15, 1997; London – Carlton Tower Hotel
watched the numbers count up to the penthouse floor. Was the counter broken? Why was it going so slow? Or was something
wrong with this damn elevator? He bit
his lip, then noticed he was tapping his foot quite noticeably.
fidgeting,” Lisa whispered into his ear with a giggle, and the heat of her
breath somehow made him even harder.
this was so not comfortable! Bad enough she had snuggled up all close to him as
soon as they entered the cabin and had somehow managed to stand half in front
of him, with the swell of her firm bootie pressed against him. And he knew what was under that skirt. Certainly not panties- because they were in
the pocket of his jacket.
his eyes, studying the pattern of the cabin ceiling, he ignored her and tried
to think of cold showers, puppies, flowers…anything to make this ride more
bearable. Of course, the sky-high adrenaline levels after the show as well as
the insane ride from Wembley to the hotel had him all hot and bothered. The short stop to interact with fans had
cooled him off a bit- and the guilt over shortchanging them this time in his
mad-dash to get Lisa back to their suite, also took some of the air out of him,
but nothing mattered once Lisa was in close proximity once again. Good thing they had sent the nanny and the
kids ahead of them.
Mike. They’re gonna catch on…,” She had turned her head again, trying to
whisper inconspicuously.
What was she talking about? As if anyone
didn’t already know what was going on.
The comment of, “No escape efforts
this time, ok, Mike- and we’ll get you up there in record time,” and the
barely suppressed grin by Carlos actually did stop his plan to ask security to
take another elevator. With clenched
teeth he tried to be respectful and not give them the second heart attack in
the same day after the earlier escapade.
what in the world was going on? Was he a
sex addict now? If, so he better keep that on the down low as he did not desire
any treatment. Michael chuckled at his little joke. But really, he seriously had been acting as
if he were a teen not able to control is hormones. Ever since he and Lisa had decided to take
that dip into the refreshing lava bath, they had not been able to keep their
hands, mouths, eyes, or thoughts off each other. And to think, he was probably
crazier about her right now than at any other time in their relationship.
had been pretty wild on their honeymoon, but this was different. He had thought he’d lost her. In more ways
than one. And while so much was still in
question, he knew he should never have fought that crazy desire and passion for
her. Hell, what he really should have
done was ripping up those stupid divorce papers. After all, he knew damn well she was playing
her silly games. Calling her bluff had
cost him so much. But the lessons, while
painful, also had enriched him in some odd way. Not least of which was his son.
course, the past couple of days had been pure heaven. Somehow, the never-ending
sexual tension had kept him from having to discuss any difficult topics- and
Lisa had not been pressing for that talk. Not that they had much extra time between
making love and keeping the families happy. Riley and Ben kept him engaged, and
Lisa was kind enough to entertain his father and mother. When he checked in with Prince, it was
usually done while Lisa was busy with her children, and he tried to not bring
up his baby boy, as difficult as that had been.
On the very edge of his awareness was the understanding that all those
things had to be tackled- but this sexual fog certainly provided a nice island
hidden away from the real word and all the connected drama. Maybe that was one explanation why he simply
could not think of anything other than when he'd have his next hit of Lisa.
he thought he had been pretty good to go when they left for the show. Lisa and he had made love until late into the
morning, and he was sure everything was under control while he got ready to
meet her in her suite. The kids were
bouncy, even though their nanny had taken them to a local park before
lunch. Ben cajoled him into playing
Nintendo with him and he was nice and relaxed. Then Lisa finally appeared, and
he about dropped his controller. Ben squealed happily as his mother
inadvertently helped him to score.
is THAT? Excuse me, dear sweet Miss Librarian, have you seen Miss Presley
somewhere? And why did you steal her pearl choker? That’s just wrong.” He
giggled as his eyes ran over her conservative outfit that looked strangely
seductive on her.
must have gotten her agendas mixed up: she looked as if she was off for a day
at the office, or in court. Typical for her, she had known exactly how to add
those little details she knew would drive him mad. Unless it was coincidental. Like snow in
December. The suite was black and kept simple. But of course, the skirt hugged
her little ass just right and the top dipped down to her cleavage nicely. Her
hair was swept up with a clip leaving her elegant, kissable neck emphasized by
the pearl choker he had bought her when they were married. For some reason, while jewelry on his woman
always got him going, there was something about Lisa in pearls, heals, and
nothing else that got his sexual Ferrari going from zero to five thousand in no
time flat. Rocket speed. She topped the look of with her nerdy black
eyeglasses and very simple black shoes which drew his eyes to her toned, tan
calves, imagining them wrapped around his waist as he fucked her hard against a
wall. Or feeling the muscles tense as he
lifted those legs up and over his shoulder, giving it to her nice and deep,
hearing her scream his name. Back to
thoughts of cold showers and puppy dogs…
your problem, Jackson? Not dressed up enough for you?” With a wicked grin, Lisa
winked in that naughty way he adored. No doubt, she had read the glint as his
eyes caressed her curves. He was so used
to seeing her in clothing he had chosen for her. But hey, this letting her pick
out stuff she wanted to wear when out with him was way more fun, suddenly. It
was like getting little surprises on Christmas morning. He was salivating thinking about unwrapping
her later.
I think you are overdressed- that skirt and jacket have to go…,” he laughed
lowly, making sure the kids were out of earshot.
baby- then my black thong would show…and my bra …oh, oops, I think I forgot my
bra… Or do I have a bra and forgot my thong…” she seemed to ponder the
question, while he suddenly suffered from dry mouth. Did the room just get
better be joking.”
you’re angling for another spanking.”
I’m never joking about some things,
Mike.” Lisa’s voice was dripping dark honey, and her eyes pulled him in,
promising pleasures he was not sure he could wait for.
what are you joking about?” Riley had come running up, and Lisa cleared her
nothing baby. I was just saying I’m not joking that you guys will have to go to
bed straight after the concert.”
Michael and I started a game, and I wanna finish it when we get back.” Ben complained, joining the conversation.
know how you feel, Ben. Mommy and I also started a game…
Michael will have to finish his game another time. I’m sure he will want to go
to bed when we get back, right?”
Bed being optional, though.
to keep an innocent face, Lisa looked back at him, smirking when she was sure
the kids couldn’t see her face. She was such an evil little temptress!
