Sunday, April 28, 2013

AFTERLIFE- chapter 6 - Updated 4/28/13

Chapter 6

London, October 2009

“MJ, make sure you get your water...”
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Never-ending chorus.  Didn’t they know you could die from too much water as well? Dilutional Hyponatremia. Water poisoning. Have his brain swell. It was a real danger. Story of his life- to die from something life sustaining. Well, right now, a looming headache was the only thread. And yes, he was being a good boy.  Not like he wasn’t aware that everyone, even his supposed friends, was watching him like a damn ticking time bomb. Damn miracle he was able to go piss by himself. Every now and then. And don’t even think about sneaking in a tic tac, or heaven forbid an aspirin! That usually triggered the ‘oh God, what dangerous shit is he doing now’ look. What joy to be treated like a two year old. 

“Got it!” Sighing, he held the bottle up in a very ostentatious manner for Kenny to see as he walked backstage.  Another late night at rehearsals and things were coming together.  Sort of. He still found things to tweak every day.  Two more weeks.  That iron fist of anxiety once again in his stomach.  It would be fine.  Everything was alright.  Philipps was still a pain in the ass, but his trademark harassing meetings had dwindled down.  For a short while things seemed to careen out of control again, but just before they got too bad, Philipps stepped way back.  Now, when they had one of their usual “things aren’t moving fast enough” discussions, Philipps looked as if he wanted to say something, then shut up.  It was a bit odd. But way too convenient to dig deeper for now. Maybe he had discovered some happy weed or some nice lady was sucking and fucking his remaining brains out.  Yuck! Unwanted mental image...
In an automatic gesture, Michael reached for his iPhone. Crap- missed call.  He looked at the number and smiled.  Lisa. She was too cute. Always checking in- but without smothering him. Not that he would actually mind that, come to think of it. Being smothered by heavenly pouty lips. By soft, wet muscles clenching around him...
Stop it, man! 
Michael shook himself.  Too much humidity in the jungle of his mind to dislodge all the waterdrops containing memories of Lisa.  Instead, they coated his very being, drowning him...nourishing him with her unique poison.
Rehearsal had ran long and he’d make sure to call her.  Unless it was too late.  But no, she’d be waiting.  Funny how addictive their talks had become.  There was something soothing in the fact that he knew there was someone there for him.  Caring...
Is that all you want?  Her caring?
Well...that’s all he could have.  Maybe it’s all he deserved.  But really, no, he would very much like to have her wrapped around him, shuddering, screaming...
Dammit! Mike! How many times have you been over this in your head? 
Only as many as stars in the infinite scope of the universe.  Or sand on the beaches- each kernel a new, unique memory. No matter how he turned it, what had happened had been a crazy necessity.  Burning lava laying waste to future crops.  What those riches would be he could not tell. Maybe the most undesired treasure: maybe it was freedom. His or hers? Who knew?  And who cared?
Well, the head on his shoulders had little problems figuring this all out.  It was the head in his briefs that gave him trouble.  The head on his growing dick, raising up like a charmed snake whenever he thought of that crazy afternoon. Of her eyes in the darkness when she came...of her body wrapped around him in the most perfect, natural manner.  Her voice telling him she needed him.  Her proud stance of protection...
“Mike! Stop the torture! Throw that tape out!
If only he could stop the endless loop..

“Are we riding back together?”
Michael jumped. Alright- someone had brought his x-rated internal movie to a screeching halt. Celophane bubbled and charred... But he knew full well it would be there later, keeping him wide awake.  For now, Karen looked at him as if she was wondering if he had heard. Given her voice had been like nails on a chalkboard, he would have to wait a couple of years to be deaf to that.  No...he wasn’t being fair. She had done him a favor to get him out of his head. Even if her habit of just appearing out of nowhere was getting old.  And no. She could take her own car back. He was not her transportation service.  Plus, there was that talent of jabbering him to death. 

“I thought you left?  It’s getting kinda late. And I don’t have to be pretty anymore.So, you’re off the clock.”  He tried to be nice, but fatigue made him sound slightly pissy.
“It’s alright.  You really were on fire tonight and I couldn’t tear myself away. Plus...not like my social calendar is all that full. But really- you were inspired...singing to someone special in your head?”

Wasn’t he always?  It was kind of a habit...but Lisa was usually right there. In his mind anyway.  And he was thinking about changing the set-list again. There were some songs he suddenly really, really thought needed to be there.
Just in case she does show?
No, not everything he did was about her.  Only every other thing.  The rest was about him trying to not be too obvious. 

“It was alright...and no- you know me. Just getting into the zone, not thinking much. Just opening up and letting it come through me.” 
Bow down to the King of Bullshit! 

“You’re such a little liar! But whatever.” Karen poked him into the arm and grabbed her cases.

“What? Karen? What, whatever?”  Was there something she thought she’d be privy to? Had she seen or heard something?  Damn! He really had to watch his back and remember that ears were everywhere.  Information was power and he could not afford to have anyone else hold power over him. Even people he sort of trusted.  So, what did Karen think she knew? His eyes narrowed. 

“Oh, nothing. But I see how you’re looking when you’re cooing to your little ‘friend.’” 
“I’m sure I got no idea what you’re talking ‘bout. You shouldn’t stay up late if it makes you delirious.” 
“Plus, Im not even sure what ‘cooing’ means.  And whatever it is, I doubt i’m doing it.”
“Whatever.  But just be careful. She’s happy.  And her husband is such a nice guy.”

Yeah, that was one of the problems.  He only met him once, but he had been thoroughly surprised by Lookweird’s easy charm and fun personality. Well, the ‘fun’ part should have been easily enough guessed. Given the man was obviously shopping at Maison De Clowns.  Or whatever that meant in French.  
Anyway..he was in no mood to discuss the virtues of the man Lisa had been cheating on while giving it to him in a barn. Certainly not with Karen. No matter how close she imagined they were.

“You know what, Turkle: You go ahead and head back to the house.  I gotta run something by Kenny before I leave.”
At times the arrangement to have Karen as well as Bush stay on the property he was renting was a royal pain in the ass. 

“If you think you want privacy to call Lisa Marie, why don’t you just say so? But I do think it’s rude to call so late. Or early.”
“Well, good thing I didn’t ask you for your opinion. And you oughta take that crystal ball to get a tune-up. Your mind reading skills suck.”

Laughing, Karen stepped up and hugged him, then turned to walk to her car.  At the last moment, when he just about thought she had called it a night, she turned.
“Oh, before I forget: no need to turn yourself into a pretzel calling your little pal.  She’s coming over tomorrow to see me. Night!” Blowing him a kiss, she stepped outside.

