his lips. Or froze…

“Well, hello… Isn’t this quite the lovely picture.  Well, well, well… the more things change the more they stay the same.  Where are our children, Michael? Did you ship them off so you could play family with her again?”

“Holy fuck…”  Lisa was obviously as perplexed as he was…but not quite as dumbstruck and mute.

“Hello, to you, too, Lisa Marie.  I sure hope you don’t curse like that in front of my children.”

Debbie. In the flesh.  Michael’s mouth still stood open and somehow he hoped he would wake up from this nightmare soon. Or at least before Lisa, who place Finley in his lap, would be able to launch herself at the deranged birth mother of his children. 

So much for a happy, carefree day being crashed into a gaping abyss.

(To be continued)

©2014 Erika B Michaels. All Rights Reserved. This story is a work of fiction. Any names, places, and other identifying features are used in a fictional manner, for entertainment purposes only, and are in no way representative of actual events. This work may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, or stored without expressed written permission by Erika B Michaels. All photos and images, mentioned songs or song titles are copyright their creators. ABSOLUTELY no disrespect is intended to any persons portrayed in this work.


  1. Great as always....u have a way with words and I love it!

    1. THANK YOU! So glad you're still reading!

  2. Another great chapter! The sex was really hot yet comical due to Lisa's question!! :) Also loved the deep conversation they had. Can't wait for more!! You can't leave us hanging like that :P

    1. Thank you for reading and for leaving a comment. I'm so glad you got to enjoy the little comical moments I throw in to keep us all from drowning in drama. :)

  3. First, thank you so much for taking the time to update your amazing story. We have been patiently waiting, knowing how busy life is. Of course I loved their HOT sexy interludes. Ooh, the bullet….. The passion and uninhibited sex is as I imagine it was when they were together, and would have been if they had the second (or third, lol) chance in real life. I loved how they talked about her songs, as I do believe that many (most) may be MJ inspired, and I like how they are communicating in the story. The older, wiser MJ and Lisa is something we can only write about in fanfic and you capture them as I imagine they could have been. Much of their pain (Lisa saying she knew he didn’t love Deb, but didn’t think he loved HER either) that you write about feels so real to me, but at least in your stories we get to have some airing of those emotions that I think they both kept inside.

    OOH….that cliffhanger. As irritating as Debbie is, I love when she shows up in stories because this is that chance to give it to her, put her in her place, that we all wish had happened. So much anger/pain/unresolved issues go back to her. I often wonder if there was so run in in the past…..Well, I trust that you will make it right here. Thank you for giving me some new reading material!

    1. Thank you, my dear friend. I SO appreciate your support and encouragement. I know you understand our need to rewrite the ending of this amazing - and sad- love story.
      And yes- Deb always works as a way to stir up some

  4. I love Michael's retrospective moments recalling how much Lisa had hurt him, I believe they were pretty equal on the amount of pain the caused to each other but his side particularly has always fascinated me. I love their connection and that they lasted so long loving each other in your story and hopefully in life. Debbie is such a constant ray of dramatics and I find myself almost loving it, I think in a way they did relish in the drama they created for themselves.. they were never boring. Thank you for the update!! Always worth the wait.

    1. You are SO right! I think they gave as good as they got in the pain department. Only, they each processed it so differently. Lisa lashed out- while Michael was quiet. I think he was very silent and lethal, both in the way he inflicted pain and in the way he suffered it. I love being able to write these stories as they really let me process things from both sides...
      Thank SO much for reading and for taking the time to comment.

  5. It's a sweet chapter ... so much loving between the two of them then came Debbie ... she's the pin in their hearts. I'll wait to see what she's got for them this time ... And in real life, she also stir up thing by going for the children ...

  6. TheOngoingThemeOfSexToys...LovingItLolApril 15, 2014 at 4:05 AM

    I'm so addicted to your stories!
    I have read nearly all of them now and you never fail to keep me entertained. What I love about you is that your stories, though highly erotic, doesn't just revolve around sex scenes. The storylines you create are just as intense and riveting!
    As well as realistic. I ADORE fanfiction that makes you believe what you're reading.
    The shower scene with the bullet was hot! I wonder if Michael ever did get freaky with Lisa by using toys. And you've peaked my interest on what this mystery toy might be that he left on the nightstand. I keep trying to decipher what the hint was and what it possibly could be lol.

    Thank you for continuing to add to this amazing story. I really enjoy reading the ones about older Michael and Lisa, because it allows you to escape into another world where reality becomes fantasy, and fantasy becomes reality. :)
    Can't wait to find out what will go down in the next chapter!

  7. Damn Debbie arriving and ruining their little sweet moment.
    So freaking annoying.

    What's that mystery toy??? You got me all curious now lol
    It took me forever to finally read this chapter but now I can't wait for more!

    I know how busy you are but I really appreciate that you find the time to write this amazing story for all of us to enjoy!
    Thank you!!!

  8. Apologies for the late review, I finally found some time to read this latest chapter. Very well written as always. Really enjoyed the discussion about Lisa's songs and how he needed to read the lyrics to get some idea of what she was really feeling. I'm glad she was understanding and not really mad about it.

    and now of course we have Debbie on the scene...hope she's not gonna cause too many problems, though i would imagine her intention is to cause as much havoc as possible.

    thanks for sharing your talent. hope you'll update this soon!