Mom is right, Ben. But we can always pick it back up later, ok? Give me something to look forward to after
all that work tonight.” He shot Lisa a
glance, enjoying the sudden pink hue in her cheeks.
baby girl knew exactly what he was talking about.
he was barely able to contain his anticipation and excitement to be alone with
Lisa once again. His head seemed lost in
some red, passionate fog- and he hoped he’d never have to leave that cocoon
again. The real world was way overrated.
we gotta get going. The car is ready.” Carlos stuck his head into the suite,
making the real world crash down. Spoils sport!
rolled her eyes and instructed the kids to stick to their nanny. He was well aware of her constant dislike of
the mayhem of hotel exits. She never quite
appreciated his wonderfully detailed escape plans, so, for today, he had kept
things simple.
assume we’re going out back? And I expect there are five or six decoy plans,
Princess, ye of little faith! I will show you how much things have changed
too well did he remember her indignant rage at being brought into the back
entry in Australia. Back then, he had thought her objections were
ridiculous. Even though, truth be told,
he had to admit the ugly fact that indeed, he had not wanted to have anyone
find out about his constant weakness where Lisa was concerned.
much things had changed since that dark night Down Under. Actually, how ironic his life was at times.
Indeed, it had seemed as if everything had been topsy- turvey. His friend became his wife, and the woman he
thought of as his wife, became his lover again- only to leave him alone and
scared the next day. Now, finally, after
almost losing her to their stubbornness and then to the crazy machinations of
that cult that almost killed her, he was bound and determined to straighten
everything back out. Starting with an
accessory choice he had made that night.
“Nope. We’re leaving out front.”
eyes narrowed. “Yes, I know you and the team are. But what about the kids and
reached for her hand. “We means all
of us.”
Her eyes were one big question mark. Oh, how sweet it was to surprise her.
Well, he was only getting started.
girl. She should know he’d trick her in all the right ways. Like no one else…
hand still in his, he raised it to his lips, kissing it. “But what? You’re with
me, girl. And I ain’t gonna pretend otherwise.”
you sure? Michael…I…” Was the woman with
her rapid-fire vocabulary suddenly speechless?
And she seemed thoroughly touched.
She was such a sap! Were her eyes really filling with tears? The moment was intense and honest, and he
felt a bit choked up himself. Suddenly her eyes lowered to his hand still
holding hers. Turning her wrist, she
brought his hand up closer to her face.
shit….” Her eyes fell on the ring. Good,
she finally had noticed it. About time.
remember this?”
I…” She shook her head, looking confused and touched at the same time. “Why,
Michael? What in the world…?”
turned and instructed Carlos to go ahead and take the kids and the nanny
downstairs first. Reluctantly, he
relinquished her hand while Lisa kissed the kids and instructed the nanny where
to meet them.
then asked Carlos to give them a minute.
we’re gonna be late. Traffic’s gonna be real bad, I hear.”
you know what? It’s not like it’s gonna start without me, right?”
not, boss.” Carlos shrugged his shoulders and gently closed the door behind
soon as they were alone, Lisa turned as if suddenly not sure she wanted her
questions answered. It still hurt to see
how gun-shy she had become. The tough bravado
of the past had lost some of its power and at times her defenses did not
suffice to hide how downright timid and very, very careful she had become .
got burned…and I had been the one throwing the torch at her.
he pushed the guilty feelings aside. No, guilt was useless. He would make it up to her- and hopefully
prove how solid he wanted them to be
you drop the next bomb?
he could fill her in on exactly all the details of how he envisioned their new
cut short his inner conflict, “He’s right, Mike. We’re gonna be late. Let me
just grab my purse and we can talk later.”
what? He hadn’t even said anything yet.
How come she already looked as if storm clouds were about to dump the floods of
hell on her? Especially, when he thought
she’d be thrilled to see him wear the symbol of what they had thought to be
everlasting love. A circle,
ongoing…never broken, but with definite up and downslopes.
reached for her hand again, pulling her around to him. “Hey…” His fingers
touched her cheeks, then raised her face up so she would face him. “I just wanna explain…”
swallowed hard. He knew she would be
surprised to see his wedding band, their wedding band, but he had no idea it
would affect her this strongly. Well,
good. She needed to understand how dead serious he was about this…this new
beginning. She was not a bootie-call,
and this was not supposed to be a onetime fuck-marathon.
don’t get you, at times, Michael. I
mean…wow…I don’t wanna read into things, but this…” she motioned to the ring,
her fingers touching it tentatively, as if she was afraid it would dissolve
into thin air, or leave blisters. Like their marriage.
love you. You. It’s always only been you…here...” he brought
her hand up to his heart.
ring means everything to me. Still. I
want you…I need you to understand that.
I take wearing it very, very seriously. My…my situation is a bit
complicated right now…so I’m gonna wear it on the right hand. But, you know, in
most places in the world that means I’m married anyway…to the woman who gave me
this ring. And so, I got you in my heart on the left side, and got this symbol
of our love on the right. And whenever
you see it…you will know…you’ll know how I feel. ‘Bout what was once- and what will be again…
And that I love you…so much.”
time, Lisa could not hide the tear, despite her attempt at a little laugh.
“It’s a little complicated,
Mike? Well, you just made it a whole
lotta complicated. This…wow… it’s …I’m ...”
In Love?” He gave her a goofy grin and she responded with a real laugh this
she took a deep breath, “… and in love.”
words hung in the room. Drops of pure
light suspended by the illuminating glow of the star that at times seemed
distant and elusive, but never completely disappeared from their universe. Once the words were self-evident and were
almost carelessly spoken several times a day. Yet, just like rare currency,
now, they once again had to decide when it was prudent to share the
wealth. The only thing was- being too lascivious
could leave them emotionally bankrupt just as being too conservative could
leave them alone and desolate. Neither
had expressed the now treasured and carefully tended sentiments outside the
bedroom. Of course, their sexual union
was always a physical expression of love, but it felt so good to say it out
loud once again.
door opened, and Carlos surreptitiously fake-coughed before peeking in.
really, really gotta get a move on.”
reached for his hand and silently followed Carlos. Michael caught up with her
and stopped her, kissing her, catching Carlos’ exasperated gesture. There had
to be time for this. She was not coming
second anymore.
you roll your eyes at me. I’m your boss.”
Michael whispered to him as they hurried down the hall.
boss…yes you are…” Carlos replied
pushing the elevator button, with a barely suppressed smile.
I just can’t please anyone today…
the elevator ride down, Michael’s eyes fell on Lisa’s ass. Almost audibly, his thoughts came to a
screeching halt and took a totally different direction. Suddenly, he remembered what she had causally
teased him with earlier as his mind replayed her words.
to wear panties or bra?
she been serious? Was she really not wearing panties? As if reading his thoughts, Lisa suddenly,
and totally not accidentally, dropped her room key and bent over to pick it
up. He almost laughed. That evil little
woman! Michael cleared his throat, and Lisa turned, looking at him, catching
his eyes glued to her round globes. When she straightened back out, she took
two steps back, and now the firm, warm, soft booty was right against him.
her mind had taken a detour from more serious thoughts as well.
turned, and asked if they were alright.