Michael stopped dead in his boots. Dammit!  The fly had run smack into the trap! No, wait. No use to play her game. Let her go...she was just running her mouth.  Maybe counting to ten would help.

He made it all the way to seven.

“Karen...wait! Karen!” With a couple of long strides he was at the backdoor, opening it.
A sly smile dancing on her lips, Karen turned back to him.  “Yes? Anything I say catch your interest?”

God! He was so damn obvious! Oh well, might as well forge ahead now. 

“No...I  But - what do you mean Lisa’s coming over? To the house? My house?”
How had Karen managed that feat?  He had asked Lisa a million times to come over and she always had come up with excuses. It was not exactly like they were neighbors, but she sure enough was within driving distance...or so he had discovered. Purely accidentally... when he had googled her property before deciding where he would rent. 
“Well, no- my house on your property.  Remember, they one you have me staying at? So yeah- you know her and I have become real friendly. And don’t worry, we won’t bother you. I told her it’s probably best to come over when you have your fitting in town tomorrow. So you won’t be inconvenienced at all by our girly chatter.”
With a mind of it’s own, parts of Michael’s brain started to rearrange his schedule. Dammit! Was she trying to avoid him? Why? Was she filled with disgust and regret after all? Well, if so, she did a shitty job conveying that when they talked every day.  It was very odd how they both pretended nothing had happened.  No regrets...but no open discussions, either.  Like the wild fuck had happend to some parallel versions of Michael and Lisa.  And yet, those ghosts were all around. Or maybe, the two friends pretending their asses off where the real creatures made of air. Very hot air. 
And now, another complication. did Karen fit into all of this? Was Lisa using her to get closer? Or was Karen simply hob-nobbing and Lisa was too nice to tell her to buzz off? 

“You guys like...hang out now....and stuff...?”  
Wow- that was such a skilled attempt to get intelligence. If that show thing wasn’t gonna work out, the CIA was sure to call next. But hey it was almost 2 am and he was talking to Karen, after all. Getting intelligence might be kinda tough.  Like water from a rock. Okay..that was mean, but for real. What was her deal with befriending Lisa suddenly?
Or had Lisa befriended Karen?  Not like the two had gotten along all that famously in the past. 

“Well...we have come to terms with some of the crap from, well, you know, before. You know...stop squabbling about who we think is best to hang out with you.  Or who we think hurts you the most.  You’re obviously no longer the center of the universe, sorry to tell y’a. And since she’s not ripping your heart out anymore and obviously has moved on, I can see what a sweet person she really is. And not the bitch you made her out to be.”
Did there really have to be such an emphasis on the world ‘obviously?’
“Me? Excuse me? I made her out to be that?  Wow... Guess I remember it a bit differently.”

Karen had always been dissing Lisa in the past. Telling him how horrible Lisa was for him. How she had never seen him as unhappy. How Lisa had an agenda that was all about hurting him and paying him back.  And now, she was a up her skirt.
Which is really where you want to be, right? Up her skirt...
Dude! You need a nap! 
Or a fuck...


“All I’m saying is that if you really wanna be friends with her then stop making those bedroom eyes whenever you talk to her. Or you’ll do it in person again as well and thats just not fair to her. Or her husband.”
Was he trapped in some parallel universe?  
“I suggest you get glasses and don’t quit that day job.  Running that advice column will end you in the ditch.”
“Just make sure you’re really where you’re supposed to be tomorrow. Which is working with Zorro or whatever his name is.”
Giggling, Michael gave Karen one more hug.  Yeah, she cared for Zaldy as much as he did. Actually, it wasn’t that he didn’t care for him or his work. The customs were great artwork.  But not functional. Not for what he needed them to do and what he was used to. Which was why he had Bush work quietly on the side to have the things he liked and could move in ready to go.  If there was an award for passive aggressiveness he knew he should own it. Actually, he liked to term his tendency to get what he wanted without much of a fuss, creative determination. Like when it was ‘impossible’ to find a black rapper for Black and White, or when that atrocious headpiece disappeared right before shooting Remember The Time.  And it always worked out. 
So, while Zaldy’s stuff was pretty cool to look at and play with, he had exactly zero intention of wearing it for fifty shows. However, he also had no use for another noisy, exhausting round with Phillips, so for now, he decided it was more convenient and better for his nerves to play along.
However...his mind was already in high gear trying to figure out if she should make some changes to his schedule for the next day. Of course, maybe Karen was simply pulling his legs.  Wouldn’t be the first time as his past tendency to play a practical joke or two on his staff at times still led to retaliations.  Odd really, when he thought back at that fun-loving carefree version of the man he spotted in his mirror now.  Actually, he wasn’t sure what was stranger: the memories of laughter and joy or the vacant, dead look in his eyes he had come only too accustomed with.  
A look only broken by the laughter and love of his children and ...
Michael swallowed and sat back into the seat of his SUV. 
Don’t say it...don’t even think it...don’t go back there again.  This time there’s no pesky make-up artist around to startle you back into the world of work and fear you currently inhabit. A world full of his very familiar misery.
Trying to occupy his mind, he took out his phone again and flipped through his calendar. That worked for about five minutes. Until he had the brilliant idea to flip backward in time.  
And his eyes, like guided by magnetic power focused on that day.
The emotions came rushing in as the number indicating the date retreated into the background. The gaping wound as he saw Lisa with her husband and babies.  The inability to walk away. The  amazement and temptation when he noticed she somehow had known to follow him.  The absolute awe at seeing her before him.  The look in her eyes as she didn’t seem sure at all he could trust what was there before her.  That he was real.  Her silly little attempt to feign anger.  Her honest attack- coming from a place so ancient and sincere.
And then...the blast that took his universe off its axes. Never, in a million years could have have anticipated that level of emotions. That level of intimacy.  
Making love to Lisa had been totally unplanned and yet nothing in his whole life had ever felt so right - or so necessary. She said it needed to happen. Maybe it did.  A chance meeting of atoms creating the Big Bang.  Birth and destruction.  His Lisa, where she belonged: with him.  And yet, there was now also another woman.  Another Lisa...
Lisa with her family...His brain could not force itself to overlap the woman with her cute little family with his woman who brought him back to life.  Waking up on the respirator was not the real coming back to this existence. And, God help him, not even seeing his children again had sufficed to fully restore him.
Seeing those blue eyes...that heavenly mouth...tasting her lips and sucking on her breasts...feeling her heat wrapped around him. Her tongue dancing with his...
And what was that husband of hers made of?   Twigs? Cause baby-girl, despite being dripping wet, sure gave him a helluva challenge.  Just thinking about how tight she had been and how he  had to work to fully enter her gave him that crazy feeling in the pit of his stomach; and sure enough made his pants tight.  Yes, he thought of himself as being a virgin once again, but she didn’t feel like she had been filled like that in a while, either..
Dammit...that frigging pride again... But shoot...
Michael scooted around and tried to rearrange his growing problem. 
Gosh, this had to have been one of the craziest things he had every done. Well, he and Lisa had pushed the envelope before.  Strange, how they both had some weird affinity for making out and making love in less than private places. Still, usually, the risk was more pretend than real, with his security being pretty tight.  In their crazy younger days they had made love outside both the Hidden Hills house and at Neverland, on balconies at night in hotels, on the roof of Trump Tower, in an elevator, and on planes.  But shoot- never in stables owned by someone else.  Without the secure parameter of his people. He must have totally lost his mind.  Lost himself in her sweet body.
And of course, typical his luck lately, it had almost blown up in their faces.  Talk about being caught with his pants down. And Lisa with her panties in his she stormed from the room before he had a chance to stop her. That little idiot! What had she thought she was doing? He still could not believe she had stepped out there like some guard dog, facing her daughter and the Duchess.  God...the very thought once again made his cheeks burn with the bright flame of embarassment. And here he had been the one tucked away in a frigging tack room while Lisa acted as if nothing in the world was going on, and it was the most normal thing in the world to pop out of nowhere looking she had the daylights fucked out of her.  
His idiotic dick twitched as once again he almost felt her around his hardness.  God... It was just as bad as back then, when he almost thought the shock of being nearly caught redhanded had finally deflated him.  Only to look down and notice he was holding her underwear, and thoughts of Lisa’s delicious naked ass and no doubt dripping lady parts made him hard again. Ridiculous! His penis obviously had no regard for shame or social etiquette.  He somehow had managed to sort of arrange his clothing. He also pocketed Lisa’s lacy souvenir and held his breath, listening to the voices outside the door. 

“Mom! What in the world? Where have you been?  Michael was getting worried so I tried to find you...”
What? Oh yeah, Mister Presley shared his first name.  Too much sharing going on for Michael’s taste... Riley sounded more adult- but still eerily familiar.  And currently was obviously rather freaked out about her mother’s strange behavior.  Well, he could only hope she didn’t remember...other times...when Lisa had acted in similar loopy ways. Wouldn’t be the first time Ben and Riley had almost caught them, bursting into rooms, or coming dashing to the pool. 
Michael! Seriously! Every time that stiffy almost goes down you think of something related to your penis in the vicinity of LIsa’s vagina!

“Yes, Lisa, my dear. So wonderful seeing you here.  I already said hello to your lovely husband and those darling babies. And met your gorgeous daughter... So- how did you happen to get lost in my stables?  And did you encounter some sort of storm in here the rest of us were spared from?”
Yeah, a storm.  Tornado...They had been blown to Oz and back in several frenzied moments of pure ecstasy.  Till the damn flying monkeys flew in on the winds of reality. 

“Hi Sarah, I’m so sorry...I was just looking around for some treats...for the horses and I guess...”
“Mom! You look like you ran a marathon or something! What did happen here?”

Marathon into madness.  His own pulse was picking up. Come on Lisa...give them a story that kinda makes can do it. Thankfully, Riley interrupting gave her mother a moment to think...or so he hoped. 

“Well, I did run over here to find that bunny...and...”
“We found it- I had it the whole time. You gave it to me to hold, remember?”

So the whole bunny story was bull. He smiled to himself. Yeah, he had thought just that.  She had come after him.  She had felt him.  Had sensed him somehow.  And she knew...She cared...

“Could you stop interrupting me, Riley? about we go back to find Lockwood and the girls.  Didn’t you just say they were worried? Or he was worried?”
Oh, dude should be worried! Very worried, indeed.  And his sweet wife just called him by the last  name. Probably cause she just moaned the very name they shared over and over. And didn’t think of the blond string-bean. 
Man! He really needed to get a grip! It was not a nice thing to gloat- even if it was only in his thoughts.  It was certainly not the first time he had made love to Lisa while she was legally not his.  Something felt odd though...something didn’t jive.  
Yeah, possibly the images in your head from before Lisa tripped and landed on your cock. 
Shaking his head, Michael resolved to worry about all that crap later.  After they could make a safe get-away.

“Yes, Lisa, Michael was indeed quite flustered. So, I tell you what, Riley.  I shall take your mother up to the house with me so she can....ah...freshen up a bit.  Lisa, love...I guess you must have tripped in all that stuff we have stacked back there, right?”
“Oh, yeah, right...I was looking for treats and climbed up something and tripped...”

Right ON the treat...

Michael! Stop it!

“Mom! Jeeze! Good thing you always told us to not climb on things.”
“Oh well- sue me! You know what a klutz I am. Can we go now?  I would love to freshen up, Sarah, thank you. And Riley- please go let Lockwood know I’m okay.”
“Lisa- I still think it is so bizarre you call your husband by his last name!”

Well, it made perfect sense to him.  The duchess really needed to mind her own business!

Lisa laughed nervously and said something about always having to be bizarre.  The voices now started to sound as if they were leaving the area.
Every so carefully, Michael let out his breath and sank against the wall, suddenly feeling tired and dizzy. And alone.  Without her.  Again.  He did not know how long he stood there before he considered it safe to venture on.  Out of the cocoon into the unreal, unkind, harsh daylight.  Every step was painful as it took him further from the point in time he wanted to disappear in. 
Somehow, he made it back to the main house.  Really, what he desperately wanted to do was get the hell out of there so his jumbled thoughts could be straightened out.  But no...he’d never hear the end of that. Plus, if there was any way to return Lisa’s undergarments to her, he would try to do so.  Shit...that might mean some sort of official meeting.  His stomach flipped.  What would he say?  How in the world could he stop himself from blushing like mad?  And shoot- would he also have to meet Mr Lisa?

“Mike! Where the heck have you been?” Frank’s boisterous voice stopped all his musings. His manager looked him over and made a face, commenting that he looked out of breath. “Mike! No one told you to take some sort of power hike! Man! I’ve been asked ‘bout a million times where you are. Like I’m your keeper.  And if I am, Philipps seems to blame me for you not being on your leash.  Oh- and I wanted to warn you. Some folks here I’m not sure you wanna run into...”
Well, someone might have warned him ahead of time... But, knowing what he did, maybe in retrospect, wondering if Lisa and her happy little tribe would be here was probably part of the attraction.  Never found a rollercoaster he didn’t like. 
“Hey...I gotta take a moment to...find a bathroom or something.”
“Here- there is our lovely hostess. Let’s see if she can help us.”