Michael, with a slightly squeaky voice, assured him he was peachy, while
the evil little temptress in front of him nodded emphatically. Yeah, she looked as if she was about to join
a convent or something- her expression all pure and serious. Too bad he had to wonder if under the outfit
which was slightly above a nun-habit lay a very naked behind. And more.
soon as Carlos’ back was to them, Lisa reached behind and, with well-trained sniper-like
precision, brought her hand between her ass and his immediately budding bulge. That’s it-she was a sexual sniper. He had to
impart that new knowledge on her later.
it…” he hissed into her ear, bending forward.
Of course, he had the option to step one tiny step back, but his body
took over and instead went the other direction, pressing against her more. Lisa shot him a little glance over her
shoulder looking oh so innocent. It was difficult to decide whether to strangle
her or screw her. Before she turned, she licked her lips as her fingers
massaged him at the same time through the fabric of his pants.
Shit! If only this didn’t feel so fucking amazing!
breathing accelerated, and he felt his face becoming flushed. Obviously, the air conditioning was not
working in here. Or, it was all her
fault. Yeah, that was it. Lisa was simply too much! This was certainly
not the first time she had engaged in crazy games right in front of his staff,
but given how she had been holding back any displays of affections in the
presence of his parents and her kids, he was still a tad bit surprised at the
now brazen attack. And turned on as all
arrived at the Lobby, and Carlos stepped out.
Lisa withdrew her hand while blowing him a kiss, and got ready to exit
the elevator. Oh, hell no! She was not gonna start something and then leave him
hanging. Or standing up straight..Not much was hanging right now with his cock
at attention and his balls drawn up tightly. So, before his rational brain
could kick in, he grabbed her while at the same time stepping forward to hit
the button closing the door. Carlos turned back with his mouth open, and looked
as if he was ready to jump back in, when Michael raised his hand.
ok. I forgot something. Stay here. Be right back.”
The rest of the protest went unheard as the doors slid closed and Michael hit
the floor number he knew held the conference rooms. He had to have a serious meeting with this
little…terrorist at this side.
are you doing, crazy man?” Lisa laughed heartily when she noticed his
exasperated face.
Are you kidding?” Michael took two large steps toward her, forcing her against
the back wall of the cabin.
What’cha gonna do, Mike?” Those
abyss-like eyes tempted him from below her lashes.
arms came around her and his hands found the round temptation of her ass,
squeezing her, making her yelp as he brought her against him roughly.
wanna check out what you got under that skirt.
I wouldn’t want you to fall or something and be caught sans coverage. Bad press, you know…” His voice was hot and
deep, his mouth so close to her sweet lips, he could taste her minty breath.
so kind…and so amazingly considerate…little pervert.” Lisa wiggled against him,
driving him crazy.
I’m not the one running around naked. Or announcing that I’m naked. I wasn’t
thinking about kindness, Princess, more along the lines of punishing that sweet
ass if you really don’t have panties on.”
promises, promises!” Those eyes yelled at him to take what he wanted- and who
was he to hold back?
cut off any further words as his lips greedily tasted the glistening lips and
his tongue immediately swept in, surrounding hers, stroking, dancing, teasing,
seducing. Lisa moaned and pulled him closer by the lapel of his jacket. Michael
ran his fingers down the fabric of her skirt and then, after he arrived at her
thighs, he started to gather the fabric, raising her skirt ever so slowly.
you gonna mess my skirt up- stop it,” Lisa fake protested with that low laughter
getting his blood boiling, when she finally pulled away from his kiss, panting.
he was gonna mess her up alright. And if she was worried about wrinkles, she
shouldn’t have unleashed the beast within.
he could continue his inspection, the elevator stopped at the floor of his
choice. Good thing he happened to know the conference room floor was empty that
day and he was familiar with the layout, having had meeting with his people
there the day before Lisa arrived.
he just had to hope and pray that cleaning personnel wasn’t busy cleaning empty
her quickly one more time, Michael pulled Lisa along as she giggled and
protested he would make her fall. Oh
please! Lisa could run a marathon in those heels. She was in no danger
whatsoever- other than being ravished by his crazy appetite.
we’re gonna be late.” She laughed.
her, his only reaction was to look left and right to orient himself before he
darted down another hall to one of the office spaces he remembered. She shouldn’t have teased him about her
wardrobe if she had been oh so worried about them being late. Plus, like he
told Carlos- the show wasn’t going to start without him.
what the heck are we doing up here, slow down, maniac!” Lisa was laughing so
hard, her voice broke into cute little hiccups.
the door knob, he smiled to himself when it gave under his touch. He pulled
Lisa into the office and shut the door behind her, whirling her back around so
her back came against the door as he immediately attacked her neck. God, how he loved that pearl choker on
her. Kissing up a path to her ear,
sucking and biting on her earlobe, he reached up and started to caress the
pears on her, before moving back to her lips, still playing with the pearls.
Lisa’s little moans and sighs didn’t’ to anything to remind him of waiting
staff, a show to get to, or any other real life concerns.
lost your mind….” Lisa managed to moan between kisses, her eyes having that
half drugged shine he fed off.
you love it…since you make me lose it.”
moved the choker up slightly on her neck and started to suckle that soft spot
on her neck, knowing the tickling would turn her to mush in his hands. Also, he
totally loved the idea of leaving a hickie on her that would be covered by his jewelry…branding
her… Maybe he should send Luke or whoever else thought they could compete a
picture. No, that would be immature. Lisa knew the deal.
you’re gonna leave a mark…” Lisa panted,
her neck presented to him.
Not the first one…” He kissed the appearing redness, smiling to himself.
but this one people will see….”
chuckled as his mind raced back to the other places he had staked and declared
as KOP territory. The resulting tingling increased his erection.
lady. Fess up…” Putting the choker back in place he glared
down into her passion filled eyes. In
the dazed state she was in, the glow always reminded him of azure, stained
glass with the sun highlighting every shimmering facet.