Frank had turned and automatically, Michael did the same. He immediately recognized the pretty redhead before he was officially introduced. And obviously, he had heard her voice only moments ago. 
“Let’s ask the Duchess...”
“Frank, I think you’re supposed to address her as “your royal highness.”
Frank made a pained face. “Seriously? Ain’t  she like divorced and all?”
Michael was just about to respond and fill his manager in on British etiquette, when the very object of their discussion spotted them and stopped cold. Was it his imagination or did a strange smile play around her lips as she came toward them.
“Well, if it isn’t our amazing guest of honor.  I am so utterly thrilled to finally get to meet you.”
Was she making fun of him?  He was not totally able to tell. Either way, he put his official face on and assured the lady the pleasure was on his side.  Even though it still pissed him off to no end she had interrupted things with Lisa earlier. 
Yes, Mike, the gall the woman had to enter her own stables! How rude to interrupt the frantic fuck-fest of her guests. He obviously had very bad manners. 

After he was assured it was alright to call her Sarah, she grabbed his arm, asking him to walk with her. 
“Actually, I was just about looking for...uhum...the bathroom.  I was touring your stables earlier and would like to wash my hands.”
Her eyes lit up and that little smile appeared once more. Dammit! Maybe he should have omitted that last comment.
“The stables.  You don’t say. Isn’t it fascinating how they seem to be the most popular location on my property today?  Her bright eyes sparkled with humor.  
“I’m sure I don’t have any idea what you mean, your highness.”
“Sarah- I told you.  No, I’m sure you don’t. But either way- let me direct you to some private quarters so you can...freshen up. And if you happen to get lost and go to the suite to the left, you might find a friend of mine who also had a little detour to admire my horses earlier.  A friend who seems to have misplace something... Or so she asked me to pass along. Should I have the pleasure to run into you.”
Dammit! Did Lisa have to run her mouth about having misplaced her panties in his pocket? Maybe she had given some utterly innocent explanation.  What that could possibly have entailed he had no earthly clue.  But hey, women were inventive.  Still...Michael blushed profusely.  Well, great. If Sarah didn’t know before, she most likely just received confirmation by the flaming “yes, I fucked my ex in your tack room” color on his cheeks.  Before the earth could open up and swallow him, he kissed his host’s hand - and then hurried into the direction she had indicated.  Maybe his little gallantry would distract her from wondering what kind of pervert he really was.  

“Michael? Oh my God! I can’t believe it! Michael!!!”

The voice of his stepdaughter...or former stepdaughter- stopped him cold.  
Automatically, he turned around, and before he knew what was happening, Riley landed in his arms, hugging him tightly.  Automatically, and quite thrilled, he hugged her back. 
“Hey, Danielle...” He smiled against her blond hair, wondering once more, where the years had gone.  When had this little girl turned into a beautiful woman?  
“Michael...You know you’re the only one who gets away with calling me that.. Oh man! I can’t believe you’re here! Looking damn cool!  Gosh, I’m so damn glad you’re okay.”
Obviously, she had not only inherited her Mom’s blue eyes, but also her potty mouth. 
Leaning back, Riley looked at him as if she still could not believe he was real, and kissed his cheek. Man- she was so tall.  How silly that she always had remained that cute little town-boy with the freckles and the bright smile.  Always the little girl he adored and who unconditionally had loved him back even when she must have started to understand how much pain he caused her Mom at times.  And still, she had reached out to him over and over.  They had talked on the phone since his recovery as both Riley and Ben had called and check on him- and he was so very happy to have heard the continued love and concern in both their voices.  Life had somehow carried him on his way and they had continued on their course.  Sad, it had taken a near death to bring them all together.
Riley’s eyes spoke of similar sentiments.  Mesmerizing and so much like her mother’s blue orbs.  

“Man! Ben will be so pissed he didn’t fly out earlier. He’ll be here in a couple of weeks for your shows and all, but I know he wanted to see you, too. And Mom...”
Michael blushed lightly- and immediately something changed in Riley’s eyes.  Stepping back, she stared at him, biting her lip.
“Oh no....! Of course!” She slapped her forehead. “Crap! Shit...!”
Oh no...
“Riley- watch you language, young lady!” Maybe reminding her that he was the adult here would help to distract her.  Yeah..the adult who she obviously had just figured out was responsible for her mother’s bedraggled state.  
“Oh yeah...cause my language is the real problem. Not you and Mom... And...the stables...- Michael! How... How could you!”

It was crystal clear what she alluded to. And it wasn't the regular kind of ride...

The heat in his face intensified.  Well, this was wonderful.  His little stepdaughter seemed to have grown up all the way.  Stories of sleep overs and friendly tickles would no longer convince her that Mommy and Michael were not up to something.  

Michael took a deep breath and steadied himself. Fidgeting, he placed the shades he had taken off when he hugged Riley back on his face. Now, where was the closest face mask to hid this ridiculous blush?

“I got no idea what you mean. But I gotta go and get something done really quick.  I do wanna talk to you some more.  And maybe even meet your Mom if she is here, too...?”
Riley rolled her eyes, obviously not impressed by his pokerface. “Yeah...whatever.  As if you don’t know.  You gotta know I love you. But Mom..she’s been really messed up over all this and... well...I hope I’m wrong.  For all y’alls sakes.  But really- Michael....I love you. And I am so happy you’re okay.  The rest of this mess is up to y’all! I’m gonna step way to the side when the shit hits the fan.”
Michael stepped up and kissed her cheek, giving her another hug.  Riley laughed, blushing.  

“I see you in a bit, Danielle. And you can tell me how you got more beautiful than a sunrise.”
Her face softened with the prettiest smile. “Damn, I see why Mom never could stay mad at you.”
Oh, she could stay mad...but she still surrendered to him.  Almost every time.  