I have no clue why we are here.” She
gazed at him from hooded, seductive eyes.
almost had to laugh at her angelic, innocent expression. His little devil in
lightly grabbed Lisa by the waist and, placing light, teasing kisses on her
lips, moved her toward the long conference table. With a swift motion, he
turned her, placing her hands on the edge of the table, his hand on her lower
back, bending her forward.
her little surprised yelp, Lisa immediately assumed the position she knew would
get him all kind of sprung.
yeah, I bet you’re all kind of shocked now, Princess. Not. As you were asking
for trouble, obviously.
eyes were glued to the outline of her ass presented to him. He still did not see any panty lines. Oh, she
was going to be in for it if she actually had decided to do this.
inspection, Presley. Seems I can’t leave
getting dressed to you and your naughty, dirty, mind…”
hands massaged her shoulders, then glided down her back, her waist, before
settling on those firm globes begging for his touch. Massaging her delightful behind deftly, he
was well aware of the ever increasing size of his cock, begging for release. There
was also some small, left over part of his brain tryingd to remind him that
really, there was no time for this kind of play. Well, too bad all the blood was in his southern
head, so he was not able to listen to those boring thought through the drumline
of the blood in his ears.
froze and help perfectly still as he ever so slowly started to raise the black
fabric up her thigh. Watching her toned,
tan legs revealed had him salivating, and he was not able to resist touching
the hot skin, delighting in the trace of goose bumps.
whimpered as he raised the skirt all the way and he closed his eyes, not
wanting to spoil the surprise of seeing her naked, dripping pussy.
he opened them back up, he was almost disappointed to find- a sexy very thin, very black, very skimpy
thong riding between those gorgeous ass cheeks, barely covering her very
swollen, very moist cunt.
looked over her shoulders back at him, giving him a sly smile. “See? I was such
a good girl…”
girl, my ass!
though it was her ass presented up to him in such a lovely manner that occupied
his thoughts.
hands massaged her tempting skin, now kneading her without the distraction of
her skirt, which was hiked up high on her ass.
yeah?” One hand traced the outline of
her panties that barely deserved such a name, as they really were more of a
piece of silk floss running between her legs.
The other lifted and smacked that adorable bootie, making her jump and
know you deserve this, you naughty little thing. Teasing me like this...”
fingers pushed the soaking material aside, tracing her dripping, puffy, silky
folds, listening to her moan his name once more.
think you earned one more little spanking?”
looked back at him again, her lips open and glistening, her perfect match for
what was going on down on the playground his fingers were enjoying.
Daddy, I’m sorry for being such a cock tease…”
was she ever? And his dick was aching now.
you are getting later and later…
that! He had important business to finish right here. Letting his hand descend on her once more, he
watched her push back further, just in time for him to trace his finger up to
the rim of her opening, teasing her there, entering her fully, hearing her
little cry edging him on…
straight girl…you teased me alright and you know what? “
moved his finger inside of her, knowing he hit that spot driving her crazy
while his thumb caressed her thumping little nub.
Her voice was a sigh and he could tell be the tightening around his fingers
that she was close to losing it.
‘bout we’re gonna let the real punishment be…”
moaned and pushed against his hand, her pelvis gyrating, dancing with his hand.
slowly withdrew his finger and put her little thong back in place, smiling at
her protest as she glared back at him.
you dare…”
I dare, girl. Let’s let the real punishment be for you to wait all fired up
till I give you the relief you so badly want…And no cheating.”
she continued to protest, he straightened out her skirt, noticing he had left a
white stain on her butt, oh well. He guessed he had still had make-up on his
hands. He wasn’t gonna tell her, and it
wasn’t as if she would notice. Another
mark. Michael smiled to himself.
turned, with murder in her eyes.
can be such a prick, you know that?” She gave him a lopsided grin, as she
leaned against the table, grabbing his jacket, pulling him down to her,
greedily kissing him.
returned her greedy kiss, grabbing her hand.
yeah, well, how ‘bout you feel what you did to my prick, baby girl. And isn’t
it fair to know I’m gonna be in pain as well…”
this, he was content to leave well alone, alone. But no, of course, Lisa and
her greedy fingers had other plans. One
hand ever so slowly travelled down between them, grabbing him through his
baby…that does feel painful…”
she grabbed him and squeezed hard, he almost saw stars. Gosh, and here he had
thought he couldn’t get any harder.
stop that…we gotta get going…and I can’t go down like that…”
his neck and nibbling on that spot on his neck driving him nuts and sending all
kinds of chills through him, he barely noticed her other hand on his pants as
well, grabbing his tightening balls.
I got you going alright…and as far as going down….” With masterful speed, she
started to undo his pants.
no! Surely, she wouldn’t…. What if someone came in? He hadn’t locked the door. Adrenaline rushed through him, stirring his
blood even more. Oh, this was so sick.
And he never wanted to recover.
had undone his fly and reached in to free his cock, making him tremble.
Daddy, why don’t you lean against the table now…seems you got a weak spell…”
She maneuvered him against the very table edge he had tortured her against
minutes earlier. He really shouldn’t let
her. But damn, this felt so good.
stroked him up and down with a firm grip, using his juices to rub her thumb
smoothly over his exposed head. Michael swallowed and surrendered all
resistance as she pulled his pants down in one swift motion.
we’re not having time for that…but I can tell it won’t take too long to bring
you some relief…even though you are an evil tease yourself.”
sank to her knees, her hands still on him making him see spots and almost
making him shoot his load before he could even aim for those luscious lips.
shit, girl…I think you’re paying me back good now…don’t stop…”
almost reached for her head then remembered her hair held together with that
clip. Man, he loved to see her hair wild and free when she was giving him head,
but seeing her all prim and proper in the most improper position before him,
her tongue lapping his dick, licking him up and down, also had a certain
don’t worry…I’m not stopping…I’m just getting started- and you get to pay me
back later…in spades…”
he planned on it! When she finally stopped her teasing and fully took him into
the moist heat of her mouth, he almost lost it.
God, he was so ready to cum!
after moving her mouth up and down on him while still gripping him with one
hand and fondling his tight balls with the other, Lisa surrendered his tortured
cock, causing his eyes to pop open.
“What? Please, Lise, I’m sorry, I teased you…baby,
come one, you gotta help me out here. I can’t go down like this…please ….”
laughed. “Oh don’t worry. I was just
going to show you…”
fingers came to her blazer, and she slowly undid her buttons.
I wasn’t teasing all the way earlier…I really…”
all the buttons were open, she pulled the black material open, making his mouth
drop open.
forget to put on my bra.”
that, she went back to the task of sucking him dry, and the motion of her lips,
the teasing of her tongue, the feeling of her teeth on his head every time she
took him back in, combined with the image of her conservative outfit, now
hanging open, revealing her perfect little breasts, broke his control totally,
as he fucked her mouth seriously. Lisa, her eyes on him, started to play with
her breasts, tweaking her nipples, moaning against him. It was simply too much. He felt the familiar
tightening in his balls and the glorious fireball started to race up his cock,
as he exploded into her mouth, trying hard prevent his moans and yelps break through
the barriers of the room.
shit…damn….baby….Lisa….Oh hell……fuck…..” His world was spinning around and
around as he kept shooting his hot cum into her mouth and watched her drink him
greedily. The climax was so intense, he
thought he’d never stop jerking against her.
Lisa slowed her ministrations, and she lovingly licked him clean, before
raising herself from her knees as she rubbed her body against him, snuggling up
to him. Michael grabbed her chin and
kissed her deeply, tasting himself on her, feeling the crazy passion and love
curse through him still. Lisa reached
down and lovingly stroked his still sensitive penis. Michael sighed against her, trembling from
her touch.
giving him a second to recover, engaging in the most splendid kiss, Lisa pulled
his pants back up and he helped to contain his semi hard cock. At least this was better than before. After he took care of himself, he lovingly
closed the buttons on her vest, shaking his head, laughing softly.
Lisa asked with her own grin.
just never cease to amaze me, you know that?
And here I thought you were just playing ‘bout going half naked.”
am not half naked, thank you very much. And we better start moving before you
security team strokes out.”
shit…” She was right- it was a miracle no one had busted in on them as it
was. Guess they had forgotten about this
floor. Which also meant they were combing the rest of the hotel. It was almost funny. He could imagine them
asking innocent hotel guests, “ ‘Scuse
me- I seem to have misplaced Michael Jackson, have you seen him?”
shared his little joke with Lisa as he pulled her off to the elevator. On the
way down, he made sure his fedora was in place and he put the mask back on as
they left the elevator, five of his guys came running, walkie- talkies in
place, calling off the rest of the search team.
He apologized profusely, being glad his mask hid most of his blushed
face and his embarrassed smile. How in
the world did Lisa manage that poker face she liked to wear.
made it out to the car and settled down, after Carlos came running, and Michael
could only imagine the curses contained behind his stoic front. He sure was glad he didn’t have to work for
someone as impulsive and crazy as that person he became when Lisa was
around. Of course, his life was much
more fun then, as well.
Mike…” Lisa suddenly leaned in.
noticed you…ahm…got a little dribble stain on your pant leg.” She could barely
contain her laughter.
Seriously?” He looked down and sure enough….there was some of the evidence of
his little playtime. Great, just
was openly laughing now. “Well, maybe people think you spat up some toothpaste
or something.” Michael rolled his eyes, a little annoyed at her glee now. Yeah,
wonderful. Oh well, even though there had been some reporters there, it was not
as if someone was going to go over those picture with a fine tooth comb later. So, in theory, he should be ok.
he remembered the stain on Lisa’s ass and smirked. He could be nice and fill her in. Then again,
she deserved to be left in the dark.
That would be much more fun. Of
course, it would be hilarious to tell her later.
are you cooking up now, Mike? I can tell you’re up to something.”
No…Uhm, but I did forget to tell you something.”
face turned serious immediately. Gosh, she was so guarded.
will be a team from Entertainment Tonight filming backstage tonight.”
shit. Seriously? Well fuck!” Lisa pulled
away slightly, and stared out of the window.
what? Was she embarrassed to be seen with him?
Was she afraid her buddies at home would see what she’s been up to?
Stain on her ass and all?
it’s ok, no need to over-react, baby.” He reached for her hand.
her lips tight, glanced at him. “So,
where am I hiding?”
Gosh- did she really think he was going to stash her in some box or closet or
something? Had she not gotten what he had said earlier? That the hiding game was over?
tempt me. But no, really- nowhere, you’re just gonna be right there. Don’t
worry, I’ll be there with you and you don’t have to do or say anything. Just
hold my hand and you’ll be fine.”
looked at him as if he was speaking Chinese again.
be there?”
they’re kind of there for my show.
So- of course I will be there.”
I’ll be there, too? With you. Backstage?”
time he really had to wonder if her illness had killed too many brain
cells. Silly girl!
He laughed and raised her hand to his lips.
what about…what about your wife? Your
parents? Your fans? The press? You know, all those people who do not know we
are back to being fuckbuddies.”
flinched. God, surely she didn’t see them like this again? He knew she loved him. Was it that hard to
trust him on this?
you can add me to that club. I didn’t know that’s how you see us.”
knew she was in protective mode, but, damn, it hurt when she turned like that!
Didn’t she see his efforts to have her there with him, to basically announce to
the world that he was back with her, meant something?
can she not honor your efforts to publically expose yourself as an adulterer? Which
made her…
it wasn’t like that. His marriage wasn’t for real. Deb had tried to turn it into
that publicly but it was nothing but business.
This was his life. He had given so much. He was simply not willing to
hide Lisa and his love for her. Against
his every instinct to keep this part of his life, this deep, crazy love to
himself, he wanted to prove to her that he didn’t care what others thoughts.
That he wasn’t going to fold to outside pressures ever again. That he regretted
having made certain concessions to please others.
sighed, “Mike, it’s not how I see us. I’m sorry. I guess, I’m…I’m just surprised.”
I want you there with me. They will film. I don’t care what their dirty minds
do with the info. Probably nothing. You
know, a freak like me can’t love a gorgeous woman like you…or be loved by her.”
turn to flinch at his cold, sarcastic tone.
Her hand came to rest on his cheek, holding his face in a comforting,
supportive, loving gesture.
Don’t do that. Don’t talk like that. I love you. If you want me there, I’ll be
there. As your friend. And as the woman
who loves you.” She tilted her head. “Okay?”
pulled her toward her, touched by her words. “Okay…and then…hope the show
pleases you, my lady. And remember, I’ll be dancing only for you.”
Lisa kissed him softly, “Don’t wear yourself out too much. You got some payback to deliver, lover boy.
So, don’t grab too hard.” Oh, he’d be
grabbing alright- and making sure he thought of her sweet touch every step of
the way.
show had gone well and the little PR thing with the crew from Entertainment
also had not been too painful. His team
had laid out his ground rules, including no snide remarks at Lisa and his friendship, and they were actually observing them. Lisa clung to his hand like
mad, but she also seemed to manage just fine.
This was the first time in what seemed an eternity she had been
backstage for a full show. She had been
at video shoots before things were blown all to hell, but there was something
thrilling and special about him looking off stage and seeing her and the kids
there. It was so cute, too. Every now and then he was sure Lisa stared at
him in a way that was nowhere near a PG, G, or even R rating. Did she not know how dangerous it was to look
at him like that with her cheeks all flushed and her eyes glossy like that? If he didn’t know any better he thought she
was suffering from a fever.
maybe it was not such a good idea to leave her hanging in that conference
room. The look in her eyes spoke of all
kinds of naughty thoughts. Of course, he
also knew very well that his performance just might have had something to do with
getting her all hot and bothered. After all, he was no idiot and he was well
aware how certain moves reminded his girl of the little private dance they were
so perfect at.