Making his way through the labyrinth of rooms and halls, Michael finally made it to the room the  Duchess of York had described. Man! She really should have handed out a map as well.  Holding his breath, he started to knock, then hesitated, his fist staying suspended in mid air.  His heart beating in his throat, his lips dry.  How did Lisa always manage to turn him into a little boy with a huge crush?  An hour ago he had boldly gone where he had gone so many amazing times before- and now he was afraid to knock on her door.  
This was ridiculous! Closing his eyes and taking another deep breath, he finally did manage to connect his knuckles with the surface of the door. And was startled it turned out much louder than he had intended.
The door opened about half an inch, and he saw Lisa peeking out.  Quite nervously, if he read her expression correctly. Before he could adjust to seeing her beautiful face, she reached out and pulled him in, closing the door in a hurry again behind him.
“Did anyone see you?” 
What was with the panic?  Not like he had shared what had happened with the redhead with a title and sent her out on a mission to restore her panties to her.  Michael tilted his head and looked Lisa over.
Obviously, she had brushed her hair and straightened up a bit- looking almost presentable.  Other than missing some clothing.  And looking as if she had a slight fever.  And her eyes... so clear and bright... The way she looked at him was almost innocent innocent.  Well, that was a joke, when really, this was all her fault and she had basically jumped him.  While he had pushed her away and protested...yeah, well.... Okay, not quite.  But damn, he knew that glowing ember in her eyes.The oh so familiar spark lasted for hours after she came down from a real good cum.  He used to tease her about it- which often had led to more of the same.
His penis jumped.
So inappropriate!
Oh damn it!
Anchored to her eyes, he could tell she was still waiting for an answer.  What was the question again? Against all better judgment, he reached out and grabbed her, pulling her into him, his lips claiming hers before she had a chance to gather up any protests or defenses. Lisa’s hands came up, and for a second he thought she’d push him away.  Then, just as his tongue swept in and across her lips, her whole body seemed to crumble, and she melted into him.  Her surrender was expressed in softening lips, tender strokes of her tongue, and sweet little sounds.
“Michael...” Moaning, she finally broke away and they stood for a moment. Silent.  Breathing hard.  Foreheads resting against each other.
The blood in his ears reverberated with the echo of their names. Michael and Lisa... The way it always had been. And probably would be until they were returned to stardust. 

“We gotta stop this...”
“Don’t you think we done enough of that? Stopping...over and over...”

What was he saying?  He shouldn’t do this. But damn, it was the God’s honest truth: he was tired of it all.  Just needed to take some shelter.  Needed to stop running.  Needed to start arriving.  

“Michael...don’t...” Her eyes were screwed shut. She seemed to be in pain.  Agony, if he read the deepening expression which mirrored his own.

“Lisa...I...I don’t regret one single thing. And you said you didn’t either...”
“I don’t” Her eyes opened.  Honest. Assured.  Strong. She wasn’t pulling his leg.  But one thing was for certain: lack of regret for a past action didn’t equate the starting shot for any race he could win.  Maybe that was the tragedy of their story: too many starts- and never a finish line they shared.  His heart started to convulse with every beat.  

“Again, I detect a ‘but’...and I don’t mean that amazing thing you’re sporting...” He shot her a loopy smile and she blushed.  Maybe it was time to back away from the grenade.  Maybe he could safely re-insert the pin. What was the use of blowing her life to bits? Wasn’t it enough he had fucked his own up for good?

“You’re such a fucking pervert.”
“Cause I love your ass?” 
She smiled again and rolled her eyes.  “Look...we need to talk...”
“Now?” Looking around, he raised an eyebrow. 
Lisa laughed in that sarcastic way he loved. Gosh, how he had missed it.  

“No, not now, dude.  Now, I want you to give me my panties...”
“You lost your panties?  Well, Lisa Marie...that’s quite...shocking...”  
Lisa rolled her eyes at his very nearly perfect British accent. She also held her hand out in a cute, demanding gesture.

Michael could not resist the urge to play.  Or maybe he was simply stalling.  “What?”  He hoped his raised eyerbrows conveyed the appropriate level of innocence. 
“Michael! Stop being a creep and gimme my panties!”
“Creep? I ain’t no creep, Lisa.  If I was a creep I’d be smelling them...remembering the fragrance  of your hot...”
“Well, I’m glad you’re not a creep then,” Lisa interrupted him with a little giggle as she eyed him from beneath those hooded eyes. 

Well, fine! Guess he had to surrender the little souvenir.  Ever so slowly and with great dramatic effect, he removed the lacy item in question from his pocket. “Those?”
“Unless you took some other broad’s underwear off...then yes...those would be it.”
“Can I put them back on?” He did manage to ask with a straight face. 
Lisa rolled her eyes, but laughed anyway. “You just don’t know what’s good for you, do you?”
“Oh, I do know what’s good for me.”  He stepped in closer. “So very, very good...” His voice had dropped.  As did Lisa’s eyes.   She blushed. Again.  
Okay, obviously he had just been kidding about not throwing that grenade.  He so loved explosions.  Which explained the permanent suicide vest strapped to his heart.  The one going off to the sound of her name resonating in his heartbeat. 

A knock on the door made them both jump quite violently. Lisa, reaching over, snatched the panties from his hand, and hid them behind her back.

“Are you two quite done this time?”
Their hostess had obviously somehow decided she had to come check on them. No one seemed to trust he was adult enough to swim in the deep end of the pool. 

“Yes...ah...quite...thanks, Sarah...” Lisa managed to mumble.  Her cheeks were beet red, and he also felt the heat on his face.  This was ridiculous! And so frigging embarrassing.  Especially, as there was no denying that the jigg was indeed up.  His hostess knew that at the very least he had somehow found Lisa’s underwear in the stables.  Maybe they could tell her it was some odd ritual quite common in America among ex-spouses: If one almost dies, the other has to hand over a piece of under-yonders. Sounded reasonable. 