“What?” he glanced at her during a quick wardrobe
change backstage after he had motioned for her to come with him. She was causally leaning against a wall,
while Bush helped him peel out of his outfit and pour him into another. While
her stance was all nonchalant innocence, her eyes were anything but.
“Nothing….” She looked at him from under those hooded azure
jewels, full of mischief. Gosh, she
better stop it, he only had a set amount of time before he had to be back
reached over and handed him a bottle of water. “Want some…”
but you look like you do…,” he whispered, kissing her neck, feeling her
was fun, he should have her with him more often. She definitely brightened the monotony of the
gives you that idea?” Lisa laughed and reached up to brush a strand of his hair
out of his face.
drink some water…” Bush urged him, holding out the new jacket to him.
rolled his eyes, and took the bottle from Lisa, making sure to allow his thumb
to run the sensitive skin of her wrist.
don’t know…you look…” He tipped her chin up to him, studying her thoroughly.
I wanna rip that tinfoil off your ass?”
Michael almost spat the water out, glancing at Bush, who was also chuckling.
don’t like the pants, Lisa? I think they are a masterpiece. You gonna get
Wardrobe mad if you diss his work.” Michael winked at Michael Bush.
Lisa, what’s wrong with the pants? Too shiny?”
Bush chimed in.
pants? Oh, I’m sorry- the foil you got
him wrapped in… I mean…was there a wardrobe budget shortfall? Cause I mean, it
looks like y’all skimmed on the material, too.” Lisa joked along, while
pretending to be serious. Her eyes were on his crotch and she better watch out-
these things were not exactly known for their camouflage ability.
pants had been the topic of much discussion.
And it seemed they also attracted Lisa’s attention. Well, he had to agree with her a bit…initially
he had asked the very same question when he first tried them on. They did fit
like a second skin. And certainly clung
to him like one. But it was fun to watch
and listen to the stir they had created.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. They do what they’re supposed to. Draw
attention to my legs when I dance.”
draw attention, alright. To all three of them.” Her dry answer made his cheeks
flush and caused him to almost choke, laughing.
better watch out girl, you’re being mighty bad…your punishment meter is
climbing…,” Michael whispered to her as he led her back to her seat.
better watch out, yourself, Jackson. The headline ‘Ex-wife jumps on stage and covers Michael Jackson’s hard on up with her
jacket while exposing her naked boobs’ might be your punishment.”
better be the only one seeing those treasures.” Michael kissed her hard, half
running back to for his entry.
I better be the only one reaping the benefits of all that…” her eyes dropped to
his cock again, which, well trained by her as it was, reacted with little jump.
“…raging adrenaline.”
she knew him too well. The adrenaline had been raging alright. As soon as he
was rushed out after the last note, Lisa and the children, as arranged meeting
him by the cars, it suddenly occurred to him that it would not be a great idea
to have the kids in the car with him.
Not while he was in that state.
had been difficult enough to not get all worked up by dancing and having Lisa
there gazing at him, shooting him looks that at times had him want to run off
stage, grab her, and drag her off to his dressing room, but to ride in the car
with her so close, and not be able to touch her, would be torture.
he got to her, he announced Riley and Ben would be riding with their nanny in
the second car. Lisa’s lips tightened for a minute and she hot him a
questioning look, but then she smirked, and they both kissed Riley and Ben.
why can’t we ride with you?” Riley protested with a pout. He had to laugh- she
looked so much like her mother like that.
is all sweaty and gross and he needs extra room- so you guys go with Christine.
You’ll have him tomorrow when we can spend all day together.”
gifted her with a wry look. Gross and sweaty? He’d show her gross and sweaty.
On the other hand, he did need extra room….one never knew what could happen on
a long ride back to the hotel.
reminded the kids they’d go to London’s biggest toystore tomorrow, and they
hugged him tightly – obviously not minding his gross sweatiness too much. Then, without anymore protests, they scampered
in with their nanny, chatting with each other in a very animated way. Lisa leaned in to kiss them as he turned and
got into his car, but not without glancing at her backside stuck out to him
while she talked to the kids. Was she
doing those things on purpose? Jeeze!
soon as she was in the car, his driver pulled off, and Lisa leaned back into
the seat, closing her eyes. Okay…. What
was that about? First she oogled him all night as if he was some tasty steak
and she was a hungry carnivore, and now she was going to sleep? Staring at her
with rising frustration, he noticed she peeked at him by slightly opening one
eye. Oh, Miss Presley was in a playful
I put you to sleep?”
exhausted from watching you.” A slight
smile played around her lips, but her eyes remained close.
scooted closer.
did you think…come on. Did you like it?”
forehead furrowed, and she bit her bottom lip.
“Parts of it…”
laughed. Oh really? Leave it to Lisa to
stay all remote and critical when thousands of fans just had spent hours
screaming for him.
parts didn’t you like?”
eyes flew open. “Well, personally, I could have done without some chick pawing
my man. Even though….that was kind of funny.”
how nice it sounded to be her man. I
loved that huffy tone of possessiveness in her voice.
hm? I think it’s sweet.”
finally sat back up, bringing her face very close to him now. “Sweet? Well,
yeah, you would…”
It gives fans a chance to express their love to me- and me to them.”
snorted. “It gives crazy chicks a chance to press themselves against you and
feel whatever the foil isn’t hiding.”
not foil. You felt it- it’s cloth.”
age loincloth.”
laughed again and she also had to chuckle.
Her eyes shone at him and a spark of her glowing inner light illuminated
a part of his soul he had kept shrouded in gloom and mourning.
He leaned in, suddenly serious. The
realization that this was how it always should have been hit him. Lisa and he-
after a concert. Talking about the show.
Feeling all riled up and knowing she’d be able to lasso him back to
earth. She was his grounding and his
his performance had felt as if he had wings. Every note, every word, every dance
step was a declaration of love. They
were the language that outlined the sacred wording of their new contract. Finally, it was all coming together. His
vision was taking shape. He had looked off stage and seen her there with Riley
and Ben. And for one second, he could almost envision Prince and the new baby
with her. His family. The circle was coming to completion as it always
had been designed. In their human failing they had almost destroyed the divine
plan, only God was stronger. They had
paid for their headstrong impatience and their blasphemous doubt. But God was loving and forgiving- and here
was their second chance.
long as Lisa is also forgiving and will overlook that second baby you made with
it was not as if he had slept with Deb or had deceived Lisa on purpose. It had
been planned. She would understand. She loved babies. And, looking into her eyes, he was so sure
she loved him.
though that light had been there before…and…
nothing. He had messed that up. Maybe
she had been right and he had not trusted her enough. Had not listened to her
concerns. She was correct: he had been
horribly busy with the record and with the upcoming tour. But now it was all
done. He had learned from his mistake.
He would never ignore her again...
He could be that man she wanted and needed. If only she gave him enough time and freedom
to work out that little situation with Deb.
Surely, that was not too much to ask in exchange for a magical
Lisa touched his hand and held it tightly.
was it anytime he started to ask a question she looked so scared?
she knows there is something else coming. Like you telling her about the second
swallowed. Well, now was not the time for that.
They did need to talk. But not now.
just realized that I never performed like I did tonight. You…you just don’t know what it meant to see
you sitting there. After…after
everything…to see you back there.” His voice broke and he swallowed the rising
eyes welled up a bit, too, as always changing the display of rainbows before
does that mean you normally don’t have an exact outline of your penis on
display? That was all for me…Wow…”
blushed, and burst out laughing. Grabbing her head, he pulled her toward him
and kissed her hard.
all for you, Lisa. Why don’t you get a
little preview while we seem to be stuck here. And I think I owe you a little
something for being such a good girl and not jumping my bones right there in
front of everyone on stage.”
reached up and pulled the little privacy curtain closed, while kissing her
Lisa broke away to get some air. “This thing is not sound proof you know….”
bent his head and started to kiss her neck, then made a trail up to her ear,
nibbling on her, while his hand started push up her skirt… His cock twitched in
you gotta be extra quiet then…while I make sure that thong is still in place.”
hands reached her hot thighs, pushing her skirt up further ever so slowly.
Mike, about that…”
reached into her purse and pulled something out… His eyes searched her cheeky
eyes for an answer while her hands stuck something into the pocket of his
her lip again in that way that drove him crazy, she raised an eyebrow and
slowly he reached into his coat…
fingers touched the silky material of an item that felt suspiciously like the
thong he had admired on her earlier.
at her, he raised an eyebrow and shook his head, not being able to keep from
got me hot, baby…I had to get rid of something…Come on Daddy, cool me down a
that, she scampered onto his lap, kissing him wildly.
God! How in the world was he going to cool her down when his world just went up
in flames?
elevator jumped, bringing him back from his thoughts. They had finally arrived
at their floor. Of course, all those contemplations
about the rest of the day had him crazy hard and beyond uncomfortable. He looked down at Lisa, whose cheeks were
still flushed from the orgasms she had raced into on their ride back to the
hotel. Thankfully, she had given him a
quick handjob as well, using her panties and her mouth to clean him off. Sadly, one would never know, as he was in
dire need of some real, lasting relief. Then they would finally be able to
talk. At some point.
pulled him out of the elevator and he positioned her right in front of him- a
convenient human shield for his armed missile.
Mike. Have a good night- get some rest.”
Carlos didn’t even try to hide the dirty grin.
this was wonderful. How would he ever
look at his guys again? He should
probably give the driver a raise, too. The loud music still had not been enough
to drown out their little noises and he did not want to read about the little
joy ride in some tell-all from a disgruntled employee at some point.
are you coming?”
stopped at his room and turned around to face him.
I plan on it baby girl…Several times…”
laughed, and as soon as he had managed to open the door, he grabbed her and
pushed her against the nearest wall.
Flying high on adrenaline and on that crazy love he once again was
allowed to give free reign, for the second time tonight, he felt like he was
flying. Never to touch the ground. Or at
least not for the next several hours.
in a frantic haze, their lips and hands all over each other, they were both
blind and deaf to the knocks- until a loud cough caused them to freeze- and
stare at the intruder.
be continued)
©2012 Erika B Michaels. All Rights
Reserved. This story is a work of fiction. Any names, places, and other
identifying features are used in a fictional manner, for entertainment purposes
only, and are in no way representative of actual events. This work may not be
reproduced, copied, transmitted, or stored without expressed written permission
by Erika B Michaels. All photos and images, mentioned songs or song titles are
copyright their creators. ABSOLUTELY no disrespect is intended to any persons
portrayed in this work.
Erika you updated so glad!Hot and the conference room and left security looking everywhere for them hysterical. Lisa comments about the gold pants were hysterical. Can't wait to see who the visitor is , hope it is not the Debster. Can't wait for more loved it girl!
ReplyDeleteI'm kinda hoping it's Debbie, cuz I know the drama will be off the chain! Mike needs to tell her about the new baby coming, he's being beyond selfish. I can't wait to see how this blow in his face big time. He has no nerve to talk about Luke or other men Lisa is seeing when he needs to handle his business and can't even tell her about the baby coming. Smh.
ReplyDeleteLoved your HOT and spicy update. I have no doubt their little visit in London was very similar to what you have described. I like how you addressed some of our speculations about the stains, and then the wedding ring on his right hand at that time. Now I have some ideas as to who that unnamed intruder is....Yes, MJ needs to handle his business and he may have to sooner than he planned. Great update!
ReplyDeleteI love your fanfics. They are so emotional and intense. I'm addicted ... They make my day, many times. Thanks for writing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update. I think Michael is fooling himself, she's gonna be livid about the second baby. He is riding high on adrenaline and love,and not thinking straight.
ReplyDeleteI like how he enjoys the after concert moment with Lisa, thinking it should have been this way long ago. Also I like in the beginning of the chapter how he chides himself for not stopping the divorce. Also, the bit with ET coming to visit them was a nice touch.
I imagine there will be much angst/drama in the chapters to come as Lisa finds out the truth. Looking forward to that.
Thanks again for sharing your talent, and writing so well, as always.
Hi Erika
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the updates. Very busy, I just got up to speed with the chapters. I like how you echoed Michael's thoughts about regretting his divorce from Lisa. Also mentioning ET’s interview backstage in Michael’s dressing room. I remembered the hostess saying he does not allow anyone in his dressing room, and I was so thrilled to see Lisa and her children entering his dressing room backstage.
Michael looked so happy when Lisa was around. He was genuinely smiling again. Michael f….. up his happiness with Lisa. He was the one who said yes to DR and Klein ref children. DR and Klein are sworn enemies now.
Michael created a major fiasco when he decided to use DR womb. DR ended up looking foolish, because Michael never wanted her. Michael was trapped, because he realized that DR was not the true friend she pretended to be since he married her. Oh she was soooo angry when he was still seeing Lisa. Michael also paid the price for his hasty decision to create children with DR. DR was able to quietly exact revenge behind the scenes to threaten Michael about the children. And she knew why she could have done it, and why Michael caved in to her demands.
Great work as usual Erika. Awaiting the next update. I see Lisa album is finished. Also another one of my singers has died. Donna Sommers. The choir in Heaven is getting bigger.
Great job as usual
Wow- THANK YOU, guys!