“Well, splendid! I thought it would be wise to come and advise you to get a little move on. Your husband down there is getting a tad bit inpatient, Lisa.”
Was it his imagination or was Sarah looking straight at him when mentioning Lisa’s husband? Oh, was the little wild royal a fan of Lord Scissorhand?  Well, why didn’t she have her hedges trimmed by him, then?  
Irritated, Michael squared his shoulders.
“Well, Lisa and I are done...catching up.  Thank you for your hospitality. I guess I see you ladies downstairs. I cannot wait to meet your husband, Lisa Marie.  He sounds like such an amazing man.  And I already talked to Danielle on the way up. She is so beautiful.  And so...insightful. Talk to you later!”
With that, he turned, ignoring Lisa’s pale face and the obvious question in her eyes.  Let her chew on that for a minute.  He hated being dismissed. And no, he didn’t feel guilty at all about her looking all worried about Riley.  Served her right for dishing her business with any redheaded duchess around.  And no, being irritated as he was, he didn’t care to listen to that little rational voice telling him that Lisa had to clean up somehow before she could face anyone and had no doubt needed an ally. 
Making use of the suite he had been told of before, he took some time to clean up- and try and calm down.  God- he was such a frigging mess! And not just on the outside. Washing his face, he stared into the reflection in the mirror blindly.  Watching events of this afternoon glitter across the surface like specs of sunlight reflecting off a pond.  When the small glimpses became laced with sounds and images of past encounters, he tried to close his eyes against the assault.  Why was all this happening? Why was he doomed to love this one person who so obviously had made a life without him.  Why was everything so damn confusing?  Maybe he didn’t really love her... Maybe it was all some sort of odd habit.  Once, she had told him he was her addiction. Well, she obviously had found rehab with Twig-Man.
Damn! If only he could breathe.  The air was so stifling... He loosened his collar a bit. Taking breaths was a chore.  His chest was tight and on fire.  Sweat started to pour from every pore.  His fingertips started to tingle and feel numb.  Hands fisted and unclenched as he struggled for control.  
Dammit! He had to get a grip! Shove all the confusion to the back.  Focus...  Counting quietly, he forced his mind to visualize each number as a sound until the melody soothed him, allowing his lungs to relax and his blood to warm him once more. his one reliable comfort.  
When he was once again in control of voluntary action, he removed his phone from his pocket.  Turning it on, he looked at pictures of this kids.  There...that helped. Finally, he called, to make sure they were okay.  Prince sounded worried, asking if he was okay.  He assured him things were fine.  Blanket was sounding stressed, asking him to come back home so he could read him his bedtime story. Paris reminded him to take pictures of princesses should he run across any.  
And damn if he hadn’t found his Princess once again..
No- stop it! The children.  You were thinking ‘bout the children...
Yes, that’s where he needed to be.  With his children.  Refocusing on his work.  Forgetting about Lisa.
Easy as pie. 
God, he really didn’t care anymore if Philipps would be pissed or not: he had to get the fuck out of this nightmare. He wanted nothing more than to down several glasses of wine or find a bottle of nerve pills as he  called his anti-anxiety meds.  Neither option was viable at the moment.  
A text came in.  Frank urging him to get his ‘sweet ass’ as he called it downstairs.
Man! How long had he hidden out?  Well, cool..maybe Lisa had grabbed her panties and her husband and headed for the hills.  Surely, she also did not want a public encounter.

Somehow, he had made it back to the party.  Sneaking out however, had been thwarted by Philipps who stood at the door, talking to a tall, blond man.
Oh, holy shit!
Michael had turned on a dime and headed into the opposite direction. 

“Michael! Mike! There you are! Here is someone I thought you might like to meet...”

Oh, yeah.  That’s right on my list after wanting to jump out of an airplane without a parachute.

And yet- fuck this shit! He would not turn and run.  He’d show these idiots what he was made of.  He had nothing to be afraid of. Not his fault this man could not make his wife stay out of stables and off ex-husbands. 
His back feeling like an iron rod, he made sure to have that inscrutable smile that was almost as great a barrier as his shades.  Which he also put on. 
Finally meeting Lisa’s husband first hand had been quite the mind-fuck.  He was tall and slender- and probably no more thrilled than Michael about the lovely, oh so civil, encounter.  They shook hands.  Didn’t competitors do the same thing in the boxing ring?  If Michael had thought he was ahead in this game, all he had to do was to look at Lockwood’s right hand and to remind himself of the two girls he shared with Lisa.  And he felt like quite the shit suddenly.  
Despite the ridiculous get-up, the man was downright ...nice.  They exchanged some compliments - Lockwood about Michael’s music and Michael about some stupid thing he could for the life of him not remember later.  It must have been cute, as Lockwood smiled- cautiously, but with warmth.  This was so bizarre.  Maybe if he pretended the dude was not the very same man whose wife he had fucked not only since they had married, but quite recently under his very nose, he’d somehow make it through the weird situation.  Dissociation was such a great tool at times.  
Phillips seemed to downright burst with joy and satisfaction, making Michael seriously wonder what horse the lying schemer had in this race.  
Michael was just about to excuse himself from the more than awkward position he and Lockwood were in, when Philipps reached out and grabbed his sleeve. Almost violently, Michael shook the hand off.  Dude might own him, but he’d be damned if he pulled him around like a little school-boy.

“Oh, and here we have our beautiful Lisa Marie. Look, my dear, I introduced your husbands to each other.”
Michael swallowed hard.  How unlikely his hatred for Phillips had the potential to grow.  And yet it was obviously possible.
Lisa had just come around the corner and stopped dead.  Obviously quite dumbstruck.  By both the sight before her and the idiotic comment. Perfect ambush.  He hoped she knew he had no part in this. 
“Well, I’m quite sure I divorced one of them before marrying the other...So no need to call the polygamy police on me Mister...Phillips, was it?”  Her voice sounded strong despite her pale face.  Her eyes held the warmth of glaciers.  And yet, maybe he was wrong, but Michael also thought he detected a little glimpse of panic before she composed herself.
Lisa walked over and stood next to Lockwood, whose arm came around her as he bent down and kissed her cheek. “Hey- were in the world have you been? We were getting worried...”
“Oh, just snooping around a know me... Michael- so good to see you.”  She nodded toward him, and he thought he read some silent plea.
Did she really think he’d do anything to embarrass her?  The thought wounded him.  It was okay to torture her on his own time with little barbs, but he’d never expose anything private.  Didn’t she know this by now?

“Lisa Marie- you look lovely.” 
“Oh, how nice- it sounds like y’all are old friends, then. Isn’t this modern world so amazing.  How we all can get along?”

Well, Philipps wasn’t a friend of his.  Not by any stretch of the imagination.  And why was he so familiar with Lisa? What the fuck was going on there?  

“We have been friends for a long time now, right, Lisa? . Just like you’re friends with other ...ah..people from your past, right Lisa?”

Lisa looked at him and blushed slightly.  “Yeah- just like that... Hey- ah...Lucky, can I talk to you for a moment?  Sorry, I gotta steal my husband for a little minute.  Mister Philipps....Michael...”
Lucky?  What was that  about? So, he had heard her refer to her man by his last name and as Lucky...but never by his legal first name.  Hm...

“I keep telling you, Lisa Marie, please call me Randy.”

Okay- what the hell was going on?  But since Lisa pulled her sweet, beloved husband away with her, he could not investigate further.  She better be ready for their next private conversation, thought.  

“ seem to know Lisa Marie pretty well.  I didn’t know you guys were ..ah...acquainted.”
He hated talking to the worm, but he was intent to go on this little fishing expedition.