ReplyDelete@Susan- I often wondered what Lisa thought when she first saw the gold pants... Must be nice to know only you can touch. :) Thank you for always being there to comment! SO appreciated!
@Anonymous... You are right- this WILL blow up. His way of thinking obviously won't reflect how Lisa will see it. I am happy you are so passionate about the story- thank you for reading and commenting!!! <3
@Fanficwriter- THANK YOU, dear friend. You KNOW I had to address the stains...as you also know my obsession with them.Lol- AND the ring! Thank you for reading and commenting! <3
@Anonymous: Thank you SO much for reading and commenting. It means so much that you like the stories so much!
@Monica- thank you! Yes, you KNOW there will be more angst and drama. So much for my "quick ending" right? Thanks for reading, my friend! <3
@Carlistra- THERE you are! I was wondering where you went- lol. I am glad to hear you were busy and didn't suddenly dislike the stories. I always enjoy your thoughts and feedback. - Have you heard Lisa's album? It is AMAZING! Thanks for reading! Oh- and talking about losing legends...now we lost Robin Gibb-...SO sad!
Hi Erika,
ReplyDeleteI was laughing after I read your post. I need 36 hours in one day. I will always read your fanfic. I’ve not listened to Lisa’s album, but I got e-mails saying it’s good, and that it got good reviews. I did not even realize that Robin Gibb died until I read your post.
Back to Michael and Lisa, and what I was told. I will only give a tiny synopsis. If I were to say everything it will be a huge book. In a nutshell after Lisa refused to have the invitro/baby, Michael went and took DR on her offer and did not tell Lisa. Lisa found out and tried to contact Michael she could not. Michael was also aware that Lisa found out about the first pregnancy, and he panicked. When he collapsed during the rehearsal, he did not want to see Lisa. He knew why. When she came to the hospital after not being able to speak to him for weeks there was a shouting match, and he did not want to see her. She filed for a divorce buy the insistence of her mother and church, and it was Priscilla who advised Lisa not to inform Michaelshe was divorcing him.
In 1996 Michael and Lisa were trying to work things out. They were talking. During that time DR had another invitro, which was Prince1. Lisa knew about the baby only after the invitro was done. Michael did not tell Lisa he was doing it again. Now this child was to be handed over to Michael DR got paid, and she would go her merry way. We all know it did not happen that way.
Delusional, devious, diabolical Debbie was so obsessive of Michael she had the pregnancy leaked. The Sheik who was financing the History tour would not have continued to finance the tour if Michael did not marry DR. Michael was financially strapped, no liquid cash to finance his tour so he agreed to marry DR, and that pushed Lisa over the edge to attempt suicide.
This is the confusing part. Michael blamed Lisa for him turning to DR, because she (Lisa) promised to have his kids, and he only wanted his kids with Lisa. He was angry with Lisa for divorcing him. He believed if Lisa did not divorce him DR would not have allowed the pregnancy to be leaked. So instead of taking responsibility like a man for what he did to Lisa he blamed her for the predicament he was in. That is until he got word how sick Lisa was. That is when he took his head out of his ass. He was so traumatized by the news. He panicked he was afraid if Lisa did not make it what would people think of him. He knew he would be blamed if Lisa had died.
When Michael planned the second invitro with Debbie, Lisa was with him, Debbie did not mind. In her delusional state she told herself Michael was sympathetic towards Lisa because of her illness, and the part she Debbie also played in their breakup. Michael did not care nor had any romantic interest in her. Michael was astute enough to know that Debbie was obsessive over him, and he wanted NO BLOOD CONNECTION to Debbie. One of the main reason he did not use his sperm. He wanted Prince to grow up with Lisa and him, and using his sperm with Debbie would cause major problems with Lisa and him. The clincher was Debbie thought she was carrying Michael’s child. In the meanwhile Michael was everywhere with Lisa and Prince. Her final humiliation was when she was very pregnant with Paris he was publically celebrating Lisa’s 30th birthday outside the IVY.
When Michael grabbed Paris and ran with placenta attached to the baby, she knew then she was used. No amount of children from her would make Michael fall in love with her. Also between the birth of Prince and Paris, Michael knew he fucked up. Debbie was not what she professed to be. She also found out that the children did not share Michael’s DNA. He was the children’s father through marriage, but not the biological father.
ReplyDeleteThat enraged her more. That is when she started to put a noose around his neck demanding more and more money. She began to check out her rights, and threatened Michael to expose the truth about the children. Michael had to acquiesce until he got full custody of the children. If Prince and Paris had his DNA he did not have to be stuck in a marriage for over two years to get custody of the children. There is so much more to this complicated drama.
While all this was going on Lisa was being threatened by Danny and her camp, also she was fighting and up-hill battle in Michaels camp.
My lawyer friend is retiring. He is in California tying up loose ends with some of his Hollywood clients. He told me he may have lunch with the estate lawyers if their scheduled permits. His wife had a mild stroke. I went to another one of their lavish parties this New Years, and she looked magnificent. A month later she had the stroke. She is doing much better.
Sunday I saw her you can hardly tell. Only when she walks the left foot drags a little. She was in the midst of writing another Broadway play when she had the stroke.
Honestly I would not be asking her anything more about Michael and Lisa. She already told me she would not discuss Michael’s cases with me. She did tell me though she used to admire everything about Michael, not anymore.
Only as an entertainer .
Thank you, Carlistra for your insights and for commenting. I try to stay away from discussion about parentage of the children on here, but you have surely given food for thought. Thanks a bunch- and thanks for your continued support! <3
ReplyDeleteI had a funny image in my mind when reading about Michael's wardrobe change. I could just imagine Michael suddenly getting hard by Lisa's talk and scewering Bush up against the wall... Kinda like in Terminator when T1000 puts his arm-spear through the stepdad... It would have been hillarious. Well, not for Bush... Or maybe, since he was gay. When ever I see Bush and Tompkins together, I always think of Dupont and Dupont from TinTin. TinTin is gay too btw. You can't run around in those pant and with a hair erection on your head without being gay!
ReplyDeleteAnywho... The almost-sex in the conference room was hot! I do adore the pulling aside of the panties... I don't know why, but that is a huge turn on for me.
It's gonna be interesting to see who walked in on them... Of course it's gonna be Debbie, cuz she is just one big inconvenience!
I can't believe that Michael will have another baby with Debbie !!!!! He should tell Lisa, I'm sure there will be some warthquake because of that :P
ReplyDeleteI have a question haha, is it true about the ring? if it was his and Lisa? and why do I use it when they weren't married anymore and when they were things I didn't use it haha. By the way,excellent story. In the middle of 2021 read.
ReplyDeleteSuas histórias são incríveis, amo muito