“Well, Mike...sure... Little Miss Lisa Marie and I share several interests.  Nothing for you to worry ‘bout, though.   I’m glad she’s all set with her husband and kids.  I wouldn’t want you to be distracted by some old flame being ‘round.  Even if she’s got a mouth like that.”
Would it be poor form to punch the old man right here in front of everyone?  That damn, dirty pig! How dare he even think about Lisa’s mouth or anything else on her?  Not to mention to talk about her as if she was some blow-up doll.... Michael’s hands fisted as his vision got fuzzy...

Lisa stepped over and interrupted his lovely murderous pondering. And probably saved him from some very bad press and the loss of all his financial backing. 
“Sorry, we have to get going. My husband is gathering up the girls.  I guess Riley took them to the little labyrinth.  Before we go, though- Michael, can I have a word with you?” Her eyes pleaded with him to follow her without protest. And how could he ever resist her? He’d think some more about killing Phillips later. 

“Oh, too bad you’re leaving Lisa Marie. I just told Mike here how we have some interesting business ventures in common.”

Well, cool....Lisa looked as if she was gonna help him knock the shit-eating grin off Philipp’s face.  The only question was, what were her motives? His included the vermin calling him Mike- like they were old buddies. 

“I think you’re confused, Mr Philipps.  If we have any ventures in common, I’m sure my people manage them.  I stay out of the business- until I decide an investment is too much trouble. Then I’ve been known to pull out. ...Anyway. It’s been real.  Michael- a world, please.”
Gosh, he loved when she got pissy and bossy like that.  

“Randy- gotta go.  The lady demands my attention...if I don’t see you...I’m sure I see you soon.”
Too soon.

Lisa pulled Michael to a quiet corner where the food was piling up on lovely tables.  Picking up a plate, she started to pick through the cakes.

“ you need help picking up desserts?”
“No- I’m pretending to be normal. When nothing this day is even remotely close to normal.” shit....

“And eating pink and yellow cakes is normal?” 
She shot him one of her ‘looks.’ Did she know how adorable she was right now?  

“Why were you talking to Lockwood?”
“Why were you telling the Duchess that I had your panties?”

Lisa’s back was to him and she made a good show of trying to decide which fruit tart was the best.

“Cause it would have been tasteless to meet my family and other polite company with your cum still dripping down my legs.”

Well, good thing he wasn’t eating right now, as he would have choked.

“Good point.” He had to give credit where it was due. 
“So- what did you say to Lockwood?”

She turned and studied him. Or tried to anyway.  His aviators blocked her laser gaze.

“I said, ‘Nice to meet you.’”
Her eyes narrowed. “No crap. And was it? Why did you have to talk to him anyway?”
“Cause your buddy Philipps made me. How do you know him, Lisa?”
She turned back to the obviously mesmerizing display of food. 

“Lockwood? I live with him.”
“Very cute. Phillips. How do you know him?”
“Stop answering my questions with a question, Michael.  I can’t believe you’d try and fuck me over...” 

Fighting the impulse to pull her back to face him, he lightly touched her arm and she froze.

“Really, Lisa?”
Her back still to him, her head dropped. “Sorry...Look...I’m worn out. I don’t now what the hell is going on. This is just too much...”  Her shoulders trembled lightly.
“Forget it.... You’re right. I know you wouldn’t do that...say anything to Lockwood...I’m sorry...”
“Lisa- I don’t want you anywhere around Phillips, okay?  He’s dangerous.”

Straightening, Lisa turned.  Gosh, she looked so tired.

“I know, Michael. And I'm a big girl. I know what I’m doing.”
“What does that mean?” Alarm bells went off all over him.
“Nothing. I gotta go. We’ll talk later, okay?”

She tried to move past him.  Oh, no. She wasn’t gonna leave just like that.  Like she could just grab some cakes and brush him off.  This time he did grab her arm.
“No, I wanna talk now. You gotta promise to stay the hell away from him, Lisa.  I ain’t playin’...”

“Lisa- everything okay?” Lockwood had appeared out of nowhere. Carrying one of their daughters.  Once again, Michael was unprepared for the force of the explosion of pain at looking at the sweet little baby. 

“Yeah, sure... I just grabbed the girls some cakes for the trip home.” 
Michael removed his hand from her arm.  

Lockwood's eyes still clung to the spot where Michael had touched Lisa. Then his face relaxed slightly. 
“Cause they need more sugar.” He smiled, but was not able to conceal the concern in his face. No doubt, it was little fun to walk in on Lisa being manhandled by her ex as she was gathering sweets.  Maybe he could convince the man he was trying to safe the family from going into diabetic shock. 

“Mommy! The little tyke reached out her chubby arms and Lisa walked over to her baby.  Her whole face changed. Any fatigue fell off and she looked...radiant. 
Michael stood there, frozen.  Feeling like an intruder in a fairy tale.  One that was fast becoming his nightmare. 

Lisa’s eyes were on him as she took her daughter. “Michael - this is Harper. Riley has Fin- I hope.”
Wanting to run away, and yet being pulled closer, Michael stepped up and gingerly touched the little girl’s arm.  She gazed up at him seriously and with great interest.  God...she was gorgeous.  With eyes and lips just like Lisa.  Just like had imagined their babies to look...
“Lisa...she’s...” his voice broke, then he cleared it and made another brave attempt, “She’s gorgeous.  Congratulations again- to both of you.” He looked over at Lockwood for the first time and noticed the man’s calm blue eyes resting on him. Trying to read what was going on.. Well, if he’d figure it out, maybe he could drop him a line or something.  

The sudden ringing of the phone ripped Michael back to the present.  Damn! Talk about totally zoning  out!  Looking out the window, he realized they had left the bright London streets behind and were almost at his estate. 
Lisa’s name and image flashed in the darkness.  
For a second he wondered if it wouldn’t be smarter to let it go to voicemail.

“Hey, stranger.” Then again, being smart was way overrated.
“I thought I might have missed you tonight. What’s happening? Rehearsal running late?” Her casual tone was a bad disguise to the note of concern he detected.
“Yes, mother-hen. I was so splendidly amazing that I wanted to try some new stuff.”
“You need no new stuff.  You need to sleep.” She sounded so amazingly bossy. Despite the adorable double negative. 
“So do you- why are you still awake?”
“Working on some songs...”

That’s right. Lisa had told him she was working on her new album.  That she needed to work out some ‘stuff’ through her music.  Which normally meant barely concealed images of the pain he had caused her over the years.

“Will you ever tell me what they are about?”
“You of course...Isn’t everything?” Her mocking tone made him smile.
“Wouldn’t be the first time.  Can you warn me before slamming me?”
“Depends on my mood.” She laughed. 
“Seriously...I really wanna hear what you’re into these days.”
“I told’s different.  But I don’t wanna share.  Not even my Mom knows the new songs.”
“Oh crap, they are about me, then.”
She laughed again.  The deep tone was balm on his irritated nerves. “They are about... life...”
“That’s specific.”
“That’s all you’re gonna get out of me. - So, everything okay at rehearsals?”
“Other than all the females wanting me, yeah, it’s great.”
“You’re a mess, Jackson.”
“Don’t be jealous.  You had your chance.”
“Great to see your ego has shrunk.”
“Nothin’ bout me has shrunk, lady.”
“Michael....”  Suddenly serious, he knew she was warning him of traipsing into the danger zone. Damn- he was tired. And he missed her.  Boundaries were so fucking annoying. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Oh....guess what I heard?”
“Karen said you and her as all tight as ticks now.”


“We are ...friendly. No need to get out the K-9 spot on.”
“So friendly you’re gonna visit her?” He ignored her little attempt to distract with humor.

More silence.  

“Not sure why she told you that... I...I’m gonna be in London tomorrow and she asked if I wanted to come by.  I mean...if you mind...I can change that.”
He didn’t mind her coming by. What he minded was that he had to find out by means of Karen.
“No, I don’t mind.  Just wondering why you can come visit her but you never wanna pop by for me.”
“Michael...stop it.  You know I can’t...we can’t...”
“Hey- I didn’t say come by for a fuck-fest, Lisa. But if we’re supposed to be friends and all, I don’t think it’s weird you coming by.  Hey- I could change my schedule and be ‘round tomorrow. How ‘bout that?”
Holding his breath, he waited for her answer.
“Well...look...I’m not sure it’s all gonnna work out and I don’t wanna fuck with your schedule...”

Sounded like someone was scared.  Hm..interesting.

“Well...don’t worry. Look- I have a fitting. So- you and Karen have fun at your little tea party.  I got bigger things to worry about.”
“Why- what’s happening?”

Everything...nothing... And why did she care?  Suddenly, it occurred to him that this wasn’t working.  He couldn’t have her close- and he couldn’t stand to have her so distant.  They were fooling themselves with this friends bull shit.  

“Lisa- we still haven’t talked...about...”
“Michael...we talk...just about every day.”
“You know what I mean. Are you ever gonna talk about what happened?”
“Look, it’s late. I just wanted to check and make sure you’re okay.  I need to lay down.”
“With him... You gotta go and lay down next to him.  And you don’t think about me at all.”

It wasn’t a question. Cause he knew it was bullshit.  Unless...unless the real pain came from fearing it wasn’t.  

“Good night, Michael.”
“You know what? You’re a little coward! You hide behind some damn little friend facade as you go on living your little perfect life that’s a lie.”

The line went dead and he almost chugged the phone out the window.  God! She was so damn exasperating! If she really was all over him, why could she not face him? Why not talk about it all? 
But if he forced her to talk, forced her to stare into the glaring sun... did he not risk to blind her vision once and for all? Or maybe, maybe it would be so much worse - and the illumination would evaporate all the steam and vapors of the past he had been hiding behind.  And what if she saw him for what he was?  A has-been.  A memory that never should have been taken from crystal rainbow glass display- as now, in the light of day, it was nothing but a broken dream.  
He had to know.  He had to see it in her eyes.  Maybe, once he did, he could finally be free himself.  
As the car rolled up to the house, he started to send out emails, clearing his schedule. 
(to be continued) 

©2013 Erika B Michaels. All Rights Reserved. This story is a work of fiction. Any names, places, and other identifying features are used in a fictional manner, for entertainment purposes only, and are in no way representative of actual events. This work may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, or stored without expressed written permission by Erika B Michaels. All photos and images, mentioned songs or song titles are copyright their creators. ABSOLUTELY no disrespect is intended to any persons portrayed in this work.


  1. I love how everyone seemed to find out about there little fuck fest in the tack room. It was so funny. And I just hope Lisa can talk to him. She knows she thinks about him constantly and she is afraid of what might happen when she sees him again. I mean she could barely hold back last time. Please Update soon! :)

  2. Great chapter, infused with your insight and humor! I could just see how everyone picked up on what happened between them. I like that they are trying to be "friends" even though we know that isn't going to be possible. Can't wait to see what's up, if Karen has some other angle, and I am sure the sparks are going to fly when they see each other again.

    I like how this is progressing because even though this is fanfic, I think it is very realistic.

  3. Absolutely perfect! As always! I love being in Michael's head, his thoughts always make me giggle. You're a very talented writer. Keep up the good work :)

  4. I have no idea what Lisa thinks, she is so strange, she should make some decission. She can't have two Michaels at one time. Everything would be easier, if she was miserable with Lockwood.
    I hope you'll post something soon :)

  5. Wonderful update.
    I feel so bad for Michael. He needs her but she looks "happy" with her new family.
    I can't wait to see what happens once they meet again.

  6. Amazing story. I can't wait for them to see each other again. Update soon! Pleaseeee

  7. Can we have an update soon pleaseee?!?

    1. Sorry for the horribly long wait. I am in the process of moving to another house- so writing is taking a backseat. But I was finally able to update! THanks for reading!!!! ANd for your patience!

  8. Thank you all for the great comments. Again, sorry for the slow updates right now, but my life is a tad bit crazy. As are all the recent news.... :( Keep the faith- this, too, shall pass soon.

    PYT- Lisa is confused right now. She had a life and a new family...and now everything is tipped on its head. Plus, if I had her fall into Michael's arms after ONE interaction, it would be a pretty thin story, right? ;) Thanks for reading!!! <3

  9. Apologies for the very late review, I just managed to read chapter 6 tonight and absolutely loved it!

    What an amazing chapter! Beautifully written. Loved Michael’s thoughts. This was very intense.

    Lots of amazing moments and your writing is spot on as always. Funny how they both tried to cover the whole barn scene up, but everyone is in on it, and knows what’s going on. Everyone except Lockwood it seems, he seems oblivious.

    The scene where Michael meets Harper was particularly poignant and I could feel his mixed emotions. Very well written.

    An absolutely amazing chapter, you are in top form here. I’m really enjoying the way you are intermixing reality with fiction and adding in things like Lisa and Karen being friends and Lisa working on her album etc. Also I can’t wait for Michael to find out Lisa is backing him financially, I can imagine the reaction is gonna be explosive!

    Anyway I managed to squeeze in some time tonight to read this, as I hate how behind I am. Hope to read chapter 7 very soon.

    Thanks for writing this story. I think your writing gets better and better. Really enjoyed it! Thanks!
